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Inclusive Approaches to Learning and Teaching

Names: Carrera Erika, Chicaiza Nicolas, Criollo Mario, Silva Santiago

Date: October 21st, 2022

Level: Seventh “C”


Base on the video you watched answer the following questions:

1. What is segregation? Give an example

Segregation means the practice of requiring separate housing, education and
other services for different people. Students are be able to learn in separate
environments that are designed to respond to their particular needs. Students are
often not educated with their same-age peers.
✓ In Ecuador there are few special schools for students who have special
needs, for example in Quito there is the Centro de Atención Intergal para
niños con necesidades especiales "FRUTOS"

2. What is integration? Give an example

Integration is a positive approach that seeks to help students with disabilities be
part of the larger group. Students are placed in schools or educational setting
with their similar-age peers. But the physical environment, school culture and
pedagogy remain unchanged. Integration is not necessarily a step towards
✓ A student who arrived from another school and his classmates try to
make work with him, regardless of where he comes from or his physical
or motor conditions, the new student integrates into the group and is
treated with respect.

3. What do you understand by school culture? Give an example

School culture refers to the values, beliefs, traditions, expectations and even
attitudes that influence aspects of school function.
✓ When a student from a different ethnic culture (Salasaca, Pilahuin, etc)
goes to study in a school to a in a public or private school, he or she must
wear their traditional custom and it is not mandatory they wear the
school uniform.
4. What is exclusion? Give an example
Social exclusion is framed as the act of excluding someone from society or
education due to economics, race, and also if the person has a disability, among
others. The person cannot participate in activities within her social group.
✓ When children in the Physical Education class are working together and
a boy who has a special disability is not included in the group class.
5. What is inclusive education? Give an example
Inclusive education means that every student, regardless of any special needs
they may have, should be placed in an appropriate age class to receive high-
quality instruction, and supports that enable them to meet success in the core
learning process.
✓ For example, teachers may use a variety of materials and resources in order
make student participate on what they should achieve during the day in

6. What teachers need to avoid? Why?

We think, as teacher we need to avoid the exclusion, it is because each student
deserves respect no matter where they come from, what is their ethnic, race and
gender. On the other hand, teacher is a mirror and he is a model that students
follow every day in the class.
Another thing that teachers must avoid is segregation, each student have different
ways to learn and they must be included in the whole class. Teacher must plan a
specific class for those students who have special needs

Leanne, Inclusive Education Planning (2021) What is inclusive education?

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