Video Game Addiction and It's Health-Related Problems Among High School Students

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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of
The English Department
Francisco P. Felix Memorial National High School
Cainta, Rizal

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in

English 10



MARCH 2020

Chapter 1



In the ever-advancing world, technological innovation paved way to

advancements in numerous aspects in our daily lives. One of the most evident
examples is the application of these advancements in the gaming industry.
Rogers (2016) discussed that the very first video games were introduced in the
1940s. Over the years the market and demand for video games increased. From
the introduction of video game consoles in the mid-1970s, the continuous growth
of its market lead to more improvements. Recent statistics show that in the late
2010s the market for the gaming industry grew larger than other entertainment
industry combined. Proving its dominance both in the present and future

Through the progress of time, video games continuously developed and

enhance. People became more inclined with gaming since its growth and
improvements in its interface aspects. With the rapid growth of the market, then
resulted to many people, both professional and rookie gamers being hooked-up
in long and short-term time as it is readily accessible. In 2018, the World Health
Organization recognizes it as “Gaming Disorder” in their International
Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as “a pattern of persistent or recurrent
gaming behavior, which may be online or offline, manifested by impaired control
over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming to the extent that gaming takes
precedence over other life interests and daily activities and continuation or
escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.” Thus,
stating it as one of the modern mental-illnesses governments should watch out
for (Jaymalin, 2018).

In a study done by Hull (2020), the statistics showed that more than 2
billion people play video games, globally and 4 out of 5 Filipinos, locally. Thus,
with gaming activities that have been around for almost 50 years, studies then
explained that video games are designed to be addictive using state-of-the-art
behavioral psychology to keep you hooked. Games are immersive experiences
that provide you with a high amount of dopamine, and overexposure to this level
of stimulation can cause structural changes to your brain (Griffiths, 2017). With
this study, the researchers would like to address the on-going video game
addiction and related health-illnesses as the researchers immerse into the lives
of high school gamers. Jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

Statement of Purpose

The study's main objective is to define the possible health-related illnesses

that can be acquired from video game addiction. In additional, it also aims to
propose various preventive measurements to avoid game addiction.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will benefit the local community as the
researchers determine early signs of video game addiction and related illnesses.
Specifically, the benefactors of the study include the following:

Students. They will be more susceptive in managing their time and schedule. It
will also help them in preventing their addiction to worsen. The students will also
be able to develop a sense of responsibility as they become knowledgeable to
the side effects of video game addiction.

Parents. It will be easier for them to determine on set signs of video game
addiction amongst their children. Parent will also be more flexible in handling
instances like this as they become more familiar with addressing this concern.

Health Practitioners. This may serve as another reference for health

practitioners when it comes to diagnosing symptoms for video game addiction. It
also puts an end to stigmas relating to video game addiction as first hand effects
will be tackled and observed by the researchers.

Future Researchers. This serves as a guide or stepping stone for further

researches in this field. Through this study they will have a deeper understanding
towards the multiple effects of video game addiction to one's health

Statement of the Problem

This study entitled “Video Game Addiction and its Health-Related

Problems Among High School Students” aims to define the problem of High
School students regarding the health related-illnesses that can be acquired from
video game addiction. Specifically, it sought to answering the following questions:

1. What are the factors that affect the use of video games in terms of:
1.1. Entertainment and Leisure;
1.2. Accessibility; and
1.3. Students’ Disposition and Attitudes
2. What are the effects of video game addiction in terms of:
2.1. Physical Health;
2.2. Mental Health; and
2.3. Emotional Health
3. Is there a significant relationship between the factors that affects the use
of video games and effects of video game addiction?


There is no significant relationship between the factors that affects the use
of video games and effects of video game addiction.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study entitled "Video Game Addiction and its Health-Related

Problems Among High School Students" tackles on set signs and symptoms of
video game addiction. It also deals with determining the different possible effects
of video game addiction to one's health.

As the study is time-bound it will only be conducted from February to

March and its respondents will be high school students of Francisco P. Felix
Memorial National High School. The researchers will gather data from surveys
that will be presented to selected students of the institution.

Conceptual Framework


Demographic Profile Conduct a survey Determined Health

of the Respondents questionnaire for the effects of video
Factors that affects respondents to game addiction
the use of video access themselves
gamed Data Analysis and
Experiences and Tabulation
observations of Statistical Treatment
students with Presentation of Data
\ use of
video game


A Conceptual Framework of the study on Francisco P. Felix Memorial National High School
Figure 1

Figure 1. encapsulates the whole plan for the study by devising a
framework that presents the inputs, processes, and outputs to achieve the
desired outcome. The research paradigm is divided into four significant parts;
namely the input, process, output, and feedback. It also includes arrows that
represent the flow of the research project.

The input is composed of the different variables that are relevant for the
study. The demographic profile, factors that affects the use of video games, and
general experiences and observations of students when gaming.

The process includes the procedures that would be taken throughout the
research project. The formulation of the research project will start from
discussing the research problem and then gradually continue to conducting a
survey that would give the necessary data to be analyze and interpreted.

The output states that by following the IPO model the researches will be
able to come up with the advantageous or disadvantageous effects of video
games to the health of a human being.

The feedback will be the basis of all of the necessary changes that will be
done to the output.

Definition of Terms

Accessibility – this is how video games can be easily obtained by high school

Emotional Health – the effects of video games towards students’ feelings and
how they perceive their environment,

Entertainment and Leisure – the use of video games as a form of stress-
reliever or for enjoyment.

High School Students – the respondents of the study.

Illnesses – these are detrimental health effects of video game addiction.

Mental Health – the effects of video games towards critical thinking and analysis
of students.

Physical Health – these are the effects of video games to external

characteristics and productivity of students

Students’ Disposition and Attitude – these are the feelings of students in using
video games

Video Game Addiction – in the study, is the prolonged use of video games
resulting to lack of productivity.

Chapter 2


Foreign Literatures

In an article by Watanabe (2014) suggest that addictive behavior on the

Internet is widespread among Asian teenagers. It was attested that 15% to 51%
of the population owns a technology device that has access to the internet.
Having this in mind, possibilities for game addiction is inevitable. Additionally,
problematic use of internet is evident, causing risky behavior and attitude online.

In Bangkok, 32.6 percent of respondents spent three to five hours per day
playing online games during weekends and holidays. Teenagers often play for
more than 8 hours a day. Addicted gamers are vulnerable to several mental
conditions, such as anxiety, impulsiveness, and attention deficit. Moreover,
gamers who spend time on the computers and don't have the right meals have
lower weight and height than normal. (Khidir, 2020)

The articles describe both physical and mental effects of game addiction
especially amongst teens. It includes the different symptoms that may be induced
from game addiction. It is vital as it also explains the statistics of internet users
within Southeast Asian countries. Information like these are deemed crucial for
the study since the researchers have justifications for their findings and

Local Literatures

Elicay (2018) reported that the behavioral trend in gaming addiction
affects a person's relationship with his / her environment (friend, family, and the
likes). The incapacity to regulate the desire to play inhibits a person from
conducting daily activities and developing relationships with others. (2016) discussed that kids nowadays spend

most of their time in front of a technological device. There is a high chance for
obesity as video game addiction leads to decrease in physical activity.
Furthermore, kids who play for more than two hours are thought to be vulnerable
to attacking other children as they apply unethical behavior it in the real world.
However, students playing less than 2 hours stimulates brain activity leading to
positive results. Castillo (2016) suggests that the more hours spent on video
game, the stronger the association with lower verbal IQ and subtle changes on
brain areas occurs. It is also important to take note of that children who engage
in excessive playing of video games are likely to have socializing problems,
substance abuse, depression, and failure to cope later on in life.

The mentioned related literatures further discussed the different effects of

video game addiction to health. It can be deduced from the given foreign and
local literature that excessive gaming may affect a person’s health holistically. It
explained that playing hours also contributes to the severity of the effect. It
contributes and support the researchers’ findings.

Foreign Studies

The addictive essence of games makes them the most common

recreational activity for today's teenagers. In a recent study of Zamani and
Chashmi (2009) entitled “Effect of Addiction to Computer Games on Physical
and Mental Health of Female and Male Students of Guidance School in City of
Isfahan”, they found out that there was a significant positive correlation between
students' computer games addiction and their physical and mental health in
dimensions of physical health, anxiety, and sleeplessness. On the contrary, there

are also negative relationship between addictions to computer games and
impaired social functioning. This supports numerous studies regarding video
game addiction and its multi-faceted effects to a person’s health.

Ayenigbara (2018) “Gaming Disorder and Effects of Gaming on Health:

An Overview” confirmed that video game addiction is similar to many addiction
disorders in terms of its effects to a human being. Numerous conditions such as
visual, muscular-skeletal, obesity, and epileptic seizures have been identified
with long-term video game activity. Adolescent online gaming behavior,
particularly those who play for prolonged amounts of time can lead to negative
consequences. Excessive gaming leads to diminishing hours of sleep and poor
mental alertness. Severe cases lead to poor socialization skills among teens.
(Hellström, 2012).

The above-mentioned studies were able discuss and apply different

findings from different researches. It is also apparent from it the positive and
negative effects of video games. From these findings, it will be able to help the
researchers in determining the different effects of video game addiction.

Local Studies

In the study of Verecio (2018) entitled “Online Gaming Addiction among

BSIT Students of Leyte Normal University Philippines its Implication towards
Academic Performance” reveals that reasons for playing video games includes
Entertainment (51.1%), came next was Stress Relief (49.6%) while the third was
Boredom (46.8%). These findings were also added by the majority of students
stating their preferred time for playing between 5pm-10pm having (54.7%; n=76),
followed by between 12noon – 5pm having (23.7%; n=23) while the least is
between 3am – 8am (7.9%; n=11).

Cortes, Alcalde, and Camacho (2012) stated in their study, “Effects of
Computer Gaming on High School Students' Performance in Los Baños, Laguna,
Philippines” computer gaming addiction, contributed to the probability of a
student to fail. Additionally, given that 78 students (32.5%) spend Php 39.00 on
playing, the estimated total effect on the demand for computer games is Php
1,267.50. Food is 56% of the expenses which means that 56% of those who
spend part of the allowance on computer games sacrificed their food
consumption resulting to fatigue and lack of nutrition.

The different local studies were able to enumerate the different factors that
may affect the time for video game use. It also established the connection
between the time of day and the population of playing at that given time. Hence
its relevance for the researchers’ study. Aside from these, the studies were able
to give numerous insights about video game addiction locally.

Chapter 3


Setting of the Study

This study will be conducted at Francisco P. Felix Memorial National High

School, located in Municipal Compound, Brgy. Sto. Domingo, Cainta, Rizal. It
schools an approximate of 14,000 students and at least 150 faculty and
personnel. Currently headed by Reynante V. Flandez, it was formerly known as
Cainta Municipal High School but was renamed after the death of the late Mayor
Felix who established the institution in 1973.

Through time, the school continuously expand to accommodate its

growing population. As of today, there are four annexes that serves the public
namely Rosepack Main, JICA Annex, Karangalan Annex and LTO Annex. The
school currently has 30-40 sections per year level in Junior High School.

A Satellite Map of Francisco P. Felix Memorial National High School (Rosepack Main)
Figure 2

Research Design

The researchers employed a Descriptive research design for the study.

Descriptive researches describe characteristics of the population that is being
studied. Primarily, this type of design utilizes observation from a given population
to come up with a conclusion. The design aims to collect data to be used for
statistical treatment that results to a description of the population from the
demographic sample. The aim of using close-ended questions is to draw
concrete conclusions about the respondents. This could be the need to derive
patterns, traits and behaviors of the respondents.

Subject of the Study

The focal point of the study are the characteristics of high school students
from Francisco P. Felix Memorial National High School and their on-set
symptoms or reactions from prolonged video gaming. They best fit the study
since they are most vulnerable for video game addiction. Students who
experienced excessive game addiction may affect the way they contribute to their
community and academic performance. It is vital to determine the related
illnesses associated with this type of addiction since students’ skills are being
hindered to develop when they become addicted.

Sources of Data

The researchers will use primary and secondary sources of data in order
to justify the study’s findings and conclusions. The primary sources include the
survey questionnaire that will be answered by the respondents and other
observatory analysis of the researchers amongst their schoolmates. In addition,
secondary sources are the different foreign and local studies or literature that are
relevant to the study being conducted.

Part I. Contains the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

age, gender, and number of hours spent on mobile phones.

Part II. Includes the different variables for the study that would be
statistically treated.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers will be using a survey questionnaire for their instrument.

A survey questionnaire consists of multiple statements which the respondents
will answer depending on their experiences. This gives an objective data since
different experiences varies from one person to another. The instrument will be
constructed by following these steps: First, the draft of the research instrument
will be based from the gathered related literature and studies and the statement
of the problem. Second, the researchers will take into account different opinions
from professionals of the field. Third, the draft will be submitted to their teacher
for anymore comments and revisions. Lastly, the instrument will be submitted to
selected faculty members for validation.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the validation of the instrument the researchers will have to seek
approval from the head of the institution to fully inform him with the study and its
objectives. A letter will be addressed to him to allow the researchers distribute

their survey questionnaire for the study. Another set of letters will be sent out to
the respondents along with the questionnaire after being approved to administer
the study. The researchers will be setting dates during school hours that are
convenient for the respondents to ensure no classes will be interrupted. Once
data was gathered from the respondents, the results of the questionnaire will be
transcript, tabulate, and statistically interpreted with the different statistical tools.

Chapter 5


Ayenigbara M. ED, I. (2018, September 10). Gaming Disorder and Effects of

Gaming on Health: An Overview. Retrieved on February 19, 2020, from:
Castillo, R. (2016, February 06). Video games adversely affect children’s brains.
Retrieved on February 20, 2020, from:
brains (2016, March 24). Kids on Computer Game Addiction
in the Philippines. Retrieved on February 19, 2020, from:
Cortes, M., Alcalde, J., and Camacho, J. (2012, March). Effects of Computer
Gaming on High School Students' Performance in Los Baños, Laguna,
Philippines. Osaka University Knowledge Archive: OUKA. Retrieved on February
19, 2020, from:
Elicay, K. (2018, June 13). Internet Gaming Addiction Is Real: A 15-Year-Old Was
Diagnosed With the Disorder. Retrieved on February 17, 2020, from:
Griffiths, M. (2017, April 16). Behavioral addiction and substance addiction should
be defined by their similarities not their dissimilarities. Wiley Online Library.
Retrieved on February 10, 2020, from:
Hellström, C. (2012). Online gaming in relation to negative consequences and ill
health among adolescents. Retrieved on February 20, 2020, from:

Hull, M. (2020, January 28). Video Game Addiction Statistics. Retrieved on February 10, 2020, from:
Jaymalin, M. (2018, June 22). WHO: Compulsive video gaming now a mental health
problem. Retrieved on February 10, 2020, from:
Khidir, S. (2020, February 06). Gaming: The latest Thai addiction. Retrieved on
February 19, 2020, from:
Rogers, A. (2016, June 06). The History of the Gaming Industry. Market Retrieved on February 10, 2020, from:
Sacnhez, M. (2019, August 09). Share of gamers by gender and age in the
Philippines 2017. Retrieved on February 10, 2020, from:
Verecio, R. (2018, December). Online Gaming Addiction among BSIT Students of
Leyte Normal University Philippines its Implication towards Academic
Performance. Retrieved on February 18, 2020, from:
Watanabe, H. (2014). Epidemiology of Internet Behaviors and Addiction Among
Adolescents in Six Asian Countries. Retrieved on February 18, 2020, from:
Zamani, E. and Chashmi, M. (2009, October). Effect of Addiction to Computer
Games on Physical and Mental Health of Female and Male Students of
Guidance School in City of Isfahan. Retrieved on February 18, 2020, from:


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