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Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking

1st Final Examination

Multiple Choice. Read and understand each item carefully. Answer the questions using the ANSWER SHEET
provided by your proctor.

1. Which of the following is the identification of new trends or attempting to see the future?
a. Trend analysis c. Trend spotting
b. Trend spotter d. Trend
2. Which of the following is the widespread practice of collecting information and attempting to spot a
pattern, or trend, in the information?
a. Trend analysis c. Trend spotting
b. Trend spotter d. Trend
3. Which of the following is a behavior or new way of doing things and it has a big impact on our society?
a. Trend analysis c. Trend spotting
b. Trend spotter d. Trend
4. Which of the following statements are correct?
i. Network is a group of people whom we interact daily.
ii. Trends have much longer lifespan than fads.
iii. A trend progresses in an upward direction.
iv. A fad progresses in a downward direction.
a. i, ii, and iii c. i, ii, iii, and iv
b. i and ii d. i only
5. All but one is NOT considered in analyzing a network.
a. Hierarchy c. Embeddedness
b. Size d. Complexity
6. Which of the following best describes globalization?
a. Globalization equalizes the poor and the rich
b. Globalization is the connection of the diverse cultures around the world.
c. Globalization is the most powerful force for change in the world today affecting all societies in
the planet
d. Globalization creates new opportunities for the people in a certain country.
7. Which term refers to the movement of people from one territory to another for the purpose of taking up
either a permanent or temporary residence?
a. Globalization c. Transportation
b. Migration d. Freedom of choice
8. Keira and her family moved from Isabela to Manila because of new job assignment. Which of the
following category does the situation of Keira fall?
a. Environmental c. Cultural
b. Political d. Economic
9. Which of the following situations can be considered environmental category of migration?
a. Mario was involved in a hit-and-run and planned to escape by moving to a province away from
b. Karen, with the motive to serve her country, went back to the Philippines to run for sangguniang
c. After being fired by her boss, Gracia prepared to move to Manila for better job opportunities.
d. Barangay Kweba was greatly affected by the Typhoon Goring, so Ken brought his family to
Barangay Uleg for relocation.
10. Which situation falls under political category? Refer to the choices for item #9.
11. Which type of migration refers to moving in a different country, state or continent to a new residence?
a. External Migration c. Forced Migration
b. Internal Migration d. Immigration
12. Which type of migration refers to this is defined as the process where migrants look for a new residence
within their own country, state, or continent?
a. External Migration c. Forced Migration
b. Internal Migration d. Immigration
13. Which type of migration refers to moving into a new country?
a. External Migration c. Forced Migration
b. Internal Migration d. Immigration
14. Which of the following refers to the trapping of the sun’s warmth in a planet’s lower atmosphere?
a. Climate Change c. Photosynthesis
b. Greenhouse Effect d. Global Warming
15. What term is referred to as the rise in average surface temperatures on Earth?
a. Global warming c. Greenhouse effect
b. Climate change d. both a and b
16. Shay’s community experiences dirty water consumption because of water pollution. Which of the
following does the barangay captain needs to implement?
a. Watching water use c. Reducing waste
b. Reducing energy consumption d. Planting trees
17. Julian was caught on CCTV snatching someone else’s wallet. Which of the following interventions
should be pushed through?
a. Government intervention c. Democratic intervention
b. Democracy d. Democratic Participation
18. Which of the following best describes the answer on item #17?
a. It refers to the ways in which a government regulates or interferes with the various activities or
decisions made by individuals or organizations within its jurisdiction?
b. It is a community in which all members have an equal say in the running of that community.
c. It is the empowerment of people to effectively involve themselves in creating structures,
designing policies and programs that serves that interest of all.
d. It stresses the role of unified communications.
19. Which of the following best describes process-oriented democracy?
a. It is a type of democracy that differs significantly from constitutional, substantive, and
procedural accounts
b. It concentrates on laws enacted by a regime concerning political activity.
c. It is a thin scope of administrative practices to figure out if an administration.
d. It stresses on the quality of life that a regime tries to promote which include individual freedom,
human welfare, security, social quality and good governance.
20. A pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an average or general tendency of a
series of data points to move in a certain direction over time.
a. Trend c. Fad
b. Pattern d. Trend line
21. A change that is affected with the factor of duration and only exists in a short period.
a. Pattern c. Trend line
b. Trend d. Fad
22. It is a characteristic observed in one item that may be repeated in similar or identical manner in other
a. Pattern c. Trend line
b. Fad d. Trend
23. It is a behavior of a growth or of sales of a certain business enterprise as indicated on the charts.
a. Pattern c. Trend line
b. Fad d. Trend
24. “Given some starting information and a rule for how to use it to get new info., the rule is then repeated
using the new information.” This statement is describing a:
a. Fad c. Recursion
b. Development d. Trend
25. An online encyclopedia that is most widely used as a source of unlimited and updated information.

a. Amazon c. Wikipedia
b. Calbayognon d. MySpace
26. An online social media famous for its friendly interface and versatile information.
a. Facebook c. Myspace
b. Friendster d. YouTube
27. Famous for its number of user accounts that is now over 100 million.
a. YouTube c. Facebook
b. Myspace d. Amazon
28. A prominent social media sharing site that has a number of videos now over 6.1 million.
a. Dailymotion c. Vimeo
b. YouTube d. Crunchyroll
29. Which of these is the first stage on the life cycle of a trend?
a. Spread c. Birth
b. Death d. Rebirth
30. Which of these is the second stage on the life cycle of a trend stating that the trend must have some
value that makes it conducive to replication?
a. Birth c. Birth
b. Spread d. Death
31. Another stage of the life cycle of a tend that states that after a trend has been complete obliterated may
be reborn in a new form a long time after its last cycle.
a. Spread c. Death
b. Rebirth d. Birth
32. “Once a trend gains considerable significance, people will inevitably begin to monetize it. “What is
described in this statement?
a. Recognition c. Spread
b. Selling d. Hitting
33. Which of the following can be considered as a fad?
a. Barong Tagalog c. Black Shoes
b. Mobile Phone d. Smiley Face
34. Which of the following is not a fad?
a. Smiley face c. Rubik’s cube
b. Hula hoop d. Pig farm
35. A strategic planning method utilized by companies to create long-term plans, involves developing plans
for each scenario.
a. Future studies c. Intuitive
b. Scenario d. Science fiction
36. This envisioning helps individuals, businesses, and governments create stronger and sustainable plans
and strategies.
a. Future studies c. Scenario
b. Science Fiction d. Intuitive
37. It adheres to far less rigorous standards and utilizes own perspectives on current trends to create visions
of the future.
a. Future studies c. Scenario
b. Science Fiction d. Intuitive
38. They are often paid to endorse specific products – sometimes in the form of advertisements and
compensated outfit choices.
a. Celebrities c. Trend spotters
b. Reporters d. All of the above
39. A process of international integration as a product of exchange of world views, products, ideas and other
aspects of culture in which worldwide exchange of national and cultural resources occurs in the process.
a. Interconnectedness c. Migration
b. Globalization d. None of the above
40. The process of two or more people or organizations working together to realize mutual goals is called
a. Globalization c. Collaboration
b. Labor Force d. All of the above
41. It is the initial step in strategic analysis as applied in a business organization.
a. Review the results c. Define the threats
b. Define your problem d. Gather info.
42. Which of the steps in strategic analysis includes producing a chart for the findings?
a. Define the threats c. Gather Info.
b. Review the results d. Define your problem
43. What is the next step after you gather the information needed to assess strengths and weaknesses?
a. Review the results c. Define the threats
b. Define your problem d. Gather info.
44. Typically, it involves a review of internal strengths and weaknesses as well as factors in the external
environmental that could affect say, a business enterprise.
a. Strategic analysis c. Intuitive thinking
b. Future studies d. Scenario planning
45. What is the word that describes a perception via the unconscious?
a. Strategic analysis c. Intuition
b. Future studies d. Scenario planning
46. Which of these is a phenomenon often linked to the idea that “the rich get richer and the poor get
a. Positive feedback c. Nocebo effect
b. Placebo effect d. Matthew effect
47. It is the phenomenon in which inert substances or mere suggestions of substances actually bring about
negative effects in a patient or research participant.
a. Positive feedback c. Matthew effect
b. Nocebo effect d. Placebo effect
48. A beneficial effect, produced by a drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of
treatment itself, and must therefore be due to the patient’s belief in that treatment.
a. Placebo effect c. Positive feedback
b. Matthew Effect d. Nocebo effect
49. A type of analysis that uses sense-perception only as a starting point, to bring forth ideas, images,
possibilities, patterns, ways out of a blocked situation, by a process that is mostly insentient.
a. Intuitive thinking c. Scenario planning
b. Strategic analysis d. Future studies
50. All the members of a particular organization or population who are able to work, viewed collectively.
a. Collaboration c. Globalization
b. Labor force d. All of the above

“Aim for the moon. If you miss it, you may hit a star.”
-W. Clement Stone

Prepared by:


Checked by:


Academic Coordinator Noted:


Answer Key:

1. C 26. C
2. A 27. C
3. D 28. B
4. B 29. C
5. B 30. B
6. C 31. A
7. B 32. B
8. D 33. D
9. D 34. D
10. B 35. B
11. A 36. D
12. B 37. C
13. D 38. D
14. B 39. B
15. B 40. C
16. C 41. B
17. A 42. B
18. A 43. C
19. A 44. A
20. A 45. C
21. D 46. D
22. A 47. B
23. C 48. A
24. B 49. C
25. C 50. B

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