Embionada, Larz Omeir - MODULE 5

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1. Prepare a graphic organizer for activity on La Liga Filipina.

2. Reflection paper about the film. In your reflection paper, used the following
questions as your guide:

1. Describe the life of Jose Rizal as represented in the film.

- The film alternates between flashbacks and actual events Rizal’s when
the inquiry of his allegations against the Spanish government and church
was ongoing. There are some pertinent flashbacks of his life that were
shown throughout the movie, even though the highlights of his life in
prison were primarily what were featured. Rizal's time in prison appeared
to be his time for reflection. reflecting on his life, efforts, and fights as well
as what has occurred. His flashbacks reveal that his family does indeed
reside in the principalia; servants, a sizable home, a horse-drawn carriage,
a library, and other descriptions of families from the middle class of the
Spanish social and economic hierarchy were all on display. The cheerful
Mercado family, who raised Rizal, and the joy of his youth were both
depicted in the movie.

2. Based on your reading and class discussion, what can you say about
the film’s representation of Jose Rizal?

- I want to remark that the way the movie portrayed Rizal was appropriate
and justified. Both books and movies are distinct forms of art and
informational mediums that aim to convey concepts in unique ways. Films,
on the other hand, and specifically the films about history, are made for
the purpose of a less dull distribution or discussion of history, purely for
entertainment purposes. Whereas books were expected to provide almost
all of the data of events or happenings in history in text form, films are
made for this very reason. Despite the fact that a movie may be based on
a book or a real-life event, the content of books and movies will always be
different because of how entertaining movies can be. Even if a movie is
based on a book or a real-life event, the plots of books and movies will
always diverge since movies' entertainment value trumps their realism in
favor of drama or other entertainment-related elements. But even if not all
of his portrayals were accurate, the ones that were highlighted in the Jose
Rizal movie were fair.

3. What is the main question that the film seeks to answer?

- The title makes it clear that the movie is about Jose Rizal. We witnessed
his battles and tribulations throughout the film, which were all well
emphasized. What is the main query that the movie aims to address, to
answer your question? Actually, I'm thinking about quite a few things, but I
don't want to think over the information presented or offered by the movie
because the filmmakers may have changed the truth to make the movie
more intriguing. I would like to express my feelings regarding the other
question that I have thought about before I come to a conclusion about the
"primary" question. What made Rizal a national hero is the final query I'd
want to address in my response. When we first discussed Rizal in relation
to the lesson on choosing the national hero, Bonifacio and Rizal were
compared, and then we were asked, if I recall the question correctly, "Who
do you choose to be the national hero, Rizal or Bonifacio? "My response is
still the same: I do not and will not pick one of them over the other since
they both fought and died for the same cause, just as the other
unidentified Katipuneros and General Antonio Luna gave their lives in
defense of the nation's freedom.



Make a written research about the programs and innovations of your local government
to help the poor in the city or municipality.

- ‘Dislike Drugs’ campaign project raised in full swing

With the main thrust in making the Division of Quezon City a drug-free
community, the school and city officials through the collaboration of Barangay
leaders, Teachers and Supreme Student Government (SSG) Presidents, have
joined together for a Division Launching of ‘Dislike Drugs’ Campaign Project held
on Jan. 8 at Ponciano Bernardo Elementary School (PBES). Hon. Herbert
Bautista, City Mayor, attended the said undertaking and challenged all the
participants to heed his call-in combatting drug-users by motivating the teachers
and students through the joint efforts of school officials to be in one with the
government sectors and with the church in raising anti-drug awareness as it
causes major mental and physical health deterrents among users which if not
controlled may lead to crime proliferation.
- Capacity Building for Faculty Club Presidents and Officers
The Capacity Building for Faculty Club Presidents and Officers of Quezon City
Public School Teachers Association (QCPSTA) was held last December 15,
2015 at Science Interactive Center from 8:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the
afternoon. It was attended by fifty-nine (59) faculty club presidents from
elementary schools, thirty-eight (38) faculty club presidents from high schools
and seven (7) QCPSTA officers. Including the Education Program Supervisors,
Public School District Supervisors, School Governance and Operations Division
Personnel, Curriculum and Instruction Division Personnel, Principal and Head
Teacher, the total attendance was One Hundred Thirty-one (131).

1. Explain how Jose Rizal showed practical nationalism in Dapitan.
- At the time of his exile to Dapitan, Dr. Rizal was in his prime and already a famous
man, having (to use Captain Ricardo Carnicero's words) "attained a certain level of
popularity in the Philippines." He had only completed 31 summers, had received the best
education both domestically and abroad, had established himself as a great poet,
essayist, and novelist, as well as becoming a skilled doctor and ophthalmologist. In
conclusion, it would be accurate to state that he had evolved into a "whole man" and a
global citizen. The many accomplishments Rizal had would be useful to him when he
was in Dapitan. Rizal had two options for where to live in Dapitan: either with the parish
priest in the Jesuit mission home or with the district's politico-military leader in the Casa
Real. Fr. Before giving Rizal hospitality, the parish priest, Antonio Obach, S.J., set some
requirements: "make a public repudiation of his religious faults, release remarks that
were plainly pro-spanish, endure the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius, and make a
general confession." Rizal decided to board with Governor Carnicero for roughly eight
months since he found several of these requirements to be objectionable and was
therefore unable to satisfy them. Like Rizal, the governor was a physician, a bachelor,
and an independent thinker.

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