Functions of Blood

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18 Functions of the Blood


18.1 Basic Concepts - is a basic requirement for the normal functions

of all cells.

Blood is an opaque red fluid consisting of the Prevention of hemorrhage. Another important
pale yellow plasma (called serum when the fi- function of the blood lies in its capacity to coun-
brinogen is removed) and the cells suspended in teract bleeding by the closing of small injured
it - the red corpuscles (erythrocytes), the white vessels and by coagulation (see pp. 419ff.).
corpuscles (leukocytes) and the platelets (throm-
bocytes). Blood has an important role in clini- Defense against foreign agents. The body is ca-
cal diagnosis, because it is easy to collect and pable of making foreign bodies and pathogenic
there are many diseases in which the blood com- organisms harmless; this ability is associated pri-
position and properties of the components are marily with phagocytic and antibody-forming
characteristically altered. blood cells (see pp. 425ff.).

Functions of the Blood Blood Volume

Transport. Blood is primarily a medium by which Blood accounts for about 6-8% of the weight of
substances are conveyed within the body. It the body in adults, and in young children (be-
transports the respiratory gases oxygen and car- cause of their higher water content in general)
bon dioxide both in physical solution and in 8-9%. In an adult this corresponds to a blood
chemically bound form - O2 from the lungs to volume of 4-6 liters (normovolemia). An above-
the respiring tissues and CO 2 from the tissues normal blood volume is called hypervolemia, and
to the lungs. It moves nutrients from the places a subnormal volume is hypovolemia. The way this
where they are absorbed or stored to the sites volume is measured is explained on p. 541, and
of consumption. The metabolites produced there its distribution among the different parts of the
are transferred to the excretory organs or the vascular system is described on p. 490.
places where they can be further utilized. Blood
serves as a vehicle for the hormones, vitamins
and enzymes produced by the body itself, tak- Hematocrit
ing them up at the sites of production or stor-
age and carrying them - distributed throughout Definition and normal levels. The fraction of the
the intravascular space - to their target organs. blood volume made up of erythrocytes is called the
Thanks to the high heat capacity of water, its hematocrit. In a healthy adult man it is 0.44-
chief component, blood distributes the heat pro- 0.46, and in a woman 0.41--0.43. In the clinic
duced by metabolism and disperses it into the hematocrit is still sometimes given in vol. %
environment by way of the lungs and respiratory (ml cells/dl blood). A healthy person exhibits
passages and the exposed body surface. appreciable and maintained departures from this
value only when adapted to high altitudes. The
Homeostasis. As the blood circulates through the newborn hematocrit is about 20% higher, and
body its composition and physical properties are that of small children is about 10% lower than
continually monitored by certain organs and, if that of women [6, 25].
necessary, corrected so as to ensure constancy of
the internal milieu. This condition of homeostasis To determine hematocrit (by Wintrobe's method) the blood,
- approximate constancy in the concentration of having been prevented from clotting, is centrifuged for 10
dissolved substances, in temperature and in pH minutes at about 1,000 g (g = relative acceleration due
Blood Plasma 403

to gravity) in standard hematocrit-tubes of small diame-

ter. The blood cells, having higher specific gravity than
the plasma, sink to the bottom; because the leukocytes _ Stomach
are lighter than the erythrocytes, they form a thin whitish
layer between the sedimented erythrocytes, and the plasma. ~/ -

"':?~ pl.~. ~--:

Because of the special flow properties of the erythrocytes,
the hematocrit values of the various organs differ, and
there are differences among the venous, arterial and cap- ~-Kldney

illary values. The average whole-body hematocrit can be
derived by multiplying by 0.9 the hematocrit obtained for
cubital-vein blood with the Wintrobe method.
Hematocrit and viscosity of blood. Taking the vis-
cosity of water as 1, the mean relative blood vis-
cosity of healthy adults is 4.5 (3.5-5.4), and that
of the blood plasma is 2.2 (1.9-2.6). The internal
friction of the blood, its viscosity, increases more
than proportionally as the hematocrit increases Intra=i
(cf. Fig. 20-3, p. 482). 301
Because resistance to flow rises linearly with vis- I

cosity, any pathological increase in hematocrit

puts a greater load on the heart and can result in
Internal __ Exchange
inadequate circulation through certain organs. redistribution - with

Fig. 18-1. Diagram of the fluid compartments in the body.

The volumes are indicated in round figures, for a person
weighing 70 kg. Modified from [8]
18.2 Blood Plasma

Plasma Electrolytes
A liter of human plasma contains 900-910 g of
water, 65 -80 g of protein, and 20 g of substances Electrolyte concentrations. Table 18-1 and Fig.
of low molecular weight. The specific gravity of 18-2 summarize the ionic composition of plasma.
plasma is 1.025-1.029; its pH varies slightly (7.37 Among the substances in the group called simply
-7.43) about a mean of 7.40 (arterial blood). "organic acids" are lactic acid, the amino acids,
Fig. 18-1 is a diagram of the three great fluid citric acid and pyruvic acid.
compartments in the body, the blood-vascular
system, the interstitial space (the spaces between It is preferable no longer to give concentration as wIv ratio
cells) and the intracellular space. The interstitial (g/dl or mg/dl) but rather in terms of molarity (moljliter)
fluid constitutes the environment of the mass and normality or equivalent concentration (eqjliter =
of cells in the body. By way of the large sur- mol/valence . liter). When it is necessary to allow for
the reduced volume of solvent in a solution in which the
face of the capillary walls (highly permeable to dissolved particles require a great deal of space, molality
water and electrolytes) it exchanges substances (mol/kg solvent) is often used as a measure of concentra-
with the plasma. Because the exchange of wa- tion (see Table 18-1).
ter and small molecules between plasma and
interstitial space is very rapid, the range within Osmotic pressure. The concentration of dissolved
which the composition of the interstitial fluid substances in the plasma can be expressed by
can vary is small despite the considerable varia- the osmotic pressure. That of normal plasma
tions in uptake and release of substances by the is about 7.3 atm (5,600 mm Hg = 745 kPa) ,
cells. For example, experiments with heavy water which corresponds to a freezing-point depression
(deuterium-labelled, D 2 0) have shown that over of -0.54°C. Solutions with the same osmotic
70% of the plasma fluid is exchanged with the pressure as plasma are called isotonic, and by
interstitial fluid in one minute. the same convention hypertonic solutions have
There are appreciable concentration differences higher, and hypotonic solutions lower osmotic
between plasma and interstitial space only with pressure. Plasma is isotonic with a barely 1/3
respect to the proteins, for these molecules are molal solution of a nonelectrolyte. 96% of the
so large that they cannot pass readily through osmotic pressure of blood is due to the presence
the capillary membrane. of inorganic electrolytes, mainly sodium chlo-
404 18 Functions of the Blood

Table 18-1. Average concentrations of electrolytes and ride (crystalloid osmotic pressure). The molecu-
nonelectrolytes in human plasma lar weight of NaCI is low, so that there are many
g/1 meqj1 mmolfkg molecules per unit weight.
plasma Constancy of the internal milieu, or homeostasis,
water depends critically on regulation of the osmotic
Electrolytes pressure of the plasma. Any departure from the
Cations: normal extracellular osmotic pressure (plasma
Sodium 3.28 143 153 and interstitial fluid) causes a redistribution of
Potassium 0.18 5 5 water between the cells and their surroundings.
Calcium 0.10 5 3
Magnesium 0.02 2 1 Hypotonicity of the extracellular fluid causes in-
flux of water into the cells and hence swelling
Total 155
(cellular edema). Great increases in volume can
Anions: destroy the cell membrane (cf. osmotic hemolysis
Chloride 3.65 103 110 of erythrocytes, p. 413).
Bicarbonate 0.61 27 28
Phosphate 0.04 2 1
Hypertonicity, on the other hand, causes the cells
Sulfate 0.02 1 1 to lose water and shrink, so that the normal
Organic acids 6 tissue turgor is lost. In both cases the ability
Protein 65 to 80 16 ~1 of the cells to function is more or less severely
Total 155 impaired.
Glucose 0.9-1.0 5 Functions of the plasma electrolytes. Isotonicity
Urea 0.40 7 of the suspension medium is one of the fun-
damental requirements for the maintenance of
function in isolated, surviving tissue. In itself,
however, it does not suffice to preserve cell func-
- tion; the various ions must be present in suitable
H~03 - proportions. Table 18-2 gives the composition
- HCO -
_ 3 of some "balanced" saline solutions which have
180 - Extracellular fluid proved useful as suspension media for living tis-
- sue in vitro. Although the different actions of
-H 2C03,
160 -
the various ionic species have long been known,
the mechanisms underlying these effects are not
- 3 understood in all details.
140 -
- HCd- 3

120 -
- K+
Plasma Proteins

§. - ~,( :-<(~
General properties and functions. The high rela-
tive viscosity of plasma, 1.9-2.6 (water = 1), is
~ 100

-j . "'.
almost entirely due to its protein content, 65-80
- Na+ CI - ~): .
.. ~
t:: I ~ Ii """'7""
80 -
0 GI- Na+

@i SO~ Table 18-2. Composition of some commonly used sus-

- ~~: .

,~ .~.
, - pension media. The numbers indicate the concentration
60 -
1"1 -v
,- (meqjl) of each ion.
- . Ringer Tyrode
40 - HPO~ -
r-r Pro-
Amphibians Mammals Mammals
,. :~~
SO~- 'Iii¥' teln Na+ 115 Na+ 146 Na+ 149.4
~ Organ. ::..
K+ 1 K+ 4 K+ 2.7
20 ~ acids SO~-
r-- Pro- Ca
Ca2~' ,.::......:....
K+ ._,
(' h4:! Orgall. Ca2+
tein F"'= acids
Mg2~~ ~ M 2+'-,
g -- r- ,- Protein HCO;- 12 CI- 145.1
0 RCO;- 12.0
Plasma Interstitial Intracellular
(water) fluid RPO~- 0.7
Glucose 5.5
Fig. 18-2. Electrolyte composition of plasma, interstitial
fluid, and intracellular fluid. Modified from [8]
Blood Plasma 405

Albumin Hemoglobin y-Globulin hicles. By binding of their lipophilic groups to

water-insoluble fat-like substances they can hold
c::::> 0 these substances in solution. Their ability to bind
69,000 156,000
a large number of low-molecular-weight sub-
stances during their transport in the bloodstream
also assists in maintaining a constant osmotic
a-Lipoprotein P-Lipoprotein

p -Globulin

C ::::> 3. Unspecific carrier function. All the plasma pro-

teins bind blood cations in a non-diffusible form.
For example, about 2/3 of the calcium present
1,300,000 in plasma is unspecifically bound to proteins.
This bound calcium is in equilibrium with the
Rbrinogen physiologically effective, ionized calcium freely
dissolved in the blood. The binding of calcium
c::::: is pH-dependent, being enhanced at high pH
400,000 (alkalosis, p. 593).

4. Production of colloid osmotic pressure. The
10 nm 30nm contribution of the proteins to the total osmotic
Fig- 18-3. Molecular weights and shapes (schematic) of pressure of the plasma is very small, because of
some plasma proteins and of hemoglobin. Modified from their low molecular concentration. Nevertheless,
[28] the colloid osmotic (oncotic) pressure plays an
important role in regulating the distribution of
water between plasma and interstitial fluid. Be-
g . 1-1. Because of the high molecular weight of cause the capillary membranes are essentially
proteins, the molal concentration, as Table 18- freely permeable to small molecules, the con-
i shows, is considerably less impressive - only centration of these molecules - and thus the
about 1 mmol . kg-I. The protein fraction of osmotic pressure associated with them - is ap-
plasma is a mixture of many individually iden- proximately the same in the two fluids. But the
tifiable proteins. Their molecular weights range plasma-protein molecules are so large that they
from 44,000 to 1,300,000. Particles of this order encounter a relatively large resistance in passing
of magnitude are classified as colloids (Fig. 18- through the capillary wall (for example, isotope-
3). The plasma proteins function in a number of labelled albumin leaves the bloodstream with a
different ways. half-time of about 14 hours). This effect, com-
bined with the removal of protein by uptake into
1. Nutrition. The approximately 3 liters of plasma cells and transport through the lymph, brings
in an adult's body carry about 200 g of protein about a protein concentration gradient between
in solution, a convenient reserve supply. In gen- plasma and interstitial fluid; the colloid osmotic
eral the cells of the body take up not proteins pressure in the plasma is ca. 25 mm Hg (3.3 kPa)
but rather their components, the amino acids; and that in the interstitial fluid is ca. 5 mm Hg
however, certain cells - especially those of the (0.7 kPa) , giving a difference of ca. 20 mm Hg
reticuloendothelial system (RES) - can take in (2.7 kPa).
whole plasma proteins and break them down Any change in the osmotically effective concen-
by means of intracellular enzymes. The amino tration of plasma protein disturbs the exchange
acids thus produced diffuse into the blood and of substances and the distribution of water be-
are immediately available to other cells for the tween blood and interstitial fluid. Because al-
synthesis of new protein. bumin (see p. 407) represents the largest frac-
tion of the plasma protein (a relatively small
2. Transport. Many small molecules (see pp. molecule, its molal concentration is about 6 times
408f.) are bound to specific plasma proteins dur- higher than that of all the other plasma proteins),
ing transport from the intestine or storage or- changes in albumin concentration have an espe-
gans to the places where they are needed. The cially pronounced effect on colloid osmotic pres-
large surface area of these proteins, with numer- sure. Reduction of the plasma albumin concen-
ous hydrophilic and lipophilic attachment sites, tration often leads to retention of water in the
makes them especially suitable to serve as ve- interstitial space (interstitial edema). Therefore
406 18 Functions of the Blood

artificial plasma solutions in general should have

the same colloid (and crystalloid) osmotic pres-
sure as the plasma. Polysaccharides (hydroxy- ~ Paper strip
ethyl starch, dextran) and polypeptides (gelatine)
Buffer solution
are usually used as the colloids, because it is
very expensive to extract human blood proteins
in pure form.

5. Buffer function. Because proteins are ampho- Albumin 59.2%

teric - able to bind H+ or OH- ions, depending ClI-Globulin 3.9%
on the pH - the plasma proteins act as buffers, Albumin CI2 -Globulin 7.5%
p -Globulin 12.1%
helping to keep the blood pH constant (see pp. y -Globulin 1 7 .3%

6. Protection against loss of blood. The coagula-

bility of blood, which interferes with bleeding, is
based in part on the fibrinogen content of the Globulins
plasma (see p. 408). The process involv~s a chain p
of reactions in which a number of blood proteins
that act as enzymes cooperate, terminated by the
conversion of dissolved fibrinogen into the fibrin
meshwork of which the clot is composed (see pp.

Fractionation of plasma proteins. Qualitative and

quantitative analyses of the plasma proteins are
carried out routinely (Fig. 18-4). Protein elec-
trophoresis is an important diagnostic aid, for
many diseases involve characteristic changes in G) -4.------------------------()
the plasma-protein spectrum. Fig 18-4. Electropherogram of human serum. The stained
bands on the paper strip (bottom) correspond to peaks
in the photometric curve, which represent the indicated
percentages of the various protein fractions. Top: diagram
Electrophoresis is the migration of electrically charged par-
of the apparatus for paper electrophoresis
ticles, dissolved or suspended in a fluid, along a voltage
gradient. Protein molecules are built up of single amino
acids joined together by peptide bonds. The electrolytic
nature of these molecules is derived in part from the ion-
ization of amino (-NH2) and carboxyl (-COOH) groups; a mixture can be especially well separated, for each be-
especially when these are present in side chains, they comes concentrated at a particular level in the tube.
are electrically charged in accordance with the pH of A still more refined separation of plasma proteins can
the solvent (-NHj or -COO-). As far as the buffering be achieved with a combination of electrophoresis and im-
action is concerned, the pH-dependent imidazole groups munoprecipitation. In this procedure, immunoelectrophore-
of the amino acid histidine (a major component of the sis, electrophoretically separated protein fractions are al-
hemoglobin molecule) are even more significant. lowed to diffuse within a gel into a drop of antibody-
The electrophoretic mobility of a protein is basically a containing serum. When the protein antigen encounters
function of the applied voltage, the size and shape of the the serum, antibody precipitation occurs, and is evident
molecule, and its electric charge, which depends on the as a whitish zone of turbidity in the gel. In this way it
difference between its isoelectric point (IP) and the pH has been shown that electrophoretically uniform protein
of the solution. As can be seen in Table 18-3, the IPs of fractions can consist of several immunologically distin-
the different plasma proteins are below pH 7 by varying guishable proteins (cf. Table 18-3).
amounts. In neutral or alkaline solutions, then, the proteins
will migrate in the same direction, toward the anode, but
with different velocities (Fig. 18-4).
In another method of fractionation, which allows simul- Properties and functions of individual fractions.
taneous determination of molecular weight, the ultracen- Because electrophoresis is the analytical proce-
trifuge (Svedberg) is used to generate accelerational forces dure most commonly used, discussion will be
from 100,000 to 750,000 times the earth's gravity. For a restricted to the components distinguishable by
given centrifugal force, the rate of sedimentation depends
on the specific weight and the shape of the molecule (Fig.
this method. Fig. 18-3 shows diagrammatically
18-3) and on the density of the suspension medium. In the size relationships and the shapes of the most
density-gradient centrifugation the protein components of important plasma proteins.
Blood Plasma 407

Plasma albumin. About 60% of the total plasma trophoresis, each can be further separated (Table
protein is albumin (35-45 g ,1- 1). With a molecu- 18-3).
lar weight of 69,000, it is one of the smallest pro- The subgroup of lXI-globulins consists of a num-
teins in the plasma. Because of its relatively high ber of conjugated proteins, with carbohydrate
concentration and the small size of the molecule, prosthetic groups predominantly in the form of
it is responsible for almost 80% of the colloid hexoses and hexosamines; these are called glyco-
osmotic pressure of the plasma. The many small proteins. About 2/3 of the glucose in the plasma
molecules have a very large total surface area, is bound as glycoprotein. This bound glucose is
so that they are especially well suited to act not detected by clinical tests for blood sugar in
as carriers, binding a number of substances for deproteinated plasma. It can be measured only
transport in the bloodstream. Among the sub- after it is released from the protein by acid hy-
stances bound by albumin are bilirubin, urobilin, drolysis, when its concentration is found to be 0.8
fatty acids, bile-acid salts and a few extraneous -1.65 g . 1- 1• This subfraction also includes an-
substances such as penicillin, sulfonamides and other group of carbohydrate-containing proteins,
mercury. A single albumin molecule, for exam- the proteoglycans (mucoproteins); these contain
ple, can bind 25-50 molecules of bilirubin (MW glucosaminoglycans (mucopolysaccharides).
500) at a time. In many pathological states - Other proteins that migrate with the 1X1 group
in particular, inflammatory diseases and cases of are thyroxine-binding globulin, vitamin-B 12 -bind-
liver and kidney damage - the amount of albumin ing globulin (transcobalamin), bilirubin-binding
is reduced. globulin, and cortisol-binding globulin (transcor-
Plasma globulins. The term "globulin" designates In the IXrglobulin fraction there are haptoglobin,
a group of electrophoretically separable compo- which chemically is classified as a proteoglycan,
nents. In order of diminishing mobility in the and the copper-containing ceruloplasmin. The
electric field, these are called 1X1-, 1X2-, fJ - and latter has 8 atoms of copper per molecule, which
y-globulins (Fig. 18-4). Even these subfractions, are responsible for the oxidase activity of the
however, do not represent individual proteins. protein. About 90% of the total plasma copper
With other procedures, such as immunoelec- is bound to ceruloplasmin. However, the copper

Table 18-3. Protein fractions in human plasma. MW, molecular weight; IP, isoelectric point. From [15, 25, 27]
Protein fraction Mean concentration MW IP Physiological significance

Electro- Immunoelectro- gj1 Jlmolj1 ('10- 3 )

phoretic phoretic
Albumin Prealbumin 0.3 4.9 61 4.7 Binding of thyroxine; colloid
Albumin 40.0 579.0 69 4.9 osmotic pressure, vehicle
function; reserve protein
ill-globulins Acid ill-glycoprotein 0.8 18.2 44 2.7 Product of tissue degeneration?
ill-lipoprotein 3.5 17.5 200 5.1 Lipid transport (esp. phospho-
("high-density lipopro- lipids)
il2-globulins Ceruloplasmin 0.3 1.9 160 4.4 Oxidase activity, binds copper
il2-macroglobulin 2.5 3.1 820 5.4 Plasmin and proteinase inhibition
il2-haptoglobin 1.0 11.8 8.5 4.1 Binds hemoglobin to prevent loss
in urine
P-globulins Transferrin 3.0 33.3 90 5.8 Iron transport
p-lipoprotein 5.5 0.3 to 3,000 to - Lipid transport (esp. cholesterol)
("low-density lipopro- 1.8 20,000
Fibrinogen 3.0 8.8 340 5.8 Blood clotting
y-globulins IgG 12.0 76.9 156 5.8 Immunoglobulins: Antibodies
against bacterial antigens and
IgA 2.4 16.0 150 7.3 foreign protein
IgM 1.25 1.3 960 Isohemagglutinins
IgE 0.0003 0.002 190 - Antibodies (reagins)
408 18 Functions of the Blood

transported in the bloodstream to the cells of results from the tendency of these molecules to
the body is bound to albumin rather than to aggregate in a string-of-beads formation.
The p-globulins include the most important car- Characteristic changes in the fibrinogen fraction appear
only in a few rare diseases, so that there is little diag-
rier proteins for lipids and polysaccharides. The nostic value in electrophoretic demonstrations of altered
lipoproteins are of great functional significance fibrinogen concentration. Moreover, the mobility of this
in that they can hold non-water-soluble fats and elongated molecule in paper electrophoresis is more de-
lipoids in solution and act as a vehicle for their pendent on the kind of paper used than is that of the
other plasma proteins. For these reasons, serum rather
transport in the blood. About 75% of all fats and than plasma is usually used in clinical paper electrophore-
lipoids in the plasma are bound as lipoproteins. sis of blood proteins; the typical electropherogram shown
Small amounts of lipoproteins are also found in in Fig. 18-4 thus has no fibrinogen band.
the lXI-fraction, but the majority migrate with the
/1-g10bulins. Of these, the most important is /11- Synthesis and turnover of plasma proteins. A hu-
lipoprotein, a molecule of which can comprise as man on a normal diet synthesizes about 17 g
much as 77% lipid. Analysis of the lipoprotein albumin and 5 g globulin in 24 hours. The half-
mixture in the plasma by means of ultracentrifu- life of albumin in the human is 10-15 days, and
gation and electrophoresis (the electrophoretic that of globulin is about 5 days. That is, when
mobility of the lipoproteins is due to their pro- these times have elapsed 50% of the protein
tein component) has become a useful tool in present on the first day has been replaced by
diagnosis of the various forms of hyperlipopro- newly synthesized protein.
teinemia (cf. textbooks of biochemistry). Apart
from the lipoproteins, the fraction comprises a
group of metal-binding proteins; one of these, Transported Plasma Components
transferrin, serves as a carrrier of copper and,
most importantly, of iron. This metalloprotein As has been shown in the preceding sections,
binds 2 (ferric) iron atoms per molecule, and is the inorganic electrolytes and the proteins trans-
the vehicle for iron transport in the blood. The ported by the plasma critically affect, by their
serum transferrin is normally only about 30% very presence, its most important functional
saturated with iron (1 mg Fe3+ /1 serum). properties. In this sense the inorganic electrolytes
The heterogeneous group of y-globulins includes and the proteins are functional elements of the
the proteins with the lowest electrophoretic mo- plasma.
bility; their isoelectric points, accordingly, are There is another group of plasma components
nearer the neutral point than those of the other which are simply transported and have little ef-
plasma proteins (cf. Table 18-3). Among the fect - within the physiological range of concen-
y-globulins are most of the protective and de- trations - on the characteristic physicochemical
fensive substances of the blood (immunoglobu- properties of the plasma. For this heterogeneous
lins; see p. 429). Because the demand for pro- group of substances the plasma is first and fore-
teins with such special functions varies, there most a means of transport. Among them are (a)
are wide fluctuations in the quantity and com- nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, (b) prod-
position of the y-globulin fraction; in almost ucts of intermediary metabolism, (c) hormones and
all diseases, particularly the inflammatory ones, enzymes, and (d) substances to be excreted.
the amount of y-globulins increases. The to-
tal amount of plasma protein in general re- Transported nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. The
mains approximately the same, however, be- largest fraction, by weight, of the nutrients transported
in the plasma is made up of lipids (all ether-soluble sub-
cause the increase in y-globulins is accompanied stances: fats, lipoids and steroids). The concentration of
by a roughly equal decrease in albumin; the these substances, however, fluctuates widely (Table 18-4).
so-called albumin-globulin ratio is reduced. The After a very fatty meal the lipid content can rise to such
erythrocyte-agglutinating substances anti-A and an extent (up to 20 g . 1- 1) that the plasma looks milky
white (lipemia). About 80% of the fatty acids are bound
anti-B are also y-globulins. to globulin as glycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol
Fibrinogen appears as a narrow separate band, esters (lipoproteins); most of the non-esterified fatty acids
between the /1- and y-globulin fractions. Fibrino- form albumin complexes. In contrast to the plasma lipids,
gen is the dissolved precursor of fibrin, which the concentration of which depends on the momentary
precipitates out of solution to form a blood metabolic state, the concentration of glucose, the most
important carbohydrate, stays relatively constant at 0.8
clot (see pp. 419ff.). Fibrinogen is an elongated -1.2 g .1- 1 (4-7 mmol·I- 1 ) despite differences in uptake
molecule with an axial ratio (length: width) of and widely varying rates of utilization. Another group of
17 : 1. The high viscosity of fibrinogen solutions transported nutrients, the amino acids, are present in the

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