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Namo of Learner: Community Learning Center: Level: Junior High School Level Name of ALS Teacher: ‘of competencies. Please check ( /) the column (A, B, C, or D) that best matches your learning goals. apn Paes Competonc ee mge Konayanan) Ln ttesl celts) “8 Tenengrs Romane [eee SSS | eee.| SESE n) {cg communicator kas eg ae | Sacence a Senes a aveRE ERAT SVE UaInG HFT WORST ARTSTET HT Inter deme ugh airs and wlonvOne oxprested by De HouaRO Pe Sen at oa ap scien mae a iene ‘Sesame ne aarti a poi of varlous Qs pr qoba eae ee ay ianadio ‘Speaking (Epes Saas pny wags aoa oy Sa TTT cg ae vaio canto "ter but foncbonng 3 = erent Seong” Ace TR, spec at haar cor Teale a fitiicane Te pang J Eanats ame ree ae Se " 7 ae om eevee, 1 Soe coer apeeimee Streep eee pre reete tee ees ae 2 REPS Se eeosoetan, et ee eee De Reet eanmer ‘ists satweon ant arana Nae. uae ws Were we ‘Vnimaceasay-“edvcness Yona aap las SST ro Rana Toa rT STS ‘Compose aboot review a (ALS Tesaiara Signatars Bar PRET TTS) LEARNER’ CHECKLIST OF COMPETENCIES Name of Learner: Level: Junior High Senoot Level ‘Community Learning Center: Name of ALS Teacher: Directions: Below is alist of competencies. Please check ( /) the column (A, B, C, oF D) that best matches your learning goals. Competencies (uaga Kaxayanan) Learning Goal (Layunin 28 Paghatuto) 3 © ALS Toachor’s Remarks (Puna) [sg eonmunietion Skis Fine RepADR ROTA ANG TOR BATOVATA FA TAGARTODANY RATT ‘Wong naomi sao porramegian ng oncloneal ne pograkasunew sured 9 | papatinaaana ka ‘gy en ating nso. iabiaboan ng mgs pararavan Boo, habang Taniarawan sig mig fanaisYorg panty 26 ponahong EINGRT ang SWS SP | Retuoaray" ana. mos saisipong roxapaioob a aka ca nangvaver” == So ai aaa Ses a a a a ae RIS oe a TV page toorer (ALS Teaahare Sgratare over Prnted NER) LEARNER'S CHECKLIST OF COMPETENCIES an Name of Learner Community Learning Center: Directions: Below Is a list of competencies. Please check (\/) the column (A, B, C, or D) that best matches your learning goals. (Layunin sa Paghatato) Competencies a (aga Kakeyanan) = ‘SF: Selentife UReracy and Critical Thinking 5} [Beusaststs usdorctontog Sf the sclontte vsltes snd siiiacos_ scaphin ahd Sonar row evaoTOoSSSCtal IDS OORT WS ST [ Recognize stemstive nave of sdiressing at tsge ist sown severt opts incoming up wit dealin aera Teroue sien try and aay ‘Demonrate honesty and ecirary. 9. par vewcoTetreaing ‘Rensuing dwcos ach ax weighing nsien, tp manures, tor ack, wach ‘luntng St ctjacs or tems recarag of obsartsuana au actualy saan or hear ire Cy a ran rita oxo! meant ‘Berns oetvoncer aid comity By cOmTG WD AAR PIECE RO a eon mig See ete pani tt P= ‘Si con! neuen, removal fo suppor gadgets rom 3 pase ‘Choose apne sar wes he prow ado, vances nd aaa [2g Svat, bie cant smatng, Genes Moaiied Organon (GO) enone ha eng chnaes rain eae consi nd te ony Wa | sna facnntegy lat avries sce and ahaagy wa Ser sua Se Eiptan now ousnaang constusne of stan Rave nated Be GANTT [Wea este of tang IEDR, Sing Roce ta a yon Sakeascnes oe ts ae (Sie taper Speen 87 Batecinobay, ea, To presen [Bessie nycroponct as at ahamaive mata of gouty Hiss ‘Gis the aanges and dsatoriages of yarns ‘Doce th conc! of Neath 3. heolh nt are Whe absones oF Swaaee, ‘ene shen peri g stong boy. tou drt roy Sa ite" Wdaore nat conebut fo gooe eal 9, Per rion ssusts ‘ing reseagaer, Cysmaronman a sheer, so fon erat Sythe SEE ‘SSarm wreth et tee “aaron 69 ea axapian sen, ‘rafts Gv sping SMONEN me sents the anon eves of aga SigoneRTen For ca rede! groraigre onprosston of wat [producers (pinta re oer consumers grasshoppers. bran secororaer Stench ech miata canes GOO Becton ea Sosa edad “ipacane ‘DeSeib he Waneier a aagy HSI The WaT Ison opcrvti arc ht passe or ah 1 Rp Sasa inna i aaa Sa _ 2 RLU ha ag adh aay ee + BUCa(hi em lang, ci ming wing ate), [fap tom aire src cost say aero reat eect of snanged one popuatan an ote” popushans WS (Ese a 13s Management (RRM) Dernonsate nowisGe GF DOW oss) [SSeegun eturec wom le sasurers ‘Paar ee ‘ropatiae cuoh se malang Bane haraness: Bet and Sackrcal ar terra [ee oe [Rice tha eononatp Sc aw ce asic sc Srntgy amas ‘ine Sivan qusmaner war or momeine ats we “Ere ‘and ere il aprOROMEO a The HOLST BT IA BIT ws ‘Sean and nua ‘Egesianl Pe rstatoneip Getvew the oun of ter SpmeT SATS Hae SES StS Se ae are ee ———— ee a SEE STE i eS ee Edina aso a ra cclpses ar TT ET TTT ETAT) ALS Teacher's Remarks Puna) {Ls ‘3 Mathematical and Problem Solving Sh ‘Eommuntentng ahd setang probs rr gat tie, 2g) computing and comparing [Son of good to mae Sein an aii [ently abet Wat present pO a pap Top a at come ‘ater tne shia nda which ines a eagrenis Ae Baa Snes ae Crow ater pas f anaes ound ww jet USES daly Wo, HART “ease anges found i geometie Shapes Ueing = PoPSEOT #3 Caesarea angio [setes prbioma arena sew a angie oT ‘Sap sande auc geomoti oar oe cada Tet Square tries and gener noni Hust tsa! igebravs oxpromsr “Sry ration ages oreo ‘Dinas aetna gabe express ‘oe GD at etn prensa Ga HAE HTT ‘Sef s gst atonal expression ins an aquvaen aianal ag ‘Bets on afrataal get pote sar ond [ Berit satiraceon of rabana’ algebraic oxpressons (BIH wiN Tie aa wn Spaed por unt Fr he dope of ona asus Fan Ws Rasp ol Se gues BOT ST SSS ‘Graph siorn! oss of oor squons ‘Soe syst of negualies (01s nd Sa Sagres quaTETe] wr erable nvelving SGUaIbes 'F “dotarmae to wala ot producto at wl iva potions 1_Setermin ms number supe and asmats tat give pot or oes So a a etorann comeing he Dinara suntate tnctan hon aaron Thm torah (ALS Teacha7e SIRGRTS wvet PPS HTH) LEARNER'S CHECKLIST OF COMPETENCIES Name of Learner: Community Learning Center: Level: Junior High Schoo! Level Name of ALS Teacher: Directions: Below Is a list of competencies. Please check ( /) the column (A, B, C, or D) that best matches your learning goals. ‘Learning Goals (Layunin sa Pagkatuto) ac) ‘Competencies Sem AALS Teacher's Remarks Kakayahan) se = (ase ” sevwonena | ina forego ama, (Puna) [Learning Strand 4: Life and Career Skills [Ability to Earn a Living (Employment) ‘Assess ones persona eng wats Seana a8 potent enplyes opel epee Haig TT an aioe PME Gerensvte an anereness cf ocapatons nthe bea oe dba one ad under tw stereos a hse oops erenstais an urdesandng of concept of ceer72aed rw suchas carer, cccpan, pb and wo pang fr te fae ence ecive Gossard ate vd care HAN Sererstas wrovindg of hareeves ir rato th oars Bae Sil, her edictorl plans the We tears, and er pedctons fe itr to devetap le an carer plane fale to ng term 9035 Ceterine ant pian one's enloynercareeoptons aways nly posable reetopars ane wih ons sneressrerghlaioe ‘eae ob and wage enpeynent oppor Be con, OR, ren, cou anders, Walch esas ard iss avai Saat cosa ‘ntl conpolry requir or ast cares plans Octerine patnays © actke crpeteny reairenents TIT Cae octons Senior acreerpatnay map tise sare tr earn” Sipatona aanatiae pd waa ae EGOS STG STE Tanah a career portlet deveiop Weiang career Bans Teently possible Wire tends for le and career plang Determine the advantages and disadvantages of earning ang WWOUgh Woe ‘empioynent een ot els rang Ie wage Sg Deronstate the flowing workreadness Sls ‘Applying for ajo Ghefolon work relat instructors ‘Teamarkand ealaboraton TTearorkand caleberaton Taking ivi | ‘Aten dance and punctuslty Workplace problem song and Winking sis Det Wilingnesstolean Resiloncy Se¥emanagorent (a 9, completo assigned tasks, show commitment ané responsibil, folow workselted russ and regulations) Discus te nights andrespansbiies of employees and erployes, The incu. Worker's and esponstiites Employers ights and reeponsioiies eis and condtonofempleyment and empioyee benefits Health and satetyinthe workpice Harmenious and procuctve work relatorships (colleagues, superior, subordinates) Phippine labor laws, eg. contacualzation, mirimum wage, lawl and Unkut smal ‘+ Demonsvate family wih the legal rghis and responsbltes of employees ‘© Demonstate an understanding of the role of unions and other cemployeiemployes assocasons “Appreciate te need for consiant upgrading Of one's knowledge and sls rrainain one's abaly lo earn living as an epoyeo Young ‘2 Atnding Waring programs 1 Loaming now sis on thojob ‘+ Coaching and mentoring by supersoricoteagues 2 Reaang nen deveoprentlatet wendsinovatonsin one's area! employment “+ _Joning ore forums of he-minged protessionalslenpio Demons wonledge of how Vel expences and decisis Te Page ater [abiity to Carn a Living (Sot rujcntrepreneurahp). Pepe ie Voie nesaad ne be a nace ASSET Bastin | 2 Seem “bscestt enfoqroneacel”efoioyes potone ne canny “Sonera coat appeatng product brand Trnovaio one’s producto mate tunique andadandout Determine oppruniis fr products and_ services thal have fe FeOTe- | generating penta at hme ain he market Explan fe dofritin and dference botwoon produce and sanieas Determine the ere for fe rst appropri procul and servos Determine he business appari there ahd in he aril Sol a unique prosuct Relate fo ols of demand wih pie of comnodiios and savas Expl fe racton tween demand and sup he pice ad he marke “Assess he leita eating alter in te math 57a =n Te cMMUN, rowed region Discuss he chalengas ad opperaries of somone ashitas fa cauniy Deterine speclated sl ‘Weavers in he conmunty (weaving hander hanleom) Creat artwork that canbe assorbied wih lal mateale Trditonal als eg, beadwork, to, potey. te) ‘Techalogy Infomation Teehnlogy Email E-commerce soot eomet atari predicts and Sava al ew daar ‘Precis sich as vasena medicnestox medicine eg. reexolony 1 nanidul Services such as ebexlgy, nal care, ur, Buyeg and feling and earegieng 1+ Senjce business suc as bg/shoe repair aunry services, vulcanizing, feat sevions(e@ career), Ivestock ras ane car waseing 1+ ts ae exalt shop such a erocnutichslembroiery an eras rake ‘Shop Keeping suchas electronics servcas [Racegrize and une tho ar dently the busess conpellas within a Town ently the flere roduc /senies avaliable the mariah, ecoghize ie poll custoner margt ently to prof of pelonia casiorare ently the customers needs and wants rough consumer analss ‘Conduct sansa att analysis ‘Sustainable Consumption Dorrenstale understanding of daly pracicos hal proncie sual ing Poe ote? ‘Sealy haman naods (balancing wants and Goss ad avalable eau) ‘sie ing wit one's mean rime resource ue, vase and pauion ad eduaing ewtoomerial aaa Patios reserg and eying ‘Conserve rescues fr huuregeneraions h ian he proacion, asvuon se and dsposl of prodiis an servees ak Infra enooes a5 a consumer of roduc ao Sanaa ako docsions asa consumer taking Fo account soil, economic, Sco gal ‘conaderatonso. soiing sero toys mage of tox matois Discuss the igs and responsbuies of consumers ‘Giically analyze nmin and clairs aden advertisers as npul To ‘Sect making asa earner ‘Demonstate knowledge and sills ih proiscing o's privacy as & consumer (9, Reeang secur passwors fr bark acount) by using cig {Schnologies og murat socal meat as Soureas of cansane! formation ue parchases of goods and services Dormonsateowledge and ul nancial ieraey an concuar Sconce ‘Manage personal and ham tances. nduang. budge wise and sae haning ‘of meno gonorts and manage savings, manage tran eane and Invostmant, comput porsonl aves and mete tnanelalsecsions Ly sd sll goods te avel sacs [as 8 assures ad ele) Demoraratesffconcy and madereton nana s individual and fara ‘consumption pactess Belance qully and afrciiy whan baying and ang pla Pe opportunities, beneis ana risks ofleredby e

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