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AIM Express

Princeton Palmer

Issue 17 June 2011

Qu onda? What's up!

So Mexico has been chugging along this last month with not many activities going on. Time passed by incredibly slowly and incredibly fast at different points but through it all God has been very good.
Nick and I getting rid of a cactus in front of the church building.

Men's Retreat
I just got back from a week-long

Mission Work
Being an apprentice

is missionary mens' retreat in Nuevo difficult at times. Moments Vallarta. We had classes three of apparent inactivity can times a day on the theme of make one restless and it is discipleship and Christ-likeness. It something I have been was good to rub shoulders with struggling with recently. It is men who are more experienced in easy to meet new people but missions here in Mexico and to it is difficult to keep in learn from them. We also had constant communication times of singing, prayer and with them because of the fellowship. varied nature of the work On the way back to Len, I that I'm a part of here; and stopped off at Guadalajara and also as I am discovering a lot spent some time with the Rush about myself that needs to and the Burns families and also be addressed before I can got to meet the new Guadalajara minister to others' needs. It's AIMers and visit with the church there. an eye-opening experience.

Contacting Me +52-477-229-8211 You may send support cheques addressed to me to the AIM office in Lubbock at: Princeton Palmer Adventures In Missions Attn. Bruce Thornton 3723, 34th Street Lubbock, TX - 79410

AIM Express
Princeton Palmer

Issue 17 June 2011

This has been the buzzword here for a while but especially now after the men's retreat based on this theme. To have a healthy, growing and active church, it must consist of good disciples of Christ. I have been trying to disciple some of the guys at my church while at the same time examining my own life and discipline as a disciple of Christ. Sometimes this is tough stuff, but the reward it brings in drawing one closer to God is invaluable.

We said goodbye to our teammate Michelle this morning who finished her AIM time here and is now going on to further studies at a university in Miami. Please keep her in your prayers as she starts this new phase in her life. She will be missed. My plans I plan to stay and work here in Len up until February/March of 2012 when I will be graduating. This will give me a good amount of time to further develop some of my ministries here, to work on my spiritual giftedness and to better see how and where I fit into mission work which will help me make informed decisions for my future. After I finish my time...
Michelle; second from left. Some of the men that attended the men's retreat in Nuevo Vallarta., I plan to go through the 2-year preaching school at Sunset International Bible Institute while volunteering as an AIM assistant at the same time. I'd also like to further study about missions there. I'm prayerfully considering these plans and I ask that you too may uphold them in your prayers. It is still early days to be able to say anything for sure but I believe that God will make things clearer nearer the time.

Thank you
I thank and appreciate all of you who are partners with me in sharing the gospel of Christ here in Len, Mexico. May God our Father richly bless you!

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