Chap-05 - Magnetism and Matter - Step-1.pmd

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Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction SECTION -A 4. Answer (2) S.1. unit of magnetic flux is weber 2. Answer(3) A=Lkm® B=B,(2i +3] +4k) - Magnetic fux o=BA = ByAl? = 4B)? Wb 3. Answer (4) Magnetic flux, @ = BAcoso 5 oaet =Spo.4e4 2nt0.4P = 4107 Wb 4, Answer (2) 6, =f +2t Emf fa =| mf induced, find = Se 2142 At t=ts pg = 2+2 volt = 4 volt Step-1 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment 5 10. " 12, Lenz’ law of electromagnetic induction is based on conservation of energy. Answer (2) answer (@) Induced emf, =% duced emt Eg = 2 £10 10° vol = to vot Answer (1) di “Answer (4) Emf induced, yg = BV £0521 volt =A vol Answer 2) IV got? En induced, fg = 0 Answor(t) S11. unit of self inductance is henry (H) Answer(1) au Given L=2H,7=2A 9=2x2 Weber = 4 Weber “Answer (4) Self inductance of solenoid, L = N° 108 mH = K(600)? and L = K(500)? _ (sy i086. 25, = 2108-75 Fp7 108 = 75 mH Electromagnetic Induction Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 13 14 Electromagnetic Induction 13. Answer (1) Given circuit A oO 5680. 8 L=3H A OO. B L=3H 5600- - Equivalent inductance, 14, Answer (3) Mogren, U = J oraye = 134) = gray = 169 15, Answer (1) ai at Emf induced, ena = = 5% 2volt = 10 volt SECTION -B 16. Answer (1) Given B= c2*k +. Magnetic flux, 0, = B-A- =ca*a? =ca* 17. Answer (1) 18. Answer (3) Change in lux, Aey = BAcosé = 10""x10"? cos60° Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone Solutions of Assignment 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Induction 15 = 4,107 2 1 Emtndced, tos = HE «1 Etinduced, tna = 28 = 08x10? vot <5 volt TOF =5 vol 19. Answer (2) Given 9 = 60? —5t+1 = Enduced emf, fin de at =12t-5 At T= 0.5 sec qq 78-5 = 1 volt j=fnt=-4 ota R10 20. Answer (4) Self inductance of coil, 1 a n? Lem L, = k(4ny? = 16 kre =16L 21. Answer (3) Ag=Lx6-Lx4 =2L tna = St aL. 104 => L=03mH 22. Answer (3) Ag =Lx6-Lx4= 2b tea = AE at aL. 104 > L=0.3mH Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 16 Electromagnetic Induction Solutions of Assignment 23. Answer (3) 24, 25. 26. 2. 28. 29 3 Hand 6 H are in parallel so equivalent of 3 Hand 6H, Ly = =~ 3x6 346 Now 4 Hand 2 Hare in series Ly H+2H=6H Answer (2) Energy U toxe? 2 -1yp 2 36 Joule Answer (3) 21 = Mi 10 2Wo = 20 Wb Answer (4) =2x4=8 volt Answer (4) Meso = V8x32 =16mH Answer (4) Self inductance of a solenoid, uoN2A A >A A Answer (4) Emf induced, fae = 2 mf induced, End = Sp 30. Answer (1) 7 yA Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Induction 17 31 32 33 36. 36. 37. 38, SECTION - © Answer (4) Att=0" i=0 2 Veg = Answer (3) iR=0 After long time potential difference across inductor is zero £20 R10 A=20 SECTION - D Number of turns, permeability of core-material Induced emf is set up (e = Biv). But current can't flow. Yes, induced emf will be obtained because the train is intercepting vertical component of earth's magnetic field. (12007 x12 10% 304x109 H O3n bene N As aet0 Self inductance is the property of a coil by virtue of which, the coll opposes any change in the strength of current flowing through it by inducing an e.m¥. itself. oe! L osu (Oonttoom, fiat ort Coefficient of self inductance of a coil is numerically equal to the amount of magnetic flux linked with the coil when unit current flows through the coll SSI unit of self inductance (L) is henry. Consider a long solenoid having number of tums per unit length n. Consider a section of this solenoid, of length 1. We have to find self inductances of this section. Magnetic flux linkage through the coil under consideration +<—i— 3 = BA= (ugnl (Ane) = gn Ax eT = 82 nat axe If the space inside the soler jd Is filed with a material of relative permeability u,, then L = yg4,n°A x1 Lenz's law is in accordance with law of conservation of energy. As the induced emf opposes the change in flux, work has to be done against the opposition offered by induced emi/current in changing the flux. The work done appears as electrical energy in the circuit. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 18 Electromagnetic Induction Solutions of Assignment Applications of Lenz’s law shall become more clear by carefully studying the following examples (1) (2) 39. ‘Acconducting loop is kept in a uniform magnetic field B directed into the plane of paper. The magnetic field starts increasing with time. As the magnetic field increases, flux (9 = B.A) starts increasing. Therefore, an induced current will flow into the loop. The current is induced due to increasing field, therefore, it will {ty to decrease the field, This can happen if induced current produces an outward field in the loop. Therefore, an anticlockwise current appears in the loop. XX XXX XX XB Gnereasing) x x x x x (induced current) x x x Nahe x x Conducting loop XXX KX XK KX ‘There exists a non-uniform field B = Bx (inwards) in x-y plane as shown, The field increases as we move along +x-direction. A conducting loop is placed in the xy plane, The loop is being moved towards +x-axis. AAs the loop moves towards +x-axis, the flux linked increases because magnetic field increases. The induced current will try to decrease the field. It can do so by decreasing the magnetic field in the loop. Therefore an anticlockwise current appears in the loop. ay Motion x xx x x x xox x x x x Induced current xX KX XXX 40x40 e002) 20410" V & _(32x10% Power loss = = S©*" 7 6.4xt0- W 40. Steady state current R 16 ‘When switch is opened, final current is zero. a 42. Here r= 0.10 m, B= 20 mT v= 10 ms“ 0-2 ap rgtagt & 2x10°A 5) -10)(-2x108 BKA _Bxnl? 1g.2_1 . ee Say = Bil? = 5X04 x0.5%0,5%92 =1.6 V 0 x 10° T e=? Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Induction 19) Ina small time at, fexa)= {ar let the semi-circular wire move through a small distance dx. ido|_ BA at|~ at at at} 2 20 10% «0.1 x 10 = 0.04 V ‘The above result is valid when the loop is entering or leaving the region of magnetic field Note: If the entire loop remains inside the field despite moving, e = 0. 43, (i) decreased (i) increased (jl) increased aug Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Step-2 Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction The polarity of induced voltage will change. 2. Answer (1) 4. Answer (1) As the loops are brought closer to each other the flux linking through one due to other increases. Therefore an emf will induce which will tends to decrease the increasing flux. Hence the current will increase in both the loop, 3. Answer (3) Apply Lenz's law. 4, Answer (4) Answer (2) 6. Answer (2) Apply Lenz's law. 7. Answer (4) 025 =10V 20a 3 fay = 8. Answer (1) ‘Work done in induced electric feld W=Q*AV=QxV 9. Answer (4) The flux through the loop is given as = 5t- 10 | Induced emf lel = [SP 15 ~ 201 1 1 ALE= 78, @=5-20x 7 = 0 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment 10. 1" 2 23. 14 46. 16. 17 18. 19. 20, Answer (1) Answer (4) Answer (2) mn =e Caleulate E by using ai Answer (2) Induced emt e, = A Sp)-lontxt50~1 5v 8-15) 935 4, 10 Answer (3) Bul, Here B = 5 x 10°° Whim’, Use o Answer (2) 0 = Bylv, = Biv sind Answer (3) = B.=2* 102 *20%1=04 mV Answer (4) Lae IS parallel to B> Ey = 0 Answer (2) In mean position, v= Jgh = JZgU(t= 6080) v= Jealx2sin? 2 = 2GL.sin? ot ads 1 In mean position nae Bot? = 18x29. sind? =BL VOL sin8 2errysing 2 2 Answer (4) Answer (1) For rolling without sliding, point B is in rest at the instant shown = SRR) - uBR? 2 Electromagnetic Induction Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 21 22 Electromagnetic Induction 2v, BR 21. Answer (4) emf will be induced at flux will change through the ring during rotation 22. Answer (2) 1 alway? -2] J op o=tup[vat-)] + o=Suar 23. Answer(2) T=FR>a 24. Answer (1) fing = BLV => F= IBL = BL?VIR 25, Answer (1) Vy= HR -0 = 26. Answer (1) tip sur u 2 27. Answer (3) L_1.8x104 =0.3x10%s R 6 28. Answer (1) 29. Answer (1) Solutions of Assignment M= uynyn, Ax 1= (anxt0-”){ 100 }(seotda) « (ox at0*) (4x102)= 01204 \axto™ }| 80x10 30. Answer (2) The magnetic field at the centre of the circular loop due to current jis, Heit el * 4aR 4R Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Flux through the loop is @ = 1728 dy _ my a nr? Induced emt = Sb = Me Sr. Mont =o har dt” 4R dt” 4k ~ 3) = x8) > e= gee 31. Answer (1.4) 32, Answer (8) E=val = 2BVR 33, Answer (2) Electric field will provide necessary centripetal force 34, Answer (16) Pp ) SR2 SR2 ‘2Bvr = 2Bvr d 8Bvr Equivalent circuit / = quivalent circui R 35. Answer (0.1) i=ig(t-e 36. Answer (2) Ag AQ= Q=2 8 Bit) = 0.4sinS0nt = 7 = 50n ' _ 1000 25 0.4x3.5x10°° “419 T ms = T= 40 ms AQ AQ =1.4x104C 37. Answer (1) E=ve = 06 Vim v= ed = 06 «2% 10% = 12 mv Electromagnetic Induction Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 23 24 Electromagnetic Induction 38. Answer (1) ae = tug -tug 22 ai and, 12 = 26 a 25-10 7 258 “4573 ae = 43,625 -100) 2°3 L =25 = AE= 437.55 39. Answer (3) Vv Re (Manet), tty Wn=p-eh), ieYer™, toy an) o 7 * The closest to appropriate graph is in option 3. 40. Answer (2) M=po nn nel L=upn? ne 44. Answer (1) —_— t LI= (unl) A (0.30) where n = No. of tumsilength Lee 42, Answer (3) ‘After long time, the inductor will behave lke a wire. 45 _30_ 6A RZ % § Solutions of Assignment Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Induction 43, Answer (1) lawl [7v [ML2T2] = (142) = [= (Mer? A _ Met Wvl= WTA AT [ 1)_ Mer ta? rev) TMT A 44, Answer (2) =PxR vei P, = Vi-PR=PR i= PR 48. Answer (2) Fak iB = kx - 1g R So, itis case of damped oscillation. co > AaAe em A_peih = BAe 2m 2x50x107 x10 [Br] coro Ue suber, n= 20000 =10000s 2s 000 46. Answer (1) B= pgni Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 25 26 Electromagnetic Induction @= nytt) A on (inductance) [n=] vel i 47. Answer (2) to= Mi = 102M) = M(2) 10° 3 ve = ato <6 67%10" We 48. Answer (2) k O= Kis kite Ik, = ani2R)4) (do) €=-{) =o sate =-ke(1- at) Induced current I= = = Ke" (1—at) r 49. Answer (4) (,_-®) hai tre ‘| Here R=R,+r=10 0.8 gat = lo | 1-0 a feet 5 100 (1) (5) = 1008 = Ins 1 = ins 400 =t = 0.016 sec Solutions of Assignment Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment 50. Answer (1) VBI = IR, Ry 2 2417-30 3 j — (BLY) _ (1) 6x10) x10 Rea 3 5 tot =2xt04 A 4.7% 104 3 = 17x 104A, = 170 WA 51. Answer (2) fy Ee fee ~E ey RRR 5 g- ft __£t “eR? 2.7R? 52. Answer (3) > 1 = hth? = (Mon!)x( aR?) ay at © = pon? (Ip — 2igt) = e-0att=1s Electromagnetic Induction Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 27 28 Electromagnetic Induction Solutions of Assignment 53. Answer (1) -40x5 ° 20,000) 140x109 ) hte 1 54. Answer (1) = AB cos wt which is slightly greater than 1 -d (2x ,) =P = ABwsinot = ABosin| Ont Induced emt, eis maximum when 22 1.37 = t= Lor Gog 18.288 0r755. For induced emf to be minimum i.e zero ott ngs tanh = Induced emf is zero at t 55. Answer (1) 5, 10s The quantity > — is the energy density of magnetic field. o/2 2 56. Answer (3) Using Faraday law mer? [wer ] E A. weseo cue =| [as neues at] (at 4B _ 1000-500, at 10 =10? Tisec Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Induction 29 ‘Area = ( 16 x 4 —2 % Area of tiangle) om? , y =(64-2xJx2x4 Jom? = 56 « 104 m? 56 x 10 V = 56 uv 57. Answer (4) E ~a Rt = Jor= [Ea-e tHe yat os a-Eleeter" 58. _ APBPaP sin? wt, (Py = (SEES (A= nab) _ Pato'etat 2R 59. Answer (2) 2 16 (a8\2 Lat 16 ‘Area of loop = do at (ap) nd? 4 pe 1 =061A 60. Answer (4) Current direction reverses when magnet exits from solenoid and when magnet is completely inside, current Is zero. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 30 Electromagnetic Induction 61. Answer (2) 62, (ly) = (tole an” JR 63. Answer (3) ALL = 0, inductor behaves as an open switch ev z20 64. Answer (1) (at t=0) iat 65. Answer (1) fina =(B,)LV, 8, = Brayy SiN 60 -* )(sin60)x10%180%> = (2,5x10™ )(sin60)x10x 180. 8 = 108.25 mV Solutions of Assignment Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment 66 67. 68. 6 70. Answer (1) Electromagnetic Induction It is based on Lenz Law. |, is in clockwise direction and I, is in anticlockwise direction. Answer (2) y Answer (3) Asie tle + ly By symmetry ly = Ig = Allg = Uy = We = Oy Answer (4) u=4.? 2 Ling R Answer (1) Flux increases and then becomes constant and finally decreases. Induced emf changes direction, power dissipation is identical. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 31 32 Electromagnetic Induction Solutions of Assignment 71. Answer (3) ‘We know discharging of inductor 1 het tie 12 U=SLP = 64 = 24 2 2 i) Rate of loss of energy = (@R = PR (iy from (ii typ 64 ptt 640 PR tte Ack bios 0 2R RR ° 1-02 72. Answer (3) ‘As the magnet goes into the loop, the flux increases and as it goes out, flux decreases. Induced emf changes its polarity eo? at 73. Answer (1) Att= 1 s, centre of ring is on verge of boundary Bul R e=txtx2 74. Answer (2) te x4 Magnetic field at C (B)= > Tos =o So flux through small loop = Ba 4 ga _ Hab 2ab | ab) 8V2a" ® 75. Answer (2) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment 76. 7 78. 79. ‘As current is induced So, B is decreasing and outward Answer (3) 4a 40 a +(2* 109) x1-v, +8 x 109 =o v= 10x 108 = 10 volts B= vy ‘Answer (2) We know in study state potential difference across inductor = 0 So equivalent circutt is 20 sov— 39 $32 330 Equivalent resistance across cell = 1+2= 30. So current, i= 92 =10 Answer (10) {0.25 -0) 02510 = 10? H= 10 mH Answer (15) Electromagnetic Induction Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 33 34 Electromagnetic Induction axt0 w= =5n rad/s oe or gene = PA 310° x5xR 100 Taking m2 ~ 10 we get (€. 80. Answer (05,00) ) = 15 x 10° volt i= 5e- 2143 oH _so-2 at (at = 2) eas At (t= 1 see) Ge} (0%200xIx100), x50 2x20 400x100 ld] _ Hy x200%100%500%7 (a) at|" 2x20x100x100 (at) x25 81. Answer (33.00) LesomH I=1A R=20 a 30v a Vg -2* 1+ 30 + (50 x 10-4) x 102 = V, = Vp-Vo 3.0 82, Answer (144) ve ae iM fat fc} Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone Solutions of Assignment 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment = 12 Aatt= 4 second 1 =tu? vo = 144 J 83. Answer (74) 20 se 10x10° =2%10%04 = 0.74 mA 84. Answer (80) 4x10 ty) ie ’ tae} aae109(1-—) 85. Answer (60) e | -(201+20)x10° at ja 8 - (205420), 450 Z > =60mA 86. Answer (60) Fax = NABO = 20 * 3.14 x (Bx 10-2)? x 3 x 10 * 50 = 60.29 * 107V Electromagnetic Induction Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 35 Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction SECTION -A Objective Type Questions (One option is correct) 1. Answer (4) 2. Answer (2) (A = bel, 9 One Hol che = Holo ing ae On 3. Answer (3) 4, Answer (2) 0B _ a2 enna? ona’ at nao, Induced current = 5. Answer (2) AC = AB 12 + 12 — Zbl, cos = 1? be 080 = oF 6. Answer (4) =A ° R {4,= 0 (Field lines form closed loops) Step-3 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Induction 37 ol? ade p= bel fade any x 7. Answer (1) Moll t) on oe tol 0" ra tal Bas 2nae iltyl (44 Fi) = iB, - 8) = SES - 35 itugl (-1) _ walle FO" on ae nae Bley m= Jt Rae 1815 (o-1) ‘8x'mRae 8. Answer (4) e= So! 8. Answer (3) a Reg = 3 2R at = Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 38 Electromagnetic Induction Solutions of Assignment 10. Answer (1) Magnetic field inside the solenoid = gn! Flux through the circular coil encircling the solenoid = yin! S-N= 6 Hon SN SECTION -B Objective Type Questions (One or more than one option(s) is/are correct) Answer (2, 3) 2. Answer (1, 2) ‘When current in a wire changes then magnetic field inside and outside of the wire also changes. This changing magnetic field will produce electric field at every point where magnetic field changes. 3. Answer (1, 3,4) Apply Lenz's law Mg, = Ma f, = (Mg —Ma) | N= (2Mg ~ ma) mg“, 4. Answer (2.3, 4) The flux through the loop is o = [8,(t0F -51)]<2 = 28,(10" - st] The emf induced in the loop is = |g) = [2B [20t-5) | Att=0, @= 108, and i= 128 fom BtoA . 2B i5_s|a Att R [5-5]=0 28, 308, sts, f= 2520-5) = 2% tom Bto atts ts, i= [20-5] = 2B from B10 5. Answer (1, 2, 3) A e = VB(2R) e = VB(2R) 3 ‘When the ring moves then it will behaves as shown in figure, both the cell are in paralle! qq = VB (2R) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Induction = e,g = 2(VR) o=9 Uae =O) For PQ, y= (2R sina) pq = VB (QR sina) 6 Answer (1,4) When a rod rotates about one of its end then em induced inthe rod is @ = a wB| vg Hl 2 ee 0) Similarly V~ Vp = 23 0) From (i) and (ii) Vg Vp=0 i From (ji) and (i) 3 uz “8 = vy, = seal? ecg 7. Answer (1, 3) At any instant of time { the velocity of the wire is v = at, ‘The emf induced in the wire at time ¢ is e = vBI= at Bl From the fgue,at= = qe esate aq, = dt o> i= eBo1 Net fore on the wea mets F-1B= ma = F—aBCP = ma Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 39 40 Electromagnetic Induction Solutions of Assignment oF > 2° ec +m) 8. Answer (1,3, 4) 20 Current in the inductor at f= Oisi= <= 4A 5 di_q Let the current in the circut at time ¢is then -LE> = & fq 1 L=4H = -764 (1) ae Le ml equation (1) has solution in the form of f yi 9= Asin ot @) L 4 = 1= An cos ot 8) E J As at = atte 319=4C and i=0 Potential difference across the capacitor is 4 = 4 eavot 7 = 4 vol 9. Answer (2, 3, 4) If the switch is closed at ¢ = 0 then at time ¢ the current in the circuit is =tltet (1) induced emf in inductor at time tis di at ® =Ee (2) Att=0, ¢ Hence option (1) is wrong Vip The energy stored in the inductor is U= > Li Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Induction | 44 L Att= Be ATS ain 10. Answer (2, 4) At = 0, current in inductor is zero 7, =0 e and i, aR At f=, current in capacitor branch = 0 = ,=0 and resistance of inductor = 0 at t aR SECTION - C Linked Comprehension Type Questions Comprehension-1 4. Answer (2) As the retarding torque is directly proportional to rotational speed. The effect of brakes becomes weak as the speed decreases. Hence in this respect mechanical brakes are more effective. ‘The electromagnetic brakes are more economical as it save energy whereas mechanical brakes do not save energy. 2. Answer (1) ‘The speed of the vehicle will decrease exponentially. Hence the vehicle will stops after a long time after the application of electromagnetic brake. This is the main disadvantage of this brake. 3. Answer (3) Frictional force Comprehension-tI 4. Answer (2, 3) 2. Answer (2, 3) Radius of curvature at end A is Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 mv _m, QB 42 Electromagnetic Induction Solutions of Assignment Comprehension 4. Answer (1, 3) 2. Answer (1) 3. Answer (1, 2) Solution of Q.Nos. 1 to 3 OF cos(ant) + MOE BF BF BI O° mt SECTION - D Matrix-Match Type Questions 1. Answer A(p, , 1), B(a, 8), C(p, q, 8), Dip, a, Fs) (A) An electric field accelerates a charge particle where itis in rest or in motion if no any other force is present to balance the electric field force Electric ines of force never form a closed loop. (@) The force exerted by a magnetic field on a charge particle is given by F =q (7x8). If ¥ =0 then F = 0 and acceleration = 0. (iyis wrong If # #0 then the charge particle will accelerate Here Fis perpendicular to both v and & . Hence work done by F is zero. Therefore, the speed ofthe charge particle wil not change. Magnetic fed ines always forms closed loop (C) Time varying magnetic field produces electric field and electric field can accelerates charged particle. (0) Induced electric field in a conducting wire forms closed loop. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Induction 43 2. Answer A(a, 1), Bq, 1), C(p, s) (A) As the loop moves closer to the straight wire, magnetic flux through the loop increases due to increases of magnetic field Hence an induced current will appear in Anticlockwise direction. Due to induced current the wire will repel the loop. (8) As Fincreases, magnetic flux through the loop also increases. Thus an induced current in the loop will be in anticlockwise direction. Due to induced current in the loop the straight wire will repel the loop. (C) As the loop moves away from the straight wire the magnetic flux linking through the loop decreases. ‘Therefore an induced current in the loop appear in clockwise direction. Due to clockwise current in the loop, the straight wire will attract the loop, 3. Answer A(r, t), Bit), C(p, s), D(t) SECTION - E Assertion-Reason Type Questions 4. Answer (3) Lenz's law is obviously the law of conservation of energy but all the conservation law cannot be obtained from conservation of energy. As in collision, the momentum of two parlicle remains constant but thelr energy does not remains conserved, 2. Answer (2) If the magnetic field starts changing then this changing magnetic field produces electric field and the electric. field will accelerates the charge particle. A constant magnetic field does not produce electric field 3. Answer (4) ‘Whenever there is a change in flux linked with @ coil then induced current in the coil may be zero. If a source of emf equal to induced emf is connected to oppose the induced emf. [fay = 0 4, Answer (3) For a current carrying wire, there is both electric and magnetic field inside the wire. If the current in the wire changes then magnelic field around the wire also changes and this changing magnetic field will produce electric field also outside the wire. 5. Answer (1) ‘When the current in 1% loop starts decreasing, the flux through other loop also starts decreasing. Hence a current induced in the other loop. As two wires carrying current in the same direction attracts each-other. Af UYU SECTION - F Integer Answer Type Questions 4. Answer (2) ow Hole gene Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 44 Electromagnetic Induction Solutions of Assignment 2. Answer (1) (1 metre) t io 2(Inr?) ty Pty tty t at(ean)? 2(eaey? 240 28 $= 8A = 22 at0*) oo Mt tot Vy = nde = mo xt0 at 16 Mitg X10 _ Ho yor |, 6" Resistance 16xn 16 Ho yq-t — BoXX10™ xt 16 16 3. Answer (8) 6 = By) = dmv 15.2: 102 fea 2mv- 85 anv 6 _ 8x40 _ 24 24 a15__ 8 ~ 6+5 B5™ 4. Answer (6) ‘Answer (4) Effective length = (0.3 sin 30°) * 2 = 0.3 metre V, = Blv =5x0.3x4 = 6V 6x3 Not resistance = 2S +1=2+1-30 6r3 = ME _ (6 _ 36 Power = “2. = 12= 3x, x=4 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment 6. Answer (5) y= 2A sinkx. cosut v, = -2Ao sink. sino y 2A sinkx = 2AOB cosh) kK © = -2Ao. sin be eb = 3 lel = 0 for AL = 2m 4A0B K and |e! for KL = (2n + 1)r mh So n must be odd and L = aL a 2nn and k= Putting the value of k _ 4A@BL - an lel or Sn L 7. Answer (6) k 7 Bxe= Emly td —' = pall 7 = Bx nr j-£.-(olat) _ nrg (21) RR, RL lat} Magnetic moment Su g/sin( 300%) 8. Answer (3) y 3 wy x 5 YB tano = f= > x Electromagnetic Induction Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 45 46 Electromagnetic Induction BY gal v3 Ayicoso = 9. Answer (3) 10. Answer (7) willbe the instantaneous axis of rotation 2 2 rad/s 3 v, = Bully, Baul 80 4g 9) Tuan? av = 246-9) =2xax2=7v > 2 (16-9) 2 3 3 4. Answer (D) ‘According to Lenz law |, is from a to b and /, from cto d. 2. Answer (B) SECTION -G Previous Years Questions Solutions of Assignment Due to motion of magnet above the disc, eddy currents will be produced in the disc, due to which it will start rotating in the same direction of magnet’s motion. 3. Answer (B) (N(N)(nR?)(B, )at , 0 N (By) o-(4) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Induction 47 Io NB, RR? AM. = Q8,Nak? 4. Answer (A.C) ifthe currents constant then emfis zero ifthe current is varying even then the net flux remains zero hence emf is zero, 5. Answer (A, C) Firstly, we wil find mutual inductance between loop and wire ay 28888 - ox oh t | panei are oop cons we Now, induced emf in wire is e di _ Hoh di _ Ho 10 49 _ (Ho) ‘Since loop is anticlockwise and increasing, so magnetic field above long conducting wire will be inward andincreasing. Fromlenz law, currentin conductinglong wire willbe forward. Opposite currents are nearer, sothere: will be repulsion between them. 6 Answer (B, D) BA cosot lel For loop 4 4) = BA cosat : |e\| = ABo sinot 4, = 2BA sinot |e,| = 2BAo sinot @, and @, oppose each other, so amplitude of net emf induced = 2BAw - BAw = BAw e; and e, will be peak at wt = 1/2 or 8 = 90°. 7. Answer (B,D) o sinot Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 48 Electromagnetic Induction 8 1is maximum when 2! => 2. t=2hing la = ¥ wR 8. Answer (8) Bxtapgxe Hoy j= £ _(aetaty R, 21° tg (dl RL (dt) Magnetic moment = 7 « nr? = 641, /,in(000) 9. Answer (7) o Mey Ho2xIKMR? 1 oe coe age xtx a? c0s45°x2 4n(R? (VaR)? | HoR xat x. 4 x2 2eR) a Hoa” 1 _ Moa” R “a2 R2™ Solutions of Assignment A 28805 Rika Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment Electromagnetic Induction 49) 10. Answer (8) mH s 2mH s Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456

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