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the moment capacity of the section, ive. Eq. (3.23), can be expressed as = o87a- & [o a, (b=) + 0.82] G28) | w Equations (3.21) and (3.24) can be solve problems of analysis or design of flanged beams. 3.5 BEAMS WITH AXIAL LOAD Beams with axial load.can be dealt with simply by transforming the force system on the section so that the axial load acts along the axis of the tensile steel. The additional moment generated as a result of this transformation may either decrease (in the case of axial tension) or increase (in the case of axial compression) thé original design moment on the section, resulting in an ‘effective! lt Is this ‘effective’ moment for which beams with axial load H in | | I . moment. must be designed. ‘The -axial. load, transferred to the level of the tensile steel, may either ‘Increase (in the case of axial tension) or decrease (in the > case of axial compression) the design force In the steel resulting from the ‘effective! moment. Correspondingly, the flexural steel : required for the ‘effective! moment is either Increased or decreased to obtain the amount of steel required for beams with axial load. The concepts Involved in these transformations are Illustrated in Fig. 3.4 where N is the axial joad, M, the original design moment and H+ the effective moment. M M the monent parameter AL ft, 4 us Sty and the reinforeenent index o = BEF + The values of Fo bd’ © a © Sover the entire range in Zones 2 an 3 and are terminated at the high Sst possible value of 615. (i.e, Slim for f, = 250 N/mm?). For grade of steel, the table is Splicable only upto its &.. value (se Table 3.1), The critical values of n, and w corresponding to Gin | for the standard grades of stee| ven separately at the bottom of the table. are gi expressions for 8 in Table 2.1, puted using Eqs. (3.9) and (3.3) logous expressions derived using respectively, for Zone 3 and the ana-| Table 2.1 for Zone 2. In Zone 3, art of the table, the velues have been listing is in terms of regular i nerements of &. The table can be employed to solve a Problems as explained below. () variety of flexural design Design for non-standard values of mater strengths FLEXURE 1 Is valid for al] grades of concrete and steel. the standard grades of concrete and steel been derived. from FLEXURE 1 (e.. However, when non-standard be considered In design, For » simpler tables have 9+ FLEXURE 2 and FLEXURE 4), grades of concrete and steel have to FLEXURE 1 has to be used. design procedure, irrespective of the strengths of ¢ Steel assumed In design, is as follows: The general ‘oncrete and | (2) Compute y= —H. fF, ba (b) Compute wp im USINg Eq. (3.13). For the standard grades Of steel, the wy, values are given at the end of FLEXURE 1, (c) '€ US Uyiqr design as a singly reinforced beam From the table, read w.corresponding to u. The required Area of tension steel is then given by f cc Ags wba mae ai) qi (d) Ife Bim? compression ste el has to be provided. The required compression steel is given PY wa ee 415 Hin? (= (3.28) ng) ed where cig = actual avsign stress 1 compression steel determined as explained in Section 3.3 £., = design strength of steel The total area of tension steel Is then given by Sea w= im ty ; (3.29) yd design for_a given depth of neutral axis pth of neutral axis is 2 FLEXURE 1 can be used when the del the case of redistribution uch as forced beams the limitation on the choosing the values of crucial factor in design 5 ‘of moments. In singly rein 's depth can be met by 50 that the resul neutral axi b, 4 fe and p= As ting values of u and © J Alternat! Be e specified values of E+ das explaines correspond to th compression reinforcement may be provides FLEXURE 5, Section 3.7-5- pesign of beams with axial load. he design of beams with FLEXURE 1 considerably simplifies pased on the concepts, explained In Section 3.5, axial load- n be used for the direct design of such beams the table ca as follows: (a) Compute HW, = te and’ vee iSg e fe bd? fe ‘bd where H, and W are a5 defined in Section {b) Read corresponding to H, from the table. (c) The required amount of steel ts then given by the. following expression, using the + ign for axial e = sign for axial compressi tension and th = wet This series of tables is 1, tended for the direct design of singly retn~ forced beams. The tables fi urnish values of the percantage of tension Steel, p= 100 p= 100 8s, as a Function of the factor k bd tables have been derived using Eq. (3 Grades of steel, viz. f = 250,415 and 500 N/mm? and four gr: Tan under-reinforced beam the appropriate Sentage of steel stipulated by Clause of the Code. The tabulation is terminated at the value of K, defined in Section 3.2.2, 3:7.3 FLEXURE 3 These charts display the uitinate monent capacities M in kin, of singly reinforced beam sections, one metre wide and with effective depth d cm, against the required reinforcenent A, om”. The charts are based on d £q. (3.8). They cover two grades OF steel, viz. f = 415 and 500 N/m? | and three grades of concrete, viz. MIS, M20 and 25; im Fresponding top), as @ separate chart 1 given for each combination of Steel and concrete grades. | The significance of the straight Nines running across the charts is as ] Follows : (i) The topmost line, denoted by p 15m? COrresponds to the Timiting percentage of Teinforcement as a singly reinforced Sections te. 0 py, defined in Section 3.2.2, It also corresponds to the limiting neutral axis depth represented by a lim" The values of a im for the Standard grades of steel are given in Table 3.1 while those of Phim C8n be readily obtained from Table 3.2 by using the relation (i1i) The bottom most line sdenoted by P= PyjqrCorresponds to the minimum percentage of reinforcement specified by Clause of the Code. To determine the steel area A, for @ beam of known dimensions b and 4 and required to resist a design moment M, proceed as follows: q@) Enter the chart with the given value of d in cm and a modified i Value of moment capacity equal to x 100, where b is the breadth of the section in cm. (ii) Read the steel area A, from the chart. The required amount’ of steel for the beam cross-section b x d is then given by b, As req = Ms * 100 * 3.7.4 _ FLEXURE 4 This sertes of tables provides the percentage of compression rein~ A forcement (p! = 100 5) and of total tension reinforcenent 's ‘i _ (p = 100 55) as a function of the factor K = we doubly. arious values of/the cover reinforced beams (i.e. for K > Kj;,,) with v ratio 6 = if The tables are based on the equations given in As in the case of FLEXURE 2, a separate table is given Section 3.3. for each combination of concrete and steel grades; al! the three f= 250, 4i5 and 500 N/mm? and the four grades of steel, viz. concrete strengths from N15 to'N30 are covered. irrespec¥ngeser The tabulation {s terminated at such a point that, the last value of p is less than that corresponding ed by the Code Clause the value of 5, to the maximum reinforcement stipulati This will be sosprovided the cover to centre of tension reinforcemen i.e. h- d 2c, as will usually be the case. is greater then that for compression reinforcement, The table is entered with the calculated value of K in N/nn?. The required values of p' and p are then read in the columns under the appropriate value of 6. 3.7.5 FLEXURE 5 and 6 nen the neutral axis has to be limited to a specified value or when ductility is an. important design criterion (e.g. see Section 3.6), this set of tables provides the steel content required to achieve the desired objective, The tables thus supply the anount of tension and compression reinforcement required to attain a given neutral axi depth under the design ultimate Moment. The tables have been derived directly from the equilibrium equations of sections with tension and | compression steel. In the first. table, FLEXURE 5, the design moment and the correspond- | Img steel areas for tension and conpression are given in terms of ALF. ALE H Y . ¥ "Tepes be 7 and: w ta F, Tespectively. This table c is therefore independent of the grades of steel and concrete. The Subsequent tables of FLEXURE 6 are given in terms of Ky pand p! ; they are therefore valid only for specific combinations of steel and GConerete strengths. Each table is divided into 2 sections, one each for the & =§ Value specified at the top of the section. The table FLEXURE 5 is used by entering its appropriate section with - the calculated value of u under the column for the specified value of | } thew value is read directly opposite, under the same value of g. The corresponding w' value is, however, given In the very first 4 column of the table. The colum for w' values is common to all values | of & The intermediate values of u, w and u! may be interpolated. The tables of FLEXURE 6 are used in an identical fashion by reading the K, p and p! values in place of the u, w and w! values of FLEXURE 5, The tables also show ‘the extent to which the monent capacity of singly | reinforced beans can be increased by increasing p only. It must be noted, however, that for & > £1,,, the beams become over-reinforced. 3.76 FLEXURE 7 3:16 FLEXURE 7 This serles of tables facilitates the direct design of T= and Le beams. Each table provides values of desicn moment (in terns of u,) and the corresponding steel area (in terms of a) for a specific value of the: ratio of Flange thickness to effective depth (i.e. °F) and for | a + The values of = range from 0.1 to 0.4 in increments | a ©F 0.02 while those of Prange from 2 to 20. The tables are applicable to all grades"of concrete and steel. The neutral axis depth factor & = 3 required to attain the desired y, values are also indicated in the table. The very first value of h E in any table is equal to the ratio gf to which the taole pertains, 3.8 USE OF THE n of the I.e. it corresponds to the neutral axis being at the june: web and the Flange, Hence» for £ the design alds of this chapter can be used provided the relevant design parameters are appropriately modified. The necessary mod! Teas tions are effected as explained below. FLEXURE 1 (1) Compute the value of u corresponding to the given values of Ye andy,. The required value is given by M we = req 3 é F, ba! . Xe (ii) Compute y= (485 Yreq (iit) For the value of obtained in Step (ii) read the correspond~ ing value of w from the table. . the value corresponding to the (iv) The required value of w, given value of y, and y,, is then given by 22) ( w, req 3:8.2 FLEXURE 2, 3 and 7 The modified procedure in all these cases is identical to that for FLEXURE 1, except that u should be replaced by the appropriate moment ; parameter (i.e, K, M and Hy, In FLEXURE 2, 3 and 7 respectively)and w replaced by the appropriate reinforcement parameter (i.e. p, A and w,, in FLEXURE 2,.3 and 7 respectively). 3.8.3. FLEXURE 4, 5 and 6 Provided the compression steel yields, these tables can‘be used for any general value of y_ and y,, by modifying both the moment para~ meters (i.e. K in FLEXURE 4 and 6, u in FLEXURE 5) and the reinforce- ment parameters (i.e. p and p' in FLEXURE 4 and 6, w and w' in FLEXURE 5) exactly as for FLEXURE 1. If the compression steel does not yield, the tables can be used only for the Code value of y, = 1.15. However, there is no restriction on the value of y,. Thus,'with y, =" 1,15 and y, equal to any general value, the design parameters are modified exactly as before, Y, with the factor I) Since the actual value of & = 0.3549 Is greater than 0.3, redistribution to the extent required by B= 0.3 is not permissible. For attaining the given moment of 200 kN m with B = 0.3, one or more of the parameters b, d or f, have to be in- creased if possible or compression reinforce- ment has to be added ‘as shown in Example 1.9. See Example 1.9 180 KN ms + 80 kN 30 cm 50 em 20 N/m 415 N/a? total depth of section Required Determine the reinforcement required when an axial force N acts on the section in addition to the moment M3 N being either compressive (+) or. tensile (- S Procedure Computation Design aid reference Axial_compression Compute u BS Fx 30 x 50 x 50 oa 80 x 10? = 0x 300 x 500 0.12 + 0.0267 x (1 0,132 (iv) Obtain the correspond- ing value of wo, (v) Compute w= - 1.15 v (vi) determine A, = w bd Fe : ¥, Y 2. Axial tension (1) Compute wand v as for “the compressive axial force (11) Compute wey te (1i1) Obtain the corresponding value of w, For u, = 0.132, read w, = 0.1862 w = 0.1862 - 1.15 x 0.0267 = 0.1555 Age 0.1 30 x 50 x 20 gt Oe 555 x x 50 x ns = 11.24 en? Hence py 0.12 v = 0.0267 u, = 0.12 - 0,0267 x (1-4 = 0.1080 For u, = 0.1080, read wy, = 0.1451 FLEXURE 1 FLEXURE 1 (iv) Compute w =, + 1.15 v w = 0.1451 + 1.15 x 0.0267 = 0.1758 ; SHS 20 () determine A, = w bd Ze A,= 0.1758 x 30 x 50 x Be y = 12.71 en? della EXAMPLE 1 Doubly reinforced section Data Required M = 200 kN m Determine the amount of tension and b = 25m compression reinforcement required. d= Mem c= bem f= 15. N/mm? 2 f, = 4I5N, : 5 N/a! Procedure 7 Computation Design aid reference > i = 200 x10? gwinm? (i) Compute K = —> Kk Sg 8 N/a 25 x Oo N/mm? a1 MATERIALS 1 Stress-strain curves for reinforcing steels STRESS LEVELS 4, = 500 N/mm? ty = 415 N/mm? oeser | IN TERMS OF Sean | ty £08 D&D conve ©] cunve@ | cunve@- | conve ©- Ce) o a : o ml = sya Fo @4@| e070 fT 2) et fa mt] 2 dare] | rnn? 0:166-] 332-0 o-tas | 3528 0-217 | 37355 0-267 | 3943 0-302 | 404-6 0-408} 415-0 0-144 0-163 0-192 288-7 306°7 3268 0-241 | 342°8 0-276| 351-8 0-380 | 360-9 400-0 425-0 450-0 475°0 | 0-277 487°5 | 0-312 500-0 | 0-417 0-174 0-195 0-226 347-8 369-6 391-3 413-0 423-9 4348 0 0-01 0-03 0-07 on 0-2 08 0-85 0-9 0-95 0-975 1-0 0-200 0-222 0-255 0-308 0344 0-450 wore: FoR @,ty For Ost 0-09 ty =500 N/mnt TT 500 q 450 fya= 4348 N/mm’ ty = yeas Nimme 400° i 4 fyg=360-9 N/mm? 350 300 ia fy=250 N/mm? ya 217-4 N/mm? NOTE: I@,@) & @ = CHARACTERISTIC CURVES |@,@ & © = DESIGN. CURVES 0 005 01 O15 02 02 03 035 04 045 05 O55 06 et%) 50 120000 29966 29931 09894 29856 29815 29770 29724 29675 29626 29620 29608 09595 29583 29570 09558 09545 99533, 29520 09508 9495 29482 09469 09457 09444 29431 29418 Zone 3~*—|—® Zone 2 143 FLEXURE 1(Contd.) Basic flexural design parameters 144 FLEXURE 1 (Contd.) Basic flexural design parameters 21125 01135 01145 01155 21165 01175 01185 21195 01205 01215 01225 91235 91245, 01255 01265 21275 01285 01295 21305 01315 91325 01335 21345 01525 21541 21558 01574 91591 1608 21625 21642 21659 21676 21694 e17hL ©1728 21746 01764 21781 21799 #1817 91835 21853 -1872 21890 21908 21355 21365 21375 01385 21395 21927 21946 +1964 +1983 22002 01405 01415 01425 21435 91445 61455 #1465 21475 01485 1495 22022 ©2041 +2060 +2080 22099 2119 22139 22159 22179

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