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Assertion (A): The supervised learning algorithms tries to reduce the error between the desired output (target) and
the actual output for optimal performance

Reason (R): In supervised learning algorithms, the target values are known to the network.

Assertion (A): Back propagation neural is a multilayer neural network.

Reason (R): The back propagation involves feed forward of the input training pattern, the backpropagation of error
and adjustment of the weights

The non-recurrent network having processing units in the layers and all the nodes are connected with the nodes of
the previous layers is___Feedforward network

Perceptron Networks

Implentaion of algorithm for AND function

Let the initial weights be 0 and bias be 0. The threshold is set to zero and the learning rate is 1

Inputs Bias Target New weights

X1 X2 b Output W1 W2 Bias (b)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 -1 1 -1 0 2 0
-1 1 1 -1
-1 -1 1 -1
 Step 1 Input training pair ,

X1=1 , X2= 1 and target output = 1

W1= 0, w2=0, wb=0 and x1= 1, x2= 1 , b=1, t=1
2 yin =b + x1*w1 + x2*w2 = 0+1*0 +1*0 = 0

From here we get, output = 0

3 Now check if output (y) = target (t)

y = 0 but t= 1, which means that these are not same, hence weight updation

takes place.

The new weights are 1, 1, and 1 after the first input vector is presented

4 Continue with the next input

S.No Training (A) Explanation (B) Functions (C)
1 Perceptron Uses bipolar activation It has multiple adaptive linear neuron

2 Adaline Made up of only input The weights are modified to reduce

neurons and output the difference between
neurons the actual and desired outputs
3 Medaline Supplies the neural network First neural network with the ability to
with inputs and the desired learn,use a simple threshold
Outputs activation function
4 Supervised Consists of many adalines Uses delta rule for training to
learning in parallel minimize the mean squared error
In the above algorithm, weights are updated only for patens that do not produce the correct value ‘y’.

Assertion (A) :Madaline is a multiple adaptive linear neuron consists ot parallel adalines.

Reason (R): Adaline acts as a hidden unit between input and the madaline layer.

Assuming the binary inputs and bipolar targets, Using the above algorithm, determine the new weights (W1,W2,b) for
the input vector [x1 x2 b] = [1 0 1] and target value ‘-1’.

Using the above algorithm,determine the new weights (W1,W2,b) for the input vector [x1 x2 b] = [-1 -1 1] and target
value of -1.

Using the above algorithm,determine the new weights (W1,W2,b) for the input vector [x1 x2 b] = [-1 1 1] and target
value of -1.

The activation function for a backpropagation net have several important characteristic. monotnically decreasing is
not a desirable characteristics of the activation function.
The non-recurrent network having processing units in the layers and all the nodes are connected with the nodes of
the previous layers is___ Feedforward network

Back propagation neural algorithm is explained in steps. Choose the correct sequence from the following,

A. Output unit computes its activation to form the response of the net for given input pattern.
B. Based on the error, delta factor is computed, which is used ot update the weights
C. The output unit compares the computed activation with the target value to determine the associated error.
D. The hidden unit computes its activation and sends its signal to each output unit.
E. During the feedforward, each input unit receives an input signal and broadcasts this signal to the hidden

Assertion (A) : Back propagation neural is a multilayer neural network.

Reason (R): The back propagation involves feedforward of the input training pattern, the backpropagation of error
and adjustment of the weights.
S.No Networks (A) (B) (C)
1 Multilayer Feedforward Use convolution in place of All nodes are connected
Networks general matrix multiplication to all other nodes and
in at least one of their layers each node works as both
input and output
2 Backpropagation An extension of the commonly applied to
perceptron, Information flows analyzing visual imagery
in one direction
3 Convolutional neural Networks with closed loops It is based on the
network generalized delta rule
4 Recurrent networks minimizing the error of the Activation function uses a
network using the sigmoid function
derivatives of the error
The BPN architecture both hidden layer and output layer has bias, whose weight is always ‘1’

The following are important requirements that must be meet by an OS, to be considered as RTOS. select the
important requirement of the OS.

I. The operating system must be multithreaded and preemptive. e.g. handle multiple threads and be able to
preempt tasks if necessary.
II. The OS must support priority of tasks and threads.
III. The OS must not support various types of thread/task synchronization mechanisms
IV. The time for every system function call to execute should not be predictable and independent of the number
of objects in the system
V. Non preemptable portions of kernel functions necessary for inter-process synchronization and communica-
tion are highly optimized, short and deterministic.
VI. Non-preemptable portions of the interrupt handler routines should not be kept small and deterministic.
vii. The maximum time during which interrupts are masked by the OS and by device drivers must be known

The operating systems are given below, the OS system that can allow the user to be able connect ot another
machine and perform many operation is Network systems

Multiprogrammed batch systems Place more than one job/program/task in the main memory of a batch prepared for
same type of jobs, and execute them by switching between them.

A Real-Time OS (RTOS) is an OS with special features that make it suitable for building real-time computing

Assertion (A): The Concurrent processes independent of each other are known as independent processes.

Reason (R): The Concurrent processes may also interact with each other, may share a data, send a message to
each other, or send signals to coordinate their activities are known as cooperation process.

Assertion (A): The kernel is the innermost layer close to the hardware to get
things done.
Reason (R): The essential modules of the operating system such as task management,
memory management, etc. are only loaded into the memory of kernel

S.No Evolution operating Explanation (B) Explanation (C)

systems (A)
1 First Generation Network operating systems, Secondary storage available was magnetic
Distributed operating systems, tape, Jobs of users prepared with same
Apple Macintosh Windows programming language were batched
2 Second Generation The cards were written directly Vacuum tubes, plug boards, and punched
onto the disk cards.
and read and executed the
jobs from the disk
3 Third Generation writes the program in any high- LSI (Large Scale Integration) and VLSI (Very
level language. Large Scale Integration) technology.
Set-up delay problem due to
loading and unloading of tapes
in earlier computer systems.
4 Fourth Generation Write the programs in machine multiprogrammed batch systems.Time-sharing
language. multi-user systems
No operating system

Using the states of the processes, the situation of every process at a given time is identified and every process is
managed such that it gets a uniform execution.

Whenever a task is switched its execution context, represented by the contents of the program counter, stack and
registers, is saved by the operating system into a special data structure.

The state transitions occur due to various events, If the device requested cannot be granted immediately, the
process needs to wait in the device queue of the device requested, the state of this process will be changed from
Running to block

The long-term scheduling, has schedulers sending these jobs from the job queue to the a) Ready-suspend

The OS needs attributes associated with the processes to implement and control, these attributes are stored in the
data structure known as Process descripter
Assertion (A) : The Concurrent processes independent of each other are known as independent processes.

Reason (R): The Concurrent processes may also interact with each other, may share a data, send a message to
each other, or send signals to coordinate their activities are known as cooperation process.

S.No A(DECISION) B ( Explanation) C (process)

1 Running the executing process
process exits needs to wait for an I/O
or resource , it is
blocked and there is
need to select another
process for execution.

2 Running an executing process

process enters creates its
in a wait child process and
scheduling is performed
to give the newly
created process a
chance for execution

3 Running a process finishes its

process creates allotted time slice, it
a child process moves
back to the ready

4 Time slice of an executing process

running finishes its execution
process finishes and exits and another
process is required for

S.No A (Conditions ) B (Explanation ) C (Explanation )

1 Deadlock More than one processes access This situation arises,
and update the same data because the variable
concurrently and the result process_turn has been
depends on the sequence of Ignored.
execution in which it takes place,
2 Race condition A section of code in the process Conditions lead to data
where the shared data is inconsistency and, thereby,
accessed and updated. to wrong results.
3 Critical section Processes in a system are giving Occurs when the concurrent
chance to one processes request the
another and no process is resources.
4 Livelock. Every process is holding a Consist of entry criteria,
resource and waiting for another critical section code, and exit
resource held by another process. criteria.
Assertion (A): In real-time systems, the processes are executed according

to their defined priorities.

Reason (R): A higher-priority process must always pre-empt the lower one.

Assertion (A) : Independent processes are easy to implement than the interacting


Reason (R): Interacting processes may access shared data, produce deadlock

while competing for resources and may starve for resources in some


Data access synchronization is used to synchronize the concurrent processes so that they do not update a shared
variable at the same time.

In the multi-tasking systems, a user expects that he/she should be able to open many windows and every window
should respond within a minimum period of time

The dispatch event sends a process to the CPU for execution after selection, the process is selected for dispatching
depends on a scheduling algorithm, the state of the process changes from Ready to running

In Indirect addressing the processes need not name each other and send the message directly to a shared area that
stores them, this shared area for storing the messages is known as a mailbox.

A process does not get access to the resource, it loops continually waiting for it and wastes CPU cycles, this type of
semaphore is Spinlock.

The _ Semaphore __is a process-synchronization tool that protects any resource such as global shared memory that
needs to be accessed and updated by many processes.

S.No A (Operating B (Features/benefit ) C (Applicable to which

system) type of application)
1 Batch systems Multiple tasks of a Applicable to systems
single user can be which require timebound
opened on the system response, i.e., for the real-time
through multi-programming processing systems

2 Multi-tasking When multiple nodes When a user wants to open and work
systems of a wide network simultaneously on many windows on
realized as a powerful the system
machine sharing the
resources on the network
3 Distributed Used to handle timebound Background jobs in which the user
systems responses to the interaction is not necessary
4 Real-time More than one job When computational speed and
systems can be stored in main resource sharing is required and
memory implemented
through various full computer
systems in a network

The Inter system protocol protocol is used to establish communication between two different devices.

In the Synchronous communication data is transmission and receiving is a continuous stream at a constant rate and
requires the clock of transmitting device and receiving device synchronized.

The data cable signal lines are labeled as Rx and TX in __ USART Protocol_protocol, and is used to transmitting and
receiving the data byte by byte along with the clock pulses.

Assertion (A): The Intra system protocol is used to communicate the two devices within the circuit board.
Reason (R): The circuit complexity and power consumption will be increased by using intra-system protocol.

Assertion (A): In Subscriber-oriented method the data is exchanged on the basis of node addresses.

Reason (R): The message sent by the transmitter contains the data to be transmitted and also the destination node

The Bit stuffing __is an encoding method that enables resynchronization periodically to prevent loss of bit time.

The header of FlexRay frame has 5 bytes, including the______ of the frame and the ___________of the data
payload. Identifier, Length
Synchronous communication __data is transmission and receiving is a continuous stream at a constant rateand
requires the clock of transmitting device and receiving device synchronized.


S.No Protocol(A) Explanation(B) Explanation(C)

1 UART Can transfer data on the bus without any requires four wires MOSI, MISO,
request on the host computer SS, and SCLK
2 SPI Requires only two wires connecting all Serial communication is
peripherals to microcontroller commonly used for transmitting
and receiving the signal.
3 I²C Used to communicate the master and used to communicate with the
slave devices. system peripherals
4 USB Takes bytes of data and sends the requires two wires SDA (serial
individual bits in a sequential manner data line) and SCL (serial clock
line) to carry information between

Assertion (A): The Intra system protocol is used to communicate the two devices within the circuit board.

Reason (R): The circuit complexity and power consumption will be increased by using intrasystem protocol

Asynchronous communication the transmission of data requires no clock signal and data transfer occurs
intermittently rather than steady stream
The_USB Protocol__ protocol used to communicate with the system peripherals and used to send and receive the
data serially to the host and peripheral devices.

The data cable signal lines are labeled as Rx and TX in __ USART Protocol protocal, and is used to transmitting and
receiving the data byte by byte along with the clock pulses.

Assertion (A): Event-triggered communication is very efficient in terms of bandwidth usage.

Reason (R): Event-triggered means that messages are transmitted to signal the occurrence of significant events.


High-speed CAN CAN-C buses are used for networking the following systems
Engine-management system (Motronic for gasoline engines or EDC for diesel, engines)
▶ Electronic transmission control
▶ Vehicle stabilization systems (e.g. ESP)
▶ Instrument cluster
Low-speed CAN (CAN-B)
▶ Control of the air-conditioning system
▶ Seat adjustment
▶ Power-window unit
▶ Sliding-sunroof control
▶ Mirror adjuster
▶ Lighting system

S.No Topology(A) Explanation(B) Figure(C)

1 Bus topology Each node is connected
to one or more other nodes. If a mode or connection
fails it is possible for the data to be rerouted

2 Star topology Each node is connected

to its two neighbors.
3 Ring topology Consists of a main node to which all other nodes
are coupled via a single connection

4 Mesh topology A single cable connects all node

A CAN frame is labeled by an identifier, transmitted within the frame, whose numerical value determines the Frame
Bit stuffing is an encoding method that enables resynchronization periodically to prevent loss of bit time.

Assertion (A): In the Time triggerd communicationThe frames are transmitted at predetermined points in time .

Reason (R): Each frame is scheduled for transmission at one predefined interval of time

S.No Network(A) Explanation(B) Explanation(C)

1 FlexRay Scalable, Event driven Exhibits better error-
containment properties
2 CANELy Scalable, deterministic Multi-master-Hybrid TDMA
3 LIN Provides a fault-tolerant clock Multi-Master-CSMA_CR
4 CAN Deterministic, Time driven Single master

The _FlexRay___is a unique time-triggered protocol that provides options for deterministic data that arrives in a
predictable time frame.

The ___ a) Static Segment___ segment reserved slots for deterministic data that arrives at a fixed period.

In LIN frame the header is always sent by the LIN Master, while the response is sent by either one dedicated LIN-
Slave or the LIN master itself


Assertion (A): Synchronous service is a blocking service call wherein the program polls for the completion of the
service .

Reason (R): The execution returns only when the service is incomplete.

S.No Software Layer(A) Explanation(B) Explanation(C)

1 Micro-controller the layer separating the Its lower interfaces are
Abastraction Basic Software and hardware dependent and the
layer(MCAL) Application Software upper interfaces are hardware
2 ECU Abstraction the layer above the ECU communicates with the
Layer abstraction layer hardware directly and houses
the low level drivers of the
3 Services layer the layer above the MCAL It is ECU specific, the ECU
layer which houses the level instantiation of the Virtual
interface components and Function Bu
the drivers for the hardware
4 Runtime Environment the lowest layer in the responsible for providing the
layered AUTOSAR basic BSW functionality to the
architecture and make the application
layer above it independent of

The___AUTOSAR interfaces are used to define ports through the software component and the basic software
exchange data.
The Basic Software can be divided in terms of stacks based on the basic services provided, choose the wrong stack
c) memory stack with Communication drivers

The ___ b) Link time_____configuration is used when the configuration files are available as object code
and configuration isselected after compilation and before linking

AUTOSAR gives a layered top-down structure for software with relation between the software components.

AUTOSAR improves the quality and the reliability of embedded systems

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