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Lesson Design in Mathematics

Subject Teacher : John Jefferson L. Revalde

Date : February 19, 2020
Learning Competency: Solves set problems such as identifying the union set, intersection set, and/or complementary
I. Intended Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge: Remembering Understanding
Given instructional activities and discussion, the students will be able to explain their understanding of sets, such as
how they understand the union, the intersection, and the complementary of sets.
Skills Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to analyze the application of set problems.
Attitude Receiving phenomenon Responding to phenomenon Valuing
Organization Internalizing values
During class discussion, the students will be able to participate in answering the given set of sample problems.
Values: Receiving phenomenon Responding to phenomenon Valuing
Organization Internalizing values
Given an individual and group activity, the students will show self-reliance in working independently and cooperates
in group activity.
II. Learning Content Introduction of Sets
Learning Resources Callanta, Melvin M.,”Mathematics-Garde 10 Learner’s Module, pp. 332-333,
Intersection and Union of Events”. 5 th Floor Mabini Building, DepEd Complex,
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City. REX Book store, Inc.
III. Learning Experiences 3P’s
Preparation  Lead the students to a prayer.
 Set the class position to a U-shaped form.
 Mode of response
When the teacher says “Class!” the students’ respond will be:
1. Raise their hand, and
2. Shout “Sir!”
 Class activity.
 Group the class into three (3). Afterwards each member should have a
number assigned to him/her while preparing for the materials for the
 Distribute the objects to each group and make sure that each member of
the group holds at least 1 object. Once confirmed proceed to the
 Instructions:
1. Collaborate to each other group.
2. Find the answers to the following questions:
1. What color common to the other group? Group 1 to Group
2? Group 2 to Group 3? Group 3 to Group 1?
2. What color do they differ?
3. What color common to all?
3. All the answers must be placed to the given Venn Diagram.
 Preceding questions:
 What do you call the collection of things/objects like what you have?
 If you have this kind of collections and also other person have some kind
of collections, how will you compare your collection to his?
Presentation  Introduce the discussion of Sets by defining it and let them give examples.
SETS – a group of elements; collection of things; things grouped together with a
certain property in common.
e.g. Set of clothes, set of animals, set of numbers from 1-10
- union of two sets - the set of all elements belonging to set A or to set B,
written as A ∩ B
∩- intersection - given two sets A and B, the set of all elements belonging
to both set A and B, written as A∩B
‘ - complement of set - given a set A and a universal set U, the set of all
of U that do not belong to A, written as A’

 Examples:
 Given the previous activity, suppose that group 1, 2, and 3 are set A, B,
and C, what is A B? What is B C? How about A C?
 What is A∩B? B∩C? A∩C? A∩B∩C?
 What is A’, B’, C’?

- Example 2. Given that Set A = {1, 2, 3, 4}; Set B = {2, 4, 6, 8}; Set C= {2, 3, 5, 8},
(*same questions as stated above). Illustrate your answers.
A B = {1,∩2, 3, 4, 6, 8} ∩ ∩
B C = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8}
A C = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8}
A ∩ B = {2, 4}
B ∩ C = {2, 8}
A ∩ C = {2, 3}
A ∩ B ∩ C = {2}
∩A’ = {5, 6, 8}
∩B’ = {1, 3, 5}
∩C’ = { 1, 4, 6}
 Introduce the Venn Diagram using the previous example.
Venn Diagram, introduced by John Venn, is a diagram representing mathematical
or logical sets pictorially as circles or closed curves within an enclosing rectangle
(the universal set), common elements of the sets being represented by the areas
of overlap among the circles.

 Example
Example 3. Rey have 42 friends. 23 of them are good in Math. 21 are handsome.
18 were neither good in Math nor handsome. How many friends that Rey have
that is good in Math and is also Handsome?
Let, set A – Rey’s friends that are good in Math;
set B – Rey’s friends that are handsome; and
A∩B – Rey’s friends that is both good in Math and handsome.
Let x be A∩B. Therefore,
23 – x are Rey’s friend that is only A B
good in math and 21 – x are only
Calculation: 23 – x x 21 – x
Finding x, that is
(23 – x) + x + (21 – x) + 18 = 42
62 – x = 42 18
x = 62 – 42
x = 20

Therefore, Rey have 20 friends that is both good in math and handsome.

Example 4. A group of 64 students were surveyed, and it was found that each of
the students surveyed liked at least one of the following three fruits: apples,
bananas, and oranges.
34 liked apples.
30 liked bananas.
33 liked oranges.
11 liked apples and bananas.
15 liked bananas and oranges.
17 liked apples and oranges.
9 liked all three of the fruits.
Let, set A be the number of students liked apples;
set B be the number of students liked bananas; and
set C be the number of students liked oranges.
Step 1. Step 2.

Step 3.

Practice  Directions: With the same group, each group have 20 points. The teacher will call
for a number assigned to each member of the group. That particular person will
be their representative to answer the question and win the game. They will agree
on how many points they want to bet (at least 5 points) for each round in a
limited time. The group who gained more points win the game.
1. 150 college freshmen were interviewed 85 were registered for a Math class.
70 were registered for an English class. 50 were registered for both Math and
English class. How many signed up for a Math class only?

Let, Set A be Math class and Set B be English class.

Therefore, there are 35 freshmen signed up for Math class only.

2. To the same given to question number 1, how many signed up for Math or
Let x be the number signed up for
math or English. That is A B= 35 50 20
35 + 50 + 20
= 105

Therefore, there are 105 freshmen

signed up for Math or English

3. Given: A={set of all natural numbers} ; B={set of all even numbers} ; C={set of
∩ numbers}. What is A∩B∩C?
all prime


A = {1, 2, 3, 4,…}
B = {2, 4, 6, 8,…}
C = {1, 2, 3, 5,…}

A∩B∩C = { 2 }

4. Shade the area of (A∩B∩C)’.

Observation Talking to learners/Conferencing
IV. Assessment
Analysis of learners’ product Test
Directions: Solve and Illustrate using the venn diagram to the answers to the following problems:
1. 100 students were interviewed
28 took PE, 31 took BIO, 42 took ENG, 9 took PE and BIO, 10 took PE and ENG, 6 took BIO and ENG, 4 took all
three subjects.
a. How many students took none of the three subjects?
b. How many students too PE but not BIO or ENG?
c. How many students took BIO and PE but not ENG?
2. Tina is holding shapes specifically 60 squares, 35 triangles, and 48 circles. There are 5 yellow, 20 blue,and 20
red squares. 7 blue, 2 yellow, and 6 green triangles. 6 red, 10 green, and 2 yellow circles.
a. How many shapes has no specific color?
b. Illustrate using venn diagram.

V. Assignment Reinforcing Enriching Preparing for the new lessons

Instructions: Suppose that you are a businessman selling gadgets, how will you apply sets to your business and give

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