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Adaptive Arithmetic Coder

1. Entropy Deflator    Demo of adaptive entropy deflator, it reduces entropy by replacing most frequent symbols by smaller values
2. RunCoder1    Demo of adaptive order 1 range coder
3. RunCoder15    Same as RunCoder1 but with more clear code and much faster
because it allows writing output by large chunks

Similar programs provided for comparison

4. Context compressor    Context encoder written by Smirnov using Subbotins range coder
5. Quick LZ    Quick LZ data compressor by Lasse Mikkel Reinhold
6. ZIP78    Elementary 800 lines compression tool, written on technologies known since 1978.

The concept
Adaptive arithmetic coding is slightly customized switch to a
different base. If we consider two numbers 136 and 24 expressed in octal
base and want to convert them into decimal base
we apply formula:

1*82 + 3*81 + 6*80 = 94

2*81 + 4*80 = 20

Same technique applies to longer number 1346132. But if number contains only these
symbols 1,2,3,4,6, there is no 0,5 or 7, we can make
it shorter. In case some other context properties are available such as
number 3 always followed by 2 or 4, it is possible to utilize this
property either. For explanation we consider two conditional groups of
symbols 1,3,6 and 2,4. We call first group blue and second group
Now we introduce new detail. We consider distance to the next
symbol in sorted list and associate this distance to each symbol. For
example, if 1 is followed by 3 in a sorted list 1,3,6 we associate distance 2 with symbol 1
and so on. The last symbol in the list gets
distance to the base. We show all distances and symbols involved into our
elementary experiment in the tables below

Blue data

Red data

Symbol Distance to next symbol or base

Symbol Distance to next symbol or base
1 2
2 2
3 3
4 4
6 2

The classical arithmetic formula for converting of octal number 1346132 into base 10 number is follows

1*86 + 3*85 + 4*84 + 6*83 + 1*82 + 3*81 + 2*80 = 379994

To turn it into sophisticated adaptive arithmetic coder we need to multiply every next term in expression by the distance
associated with
previous symbol in manner shown below

1*86 + 2*[3*85 + 3*[4*84 + 4*[6*83 + 2*[1*82 + 2*[3*81 + 3*[2*80] ] ] ] ] ] = 636736

This is only change we need comprehend to become guru in adaptive encoders. The result 636736 can be converted back to sequence in
pretty much the same way as in a classical numbers theory. To identify first number we divide 636736 by 86 and find interval where this
value belong. 636736/86 = 2.42. Since 2.42 is between 1 and 3 we identify fist symbol as 1 and when it is identified we remove it by
subtracting 1*86 from both parts and dividing
both parts by 2. If we continue in the same way we extract all symbols from number

The computed value 636736 is not the shortest form of octal number 1346132. In order to make it shorter we need one
more operation.
The decoding may still go right if we choose number slightly larger 636800, for example. Being more precise we
can freely choose the
number from the limits LOW and HIGH, where LOW limit is already computed as 636736 and HIGH limit is

HIGH = LOW + 2*3*4*2*2*3*2 = 637312,

where numbers in a product are distances associated with correspondent symbol in the message. As we can see the convenient number is
637000. The selected number should be lower than HIGH but may be equal to LOW.
The process of encoding and decoding is shown
clearly in the tables below. The division performed for integer operands. We show red data and blue data. In decoding
we need to identify
number from the correct set either blue or red, so this is the matter of adaptive coding. Since
encoder and decoder see the same context
they can synchronously switch to different tables. In decoding we know that any symbol after 3 belong to a different set.

Encoding table

Data type Symbol * base position Distances Total in row

Blue 1*86 none 262144

Blue 3*85 2 196608

Red 4*84 2*3 98304

Blue 6*83 2*3*4 73728

Blue 1*82 2*3*4*2 3072

Blue 3*81 2*3*4*2*2 2304

Red 2*80 2*3*4*2*2*3 576

none none none LOW = 636736

Decoding table

Remained number Identification Symbol New remained number

637000 637000/86 = 2 1 [637000-1*86]/2 = 187428

187428 187428/85 = 5 3 [187428-3*85]/3 = 29708

29708 29708/84 = 7 4 [29708-4*84]/4 = 3331

3331 3331/83 = 6 6 [3331-6*83]/2 = 129

129 129/82 = 2 1 [129-1*82]/2 = 32

32 32/81 = 4 3 [32-3*81]/3 = 2

2 2/80 = 2 2 finish

Those who have programming experience can see that multiplication and
division by 8 is only binary shift. The problem with long
products is
solved by approximate calculations. As you can see in every encoding
step the resulted product is multiplied by new number
so it
is implemented as mantissa (usually 16 bit integer) and exponent. After
every new multiplication we update mantissa and keep track
exponent that provides additional shift. In real compression algorithm
the distances 2,3,4,2,2,3,2 that we called distances to the
number in sorted list are frequencies of occurrences. The base
always may be chosen as power of 2. In case message contain all
symbols of octal number 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 our generalized method
turn into classical because all distances are equal to 1.

Outstanding scientific issues

The provided above example seams very simple but there are two scientific issues that left. First is a proof that shown technique really
compress data to a theoretical limit defined by entropy and second is about convergence, that means theoretical proof that decoding will
always work for, at least, precise data. First proof is provided by myself in anonymous Wikipedia article and second one will be
considered below. Presume our alphabet contains 3 symbols following in order (S3, S1, S2, …), for which we can define values called
frequencies and cumulative frequencies, which magnitudes may be shown graphically in the picture below

C1 can be any non-negative number,

C2 = C1 + f1,
C3 = C2 + f2,
B = C3 + f3,
where B is the base. If we limit our sequence to 3 symbols only, the LOW and HIGH limits are calculated as follows

LOW = B2 *C3 +B*f3*C1 + f3*f1*C2

HIGH = LOW + f3*f1*f2 =B2 *C3 +B*f3*C1 + f3*f1*(C2 + f2)

Since our selected result must be in range [LOW, HIGH) we may introduce variable g, that takes values from interval [0, f2), and present
result as

RESULT = B2 *C3 +B*f3*C1 + f3*f1*(C2 + g)

We need to poof that for any g from [0, f2) first step in decoding surely identifies first symbol as S3 based on C3. Well, that is elementary,
if we divide RESULT by B2 the computed value will be between C3 and C3 + F3 because fraction

[B*C1 + f1*(C2+g) ] / B2 is less than 1.

Why it is less than 1? Because C1 + f1*(C2+g) / B is less than B and, that, in turn, because (C2+g) / B is less than 1 for any g from
defined interval. When C3 is identified it can be excluded from result in the way already shown. Recursively, this example can be applied
for the message of any size. That also makes obvious that RESULT for message of size n is less than Bn.


Some engineers and researchers call this technique of arithmetic encoding as range encoding because it
computes result by narrowing
down the range starting from [0, nn). The only difference with
classical arithmetic encoding is that the latter computes result as narrowing
range starting from interval [0,1).
Switching between these two methods can be done by simple division of all numbers involved in
computation by
nn. The new name for the method was assigned because many people wanted to present it as
formally different and on
that reason patent free. All sources and tutorials for range encoding provide
link to the same article , that appeared in Internet near 2000
and is not readers friendly. The encoding technique shown in the article is very close to numerical example shown above. The decoding
technique, however, is so unclear
that is subject to interpretation. There is no proof that suggested compression compresses data to
limit and, although it states that this technique can be applied as adaptive, this mentioned adaptive
technique is not shown in a
way that it could be reproduced. The article does not reduce
the raw idea, poorly presented in it, to a practice and on that reason could not
be considered as prior art. We may consider as prior art the big number of successful implementations of range coders written and
published near year 2000 where this article was mentioned to back up the concept.

On the reason that integer concept was unclear, it slipped out the mind of
many researchers and engineers, who were filing patents
between 1980 and 2000. In all patents filed during
that period
arithmetic encoding is defined as computation of proper fraction, which
may open debates of novelty. Since so many people may be benefited from this hidden out of the view but public material I decided to
my personal investigation of its authenticity. The red flag was not only the negligence in explanation but
the fact that Glen
Langdon researcher for IBM cited this article in An Introduction to Arithmetic Coding, IBM J. RES. DEVELOP. VOL. 28, No 2, March
without ever mentioning integer concept and
kept filing patents explaining the concept of arithmetic coding as computing of
growing on every step proper
fraction. No matter how it all may look like the article appeared to be authentic and G. Nigel N. Martin is
real person who confirmed for me personally that he conducted this research back in 1979. It is
interesting that in the above link with the
list of his publications this work is not mentioned, although
it is the one for which the name G.N.N. Martin is most frequently mentioned
in Internet.
Large alphabets

The size of the alphabet can create a specific problem. In adaptive

procedure the probabilities of occurrence for every symbol must be
recalculated periodically. When size of the alphabet approach 10,000
the execution
slows down. The answer to large alphabets is symbol
technique. In this method symbols are
simply replaced by sequential indexes 0,1,2,... according to their
frequencies of
occurrence, where most frequent numbers have
least indexes. The processing then performed bitwise where each bit
from each symbol is
sent to a different binary coder but the output
streamed to one expression. For example, let say we have alphabet
A,B,C,D and a message
of 1000 symbols where symbols occur according to
the following table

Symbol Frequency Binary expression

A 600 00
B 300 01
C 80 10
D 20 11

If we process first bit of every symbol by one binary coder we get 0.47
bits/symbol. If we do the same thing with second bit
of every
symbol we have 0.90 bits/symbol. So, we have 1.37 bits/symbol
overall. If we calculate entropy by the classical formula we have about
the same number 1.367 bits/symbol. It is possible to prove
theoretically that when data are distributed normally
the compressed data size
is in accordance with Shannon entropy and when
are large the data are almost always have normal distribution.

Entropy reduction

Replacement of symbols mentioned above can be made byte by byte, when we replace most frequent bytes by lower integers.
In this case
the entropy of data is changed but the size of data is the same, which is very convenient. In case this procedure is adaptive no any
additional data have to be saved. To make this procedure adaptive symbol should be predicted
before it is replaced and before the statistics
is updated.

Adaptive sorting routine used in bytewise entropy reducer

While bitwise prediction is clear and do not need any specific explanation other than working coding
example, bytewise prediction is
much more complicated. In bytewise prediction we predict next byte according to set of previous bits, so we have to collect statistics for
every possible combination
for selected context size. For example, if our selected context size is preceding 12 bits. All combinations
cover binary fragments from 000000000000 to 111111111111. All 4096 combinations have to have statistic array of 256 symbols, where
each element contains the number of occurrence of particular byte. Besides
that we need resort these symbols frequently and use it for
replacement of every byte by its position
in the sorted list. In addition to what is said already we want to resort array after every new
in order to accumulate every new information. Although it sounds very complicated it is actually not and all that is implemented
in very short (about 80 lines) quick routine that handles 1 Meg. over 0.3 sec.
For this purpose I introduced special quick sort algorithm
that may not be completely new and is based
on the fact that in already sorted array any new symbol may require only two elements

In sequential symbol processing the desired action is to update sorted data on every step.
The experiments with some quick sorting
algorithms such as QSORT, HSORT show that although they are extremely fast their usage
in periodic sorting of data slows down the
execution significantly. From the other side after every single frequency increment
we may need to switch only two elements in array of
collected frequencies if array was sorted before it. For example, having sorted frequencies in array as follows 107, 100, 99 , 99, 99 , 23 we
need to switch third
element with fifth
element in case fifth element is incremented (we counting positions
from 1). In case first, second or
sixth element is incremented
no action is required. In addition to sorted array of frequencies we
need keep track of original position of
every element because we have
to replace this original value reversibly. For successful decoding we
need also maintain addresses for
reversing of replaced value. After some experimenting I ended up with
rather simple routine that uses three arrays. It works fast but
presume there is still room for further optimization. Since algorithm
is elementary there are high chances that
it was used before. I did
not conduct the search and presume it is not
patented because of obviousness.

Let us consider these three array in a table below

Encoder returned symbols S[i] 2 1 3 0

Frequencies F[i] 150 190 150 210

Decoder returned symbols (inverse) I[i] 3 1 0 2

Position index i 0 1 2 3
The elements of the frequency array are not switched in position but
incremented on every occurrence (++f[i]). The top row elements are
codes returned in encoding. For synchronization we get encoded value
and output encoded value before updating the table.
The index
array at the bottom shows the position of elements for
explanation. It is not physical memory allocation. The encoding is
simple array
look up. We replace 0 by 2, 1 by 1, 2 by 3 and 3 by 0 in
encoding step. In decoding we replace data according to inverse array,
we replace
0 by 3, 1 by 1, 2 by 0 and 3 by 2. In our look up structure
if S[i] = k then I[k] = i. We can see also that we need change
arrays only in case value 2 occurs for our particular
data. In other cases we only increment correspondent frequency. If
value 2 occurs
(i=2) we increment F[2] and have F = {150, 190, 151,
210}. Now
we rearrange S[i] and I[i] to match new data distribution. Obviously we
need to switch two elements
in both arrays. The function UpdateTables quickly locate these two elements and switch them. The table
update looks as follows:

Encoder returned symbols S[i] 3 1 2 0

Frequencies F[i] 150 190 151 210

Decoder returned symbols (inverse) I[i] 3 1 2 0

Position index i 0 1 2 3

The first and third row in last table look identical but that is a coincidence that exists
for small tables. In processing of real data the
predicted values are 4 to 8 bit long and array sizes are between
16 and 256 accordingly.
There is similarity between this method and Move-To-Front method. The difference is that in MTF every symbol is
replaced by its
position according to last occurrence while in suggested method the position depends on frequency.
The programming implementation
includes also forgetting mechanism, where frequencies collected long ago are forgotten and latest occurrence have higher influence. On
that reason suggested method is considered as generalization
of MTF.

Experimental results
The file set for testing is taken from Maximum Compression. The compression ratio is shown relative to original data.

Encoder\File A10.jpg acrord32.exe english.dic FlashMX.pdf fp.log mso97.dll ohs.doc rafale.bmp vcfiu.hlp world95.txt
compression 0.999 0.574 0.366 0.909 0.281 0.653 0.401 0.304 0.395 0.465
compression 0.421 1.046 0.828 1.765 3.890 1.109 1.015 0.796 0.890 0.640
decompression 0.453 1.140 0.890 1.859 4.405 1.187 1.109 0.874 0.954 0.718
compression 1.018 0.618 0.377 0.916 0.333 0.691 0.444 0.384 0.467 0.454
compression 0.249 0.937 0.859 1.249 3.921 0.968 1.046 1.015 0.890 0.640
decompression 0.296 1.109 1.015 1.453 4.687 1.156 1.296 1.265 1.062 0.750
compression 1.000 0.521 0.355 1.000 0.086 0.657 0.257 0.421 0.249 0.352
compression 0.046 0.218 0.187 0.312 0.562 0.249 0.156 0.203 0.156 0.140
QuickLZ 0.031 0.093 0.062 0.062 0.250 0.093 0.078 0.062 0.062 0.062
compression 0.997 0.556 0.252 0.924 0.088 0.646 0.361 0.333 0.309 0.382
compression 0.375 0.453 0.187 1.328 0.703 0.547 0.453 0.188 0.281 0.234
decompression 0.328 0.360 0.156 1.031 0.656 0.422 0.390 0.140 0.234 0.188
compression 1.004 0.465 0.306 0.862 0.072 0.586 0.242 0.306 0.221 0.301
compression 0.343 0.453 0.765 1.327 0.344 0.515 0.343 0.453 0.218 0.171
decompression 0.281 0.265 0.109 1.000 0.172 0.344 0.250 0.110 0.112 0.094


RunCoder1 is streaming adaptive entropy coder that processes bytes one-by-one while reading. The code is about 600 lines and it is
supposed to be used as part of archiver not as whole and only part of it. The expected resusult is achieving compression near other context
encoder, written by M.Smirnov. RunCoder15 is improved version of RunCoder1. The speed is
significantly faster because data is read and
written by large chunks not byte by byte. The published version process data
in memory. RunCoder15 outputs data in format
independently if big endian processor or
little endian processor was used.

Andrew Polar, Feb. 2009.

Last modification, July. 2010.

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