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CHAPTER 1: Historical Antecedents in which Social Considerations

Changed the Course of Science and Technology

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in

the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.
Science may be as old as the human species, and some of the earliest
archeological evidence for scientific reasoning is tens of thousands of years old.

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the

practical aims of human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the
change and manipulation of the human environment.
Technology is the way we apply scientific knowledge for practical
purposes. It includes machines (like computers) but also techniques and
processes (like the way we produce computer chips). It might seem like all
technology is only electronic, but that's just most modern technology.

Why science and technology is important today?

In today's world, the role of science and technology is indispensable. We
need Science and Technology in every sphere of our life like to treat
diseases such as cancer or even to book a cab or train/flight ticket. In
fact, without technology (integrated with science), we cannot imagine our
life perse.

What is the purpose of science technology and society?

Science, Technology and Society (STS) is an interdisciplinary field
that studies the conditions under which the production, distribution
and utilization of scientific knowledge and technological systems
occur; the consequences of these activities upon different groups of

Importance of studying science technology and society in our current


It prepares them for careers in business, law, government, journalism,

research, and education, and it provides a foundation for citizenship in a
globalizing, diversifying world with rapid technological and scientific
What is the importance of STS in your life as a student?
Learning with the STS approach helps students develop cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor abilities that are fully formed from within
the student [5]. In the implementation of STS learning approach, students
are required to be active, not only physically active but also intellectually.

Christian Jürgensen Thomsen was a Danish antiquarian who developed

early archaeological techniques and methods. In 1816 he was appointed
head of 'antiquarian' collections which later developed into the National
Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen. 

John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury, 4th Baronet, PC, DL, FRS, FRAI,
known as Sir John Lubbock, 4th Baronet from 1865 until 1900, was an
English banker, Liberal politician, philanthropist, scientist and polymath. 

He coined the terms "Paleolithic" and "Neolithic" to denote the Old and
New Stone Ages, respectively. He helped establish archaeology as a
scientific discipline, and was influential in debates concerning evolutionary

John Allen Brown (1833–1903), FRGS, First Chairman of the Ealing Free
Library by Barnett Samuel Marks (1827–1916), 1888, from Ealing Local
History Centre.

Mesolithic, also called Middle Stone Age, ancient cultural stage that

existed between the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age), with its chipped
stone tools, and the Neolithic (New Stone Age), 

why is the palaeolithic period called the old stone age

The Palaeolithic period is known as the Old Stone, it was the earliest
period where humans began to make stone tools to shape their

Why are humans known as Homo sapiens?

What the name Homo sapiens means. The name we selected for ourselves
means 'wise human'. Homo is the Latin word for 'human' or 'man' and
sapiens is derived from a Latin word that means 'wise' or 'astute'.

Why is Homo erectus called upright man?

Eugene Dubois first identified and described a new human-like set of
Indonesian fossils at the end of the 19th century, naming the specimens
Pithecanthropus erectus (upright, ape-man) because of their
combination of bipedality and a brain size much smaller than living
Marie Eugène François Thomas Dubois was a Dutch
paleoanthropologist and geologist. He earned worldwide fame for his
discovery of Pithecanthropus erectus, or "Java Man". Although hominid
fossils had been found and studied before, Dubois was the first
anthropologist to embark upon a purposeful search for them. 

In 1864, it became the first fossil hominin species to be named. Geologist

William King suggested the name Homo neanderthalensis (Johanson and
Edgar, 2006), after these fossils found in the Feldhofer Cave of the
Neander Valley in Germany (tal—a modern form of thal—means “valley” in
William King, was an Anglo-Irish geologist at Queen's College Galway. He
was the first to propose that the bones found in the German valley of
Neanderthal in 1856 were not of Homo sapiens, but of a distinct species:
Homo neanderthalensis

Why is the Neanderthal man so called?It was the partial skeleton of a

male Neanderthal unearthed during quarrying operations in the
Neander Valley in Germany in 1856 that was first recognised as a
distinct form of human. It was named as a new human species, Homo
neanderthalensis, eight years later in 1864.
Ore is natural rock or sediment that contains one or more valuable
minerals, typically containing metals,that can be mined, treated and sold at
a profit. Ore is extracted from the earth through mining and treated or
refined, often via smelting, to extract the valuable metals or minerals. 
What is barbarism example?
The definition of barbarism refers to the condition of being brutal,
primitive, or socially backwards. Torturing prisoners is an example
of barbarism. The condition of having no civilizing influences or
refined culture; ignorance or crudity.Savage violence or cruelty.

The Maya have lived in Central America for many centuries. They
are one of the many Precolumbian native peoples of
Mesoamerica. In the past and today they occupy Guatemala,
adjacent portions of Chiapas and Tabasco, the whole of the Yucatan
Peninsula, Belize, and the western edges of Honduras and Salvador.
What was the Maya tribe known for?
The Maya civilization (/ˈmaɪə/) was a Mesoamerican civilization developed
by the Maya peoples, and noted for its logosyllabic script—the most
sophisticated and highly developed writing system in pre-Columbian
Americas—as well as for its art, architecture, mathematics, calendar, and
astronomical system.

The Aztecs appeared in Mesoamerica–as the south-central

region of pre-Columbian Mexico is known–in the early 13th
century. Their arrival came just after, or perhaps helped bring about,
the fall of the previously dominant Mesoamerican civilization, the

Are Aztecs indigenous to Mexico?

The Aztecs were the Native American people who dominated northern
Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest in the early 16th century.
A nomadic culture, the Aztecs eventually settled on several small islands in
Lake Texcoco where, in 1325, they founded the town of Tenochtitlan,
modern-day Mexico City.

Inca, also spelled Inka, South American Indians who, at the time of the

Spanish conquest in 1532, ruled an empire that extended along
the Pacific coast and Andean highlands from the northern border of
modern Ecuador to the Maule River in central Chile. A brief treatment of the
Inca follows; for full treatment, see pre-Columbian civilizations: The Inca.

Were the pre Columbian of Peru?

Preceramic period

Evidence of human existence in Peru dates all the way back to 9,000
BC. Peru's first people were nomadic hunter-gatherers, living in caves and
hunting sabre-toothed tigers and mastodons. There are cave paintings of
hunting scenes from these first people at Lauricocha and Toquepala.

What is Scientific Revolution in history?

Scientific Revolution is the name given to a period of drastic change
in scientific thought that took place during the 16th and 17th
centuries. It replaced the Greek view of nature that had dominated
science for almost 2,000 years.

What did the scientific revolution lead to?

The Scientific Revolution led to the creation of new knowledge
systems, social hierarchies, and networks of thinkers. It also
affected production and distribution.
1. Copernican heliocentrism is the astronomical model developed by
Nicolaus Copernicus and published in 1543. This model positioned
the Sun at the center of the Universe, motionless, with Earth and the
other planets orbiting around it in circular paths, modified
by epicycles, and at uniform speeds.

What Did Nicolaus Copernicus Discover? In “On the Revolutions of the

Heavenly Spheres,” Copernicus' groundbreaking argument that Earth and
the planets revolve around the sun led him to make a number of other
major astronomical discoveries. While revolving around the sun, Earth, he
argued, spins on its axis daily.

2. Kepler's First Law: each planet's orbit about the Sun is an

ellipse. The Sun's center is always located at one focus of the orbital
ellipse. The Sun is at one focus. The planet follows the ellipse in its
orbit, meaning that the planet to Sun distance is constantly changing
as the planet goes around its orbit.
Kepler's Second Law: the imaginary line joining a planet and
the Sun sweeps equal areas of space during equal time
intervals as the planet orbits. Basically, that planets do not
move with constant speed along their orbits
Kepler's Third Law: the squares of the orbital periods of the
planets are directly proportional to the cubes of the
semi-major axes of their orbits. Kepler's Third Law implies that
the period for a planet to orbit the Sun increases rapidly with the
radius of its orbit.

3. Galileo's claim that force causes acceleration is inseparable from his

claim that bodies do not require a cause to continue their movement.
This latter claim states that a body in motion will continue its
motion so long as no factor disturbs that motion. This principle is
called the principle of inertia.

4. What are Newton's Laws of Motion? An object at rest

remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion
at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by
an unbalanced force. The acceleration of an object depends on
the mass of the object and the amount of force applied.

5. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation states that every

particle attracts every other particle in the universe with force
directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them.
What was the Industrial Revolution 1750?
The Industrial Revolution was the transition from creating goods by
hand to using machines. Its start and end are widely debated by
scholars, but the period generally spanned from about 1760 to 1840.

What is the 18th century era called?

the Age of Enlightenment
In Europe, the eighteenth century was a period of intellectual, social, and
political ferment. This time is often referred to as the Age of
Enlightenment, for it was in the 18th century that the ideas of the previous
100 years were implemented on a broad scale.
The 19th century was a revolutionary period for European history and a
time of great transformation in all spheres of life. Human and civil rights,
democracy and nationalism, industrialisation and free market
systems, all ushered in a period of change and chance.
The 19th century was characterized by vast social upheaval.
Slavery was abolished in much of Europe and the Americas.

The 20th (twentieth) century began on January 1, 1901, and ended on

December 31, 2000.  The 20th century saw a massive transformation of
humanity's relationship with the natural world. The 20th century was
dominated by significant events that defined the modern era: Spanish flu
pandemic, World War I and World. The 20th century was a time of great
triumph and great tragedy. ... In short, the century has been a time of many
inspiring advances.

The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age,
Silicon Age, or New Media Age) is a historical period that began in the
mid-20th century, characterized by a rapid epochal shift from traditional
industry established by the Industrial Revolution to an economy primarily
based upon information technology.

Why is it called the Information Age?

This period of history has been called the Information Age because it
makes available instant access to knowledge that would have been
difficult or impossible to find previously.

What is Johannes Gutenberg known for?

Goldsmith and inventor Johannes Gutenberg was a political exile from
Mainz, Germany when he began experimenting with printing in Strasbourg,
France in 1440. He returned to Mainz several years later and by 1450, had
a printing machine perfected and ready to use commercially: The
Gutenberg press.
Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg was a German
inventor, printer, publisher, and goldsmith who introduced printing to Europe
with his mechanical movable-type printing press.

What is the invention of Johannes Gutenberg?

mechanized printing press
Johannes Gutenberg is known for having designed and built the first
known mechanized printing press in Europe. In 1455 he used it to print
the Gutenberg Bible, which is one of the earliest books in the world to be
printed from movable type

20th century
1. The Copernican Revolution refers to the 16th-century paradigm shift
named after the Polish mathematician and astronomer, Nicolaus
Copernicus. Copernicus formulated the heliocentric model in the
publication of his paper, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (The
Revolution of the Celestial Spheres ), in 1543. Challenged the previous
belief that the Earth was the center of the universe (geocentrism) proposed
by Claudius Ptolemy (Ptolemaic Model).

the Sun is at the center of the universe◊Heliocentric Model

Geocentric model vs. Heliocentric model of the solar system.

2. Darwinian Revolution - Traditionally, the Darwinian Revolution was a
revolution in scientific thought that took place in the years following
the publication of Darwin's findings on evolution.
In 1859, there was a groundbreaking revolution in both the scientific
and religious realms: the origin of species, authored by Charles Darwin,
was published.
There are four principles at work in evolution—variation, inheritance,
selection and time. These are considered the components of the
evolutionary mechanism of natural selection.
The publication of Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species ushered a new
era in the intellectual history of humanity. Considered to be one of the most
controversial intellectual revolutions of its time. Completed the Copernican
revolution initiated three centuries earlier, and thereby radically changed
our conception of the universe and the place of humanity in it. Charles
Darwin is an English naturalist, biologist and geologist; he introduced the
theory of evolution where population pass through a process of natural
selection in which only the fittest would survive (natural selection). The
organisms have the ability to adapt to their environment and would
gradually change into something that would be more competitive to survive

“One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings,

namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die.” ―
Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species

3. Freudian Revolution - a scientific method of understanding inner and

unconscious conflicts embedded within one’s personality, springing from
free associations, dreams, and fantasies of the individual. It immediately
shot into controversy because it emphasized the existence of the
unconscious where feelings, thoughts, urges, emotions and memories are
contained outside of one’s conscious mind. Amidst controversy, Freud’s
psychoanalysis is widely credited for dominating psychotherapeutic
practice in the early 20th century◊Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freud is
credited for stirring a 20 th century intellectual revolution named after him –
the Freudian Revolution. Psychoanalysis as a school of thought in
psychology is at the center of this revolution. Psychoanalysis


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