Science Q1 W1 Edited

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Quarter: 1st Quarter
Week: Week 1

Grade Level: Grade 4

Learning Area: Science
1. Classify materials based on the ability to absorb water, float, sink, undergo decay S4MT-Ia-1
Classroom-Based Activities

Classify materials based on the ability to absorb water, float, sink, undergo decay


Classify materials based on the ability to absorb water, float, sink, undergo decay

Begin with classroom routine:

a. Prayer

b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols

c. Checking of attendance

d. Quick “kumustahan”

A. Review of the lesson (Elicit)

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1) Which of the following materials float in water?
A. big Stone C. empty plastic bottle
B. crystal glass D. metal spoon
2) Using the data below, which group of materials can be used to prevent oneself from drowning?
Materials that absorb water Materials that float Materials that sink
 Cloth  Bamboo  Rocks
 Sponge  Log  Metal bar
 Rug  Plastic bottle  Hollow blocks
 Cotton ball  Rubber ball  Coins
 Tissue paper  Balloon  cellphone
A. I, II & III B. I only C. II Only D. III Only
3) Why do boats float in water?
A. Boats are made of wood which make them float.
B. Boats have plastic strings which make them float.
C. Men use paddles to make boats float.
D. The sea breeze makes the boats float.
4) How will you dispose decaying waste materials commonly found at home?
A. Make them into compost fertilizer.
B. Throw them into the river to feed the fishes.
C. Keep them in the cabinet and use them again.
D. Mix them with the non-decaying waste materials.
5) A glass of water is spilled on the table. What are you going to use if you want to wipe dry the table?
A. cellophane B. plastic mat C. rubber band D. rug
Test B
Directions: From the given set of materials in each item below, which is a decaying material? Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
6. A. spaghetti B. toothbrush C. glass D. plastic plates

7. A. cloth B. potato C. pants D. cellophane

For numbers 8-10, refer to the table below.
Fish bone Water bottle Empty soda cans
8. Which group of materials will undergo decay?
Chicken Feather Ketchup bottle Empty cans of
A. I & II B. II & III C. I only D. II only
Kangkong stem Broken pail meat, loaf, milo,
9. Which group(s) of materials is/are recyclable?
Banana peelings Basin etc.
A. I & II B. II & III C. I only D. II only
Leftover meat glass Rubber slipper
10. Which group(s) of materials can be turned into fertilizer?
A. I & II B. II & III C. I only D. II only

B. Establishing the purpose for the lesson

Quick Check!

• At your age, did you help in doing home chores? Have you experienced washing the dishes?

• If you are going to wash your dishes, what are the materials you are going to use? How will you describe these materials?

C. Presenting example/instances of the new lesson (Engage)

What to do:

1. Prepare the necessary materials below.

2. Do the activity following the directions given.


 3 pieces of: medium rubber balls, cotton balls, sponge, face towel, t-shirt, rug, tissue paper

 a basin /pail of water, tray/big bowl

Directions: Follow the given steps below:

Step 1. Put the materials one by one on the basin of water.

Step 2. Lift up the material and squeeze.

Step 3. Record your observations in the table provided.

Step 4. Do the same for each material.

Material What happened when you squeezed the material? Put a if the material absorbs water or if
it does not.

cotton balls
face towel
rubber balls
tissue paper
rubber slipper
plastic mat
bond paper
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #1 (Explore)

There are different materials in our environment that can be classified according to

their properties. They can be classified based on their ability to absorb water. Some materials can

absorb water more than others.

Porous materials are materials having small holes that allow air or liquid to pass through

COTTON is very porous which make it a natural absorbent of water.

Non-porous materials are materials that do not allow air or liquid to pass through.

PLASTIC is a non-porous material which does not allow water to pass through.

ABSORB- to take in something, such as liquid in a natural or gradual way

Guide Questions:

1. What are the examples of materials that absorbs water?

2. Describe what happened to the material when it absorbs water.

3. What comes out as you squeeze the sponge?

4. How do porous and non- porous materials differ?


G. Finding practical application of concepts and skill in daily living

Directions: Identify the materials in each item. Write S on the space provided if it sinks and F if it floats.

______1. Flower vase

______2. Plastic cup


______4.Bamboo stick

______5. Pencil

______6. Stones

______7. Metal Spoon

______8. Plastic Bottle cup

______9. Drinking glass

______10.Closed empty plastic bottle

Study the picture. Click on the names of the materials that float.

Choose the correct answer.

Directions: Study the pictures below. Write D if the materials will undergo decay in a short time and N if it will not.

Brain Buster!!!

H. Generalization

1. What are the materials that undergo fast decay?

2. Which do you think are the materials that will decay fast and

which will decay slowly?

3. What are the characteristics of the materials that undergo

fast decay?
I. Evaluating Learning

A. Directions: Write true if the statement is correct. If the

statement is false change the underlined word/s with porous, nonporous, absorb or does not absorb. Do this in your Science


_____1. Plastics are porous materials.

_____2. Non-porous materials are materials having small holes that

allow air or water to pass through.

_____3. Cotton is a porous material.

_____4. Materials made out of cloth do not absorb water.

_____5. Wood is a material that absorbs water.

B. Directions: Write A for absorbent if the materials absorb water

and NA for non-absorbent, if the materials do not absorb water.

_____ 1. rubber ball ____ 6. cloth

_____ 2. plastic bag ____ 7. manila paper

_____ 3. Blanket ____ 8. handkerchief

_____ 4. Paper ____ 9. rug

_____ 5. plastic bottle ____ 10. Sponge

C. Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of

the correct letter on your notebook.

1. An object should float in a liquid if it is

a. heavy b. lighter than metal c. shaped like a ball d. less dense than the liquid

2. A tiny piece of sand is very light but sinks in water. This is because

a. sand is heavy b. sand is a solid c. sand is denser than water d. there is more water than sand

3. A candle floats in water but sinks in alcohol. This is because

a. water is lighter than alcohol b. water is heavier than alcohol

c. the candle is lighter in alcohol d. water and alcohol are both liquids

4. A carrot floats in salt water but sinks in fresh water. This is because

a. the carrot is lighter than saltwater b. fresh water is heavier than saltwater

c. saltwater is heavier than fresh water d. a large piece of carrot has a different density

5. Which of the following materials will float in water?

a. coin b. stone c. balloon d. iron nail

Ask the learners to read their Module. Let the learners accomplish the listed activities on a separate sheet of paper.

A. What’s In p. 11
Directions: Look at the pictures. Which of these will float or sink in water? Write your answer in your notebook.

B. What’s New, p. 18

Note to the Parent / Learning Facilitator: Guide your children

in doing this activity. Remind them to be careful in handling the

materials while performing the activity.

Directions: Copy and record all your observations of the activity

as indicated in this module in your Science notebook.

Activity 1: “Floating…Sinking...”

What you need:

rubber ball metal spoon 1 L empty bottle Styrofoam pencil stones pail or basin

What to Do?

1. Gather all the needed materials for the activity.

2. Measure 1 L of water and put water into the pail or basin.

3. Put the materials one by one into the pail/ basin of water.

4. Observe what happens.

5. Check (√) if the materials float in water or (X) if it sink.

Guide Questions:

1. Which of the materials floated in water?

2. Which of the materials sank in water?

3. Does the weight of an object affect its ability to float?

4. What makes some of the materials float in water?

Activity 2: “Name it”

Directions: Study the pictures below. Be able to identify each name and write it on the given table. Check the proper column which classify materials based on their ability to
float and sink.

C. What Is It, p. 14
Points to Remember: For better understanding of the activities, read and understand the information below.


• Sink means to fall to the bottom of water, float means to stay on top.

• Some things float on top of water, some things stay submerged partway down, and some things sink.

• Some things sink fast and some things sink slowly. • An object’s weight can affect its ability to float, but some materials float no matter what their weight or size such as
Styrofoam and balsa wood. If the material is less dense (lighter) than the liquid, it will float.

D. What’s More, p. 14-15

Directions: Activity 1. “Float or Sink” Directions: Look around your home, find at least two materials that floats and another two that sinks. Draw it in your Science

Activity 2. “Vocabulary” Directions: Write F if the sentence describes the property of floating in water and S if it describes sinking. Do it in your Science notebook.

_______1. stays on top of water

_______2. settles at the bottom of water

_______3. stays below the surface of water

_______4. Styrofoam when placed on water stays on top of it _______5. “salbabida” always stays on top of water

G. Assessment, p. 9-10

A. Directions: A. Directions: Write FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF if it is false. Write your answer on your notebook.

1. metal spoon floats in water

2. pencil floats in water

3. stapler sinks in water

4. coins sink in water

5. chalk floats in water

6. plastic toy boat floats in water

7. thumbtacks float in water

8. “pingpong” ball sinks in water

9. plastic saucer floats in water

10. nail sinks in water

B. Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct letter on your notebook.

1. An object should float in a liquid if it is

a. heavy b. lighter than metal c. shaped like a ball d. less dense than the liquid

2. A tiny piece of sand is very light but sinks in water. This is because

a. sand is heavy b. sand is a solid C. sand is denser than water d. there is more water than sand

3. A candle floats in water but sinks in alcohol. This is because

a. water is lighter than alcohol b. water is heavier than alcohol c. the candle is lighter in alcohol

d. water and alcohol are both liquids

4. A carrot floats in salt water but sinks in fresh water. This is because

a. the carrot is lighter than saltwater b. fresh water is heavier than saltwater

c. saltwater is heavier than fresh water d. a large piece of carrot has a different density

5. Which of the following materials will float in water?

a. coin b. stone c. balloon d. iron nail

Ask the learners to read their Module. Let the learners accomplish the listed activities on a separate sheet of paper.

A. What’s
I In p. 19-20
Directions: There are different materials found in the community, and each material possesses different properties. Using the letters of the alphabet, decode the numbers to get
Fish bone word
the different Water bottleto this
related Empty
lesson. Write your answer in your Science notebook
Chicken Ketchup
Feather bottle Empty cans of
meat, loaf, milo,
Kangkong Broken pail etc.
Basin Rubber slipper

B. What’s New, p. 20-22

Activity 1: “What will I turn into?” What you need: Pictures: plastic bottles, camote leaves, leftover foods, plastics, broken glass

What to Do? • Observe the given pictures. • On your notebook, draw each that undergoes fast decay.
Table 1. Activity 1: “What will I turn into?”
Guide Questions: 1. What are the materials that undergo fast decay? 2. Which do you think are the materials that will decay fast and which will decay slowly? 3. What are the
characteristics of the materials that undergo fast decay?
Activity 2: “Name it”
Directions: Study the pictures below. Name each picture and write it on the given table. Check the proper column that describes how the given material undergoes decay.

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