Crop Production

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The person who cultivates land or raises animals is called a farmer
When the same type of plant is grown in an area on a large scale, it is known as a crop.
There are 2 types of crops
a. Kharif crops –
1. They are cultivated in rainy season
2. They are sown in June and harvested in September.
3. Rice, sorghum, pearl millet, maize etc. are examples of this crop
b. Rabi crops –
1. They are cultivated in winter season
2. They are sown in October and harvested in March.
3. Wheat, barley

PREPARATION OF SOIL a. It helps in aeration of soil
1. Process of loosening and turning of soil is b. It helps to mix fertilizers with the top soil.
called tilling or ploughing. c. It allows root to penetrate deeply
2. Plough, cultivator, hoe and leveler are tools d. It increases water holding capacity of soil
used for this practice e. It helps in growth of microbes and
3. Advantages of soil preparation earthworms which add humus to the soil.
f. It brings nutrients to the top soil. 5. Crop rotation – method of successive
g. It exposes pests to sunlight – kills them. cultivation of different crops in an orderly
SOWING manner on the same field.
1. Sowing is the process of planting seeds in the 6. Multiple cropping – the practice of growing 2
prepared soil. or more crops on the same piece of land.
2. Farmers prefer to use high yielding seeds. 7. Fallowing – leaving the field for a long time.

3. Broadcasting, traditional tool, seed drill, IRRIGATION

transplantation. 1. Supply of water to crops at appropriate intervals
IMPROVING SOIL FERTILITY for cultivation is called irrigation.

1. Manure is an organic material that is used to 2. Use of water –

increase the fertility of the soil. a. Water helps in germination

2. Advantages of using manure b. Plant uses water for photosynthesis

a. It improves the quality of soil c. It helps minerals and manure to be absorbed

b. It increases the capacity of soil to hold d. It helps for transportation of nutrients.

water and nutrients. 3. Sources of water – wells, tube wells, ponds, lakes,
c. It reduces the risk of damage to plants due rivers and canals.

to overuse. 4. Traditional methods – moat, dhekli, chain pump,

d. It enhances the growth of friendly rahat
microbes 5. Modern methods of irrigation – sprinkler and drip
e. It adds humus to the soil system

3. Fertilizers are chemicals which are prepared in 6. Advantages of drip irrigation

the factories. a. Water conservation

4. They are rich in specific nutrients such as b. Target areas

nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. c. Less diseases

d. Reduced erosions
7. 10-20 tones of water must be passed through 2. The process of removing weeds is called
corn weeding
WEEDING 3. Methods of weeding – manual, mechanical
1. The unwanted plants that grow with the crops weeding
are called weeds.

4. Weedicides should be sprayed during the vegetative phase of the weeds, before flowering and seed
1. Harvesting refers to the cutting of the crop after it matures. It is done by cutting the crop close to the ground
or by pulling them out.
2. It can be done by – sickle or a harvester.
3. After harvesting, grains are separated from the crop. This process is called threshing.
4. A combine harvester can be used for both threshing and harvesting.
5. After threshing, winnowing is done. It is the process of separating seed from the chaff with help of wind
1. The grains are stored to keep them safe.
2. They are dried before storing
3. Small farmers store it in jute bags or metal containers
4. Large scale storage is done in silos and granaries.
5. Costa Rica tops in world in per capita export of banana, cassava, melon, and pineapple to USA
6. It also tops the list of pesticide users

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