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Amendments entering into force on 1st January 2017

Convention Reference Summary Origin

MARPOL Code for ships operating in Polar waters (Polar code) - Environment-related provisions of MEPC 264(68) & NE
Annex I the Polar Code become mandatory. MEPC 265(68)

Annex I Reg.12 Oil residue (sludge) - Tank requirements restructured and simplified to incorporate existing MEPC 266(68) NE
UIs relating to means of disposal, interconnections and tank cleaning arrangements.
No longer allow oil residue (sludge) tank to have discharge connections to oily bilge water
holding tank(s), tank top or oily water separators.

Annex IV Sewage - To make use of environment-related provisions of the Polar Code. MEPC 264(68) & NE
MEPC 265(68)

Annex V Garbage - To make use of environment-related provisions of the Polar Code. MEPC 264(68) & NE
MEPC 265(68)

SOLAS Ch.II-1 and IGF code - Make the International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other MSC 391(95) E
Ch.II-2 Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) mandatory.

Polar code - Adopts a new Chapter XIV that makes mandatory the safety-related parts of MSC 385(94) & NE
the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) adopted with MSC 386(94)
Resolution MSC.385(94).

Amendments entering into force on 1st September 2017

Convention Reference Summary Origin

MARPOL Appendix 1 Revised GESAMP Hazard Evaluation Procedure in Appendix 1(Guidelines for the categoriza- MEPC 270(69) NE
Annex II tion of noxious liquid substances) of Annex II.

Annex VI Reg.13 Record requirements for operationnal compliance with NOx TierIII emission control area - Res. NE
Operational compliance with NOx Tier III emission control areas are to be recorded at entry MEPC 271(69)
into and exit from an emission control area, or when the on/off status changes within such
an area, together with the date, time and position of the ship.

NOX Code Testing of gas fuelled or dual-fuelled engines - Apply to engines with a power output of Res. N
more than 130 kW installed, or designed and intended for installation, on a ship subject to MEPC 272(69)
regulation 13 of MARPOL Annex VI.
Amendments to the NOx Technical Code adopted in relation to the implementation of NOx
Tier III, with a potential safety issue regarding the use of zirconium oxide analysers.

N New ships E Existing ships NE New and Existing ships Move Forward with Confidence
Amendments entering into force on 8th September 2017

Convention Reference Summary Origin

BWM Ballast Water Management Convention A 1088(28) NE

- Date of compliance with the standard described in regulation D-2 (BWMS) for New ships
(Regulation B-3.5) (ships constructed on or after 8 September 2017) : entry-into-force date
of the BWM Convention as the date to conduct Ballast Water Management that at least
meet the standard described in regulation D-2

- Phase in of compliance with the standard described in regulation D-2 (BWMS) for Existing
ships (Regulations B-3.1, 2 ,3, 4 and 10) (ships constructed prior to 8 September 2017), the
IOPP renewal survey to be taken into account on or after 8 September 2017 as the start of
the phase-in of conducting Ballast Water Management is :

1st renewal survey : - survey is completed on or after 8 September 2019, or

- a renewal survey ( deharmonized IOPP or not) was completed
after 8 September 2014 but prior to 8 September 2017

2nd renewal survey : - if the 1st renewal survey following the entry into force of the BWM
Convention is completed prior to 8 September 2019
- Provided that renewal survey was not completed on or after 8
September 2014 but prior to 8 September 2017
- Compliance with the standard described in regulation D-2 (BWMS) for non–IOPP ships
(Regulation B-3.8)

- Existing Ships which are not subject to hold an IOPP certificate shall comply with the
standard described in regulation D-2 from the date decided by the Administration, but not
later than 8 September 2024. They will be required to comply with regulation D-1 until such

N New ships E Existing ships NE New and Existing ships Move Forward with Confidence

Amendments entering into force on 1st January 2017

Convention Reference Summary Origin

IMSBC Code IMSBC Code - updating references, MSC 393(95) NE

- improving requirements for cargoes which may liquefy
- adding new schedules
- including amendments related to HME substances (of a recommendatory nature), to
include relevant data in the cargo information form of concerned cargo, as a consequence
of Annex V of MARPOL.

Amendments entering into force on 1st July 2017

Convention Reference Summary Origin

SOLAS Chap V/ ECDIS - Required for bulk carriers of 20,000 and above but less than 50, 000 no later than MSC 282(86) E
the fist survey on or after 1 July 2017

CH II-1, Reg 3-10 Regulation 3-10 Goal-based ship construction standards for bulk carriers and oil tankers N
shall apply to oil tankers of 150 m in length and above and to bulk carriers of 150 m in
length and above, constructed with single deck, top-side tanks and hopper side tanks in
cargo spaces, excluding ore carriers and combination carriers, in the absence of a building
contract, the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or
after 1st July 2017.

N New ships E Existing ships NE New and Existing ships Move Forward with Confidence
©MSC Cruises

Amendments entering into force on 1st January 2017

Convention Reference Summary Origin

SOLAS Ch.II-2, Reg.20 Air quality control system - Allows for alternatives to the prescriptive ventilation rates in ro- MSC.290(87)  NE
ro spaces on the basis of an air quality control system, complying with MSC/Circ.1515.

Amendments entering into force on 1st September 2017

Convention Reference Summary Origin

MARPOL Special area under MARPOL IV in the Baltic Sea -Ships within a special area shall have in MEPC 274(69) & NE
Annex IV operation an approved sewage treatment plant certified by the Administration to meet the MEPC 275(69)
effluent standards as provided by resolution MEPC.227(64),.
These discharge requirements shall take effect for the Baltic Sea Special Area on:
- 1 June 2019 for new passenger ships;
- 1 June 2021 for existing passenger ships other than those specified in paragraph below;
- 1 June 2023 for existing passenger ships en route directly to or from a port located outside
the special area and to or from a port located east of longitude 28˚10' E within the special
area that do not make any other port calls within the special area.

N New ships E Existing ships NE New and Existing ships Move Forward with Confidence

Amendments entering into force on 1st January 2017

Convention Reference Summary Origin

MARPOL Noxious liquid substances - To make use of environment-related provisions of the Polar MEPC 264(68) & NE
Annex II Code MEPC 265(68)

SOLAS Ch.II-2, Reg.4 & Clarifies the provisions relating to the secondary means of venting cargo tanks, requires N
Reg.11 new tankers to install full flow P/V-valves on each cargo tank in order to ensure adequate
safety against over- and under-pressure in the event a cargo tank isolation valve is
damaged or inadvertently closed.

Amendments entering into force on 1st July 2017

Convention Reference Summary Origin

SOLAS CH II-1, Reg 3-10 Regulation 3-10 Goal-based ship construction standards for bulk carriers and oil tankers N
shall apply to oil tankers of 150 m in length and above and to bulk carriers of 150 m in
length and above, constructed with single deck, top-side tanks and hopper side tanks in
cargo spaces, excluding ore carriers and combination carriers, in the absence of a building
contract, the keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or
after 1 July 2017.

N New ships E Existing ships NE New and Existing ships Move Forward with Confidence

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