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Podar International School – Cambridge

Podar International School – Cambridge


Minutes of the Meeting with the PTA Members on 2nd July, 2022

SR.NO. Name CLASS DIV Present/Absent

1 Ms. Anjna Sahi (Chairman) Principal Present

A Level Coordinator and Class
2 Mr. Prasad Teltumbade Present
Teacher Grade X-B
3 Ms. Shabana Sultana IGCSE Coordinator Present

4 Ms. Nuzhat Sayed Checkpoint Coordinator Present

5 Ms. Seema Kokane Primary Coordinator Present

6 Dr. Komal Kakkar I A Present

7 Ms. Bhawana Srivastava I B Absent

8 Ms. Sarah Khan II A Absent

9 Ms. Yozhmozhi II B
10 Dr. Supriya Narain III A
11 Ms. Shweta Mehta III B
12 Mr. Chandjee Kaul IV A
13 Ms. Deepa Ranganathan IV B

14 Ms. Archana AK Mishra V A Present

15 Ms. Ruchi Sharma V B Present

16 Ms. Sarika Prakash VI A Present

17 Ms. Suma Bhanu Nair VI B Absent

18 Ms. Sukanyaa Mukherjee VI C Present

Podar International School – Cambridge


19 Ms. Anukampa VII A Present

20 Ms. Srirajani K VII B Present

21 Ms. Shobha Rami VIII A Present

22 Mr. Munish Bhatia VIII B Present

23 Ms. Rubee Agnihotri IX A Present

24 Ms. Shabana Amiruddin X A/B Present

25 Ms. Fareha Kazi Class Teacher Grade I A Absent

26 Ms. Asreen Shaikh Class Teacher Grade I B Present

27 Ms. Vidhita Pujari Class Teacher Grade II A Present

28 Ms. Salma Hinduja Class Teacher Grade II B Present

29 Ms. Urmila Patil Class Teacher Grade III A Present

30 Ms. Rajani Shetty Class Teacher Grade III B Present

31 Ms. Supriya Chatterjee Class Teacher Grade IV A Present

32 Ms. Nancy Sharma Class Teacher Grade IV B Present

33 Ms. Kaneez Fatima Class Teacher Grade V A Present

34 Ms. Sudharma Nair Class Teacher Grade V B Absent

35 Ms. Shweta Naithani Class Teacher Grade VI A Present

36 Ms. Priya Phadtare Class Teacher Grade VI B Present

37 Ms. Vaishali Jadhav Class Teacher Grade VI C Present

38 Ms. Sanchaita Dutta Class Teacher GradeVII A Present

39 Ms. Bushra Shaikh Class Teacher GradeVII B Present

40 Ms. Savita Jadhav Class Teacher GradeVIII A Present

41 Ms. Neelam Bisht Class Teacher GradeVIII B Present

42 Mr. Gautam Karve Class Teacher GradeIX A Absent

43 Mr. Sunil Yadav Class Teacher GradeX A Present

Podar International School – Cambridge


At the very outset, the Principal Ms. Anjna Sahi, welcomed the classrepresentatives.

She explained to the parents that the common goal of Parents, Teachers and the School
administration is to ensure long term success and happiness of the children.

She asked for Parent’s support in achieving this goal and invited all those present to light the
ceremonial lamp, symbolic of working together as a team.

The following points were discussed in the meeting:

1. PTA Executive Committee :

a. It was explained that from each grade, only one parent could be a part of the Executive
Committee.The selection of the PTA Executive Committee took place thereafter, by
rolling the dice.
The following PTA Executive Committee members were arrived at through this process.

❖ For Grade 1 - Ms. Komal Kakkar

❖ For Grade 2- Ms. Yozhmozhi
❖ For Grade 3- Dr. Supriya Narain
❖ For Grade 4- Ms. Deepa Ranganathan
❖ For Grade 5 - Ms. Archana Mishra
❖ For Grade 6 - Ms. Sarika Prakash
❖ For Grade 7 - Ms. Sriranjani K
❖ For Grade 8 - Mr. Munish Bhatia
❖ For Grade 9 - Ms. Rubee Agnihotri
❖ For Grade 10- Ms. Shabana Amruddin

The name and email address of the members of the PTAEC shall also be displayed on the
school notice board and on the school website

b. Information about the PTA meet will be given at least 15 days prior and as far as
possible, the meetings will be conducted on Saturdays.
c. If the members want to discuss a specific topic, the proposed agenda point would need to
be emailed to the school, one week prior to the meeting, so that the concern can be
effectively addressed during the meeting.
d. The draft of the minutes of the meeting will be forwarded by the school to the PTA
members, they can add any point that was missed in the draft and email it back to the
school. Thereafter the school will issue the MOM.
Podar International School – Cambridge


e. The role and responsibility of the members of the PTAEC as per section 4 of the Rules
issued on 13th April 2016, under Maharashtra Education Institutions (Regulation ofFee)
Act 2011 was shared with the members.

f. It was communicated to all the members present in the meeting that the previous PTA has
already approved the fee structure for coming academic year and it has already been
shared with the parents.

The Association shall perform the following functions:

• To get information about Tuition fees, term fees and fees for co-curricular activities
as decided by Executive Committee.
• To observe the completion of the syllabus as per the plan.
• To suggest measures and steps to be taken for academically weaker students.
• To assist school for planning other co- curricular activities.
• To assess the need of co-curricular activities.

g. Contribution to the PTA fund : While hitherto Rs. 100 per student has been the parents’
contribution towards the PTA fund. This will be reviewed after arriving at the activities
proposed to be in the A.Y. 2022-23.

2. Admin Guidelines for the information of Parents :

a. Aadhar Card numbers:

Aadhar Card numbers are mandatory and should be submitted by all students. In the
meeting with the Education Department on 26th of June, we were informed that the Govt
hasmandated that each student in Maharashtra must have an Aadhar card and that the data
shall be submitted for a common Portal-Saral in which studentsdata is visible for
admissions anywhere in Maharashtra are promoted in that each year and is used).

b. Prior Appointment for meeting the Teachers :

Parents can meet the teachers with prior appointment either on Wednesdays after1.45 pm
or on working Saturdays during the first half.

c. Students must wear prescribed school uniforms.

• For days when there is a PE/ActivityPeriod - Blue T-shirt and track pants
• Formals on all other days
• Footwear- Black shoes (no colourful brand tags)
• Late coming/ improper uniform: After 3 late marks/3 times improper uniform in
amonth the student will be sent home with intimation to the parents.
Podar International School – Cambridge


d. Exams / Assessments:

• Checkpoint exams will be conducted in the month of October for students of Grade
VIII. The examination window is between 3rd October to 14th October. The final dates
will be shared with the parents along with the forms.
• Dates for all other Assessments for this Academic year have already been posted in
the Between-us portal.
• Formative Assessments are part of regular assessments. There will be regular school
during MTUT.
• The school will not allow children to leave early or have half day during the
formative assessment. In case of absence due to sickness the child will be marked as
SL (sick leave).

e. Overcrowding at the lift :

All the students are allowed to use the lift for going to class in the morning. On the way
down, many of the students prefer to walk down. In any case, the school will relook at the
process followed at the time of dispersal and see whether any improvement can be made.

f. Heavy bags

The following suggestions were given to lighten the bag:

• Homework schedule is prepared and is followed strictly.
• The locker facility is available for the students of grade 6 onwards on twin sharing
basis. For other students, provision is available for keeping the books safely in the
• The possibility of books getting misplaced can be minimised if the books are labelled
• Parents also need to share the responsibility by sending books according to timetable.

g. Washroom Hygiene:

The concern of washroom cleanliness was raised by the parents.

Ms Alfa (Head of Welfare Committee) shared the process being followed by the school:
• Student Council members and volunteers have been appointed to take rounds and
counsel students to use toilets wisely.
Podar International School – Cambridge


• Teachers have also been allocated duties for the same.

• There are dedicated helpers for cleaning and helping the students of primary section
throughout the day.
• Parents need to sensitize the children that they are using a common toilet and they
should get used to the routine of flushing after use.
• The toilets for primary grades cannot have latches as per the safety norms. Door
magnets however have been provided.

h. Docket Photographs.

The school is planning to offer docket photograph like last time. At the same time, the
school will also provide the choice of conventional class photographs. As hitherto, the
charge for a docket copy of the class photograph will be Rs. 250/-.

3. Plans and Programs for the Academic Session : 2022-23

a. Annual Day will be held in the month of August with participation being optional for the
students. Approximate cost to each student will be Rs. 1200. As has been the practice,
parents will need to expressly opt for the participation of their wards.
24thAugust will be a run through during school hours and the Annual Day function will
take place on the 26thAugust, after 3 pm.

b. After school paid activities will commence from 15th July.

c. To create empathy and enable a habit of selfless service, the following activities have
been planned:
• 14th July: Sapling Day
• 17thJuly: Cleaning of Mangroves (Grade VIII-XII)
• 18thJuly: Recycling of plastic
• 23rdJuly: Gratitude Day (Fluffy bags /fiffy bags)
• Term I: Nutrition Week (Primary)
• Term II: Nutrition Week (Secondary)

d. School Trips: All trips for this academic session will be organized on Saturday and only
school buses will be used for transportation.
These trips are likely to be scheduled in Term 2.
Trips are optional for students and will need to be paid for separately.

4. Other Suggestions / Concerns which were addressed:

Podar International School – Cambridge


• Early morning school hours and bus time too early. Kids return home and sleep. No time
for any other work/ class/ activity. Can we start at 7.50 as earlier and end at 1.30? No
Saturday school please.
Any change in school timings requires consent from at least 70% of all parents.
Suggested school time can be from 8am to 2:30pm but can be implemented only if school
transport can be arranged for these timings for all Cambridge students.

• We believe there have been positive COVID cases for certain CIE students. What are the
measures taken by the school in this regard?
We hope classrooms, desks, chairs, common areas and buses too are being sanitized. Is
testing being done for all those required in school?
Cleanliness and Sanitisation are two of our highest priorities; our cleaning team follows
a schedule which is supervised regularly by the management. With respect to the 100%
testing for COVID, we will be guided by the directives from the Government authorities.

• Canteen crowd management

The canteen has two dedicated counters for a smooth functioning during break times.
There are student marshals on duty to monitor behaviour. Nevertheless we shall look into
this issue and review the current arrangements as necessary. The menu for the canteen
will be revised and shared shortly.

• More experiential learning as compared to teaching theories. No clarity on what is

happening in activity period.
Parent feedback will be shared with all the teachers so that more of experiential learning
is practiced in the classrooms.
In the month of April the activity periods were utilized for house meetings and talent
In June, council elections, speeches and circle time were conducted.
In July/August the practice for Annual Day will take place.
From September there will be clubs such as Home Science, Classical Dance, Western
Dance, Theatrics, Art, Physical Education and Music.

• Checking of temperature on arrival at school.

We shall revert on the same after discussing with the management.

• Possibility of some shade for walking children dispersal at Gate 6. If Gate 5 can be used
for dispersal.
This is not permitted as per the norms of local authorities. Gate No. 5 cannot be used for
dispersal of students as the PE classes are conducted at the same time.

• Change in classroom for 4B

The classroom seating arrangements will be changed so that it is comfortable for students
to move around.
Podar International School – Cambridge


• Non-fiction and Hindi language books in the library.

Non-fiction book are available, for reference only, in the school library but these books
cannot be issued for home. The school will provide books in Hindi language.

• Use of foul language by students.

Students will be sensitized and workshops on anti-bullying will be conducted.

The meeting concluded with thanks to all the parents’ representatives for active participation.

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