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2014 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence with Applications in Engineering and Technology

An Adaptive Approach for RFID Based Data Dissemination in

VANETs Through ABC Algorithm Using Android Mobiles

Lalitha R.V.S. Jaya Suma G.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Department of Information Technology,
Sri Sai Aditya Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUK-University College of Engineering,
Surampalem, India. Vizianagaram,India
rvslalitha@gmail.com gjscse@gmail.com

Abstract — Recent applications on Vehicular Ad Hoc

Networks(VANET) focus on safety driving and rescue
operations involved freeing from danger situations. Geo
Locations of the vehicles can be obtained using Geographic
Position System(GPS). As well, RFID assisted vehicles can have
Location Information(Latitude and Longitude positions of the GSM
Vehicles) written through tags. By comparing the location
information obtained from GPS and RFID information
gathered from tags, the performance of the transmission
mechanism is levered. The proposed approach uses RFID tags
on the road side at danger locations and at junctions. In this
paper, RFID assisted vehicles reads data written in RFID tags
using RFID readers in the mobiles automatically for taking
vital decisions. This reduces the forwarding of counterfeit
messages over VANETs as the messages transmitted using Fig.1. Communication established between mobile, printer and laptop using
GSM communication is retraced with the data stored in the GSM communication in VANETs.
RFID tags. This could be a better cost effective approach as the
RFID tags are less in cost. The derived solution is optimized
using ABC(Artificial Bee Colony) Algorithm as this approach
provides attractive methodology in obtaining information from
the neighborhoods.
Keywords - VANET;ABCAlgorithm;Broadcasting;GCM
RFID Antenna
Services;Location Information.

Today’s research brings to a focus about improving
safety measures in VANETs. The VANET users
communicate among them about the Location Information
on the Geographic earth using Global System for Mobile RFID server RFID tag
Communication(GSM) services. The conventional way of
communication between the network users over the VANET Fig.2. RFID based communication linked
is through OBU (On Board Unit) fixed in cars. This is with GSM Communication
feasible for normal communications like sharing data over
the network, taking a printout even while moving through The mechanism of availing GSM communication in
car and in some way of monitoring home appliances. This VANET, the challenging issues resolved by using Proximity
has been connected to GSM communication through Sensors[2] and the optimization done using Ant Colony
mobiles. Sometimes this may not be entrusted due to some Optimization algorithm to compute the shortest path is
adverse effects of undesirable communication held. The discussed in my previous work[2]. In this paper, our
forwarding of messages using GSM communication is discussion continues in tracing cost effective solution by
shown in Fig.1. associating RFID Technology with VANET communication
in transmitting emergency messages during
mishaps/accidents. Finally, the targeted solution is refined
using ABC(Artificial Bee Colony) Algorithm for fast
retrieval of data from neighborhoods.

978-1-4799-7910-3/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE 298

DOI 10.1109/ICAIET.2014.56
A. RFID Communication
RFID is a technology used to transmit radio waves
between the reader and the object that is tagged with RFID
tags. The main components of RFID transmission are
1.RFID Tag. 2. RFID Antenna 3. RFID Reader 4. RFID
server (PC). RFID is a label that contains micro chip in it.
This micro chip used to transmit data when it is exposed to
radio waves[5]. Chip holds information about the physical
object. This information is read through Antenna by reader
and is stored in the server for further processing. The
resultant RFID communication which is shown in [Fig.2]
gives awesome effects in storing accurate Location
Information as it does not require any physical insight and
also stores the information in the RFID server automatically.
This requires a middleware to read data from RFID reader
and store it in the database.
Fig.4. Graphical representation of ABC Algorithm
B. ABC Algorithm The actions are analyzed graphically in Fig.4. The
In ABC Algorithm[7] the colony comprises of three Employed bees contain information about the food sources.
bees: Employed bees, Onlooker bees and Scout bees. The Onlooker bees get information from Employed bees
Employed bees possess food sources. It is under the and become employed. In doing so, they choose Employed
assumption that no. of food sources is equal to no. of bees that are nearer to them. At time T4 all the Onlooker
Employed bees. Employed bees collects food from food bees contain information about food sources from the
source and come back to hive and dance in their hive. Employed bees and collects food from the same locations as
Onlooker bees get information of food sources by observing with Employed. The Scout bees get information randomly
the movement of Employed bees while moving to food either from the Employed bees or from the Onlooker bees
source and returning to hive. Onlooker bees watch the dance and collects food from food source. At time T7 all food
of employed bees and choose the nearby food source sources are consumed and Employed bees also become
depending on the dance and then go to that source. The Scout bees. At time T9 the cycle repeats as Employed bees
nectar amount of food source is estimated and registered. are restored. This graph gives clear analysis of various
The Employed bees whose food sources are abandoned transitions occurred in searching and collecting food by
become scout and starts search for new food source bees.
investigated. The process flow is represented in the The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
following flow chart Fig.3. discusses the various methodologies adapted in VANETs as
a part of Related Work. Section 3 describes the
Communication across VANET users using GSM
communication[2] services. The Section 4 explains about
the VANET communication using GSM merged with the
RFID Technology which is the heart of this paper. The
targeted solution is optimized using ABC(Artificial Bee
Colony) Algorithm in Section 4. Finally how effectively the
communication is established with the appliance of RFID
tags in VANETs is analyzed in Conclusions.
Kapil.N.Vhatar et al had discussion in his paper[5] about
identification RFID tags positioned at various Computer
Labs detected by RFID reader attached to mobile devices.
This work was implemented in J2ME. As Android mobiles
are latest technology to develop mobile applications, this
work envisaged me to apply RFID communication through
Fig.3. ABC Algorithm-Act of Employed bees, Onlooker bees and Scouts in Android mobiles for emergency situations in case of
searching for food sources. accidents for giving effective transmission. Dale
R.Thompson gave clear architecture[6] about various ways
of applying RFID tags in various application areas like
Supply Chain Management, Passports etc. Eun-Kyu-Lee et al
from California University addressed the problem of position

accuracy of GPS and non-GPS vehicles and RFID enable viewed on the Google Map as in Fig.10 and is stored in the
vehicles[7]. This work was simulated with qualnet simulator. Web Server as in Fig.12. To analyze the traffic all the user
Wei.Z.HOU discussed in his paper about scheduling of positions are required. This can be viewed on Google Map
RFID read attempts[4] and this work was carried out as a as in Fig.11. Also this data is stored in the Web Server as
part of NSF grant. In this paper how lane change assistance shown in Fig. 13. As a preliminary check, to restrict passive
is done with the help of RFID tags was discussed. Lizun Wei node communication, the messages coming from out of
addressed the problem of computing loading patterns of range are blocked by the Web Server and will not be
routes using Fibonacci heap data structure and Tries data allowed to transmit. The information maintained in the Web
structure. Tries data structure[1] is used to load the
Server is very useful in post investigations.
information of the routes and Fibonacci heap data structure is
used for computational intelligence. The communication
across VANET using and GSM linked with Proximity
sensors[2] is already discussed in our paper[2]. Now the
discussion is going on VANET communication linked up
with the RFID Technology and the issues related.


Fig.6. Deploying app Fig.7. Authentication

in Android Mobile check for VANET user

Fig.5. Communication across VANETs using GSM Services

The vehicle to vehicle communication is established

using GSM communication during the occurrences of
accidents. The communication mechanism is simulated
using Android Technology. This is tested for real time
application[2]. This implementation results are shown
below. The nodes in VANET have to logon to the network
for validating authentication information with the web
server. The nodes send the emergency information to Web
Server and the Web Server in turn sends this information to
nearby users using Google Cloud Messaging services. This
is implemented in Android mobile and tested. The sequence
actions performed are like this. Fig. 6 shows the deployment
of app in mobile application[3], Fig.7. shows how login
verification of the VANET node is done with the Web
Server,Fig.8 shows sending emergency information to Web Fig.8. Sending SMS to Fig.9. Receiving GCM
Server along with device id for broadcasting information to nearby VANET users Notification by VANET users.
nearby users Fig.9 shows how the message is received by
VANET user. The Web Server maintains the Location
Information of all users added in VANET and also users
with the range. The individual user Location Information is
required in tracing the origin of the message. This can be

The performance degradation usually occurs due to
contention, congestion and sometimes due to link failures.
Retracking is required for every transmission to test whether
they are trustful or not base on the significance of the
message. Hence this methodology is linked up with the
RFID Technology for cross verification instantly. The
analogy of interpreting ABC Algorithm to VANET
Communication is simulated in Android Platform and tested
Fig.10. Location Information of Individual
for results.
an user on the Google Map
A. Methodology

The communication established between the VANET

nodes, non-RFID VANET nodes, RFID based VANET
notes and the Base Station is phrased like this.
 Base Station serves the role of Employed bees and
provides Location Information, Message
Transmission and all the details required. The main
function of Base Station is to deliver and monitor
the messages coming in and going out of the
 RFID Assisted Vehicles act as Onlooker bees gets
information from the Base Station and becomes
Message Sources. They transmit the messages over
the network through Base Station.
Fig.11. Location Information of all users those are
within the range of transmission from the accident spot  non-RFID VANET nodes(who are not equipped
with RFID tags) simulates the process of Scout
bees and do enquiries about the reasons for traffic
jam/disturbance randomly by SMS to all near by
nodes within the range.
 VANET node also gets information from the Base
Fig.12. Location Information and Message Transmission time of the Station, RFID Assisted Vehicle, non-RFID assisted
individual user maintained by Web Server. Vehicle. This may act similar to non-RFID
VANET node or it can share information across
network by using any other protocol like IrDA,
Bluetooth, ZigBee etc.
The following diagram Fig. 14. represents the
interconnection of all the nodes for sending/receiving
information through RFID tags using NFC communication

Fig.13.Location Information and Message Transmission time of all

users maintained by Web Server.

Web Server in response to inquiry by the non-RFID node is
illustrated in Fig.18. By applying the principle of ABC
Algorithm to RFID based communication in VANETs the
transfer of messages is done across the RFID detected
devices as well as the devices that are not equipped with the
RFID tags. By this the reception of messages by the end
user is made efficient.

Fig.15.Reading Fig.16.Reading data from

Data from one RFID tag two RFID tags

Fig.14. RFID Based Communication across

VANETs through Android Mobiles

During emergency situations the transmission of

emergency messages over the network are done by Base
Station. With the evolution of NFC(Near Field
Communication) in Android Mobiles, it became ease in
development of Apps for broadcasting messages over the
network in an intelligent way. In real time, the RFID tags
are placed at danger prone locations and the information of
the tags are read by RFID reader at the Base Station. Base
Station uses middleware to read data from tags and store it
in the local database. In this paper NFC service of the
Android mobile is used for testing. Enable NFC service of
the Android Mobile to exchange data between RFID tags
and mobile through Android Beam installed in the mobile.
In this paper, reading of RFID tags is done by bringing
mobile nearer to tag as part of testing. This data is sent to
Web Server for transmission over the network. Base Station Fig.17. Message from Fig.18. Message from
acts as a Web Server to transmit messages over the network RFID assisted vehicle non-RFID VANET node
and to receive messages from the RFID assisted vehicles V. CONCLUSIONS
through and the non-VANET nodes through SMS(Short
Message Service) service. Web Server uses Google Cloud The Communication mechanism established in the
Messaging(GCM) services to broadcast it over the network. VANET using GSM services may sometimes fragile if fake
The simulation results are shown below. The detection of message transmission is occurred. The suggested
RFID tags and transmission of message is shown in Fig. 15. mechanism outperforms well in the Personnel Area
Reading of data from two RFID tags from RFID assisted Networks, Industry related applications and danger prone
vehicle is shown in Fig.16. The message transmission of the areas where forewarning is essential. This work leads to an
Web Server illustrated in Fig. 17 which is in response to investigative approach that enriches manifest information of
RFID assisted vehicle. The message transmission of the Accident spot available across VANET nodes as well as

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