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Alleviating the Effect of Security Vulnerabilities

in VANETs through Proximity Sensors

R.V.S. Lalitha1 and G. JayaSuma2

Dept. of C.S.E, Sri Sai Aditya Institute of Science and Technology, Surampalem, India
Dept. of I.T, University College of Engineering, JNTUK, Viziayanagaram, India

Abstract. As the rate of road accidents are increasing day by day, an intelligent
mechanism is essential to improve road safety. As a solution to this, current
researchers focus is to use sensors which is a cost effective and leads to
tremendous improvement in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) and the
need of their existence. Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a subset of
Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). VANETs exchange information between
vehicles and the Road Side Unit (RSU) for making intelligent decisions
spontaneously. Accidents on roads not only lead to the risk of life to victims
and also create inconvenience to the public by either traffic jam or traffic
diversion. Since VANETs has mobility, GSM communication fails as the
messages are overlapped due to coherence. Apart from GSM communication, if
the VANETs and typical road junctions are equipped with sensors, provides
cost effective solution for reliable communication. In this paper, it is proposed
to adopt a proximity sensor approach in VANETs to capture data, transmit it
and store it in the local database for future reference if required. The capturing
of data is done through Proximity sensors. These sensors will be mainly located
at typical junctions and also in secure cars for an immediate response. This
work is optimized using Ant-Colony metaheuristic optimization algorithm to
trace the shortest path to overcome the inconsistent situations happened during
the times of accident occurrences.

Keywords: V2V Communication, Proximity Sensors, Ultrasonic Proximity

Sensors, Location Information, Ant-Colony optimization algorithm.

1 Introduction

Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) consist of mobile nodes with no existing pre-
established infrastructure. They connect themselves in a decentralized, self-organizing
manner and also establish multi hop routes. If the mobile nodes are vehicles then this
type of network is called VANET. VANET is made up of multiple “nodes” connected
by “links”[1]. The network is ad hoc because it does not depend on pre existing
infrastructure. The connectivity between nodes depends on length-of-link, signal loss
and interference. A “path” is a series of links that connects two nodes [4]. Various
routing methods use single or multiple paths between any two nodes. Though
vehicular networks share common characteristics with conventional Ad hoc sensor

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 31

S.C. Satapathy et al. (eds.), Emerging ICT for Bridging the Future – Volume 1,
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 337, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13728-5_4
32 R.V.S. Lalitha and G. JayaSuma

networks, as being self-organized and lack of central control, VANET has unique
challenges that impact the design of communication system and its protocol security.
Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) require cost effective solutions for traffic
safety related applications in uplifting passenger safety measures, which results in
broadcasting emergency information to the vehicles nearby during mishaps in
establishing dynamic routing. A sensor is a device that transforms physical and
chemical magnitudes into electrical magnitudes as Temperature, Light, Intensity,
Displacement, Distance and Acceleration.

1.1 Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication

V2V is mainly essential during occurrences of accidents. This facilitates in providing
information to drivers for taking necessary remedial measures. Normally, this is done
with the help of GSM communication to transmit emergency information over the
VANET. During the case of accidents, Breakdown car (vCar) causes obstruction on
the road. The information as seen by the vCar1 sends to vCar2 via GSM
communication as shown in Fig.1. The chief characteristic of VANET users is
Location Information which is used to track the position of the vehicle on the road. As
already Android mobiles are featured with Geographic Positioning System (GPS),
tracking of vehicles is convenient with these mobiles. Also, these mobiles are
equipped with sensors, which lead to combine the Location Information with the
information sensed by the sensors so as to give a beneficial solution in delivering
emergency messages. The data sensed by the sensors is stored in local database for
future reference as shown in Fig.2.


Breakdown car (vCar) vCar1 vCar2

Fig. 1. Conventional messaging through GSM to other vehicles on the lane in case of
obstruction ahead

1.2 Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm

The goal of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is to appreciate the behavior
of ants, in finding shortest path between food and nest without the use of visual
information [5]. This concept envisages in making it applied in e-Sensor
communication system in building up shortest path dynamically using Location
Information of neighborhood of the accident object. The algorithm for tracing the
dynamic path is described in Section 3.3.
Alleviating the Effect of Security Vulnerabilities in VANETs through Proximity Sensors 33

The e-Sensor Communication is an attempt to achieve the reliable broadcasting

mechanism during emergency situations and also provides information about shortest
path to cross over using Ant-Colony optimization algorithm.

2 Related Work
Modern cars are oriented towards providing the ultimate accessories to make every
journey memorable, safe and comfortable. Mahmoud Abuelela’s research is on data
dissemination using Smart Opportunistic Data Dissemination Approach [1]. VANETs
communication became popular for being its safety alerts in case of accidents,
entertainment, data sharing etc. Tamer Nadeem discussed about providing traffic
information using GPS to drivers and also about broadcasting of messages [2] over
VANET. In 2007, Andreas Festag et al implemented of Vehicle-to-Vehicle
communication using C as software and a special type of embedded system as
hardware and then tested on VANET[4]. Josiane et al gave detailed analysis and
experimentation about Routing and Forwarding in VANETs in 2009. Keun Woo Lim
defined Vehicle to Vehicle communication using sensors placed on the road for
sensing vehicular information through Replica nodes[3s]. In all the above papers, how
data dissemination in VANETs is discussed.
When vehicle met with an accident or broke down in the middle of the journey, the
vehicles on the same lane need to wait for a long time, which may result in traffic
jam. In normal situations, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication is through OBU
(On Board Unit), which is installed in the Car or communicates via wireless link
(V2I) to take necessary action. Due to mobility characteristic of the VANET, the
communication through GSM fails. As the main concern of VANET is transmitting
emergency information in case of accidents occurred, launching proximity sensors in
VANETs and at accident prone areas to facilitate automatic messaging gives potential
results. In addition to this, the proposed system provides shortest path to crossover the
junction using Ant Colony optimization algorithm [5]. In this paper, e-Sensor
Communication system is introduced to combine sensor appliances with the VANET
so as to obtain quick message communication. This is done in three phases. In Phase
I, Broadcasting of messages using GCM services by the user manually is discussed. In
Phase II, Identification of the accident object by proximity sensor is discussed. In
Phase III, Computing the shortest path to cross over the point of incident using Ant-
Colony optimization algorithm and sending that dynamic path information to users
are discussed. Finally, in the conclusion how effective communication is done in
VANETs by launching this system in Android mobiles is discussed.

3 Methodology
The images captured by Range Sensors are stored as 2D images. The pixel values of
the image correspond to the distance between the object from a specified location [2].
Brighter pixel values represent that the object is at shorter distance and the objects
that are at longer distances cannot be visualized clearly. Later these pixel values are
converted into actual distance in terms of meters for true evaluation. The dynamic
34 R.V.S. Lalitha and G. JayaSuma

range of range sensor is determined by the ratio of largest possible signal to the
smallest possible signal. Proximity Sensor is a type of Range Sensor which is already
available in Android mobiles and is used for our experimentation. These mobile
sensors operate at a distance of 10-15 cm. In this paper, Proximity sensors are used to
detect the presence of nearby objects.
The use of sensors [10] in Vehicular Ad-hoc networks plays a predominant role in
maintaining information i.e. sent to and from the vehicles by storing information in
the local database.

As a middleware
Android Sensor
Programming is used to
store in data in database

Fig. 2. Sensor Communication

Breakdo-wn car


Ultrasonic Proximity Sensor

Fig. 3. Warning from the Ultrasonic Proximity Sensor to nodes nearby as there is an
obstruction ahead

The proposed approach uses Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors in vehicles and also on
the road at danger zones. In this, automatic messages are sent by sensors [6] if an
obstruction is detected by it. Similarly, the mobile communication is also used to send
messages. This ensures definite attention of the driver that something happened which
requires immediate attention. Immediately after sensing the breakdown car, sensors
sense this information and broadcast via sensors that are built in sensor equipped cars.
This is exemplified in Fig.3.
This paper is mainly focused on three aspects namely i) Transmission of
Emergency messages through Web Server using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)
Alleviating the Effect of Security Vulnerabilities in VANETs through Proximity Sensors 35

service, which allows transmission to nearby Android mobiles (range based) manually
as shown in Fig.5. ii) Detection of accident objects using Proximity sensors and
sending geographic Location Information using GCM service to Web server as shown
in Fig.6.iii) In addition to messaging about the incident happened, this e-Sensor
Communication system also provide route map to cross over the point of incident, by
computing shortest distance using Ant Colony optimization algorithm [5] as shown in
Fig.9.This out performs the furnishing clear picture of the information traced.

3.1 Transmission of Emergency Messages through Web Server Using Google

Cloud Messaging (GCM) Service, which Allows Transmission to Nearby
Android Mobiles (Range Based)
The following procedure is adopted to send information to VANET users about the
accident object:
1. Track latitude and longitude positions of the VANET users using GPS
2. Update the Location Information of the VANET users after every 20
secs using AsyncTask that runs in background as VANET is dynamic in
3. Send updated coordinates along with the device id which is obtained
using GCM service to server for storing in a local database.
4. Use Google Cloud Messaging service to send message to Android-
powered devices using Send SMS button manually as shown in
Fig.5.and the Location Information of the VANET users is shown in
Fig.6. using Google Map APIs.

3.2 Detection of Accident Objects Using Proximity Sensors and Sending

Geographic Location Using GCM Service to GCM Server
As the name suggests, e-Sensor Communication uses Proximity Sensors to identify
the Accident Object and sends alert message to Web Server for transmitting it over
VANET using GCM. As soon as the Accident Object is identified by sensors
available in mobile, they send the message automatically to GCM Server without
intervention of the user. This reduces latency and delay in transmission.
The steps involved in sensing accident object by the built in proximity sensor
available in android mobile:

1. Activation of proximity sensor in the android mobile using SensorManager

class via getSystemService (SENSOR_SERVICE).
2. Use proximity sensor via getDefaultSensor (TYPE_PROXIMITY) to
identify the accident object.
3. The Above two play key role in identifying the accident object. As soon the
object is sensed automatic messaging is to be done to the nearby users as
shown in Fig.7.using GCM server. The Location Information of the
individual user also can be viewed on the Google Map as shown in Fig.8.
4. GCM server in turn transmits this information to android-powered devices.
36 R.V.S. Lalitha and G. JayaSuma

3.3 Providing Route Map to Cross over the Point of Incident, by Computing
Shortest Distance Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm

The establishment of dynamic path is computed using Ant-Colony optimization

algorithm. The algorithm for computing shortest path is as follows:

Algorithm: To compute Shortest path

Select arbitrary point near by accident object
Do While
Do Until
Choose all the possible paths from the current
point to cross over the accident object by
choosing arbitrary points randomly
End do
Analyze the shortest path among all possible paths
Update the Location Information based on the
density of the traffic
End do
The shortest path obtained by applying the above algorithm is then displayed on
the Google Map by coding. The geographic information about the location of the
incident happened is tracked using Location class and sent to the server. The rerouting
is computed using Ant-Colony optimization algorithm by finding the neighborhood
latitude and longitude positions by comparing the positions to the left and the
positions to the right. Thereby minimum is decided and sent to the mobile. Finally,
new reestablished path is drawn on the Google Map using Polyline class. This map is
sent to the VANET user using GCM Notifications. The route map shown in Fig.9. is
computed as follows.
Procedure to compute Geographic positions for the reroute map in the Web
 Obtain Location Information of the current and
arbitrary points using GPS:-
1. Compute Geographic distance between two
points using Great Circle formula:
As the built-in proximity sensors of the mobile are
used, it is assumed that current position identified
by the sensor will be the accident object locations.
 To cross over the accident region, apply Ant-
Colony optimization algorithm to compute shortest
path dynamically. The procedure is as follows:-
Step 1:
size of the object:0002km
Alleviating the Effect of Securrity Vulnerabilities in VANETs through Proximity Sensors 37

e latitude and longitude positions.

lt1,lo1 are
s1,s2 are the
t random positions chosen on the
top/bottom si
x1 :lies to
o the left of current point
x2 :lies to
o the right of current point
x3: lies to
o the right of x2
v1:lies to the top of current point
v2:lies to the top of x2
v3:lies to the bottom of current point
v4:lies to the bottom of x2
Step 2:
Obtain the left/right positions by
acting the accident object size.
Obtain the top/bottom positions by
acting the random numbers computed.
Current Poi
int c(2,2) Point v1(2,5)
Point x1(0,2) Point v2(4,5)
Point x2(4,2) Point v3(2,1)
Point x3(6,2) Point v4(4,1)
Optimal Path=
The paths traced (Red and Green)
G is represented in the Fig.4.

Fig. 4. Graph showiing the two possible paths using Ant-Colony algorithm

3.3.1 Displaying Rerou ute Map on the Google Map on the User’s Mobile
The reroute map is drawn ono Google Map using Polyline method after computing the
values using the method discussed
d above is shown in Fig.9. The dynamic pathh is
changed dynamically based d on the point of accident as the Location Informationn is
updated after every 20Sec.
38 R.V.S. Lalitha and G.
G JayaSuma

4 Experimental Results
4.1 Transmission of Em
mergency Messages through Web Server Using Googgle
Cloud Messaging (G
GCM) Service by the Mobile User

Fig. 5. Message communicatio

on by the VANET user to transmit urgent message using GCM
M by
accessing Web server


Fig. 6. Vehicular Loccation Information traced by Web server on Google map

Alleviating the Effect of Securrity Vulnerabilities in VANETs through Proximity Sensors 39

4.2 mission of Messages by Sensors in Android Mobiles

Automatic Transm
through Web Serveer Using GCM

Fig. 7. Message communicatio

on by the mobile sensors to transmit urgent message using G
by accessing Web server

Fig. 8. Vehicle position traceed by web server on Fig. 9. Reroute map after computiing
Google Map shortest path using Ant-Coloony

4.3 Displaying Reroutee Map on the User’s Mobile

In addition to messaging abbout the incident happened, this e-Sensor Communicattion
system also provide route map to cross over the point of incident, by computting
shortest distance using Ant Colony optimization algorithm[5]. The reroute is drawnn in
red color on the Google Maap as shown in Fig.9.
40 R.V.S. Lalitha and G. JayaSuma

5 Conclusions

Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) have mostly gained the attention of current
researchers to find optimal solutions for forming secure VANETs. As the information
about the location and rerouting is reticulated on the Google Map this ensembles the
characteristics of the VANET. As the footage is available and also updated in the
database after every minute provides time variant analysis for post processing. As,
now a days, Android mobiles are vividly used, Sensor communication using Android
mobiles gives a legitimate solution to implement.
Future enhancements of this work include equipment of long range high quality
sensor and deployment of this application to any mobile as platform independent. As
the sensing capability of the sensor is based on its transmission range, it is appropriate
to use Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors in the real time environment as their transmission
range is up to 150cm, it is sufficient to identify the object ahead and to transmit quick
messages. It is appreciative and likely to be applicable remedy if the bandwidth of
frequencies at most dangerous locations (like hilly areas) is increased which results
deriving cost effective solutions.
Acknowledgments. I would like to thank Mr. Mahmoud Abuelela who motivated me
to continue this work. I also take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude
and deep regards to the Management of Aditya Group of Institutions for giving
encouragement and continuous support. Finally, I wish to express my sincere
gratitude to Dr.J.V.R.Murthy and Dr.T.V.S.Gireendranath for their constant support
and guidance in my research.

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