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Abadi Arkam

Innovation, Education, and Android Developer | +6282340592592 |

Professional Experience


Android Developer
 As an Android Developer Designs and develops advanced applications for the Android platform, Performs
work based on external data sources and APIs, Tests existing unit code for robustness, including general
reliability and usability, Performs bug evaluation and resolution and improves performance of the designed
application, Performs translation of both designs and wireframes into code with the best quality and Ensure
good performance of the application, in terms of quality and response that appears.
 So far I'm developing the BTN Mobile Banking, which I also play an important role in developing the
application. And in this company I am also involved in several other applications.

POTENSIAP | Agustus - Desember 2020

Chief Technology Officer
 As Chief Technology Officer, I have the responsibility of monitoring the entire team to make sure
everything is working properly, responsible for developing products and technology, and responsible for
making important decisions especially related to the technology used in the company.
 So far we provide various products such as online consultation applications between high school students
and students from all over Indonesia, since April 2020 – Desember we have attracted 1200++ students and
4600++ high school students throughout Indonesia).

AMIKOM COMPUTER CLUB | September 2018 - September 2020

Fasilitator and Mentor
 Amikom Computer Club Web Programming Division Facilitator and Mentor for the period 2018 – 2019,
Web Programming is one of the divisions in the Amikom Computer Club by learning how to create a
Frontend website and backend.
 Amikom Computer Club Mobile Programming Division Facilitator and Mentor for the period 2019 – 2020,
Mobile Programming is one of the divisions in the Amikom Computer Club with the aim of learning how to
make software mobile application using Android Studio tools.

UNIVERSITAS AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA | April 2018 – September 2018

Fasilitator and mentor
 Facilitator and mentor of the database management division Introduction To Computer 2018, Introduction
To Computer is a routine activity of Amikom University Yogyakarta, which is specifically for new students
to explore the world of computers before regular lectures. attended by more than 2000 new students from
Amikom University Yogyakarta.

BUMI SCHOOLARSHIP | Desember 2020 – Februari 2021

 Volunteer of the Web Developer division at Bumi Scholar, Bumi Scholarship is an Indonesian Young
Excellence Scholarship which is a social movement in the field of education.

Formal Education
 Awardee Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship 2018 , Awardee Single Tuition Scholarship
2020 – 2021.
 Database Management Mentor ITC 2018, Chairman of the Committee for Wordpress Class With AMCC
and Niaga Hoster 2019, Commitee Computer Vision Seminar 2019, Commite Jogja Startup Sprint 2019,
Commitee AMCC Goes To School 2020, etc.
 GPA : 3.60

Nonformal Education

 Certified Belajar Merancang Produk Dengan Metode Design Sprint from Skill Academy By Ruang Guru
 Certified Dasar – dasar Mobile Programming Android dan Kotlin Untuk Pemula from Skill Academy By
Ruang Guru 2020.
 Certified Kuasai Cara Berbicara Depan Umum dengan Teknik NLP from Skill Academy By Ruang Guru
 Dasar Menjadi Public Speaking Handal from Skill Academy By Ruang Guru 2020.

Leadership Experience
 Founder of Lombok Student Forum, Lombok Student Forum is a place for students to develop their
potential and talents in the education and social fields.
 Amikom Computer Club Student Activity Unit Manager 2018 – 2020, Amikom Computer Club is a Student
Activity Unit engaged in the field of Science at Amikom University Yogyakarta.
 Vice Chairman of the Stand Up Comedy Amikom Yogyakarta 2019 - 2020, Amikom Stand Up Comedy is
one of the communities that is engaged in interests and talents at Amikom University Yogya


 2st Runner Up The Best Startup In Startupweekend Indonesia Online Next Gen University of Amikom
Yoyakarta 2020
 ITFEST Competition Finalists USU Medan 2020
 Finalists at Startupweekend Yogyakarta 2020
 Instruktur Terfavorit Divisi Database Management pada acara Introduction To Computer 2018

Special Skills
 Android Developer Native
 Kotlin Programming Language
 Design Pattern(MVP,MVVM)
 Integrasi Aplikasi dengan Firebase
 Kotlin Coroutines (Beginner)

Project Aplications
 Abadi Food Aplication, is a simple food recipe app using kotlin.
 Al-Qur’an Que Aplication, is a simple Al-Quran reading application which is equipped with Indonesian
translation and qori' voice.
 BTN Mobile Banking, BTN Mobile Banking functions as a banking solution in a practical, safe, and convenient
way. By using a gadget, you can easily perform various banking services in real time, anywhere and anytime.

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