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Grade 9 Name ________________________ section ________________________

1. To prepare a temporary mount of onion peel to study plant cells.
2. To prepare a temporary mount of cheek cells to study animal cells

(Use the link below to explore and learn to mount plant cell and animal cells on a glass


Kindly note down all the details such as materials required, procedure, observation etc, while
observing the video link.
The information you noted, to be written in the Journal as part of ICSE journal work.
In addition to the above you need to complete the work sheet present in the next few pages in
this document.

Human cheek cell Onion cell


1. Which of the following is used to stain the onion peel cells

A. Safranin B. Methylene blue C. Glycerine D. Alcohol

2. To observe the cells in the onion peel , we should prepare a slide of which part of

A. Crushed pulp of onion B. Green leaf of the onion

C. Dry scale leaf of onion D. Thin layer of fleshy onion leaf

3. In the experiment to prepare temporary mount of cells what is mounting medium


A. Alcohol B. Glycerine C. Vaseline D. Water

4. Why is the temporary mount slide mounted in glycerine?

A. Stains the material B. Prevents drying

C. Provides support to cells D. To keep cells alive

5. Why are cells stained?

A. To make cells turgid B. To nourish the cell

C. To help the cell multiplication D. To highlight the cell organelles

6. Where is the sample collected when preparing a temporary mount of human cheek

A. Outer side of a cheek with a blade B. Inner side of a cheek with a blade

C. Outer side of a cheek with a tooth pick D. Inner side of a cheek with a tooth pick

7. While preparing the temporary mount of cheek cells, teacher asked Rohit to pick up
the stain. He had four bottles A,B,C and D, containing Methylene blue, glycerine, distilled
water and Canada balsam respectively. Which one should he pick?

A. Methylene blue B. Distilled water C. Canada balsam D. Glyceriine

8. If there is extra stain on the slide what should be done?

A. Drying the stain under the sunlight B. Evaporate by heating
C. Keeping the slide under running water D. Soaking with the litmus paper

9. Why is the coverslip put on the mounted material on a slide very gently?

A. Avoid oozing of stain B. Avoid oozing of glycerine

C. Avoid entry of air bubbles D. Avoid crushing of mounted material

10. Given below are four observations for preparing a temporary mount of human cheek
i. Taking scrapping from the inner side of cheek and spreading it on a clean glass slide
ii. Putting a drop of glycerine on the material iii. Adding 2-3 drops of Methylene
blue stain
iv. Rinsing the mouth with freshwater and disinfectant solution
The correct sequence of this procedure is

A. I, ii, iii, iv B. iv, i, iii, ii C. iv, i, ii, iii D. i, iii, ii, iv

11. Organisms lacking nucleus and membrane bound organelles are called…………….

A. Eukaryotes B. True organism C. Diploid D. Prokaryotes

12. While observing a stained mount of onion peel under the high power of compound
microscope, the central part of the cell takes very little stain. Name the part of this cell.

A. Nucleus B. Cytoplasm C. Vacuole D. Cell wall

13. What is the shape of human cheek cells?

A. Circular or oval B. Square or rectangular C. Spindle shaped D. Irregular

14. When viewing under the microscope, what is the colour of the cell wall of an onion
peel after being stained in safranin?

A. Deep blue B. Black C. Green D. Pinkish red

15. A human cheek cell stained in Methylene blue and mounted in glycerine was
observed under a compound microscope. The components of cell which may be seen

A. Cell wall, cytoplasm and nucleus

B. Plasma membrane and nucleus

C. Plasma membrane, nucleus, mitochondria and cytoplasm

D. Plasma membrane, cytoplasm and chloroplast

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