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History is the study of change over time, it discusses what happened in the past such as wars,

politics, and our ancestors in their time. History is important to discuss because it can be written
because it can be a guide or an inspiration for the young people they call the new generation.
The goal of writers or historians is to encourage the new generation to be cautious before doing
a work so as not to be similar to what is stated in history. Before you can say that it is a history,
it needs to have enough evidence and investigation to prove that it is not fake, to prove it more
quickly and believable you need an eyewitness or maybe a video or audio record to make what
you say more credible. History in the Latin language is "Historia" which means in English is
knwoledge through deep investigation.

In addition, history in the Filipino language is "kasaysayan", maybe that's why Filipinos use
kasaysayan when you search Tagalog word for history, what comes up is kasaysayan. but it
still has a deep meaning, according to Zeus Salazar the meaning of History is "salaysay na may
saysay sa sinasalaysayang grupo ng tao" in other terms a story that has meaning for our new
generations. Based on my understanding, the meaning of Kasaysayan in filipino is like as Zeus
Salazar said, it is for the youth to be aware of what they will do and kasaysayan is for the people
of the new generation.

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