Lesson 5 - 6 Moral Recovery Modules

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Moral Recovery Program Modules LGU Moral Recovery Program Modules LGU


Lesson 5 Lesson 6

Boldness Vs. Fearfulness Cautiousness Vs. Rashness

Confidence that what I have to say or do is true, right and just Knowing how IMPORTANT right timing is in accomplishing
right actions.
Boldness means, How can we apply this
1. Fearless and Daring; coura- BOLDNESS to our
geous Moral Recovery core values? Hebrews 5:14 - But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, [even] those
who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Boldness includes: MAKADIOS
MAKATAO 2 Corinthians 11:14
MAKABAYAN Cautiousness in the home /office includes:
 Consistently living out the Proverbs 18:15
character standards in fami- MAKALIKASAN
ly ,friends, neighbors, co-  Deciding if the family has enough money for major expenditures-before mak-
Rewards of Boldness ing them.
workers even if others do not
 Foreseeing negative influences in seemingly good opportunity and avoiding
understands . them.
 Seeking counsel from one another before finalizing decisions.
 Going to one another in a lov- A bold person will keep himself
 Judging an activity by whether or not it would encourage good character.
ing spirit when he or she is not or herself safe from dangerous
 Asking the owner’s permission before taking or moving his or her belongings.
demonstrating good character . Story

 Not being afraid to walk away A man was diagnosed with a cancer
from friends who are engage in and was told he had only a few Rewards of Cautiousness
months to live. Soon after that a thief “LOOK BEFORE YOU
foolish or harmful activities . LEAP”
was trapped in a nearby store. The Foundation
man volunteered to go in and appre- The family unit will continue to be rooted in
“ A BOLD MAN IS BET- hend the criminal. He reason that if he strength and commitment as wise precau- Unknown
TER IN ALL THINGS” died in the process , he would become tions are taken.
Homer’s Odyssey a hero rather than experience an une-
ventful death. The thief was over- Peace
whelmed by this man’s boldness that Visualizing undesirable consequences of
I will…. he surrendered. activities that I will….
 Not be afraid to speak the Could possibly be hurtful gives assurance
truth. The man volunteer for other acts of and peace in one’s wise decisions.
bravery and astonish everyone. But  Think before I act.
 Support others when they  Will follow safety rules
then the doctors informed him that Decisiveness
are in right. they had misdiagnosed his case. He Families has a greater ability to be decisive  Ask permission.
 Be willing to stand alone. did have cancer and would live. His when precautions are carefully considered  Talk at the right time
 Speak with humility. fear returned, and his courage and and evaluated.  Look out for the danger
power were lost. .

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