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First Order Differential

2.1 Linear Equations; Method of Integrating Factors
2.2 Separable Equations
2.3 Modeling with First Order Equations
2.4 Differences Between Linear and Nonlinear Equations
2.5 Exact Equations and Integrating Factors
2.6 Numerical Approximations: Euler’s Method
2.7 Transformation of Nonlinear Eqs. into Separable Equations
2.8 Application of First Order Differential Equations
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Linear and Nonlinear Equation

• The ordinary differential equation:

𝐹 𝑡, 𝑦, 𝑦 ′ , 𝑦 ′′ , 𝑦 ′′′ , …𝑦 𝑛 = 0
is said to be linear if 𝐹 is a linear function of the variables
𝑦, 𝑦 ′ , … 𝑦 𝑛 ; a similar definition applies to partial differential

The general form linear ordinary differential equation is:

An equation that is not of the form above equation is a nonlinear


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A first order differential equation is said to be linear if it can be

written as

A first order differential equation that can’t be written like this is

nonlinear. We say that above eq. is homogeneous if f (x)= 0;
otherwise it’s nonhomogeneous. Since y = 0 is obviously a solution
of the homogeneous equation.

It is called the trivial solution. Any other solution is nontrivial.

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For Example: all below eqs. are linear.

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But bellows are nonlinear:

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2.1 Linear Equations; Method of Integrating Factors

• Typical form of differential equation


• General form of First order differential equation:


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Example 1:

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Integrating Factor
Unfortunately, most first order linear equations cannot be solved as
illustrated in Example 1 because their left sides are not the derivative
of the product of y and some other function. However, Leibniz
discovered that if the differential equation is multiplied by a certain
function μ(t), then the equation is converted into one that is
immediately integrable by using the product rule for derivatives just as
in Example 1. The function μ(t) is called an integrating factor and
our main task is to determine how to find it for a given equation. We
will show how this method works first for an example and then for the
general first order linear equation in the standard form (3)

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Example 2: (1)

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Example 2: (2)

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Example 2: (3)

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General Solution

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Example 3:


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Example 4:


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Solution curve for different value of c

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Example 5:


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Solution Curve

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Example 6:


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Solution Curve

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2.2 Separable Equations

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2.2 Separable Equations

General form of DE: or

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Example 1

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Solution Curve

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Example 2

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General Solution Theorem

Find out general solution for DE:


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Continued: theorem

Substituting c to the

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Example 3

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The interval in which the quantity

under the radical should be

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Example 4

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To find the particular

solution passing through
(0, 1), we set
x = 0 and y = 1

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Example 5

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2.3 Modeling With First Order Equation

1. Construction of the Model: the formulation of a real world

problem in mathematical terms.
2. Analysis of the model: the analysis of the resulting mathematical
problem and the solution of the resulting differential equation
3. Comparison with Experiment: the interpretation of the
mathematical results in the context of the original real-world
situation for example, answering the question originally posed.

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Illustrative Example

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Example 1

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At time t = 0 a tank contains 𝑄0 lb of salt dissolved in 100 gal of
water; see Figure 2.3.1.Assume that water containing 1/4 lb of salt/gal
is entering the tank at a rate of r gal/min and that the well-stirred
mixture is draining from the tank at the same rate. Set up the initial
value problem that describes this flow process.

a) Find the amount of salt Q(t) in the tank at any time, and
b) Find the limiting amount QL that is present after a very long time.
c) If r=3 and 𝑄0 = 2𝑄𝐿 , find the time T after which the salt level is
within 2% of 𝑄𝐿 .
d) Also find the flow rate that is required if the value of T is not to
exceed 45 min
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Example 2

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Introducing a new dependent variable by

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Example 3

A tank contains 𝟖 𝑳 of water in which is dissolved 𝟑𝟐 𝒈 of

chemical. A solution containing 𝟐 𝒈/𝑳 of the chemical flows into
the tank at a rate of 𝟒 𝑳/𝒎𝒊𝒏, and the well stirred mixture flows
out at a rate of 𝟐 𝑳/𝒎𝒊𝒏.

Determine the amount of chemical in the tank after 𝟐𝟎 minutes.

What is the concentration of chemical in the tank at that time?

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Solution (1)

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Solution (2)

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Solution (3)

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Example 4

A body of constant mass m is projected away from the earth in a

direction perpendicular to the earth’s surface with an initial velocity
𝑉0 . Assuming that there is no air resistance, but taking into account
the variation of the earth’s gravitational field with distance,

a) Find an expression for the velocity during the ensuing motion.

b) Also find the initial velocity that is required to lift the body to a
given maximum altitude ξ above the surface of the earth, and
c) Find the least initial velocity for which the body will not return to
the earth; the latter is the escape velocity

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Differences Between Linear and
Nonlinear Equations

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A first order differential equation is said to be linear if it can be

written as

A first order differential equation that can’t be written like this is

nonlinear. We say that above eq. is homogeneous if f (x)= 0;
otherwise it’s nonhomogeneous. Since y = 0 is obviously a solution
of the homogeneous equation.

It is called the trivial solution. Any other solution is nontrivial.

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For Example: all below eqs. are linear.

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But bellows are nonlinear:

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Theorem 1: For Linear DEs

If the functions p and g are continuous on an open interval

I:α < t < β containing the point , then there exists a unique
function y = φ(t) that satisfies the differential equation

The mentioned states that the given initial value problem has a
solution and also that the problem has only one solution. In other
words, the theorem asserts both the existence and uniqueness of the
solution of the initial value problem.

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Although there are methods for solving some nonlinear equations,

it’s impossible to find useful formulas for the solutions of most.
Whether we’re looking for exact solutions or numerical
approximations, it’s useful to know conditions that imply the
existence and uniqueness of solutions of initial value problems
for nonlinear equations.

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Theorem 2: For Nonlinear DEs
Let the functions f and ∂f /∂y be continuous in some rectangle
α < t < β , γ < y < δ containing the point (t0, y0). Then, in some
interval t0 − h < t < t0 + h contained in α < t < β, there is a unique
solution y = φ(t) of the initial value problem

Should be noted that the theorems does not tell us how to obtain
this solution

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(a) is an existence theorem. It guarantees that a solution exists on

some open interval that contains x0, but provides no information on
how to find the solution, or to determine the open interval on which
it exists. Moreover, (a) provides no information on the number of
solutions that may have.
(b) is a uniqueness theorem. It guarantees that has a unique solution
on some open interval (a,b) that contains x0.

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2.5 Exact Equation & Integrating Factor

It’s convenient to write FODE in the form:

This equation can be interpreted as:

Where x is independent variable & y is dependent or as:

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Separable equation can be written as:

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Example 1

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Exact and Not-exact DEs

Above differential equations is said to be exact if:

Also, if:

Then the given differential equation is Not-exact

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Exact and Not-exact DEs

Determine which of the following DEs are Exact

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Theorem 1

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Proof (1)

regarding y as a function of x and differentiating:

On the other hand regarding x as a function of y and differentiating:

Thus F(x,y) = c is an implicit solution in either of its two possible

interoperations and say that the equation

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Proof (2)

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Theorem 2

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Example 2


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Example 3 (Solution 1)

Solution: Method 1

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Example 3 (Solution 2)

To find F, integrate Fx(x, y) with respect to x to obtain:

From N(x, y) we have:


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Example 3 (Solution 3)

Solution: Method 2
To find F, integrate Fy(x,y) with respect to y to obtain:

From N(x,y) we have:


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Example 3 (Solution 4)

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Procedure for Solving an Exact Equation (1)

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Procedure for Solving an Exact Equation (2)

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Example 4

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Example 5


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Example 6

So isn’t exact. Nevertheless, let’s try to find a function F such that

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Example 6 (2)

Integrating with respect to x yields

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Integrating Factor

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Example 7

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Example 8

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Example 8 (Solution 1)

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Example 8 (Solution 2)

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Example 8 (Solution 3)

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Example 9

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Example 9 (Solution 1)

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Example 9 (Solution 2)

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Example 9 (Solution 3)

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Example 10

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Example 10 (Solution 1)

N 2𝑥 2 + 9𝑥𝑦 M 3𝑥𝑦 + 6𝑦 2

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Example 10 (Solution 2)

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Example 10 (Solution 3)

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Example 10 (Solution 4)

So Theorem 3 does not apply. Following the more general argument

that led to the mentioned theorem we look for functions
𝑝 = 𝑝(𝑥) and 𝑞 = 𝑞(𝑦) such that

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Example 10 (Solution 5)

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Example 10 (Solution 6)

Implies to

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Example 10 (Solution 7)

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Example 11


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Example 11 (Solution 1)

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Example 11 (Solution 2)

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Example 11 (Solution 3)

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2.6 Numerical Approximation

• So far in this chapter we have investigated FODE geometrically via

slope fields, and analytically by, trying to construct exact solutions
to certain types of DE.

• Certainly, for most FODE, it simply is not possible to find analytic

solutions, since they will not fall into the few classes for which
solution techniques are available.

• Our final approach to analyzing FODF is to look at the possibility of

constructing a numerical approximation to the unique solution to the

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We consider three techniques that give varying levels of accuracy.

In each case generate a sequence of approximations y1, y2,… to
value of the exact solution at the points x1, x2,…. Where xn+1=xn+h,
n= 0, 1, 2, … and h (step size) is a real number.

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We emphasize that numerical methods do not generate a formula for

the solution to the DE.
Rather they generate a sequence of approximations to the value of
the solution at specified points. Furthermore, it we use a sufficient
number of points then by plotting the points (xi, yi) and joining them
with straight line segments we are able to obtain an overall
approximation to the solution curve corresponding to the solution of
the given IVP. This is how the approximate solution curves were
generated in the preceding sections via the CAS Maple.

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Euler’s Method

Suppose we wish to approximate the solution to the IVP at

x = x1 = x0 + h, where h is small. The idea behind Euler’s Method is
to use the tangent line to the solution curve through (x0, y0) to obtain
such an approximation.
The equation of the tangent line through (x0, y0) is:

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Setting x = x1 in this equation yields the Euler approximation to the

exact solution at x1 namely,

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0.0668 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ ℎ = 0.100

0.0334 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ ℎ = 0.050
𝑦𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡 5 − 𝑦𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑥 (5) ≈
0.0167 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ ℎ = 0.025
0.0067 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ ℎ = 0.010
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In this case, the approximation to y(1) is:

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In the preceding example we saw that halving the step size had the
effect of essentially halving the error. However, even then the
accuracy was not as good as we probably would have liked. Of
course we could just keep decreasing the step size to increase the
accuracy, but then the number of steps we would have to take would
make the calculation very cumbersome.
A better approach is to derive methods that have a higher order of
accuracy. We will consider two such methods.

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We denote this approximation by

We now improve (or correct) this approximation by once more

applying Euler’s method. But this time, we use the average of the
slopes of the solution curves through
This gives

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Example: Apply the modified Euler method with h = 0.1 to

determine an approximation to the solution to the IVP

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Using Excel to solve FODE:


Use Euler’s method, Modified Euler’s method and Fourth Order Runge Kutta
(RK4) method with ℎ = 0.1 to determine the solution to given initial value problem
at the specified point 𝑥 = 0.5 & 1. In each case compare your answer to
that obtained using Euler’s method and exact solution.
𝑦′ + 𝑦 = 𝑒 −𝑥/10 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 , 𝑦 0 =0

Plot these points and describe the behavior of the corresponding solution.

Numerical Techniques

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2.7 Transformation of Nonlinear Eqs.
into Separable and Linear Equations

In this section, we consider two further types of DE that can be

solved by using a change of variables to reduce them to one of the
types we know how to solve.

Definition 1: A function f(x, y) is said to be homogeneous of degree

zero if
f(tx, ty) = f(x, y)

for all positive values of t for which (tx, ty) is in the domain of 𝑓.

More generally 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) is said to be homogeneous of degree 𝑚 if

𝑓(𝑡𝑥, 𝑡𝑦) = 𝑡 𝑚 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦).
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Applied: Page 38
Examples of Homogeneous Functions

Applied: Page 40
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Theorem 1: A function f(x, y) is homogeneous of degree zero if

and only if it depends on y/x only.

Definition 2: if 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) is homogeneous of degree zero, then the DE

= 𝑓 𝑥, 𝑦

is call a homogeneous firs-order DE.

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Theorem 2: The change of variables y = xV(x) reduces a

homogeneous first-order DE dy/dx = f(x,y) to the separable

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Example 1

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The function on the right hand side of the equation is homogeneous

of degree zero, so that we have a first order homogeneous DE.
Substituting y = xV into the equation yields.

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Applied: Page 93

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Substituting this expression for c into the equation and simplifying


Substituting y = xV(x) into above equation yields:

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Bernoulli Equations

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The Clairaut Equation

An equation of first order having many interesting properties is

given by
𝑦 = 𝑥𝑦 ′ + 𝑓(𝑦 ′ )

and is known as Clairaut’s differential equation. We shall suppose

that 𝑓(𝑦 ′ ) defines a differentiable functions of 𝑦 ′ .

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Applied: Page 60

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Review of Important Methods




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Review of Important Methods



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2.8 Applications of First Order DE

Applications are:

1. Application to Electric Circuits

2. The deflection of beams

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Application to Electric Circuits

Kirchhoff's Law:
• KVL: States that the algebraic sum of all voltages around
a closed path (or loop) is zero.

• KCL: states that the algebraic sum of currents entering a

node (or a closed boundary) is zero.

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Applied: Page 82
Electric Quantities and their Units

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Example 1

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The deflection of beams

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The deflection of beams

The assumption that the beam is uniform in cross section and of

homogeneous material. When acted upon by forces which we
assume are a vertical plane containing the axis of symmetry, the
beam due to its elasticity may become distorted in shape as shown.
These forces may be due to the weight of the beam, to externally
applied loads, or a combination of both.

The resulting distorted is

called the elastic curve.

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Applied: Page 137

Uniformly Distributed Load Variable Loading

Cantilever beam Concentrated Loading Simply supported beam

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• The displacement y of the elastic curve from 𝑥 axis is called the

deflection of the beam at position 𝑥.
• If elastic curve is determined, the deflection of the beam will be
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• 𝑀(𝑥) denote the bending moment in a vertical cross section of

the beam through 𝑥
• 𝑀(𝑥) is defined as the algebraic sum of the moments of those
forces which act on one side of x
• Upward forces produce negative moments
• Downward forces produce positive moments

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• Bending moment at 𝑥 is related simply to the radius of curvature

of elastic curve at x

 E is Young’s modulus of elasticity, depends on material

 I is moment of inertia of cross section of the beam at x
 EI is called the flexural rigidity and take it as constant
 𝒚′ is slope of the elastic curve

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Example 1

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The bending moment M(x) is the algebraic sum of the moments of

these forces acting at one side of point P.

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Example 2

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Example 3

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