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Mamauag, Cherilyn Joy C.

BSHM 2-1


1. What art field will you explore? Why?

Printmaking, primarily for the variety and ease of access. Printmaking is an art form that allows for
a great deal of experimentation. It is possible to print with a wide range of material combinations.
Leaves, vegetables, chemicals, stone, metal, mesh, and other materials There is room for creativity and a
dynamic creative experience. Because each plate produces several prints of a work, printmaking can
produce a product that can be sold to average people with middle-class incomes. That gives me the
impression that I'm doing more than just catering to wealthy investors.

It's a low-cost field to get started in, and you can scale up your equipment as you go. Begin by
carving erasers with dollar store razors and work your way up to owning lithography equipment.
Depending on your mood, you can create quick, expressive mono prints in a few minutes or laborious,
meticulous intaglios. Prints can be included in artist's books or silkscreened onto a variety of surfaces.

2. How can you utilize the arts to express yourself, your community, and your relation to others?

I believe this is unique to each individual, and there are numerous options! Making use of poetry
dance. In my opinion, the simplest way to express yourself is through music and words. I got through
many days by choreographing a dance to a meaningful song! Drawing a picture or any other type of art
form and showing the world and explaining your point of view is how I would use it!



Visual Arts The Ceiling of The scene was the These form the
(Fresco the Sistine tension at the subject matter of
Painting) Chapel in Rome moment of a great
was frescoed by Adam's creation is Renaissance
Michaelangelo centered in the cycle that
between 1505 hands of God and attempts to
and 1521. man. The figure of harmonize pagan
Adam which and Christian
Michaelangelo thought. The
patterned after dramatic
Roman expression which
antiquities. strikes us with
personifies the hypnotic power.
physical nature of
man before his
union with the
spirit of God.
DANCE Boston ballet The performance The visceral
(Opera principals eventually nature of
Ballet) Larissa redeems itself and "Romeo and
Ponomarenko proves Juliet," it turns
and Yuy Shakespeare's out, transcends
Yanowsky famous "star- the spoken word
perform cross'd lovers". and can be
"Romeo and The scene is effectively
Juliet", drawn out and expressed
painful, making it through the art
the most reverent of dance
of the
Shakespearean While the
tragedy in the dancing often
ballet. When falls subject to
Juliet awakes to the narrative,
find her lover's especially in the
dead body beside expository first
her. she act, the
instinctively wraps expressive
her legs and quality of both
amms around him the gothic and
and rocks him modern sets, the
back and forth. swelling,
Their bodies meld cinematic score.
into one another,
transcending the
line between life
and death, as she
dances with his
limp form.
Theater Slave Play" The play provides The play
Jeremy 0. Harris. a real look at provides a real
racism in America, look at racism in
especially in how America,
racism persists especially
even past the exploration of
abolition of gender, in how
slavery. racism persists
even past the
abolition of
Poetry "Takipmata" by The poem of this There are
Performance Brian Vee message is multiple
universal: Life is references to
so short that eyelids
there is no time to in the poem,
be apathetic, to revolving around
think that we are the core theme
not capable of of God creating
overcoming them so that we
whatever may be able to
challenges life close our eyes
throws at us. As for a while, to
the poem tells us, rest and regain
we must keep our strength
fighting, and even when we are
rest when we fighting our
need to. toughest battles,
Film Visit to Picass The Mystery of Artists have
o Picasso, a two- always
minute film of
images of
other artists.
Picasso Some
painting in filmmakers
1956 by even use a
filmmaker novel written
Henri-Georges by other
Clouzot, the
artists to
two films
make a
provide a
thrilling way to movie. In
experience this case,
work-in- filmmakers
progress by make use of
one of the their
gods of 20th- creativity by
century art transforming
reading into
Performance Music Performance Art Music unmasks
Arts is usually done in an artists
front of a live creativity by
audience using
the ability to
the human body
as the main
source of the something
performance. good
Also, this form of sounding.
art uses other Music is so
styles of art, such vast in our
sound effects, generation. We
lighting, and truly are
props to elevate blessed
because by
performance and
doing we are
entertain its
audience growing and
Architecture Ecco Hemo Architecture is a They use
hybrid of art, their
technology, and specialist
building, and art
is a form of
expression that and high-
may be shared level
and interpreted. drawing
The association skills to
between design
architecture and buildings
art has often
that are
been a
collaboratio safe,
Literary Art Jeff Wall Canadian artist to engage
Jeff Wall (born readers, support
1946) expresses writers, and
himself by inspire the next
recreating generation with
paintings as great literature
panoramas and
by reflecting a
natural but
staged reality.
His work is
"clearly the work
of a man with a
deft visual sense
and an
mind," noted Jed
Perl in the New
Applied Arts Industrial Design A broad subject Applied arts
that combines
are used to
aesthetics, apply
design, consumer beauty,
need, and finding charm and
solutions to comfort to
problems. It is an ordinary
area in which useful things
design and
in our daily
decoration come
together to lives. Artists
create objects making a
and ideas that unique
are both useful
and beautiful. finished
from a
simple and
ordinary one
to make it
and easy to

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