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Annexure II – Response to the Pre-Bid Queries

S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response

S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response

8 7. PAGE NO 45 8. NON KEY PROFESSIONAL PLEASE CLARIFY WHETHER CVS FOR Yes. But evaluation will be done only for Key
9 CLAUSE 21.1 OF Part-B: Evaluation Criteria I) 1 assignment The scope of PMC will be similar in Refer to RFP document
DATASHEET (PAGE related to Inland Water Transport and logistics nature to the Inland Water Transport
37) sector PMC successfully executed in the last 5 projects and Ports projects. As such,
years – 5 Marks please consider the “PMC projects in
Ports sector”, also as eligible under
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
evaluation criteria and modify the
relevant clauses accordingly.
10 DATA SHEET 21.1 Specific Experience of the Consultant (as a Firm) It is suggested to include PMC for Refer to RFP document
PART B (I) / 37 relevant to the Assignment Maritime sector so as to increase the
For Maximum marks- participation in the RFP as there are very
i) 1 assignment related to Inland Water limited PMC assignments executed in the
Transport and logistic sector PMC successfully past five years for IWT sector.
executed in the last 5 years Hence, we request that the clause may be
modified as under:
i) 1 assignment related to Inland Water
Transport or logistic sector, or maritime
sector PMC successfully executed in the
last 5 years
11 DATA SHEET 21.1 3) Relevant experience in the region (working It is suggested to rephrase the clause as Refer to RFP document
PART B (III)/ 38 level fluency in local language(s)/knowledge of below:
local culture or administrative system,
Government organization, existing Acts and 3) Relevant experience in the region
Rules etc.) (knowledge of administrative system,
Government Organization, existing Acts
and Rules etc.)
12 CLAUSE 17.2.1/19 -- A Proposal submitted by a Joint Venture shall be Is Bidder allowed to use any format for Refer to RFP document
-------------- signed by all members so as to be legally binding submission of requisite details, as no
SECTION-3 on all members, or by an authorized specific format is provided for Joint
TECHNICAL representative who has a written power of Venture and Power of Attorney
PROPOSAL attorney signed by each member’s authorized
STANDARD FORMS representative. ---------------------- No Specific
format is provided for Joint Venture and Power
of Attorney –
13 DATA SHEET Reimbursable cost (per diem allowance, Kindly provide the details of the This assignment location is mostly at project
16.1/33 including hotel, cost of travel) stations/locations which are envisaged to office. Site visits are minimum or along with
be visited during the tenure of the contract the officials of PMU
including the frequency of such travels to
enable Bidder to estimate the cost for the
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
14 DATA SHEET 17.1 Date & Time Schedule Bid Submission/Upload It is requested to kindly extend the date of No change.
/35 End Date: 15/09/2022 submission by at least three (3) weeks
from the date of issuance of Clarifications
on the Pre-bid Queries.
15 FORM TECH-5 (FOR Work Schedule and Planning for Deliverables No specific deliverables mentioned in the It will be an ongoing assignment parallel to
FTP)/51 ToR of the RFP, moreover in PMU the requirement of PMU.
assignment, it is some time difficult to
envisage the deliverables upfront, at the
best Bidder can provide the indicative
deliverable based on the proposed Work
Plan. Please clarify?
16 TERMS OF Dy Project Manager Cum Procurement – For the deployment of staff for the project Refer to response of sl. No. 2
REFERENCE 6. MBA/PGDM/PGPM in Finance or C.A /ICWAI we would request for relaxation as
SKILLS REQUIRED/ with 10 years of experience in Government follows
81 Procurement. Must have worked in at least two
donor-funded Projects. Preference will be given MBA/PGDM/PGPM in Finance or C.A
for IWT sector experience.
/ICWAI with 10 years of experience in
Government Procurement. Must have
worked in at least two donor-funded
17 TERMS OF Monitoring and Evaluation Expert- B.E. /B. Monitoring and Evaluation Expert- B.E. Refer to response of sl. No. 3
REFERENCE 6. Tech & MBA with 5 Years of experience in /B. Tech & MBA with 5 Years of
SKILLS REQUIRED/ Infrastructure Development Government experience in Infrastructure Development
81 Projects. Preference will be given to those who Government Projects.
has IWT sector project experience.
18 SCC 46.1 (B) / 129 The Consultant shall submit to the client itemized It is suggested to modify the time intervals Refer to RFP document
statements at the time intervals of every Quarter of “every quarter” to “every month”
19 CLAUSE 13.1 OF The system will also send auto-email regarding We understand that it is open tender and Yes.
DATASHEET (P-32 hosting of query and response to all the any firm can submit the proposal without
shortlisted Consultants. The shortlisted shortlisting. Please confirm.
Consultants shall remain responsible to view
query and response thereto.
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
20 Item 5 of Tor (p- On its part, WBIWTLSDP /PMU shall provide It is requested to kindly clarify following Please refer to the facilities to be provided by
81) the Project Management Consultant with points: Whether Client will provide the client mentioned in the RFP.
workstation(s) at the head office at Kolkata and, office space in their premises free of cost
with sufficient and secure filing and storage for all experts required in the project PMU has its own office at Kolkata. Work
facilities for documentation. The PMC shall Whether client will provide computer (PC space and common infrastructure
otherwise be responsible for all their own / Laptop) for all staff, and other office (washroom, electricity, internet) will be
secretarial, clerical, IT, report production and furniture like printer etc free of cost. provided to the consultant on sharing basis.
communication expenses Whether client will provide all office The reimbursable expenses to be borne by the
facilities like electricity and internet consultant are already mentioned in the RFP.
facility etc free of cost
21 ITEM 6 OF TOR (P- M.E /M. Tech & MBA with 15 Years of Combination of M.E. / M. Tech. with Refer to response of sl. No. 1
81): experience in Infrastructure Development MBA is very difficult. It is requested to
QUALIFICATION Government Projects. Preference will be given to kindly review it and propose as below:
CRITERIA OF TEAM those who has IWT sector project experience. B.E. / B. Tech. & M.E. / M. Tech. or
LEADER MBA with 15 Years of experience in
Infrastructure Development Government
Projects. Preference will be given to those
who has IWT sector project experience.
22 ITEM 6 OF TOR (P- MBA/PGDM/PGPM in Finance or C.A /ICWAI Mostly, procurement documents are Refer to response of sl. No. 2
81): with 10 years of experience in Government prepared by the Engineers deputed in the
QUALIFICATION Procurement. Must have worked in at least two any department after getting training from
CRITERIA OF DY. donor-funded Projects. Preference will be given the W.B. Therefore it is requested to
PROJECT MANAGER for IWT sector experience. kindly include the engineers also who are
having relevant experience as proposed
MANAGEMENT below: B.E. / B. Tech. /
/ICWAI with 10 years of experience in
Government Procurement. Must have
worked in at least two donor-funded
Projects. Preference will be given for
IWT sector experience.
23 ITEM 6 OF TOR B.E. /B. Tech & MBA with 5 Years of Similarly, it is requested to kindly Refer to response of sl. No. 3
(P-81): experience in Infrastructure Development modify it as given below: B.E. /B. Tech
& M.E. / M. Tech. or MBA with 5 Years
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
CRITERIA OF Government Projects. Preference will be given to of experience in Infrastructure
MONITORING AND those who has IWT sector project experience. Development Government Projects.
EVALUATION Preference will be given to those who
EXPERT has IWT sector project experience
24 CLAUSE 29 OF SCC The Consultant is required to have a Code of Position of “Code of Conduct Expert” is Refer to RFP document
CODE OF CONDUCT Conduct for Experts (ES). not included in the list of staff to be
(P126) provided as given in the ToR. It is
requested to kindly confirm whether this
position is in addition to the staff list
given in ToR.
25 GENERAL It is requested to extend the bid Refer to response of sl. No. 14
submission date by at least 3 weeks with
effect from date of issue of clarifications
to enable bidders submit a comprehensive
26 CLAUSE 21.1 PART Specific Experience of The Consultant (As A Major development in IWT sector started Refer to RFP document.
B (I) ; SECTION 2. Firm) Relevant to The Assignment in only in last 8-10 years in INDIA and
INSTRUCTIONS TO i) 1 assignment related to Inland Water Transport very few assignments where PMC
CONSULTANTS - and logistics sector PMC successfully executed appointed (only 3 projects in NW1),
DATA SHEET AT in the last 5 years therefore the given criteria will restrict
PAGE 37 competition. Hence, we request authority
to widen the specific experience criteria
by allowing PMC experience in Ports
sector in last 5 years.
i) 1 assignment related to Inland Water
Transport and logistics, Ports sector PMC
successfully executed in the last 5 years –
5 Marks
Please confirm.
27 CLAUSE 3 OF D. Review of project preparatory studies Plan, Usually vetting of design and drawings Refer to corrigendum II
SECTION 7. TERMS Design etc.: are not done by Project Management
OF REFERENCE AT The Project Management Consultant will also Consultants. Design vetting will be done
PAGE 79 perform design vetting of individual project by Engineering institutions like IIT/NIT
under this project. etc.
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
PMC will only be only responsible for
design review. Please confirm.
28 CLAUSE 6 OF Skills Required: For all key personnel We request authority to reconsider the Refer to RFP document
SECTION 7 (TERMS Preference will be given to those who has IWT preferential experience and allow similar
OF REFERENCE) AT sector project experience. experience in Port sector projects for all
PDF PAGE 83 key personnel positions.
Hence please modify the requirement as:
Preference will be given to those who has
IWT and Ports sector project experience.
Please confirm.
29 CLAUSE 6 OF Urban Planner: We understand this position would Refer to RFP document
SECTION 7 (TERMS Qualification: Master of Planning (Urban primarily be responsible for detailing the
OF REFERENCE) AT Planning, Town Planning Country Planning) area planning around terminal and hence
PDF PAGE 84 with 10 Years of experience in spatial or master we request Authority to consider City
plans at city levels. planning/Housing planning/Infrastructure
planning like domain equivalent
qualifications for this position and expert
must have valid registration with Institute
of Town Planners. These qualifications
are widely accepted by Institute of Town
Planners and Govt clients for URBAN
PLANNER position.
Hence please modify the requirement as:
Master of Planning (Urban Planning,
Town Planning, Country Planning,
Regional Planning, Housing planning,
City planning, Infrastructure Planning)
with 10 Years of experience in spatial or
master plans at city levels and have valid
registration with Institute of Town
Please confirm.
30 CLAUSE 6 OF Terminal Expert: We understand that Terminal Expert Refer to RFP document
SECTION 7 (TERMS would primarily be responsible for
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
OF REFERENCE) AT Qualification: Postgraduate in Civil Engineering terminal layout planning and design and
PDF PAGE 85 / Architecture with 15 years of experience in execution (preferably passenger ferry
IWT/seaport terminal infrastructure terminals and services, with experience in
mixed-use/ cargo terminals to incorporate
future development of cargo operations)
hence we request authority to consider
Postgraduate in Marine Structural
Engineering/Ports, Dock and Harbour
engineering as minimum qualification in
addition to given in RFP.
Hence please modify the requirement as:
Postgraduate in Civil Engineering
/Marine Structural Engineering/Port,
Dock and Harbour Engineering/
Architecture with 15 years of experience
in IWT/seaport terminal infrastructure
Please confirm.
31 CLAUSE 21.1 OF The Consultant shall hold the Client’s interest’s Since PMC has to review project Conflict of interest will be checked by the
SECTION 8. paramount, without any consideration for future preparatory documents, plans and design evaluation committee based on available
CONDITIONS OF work, and strictly avoid conflict with other prepared by ISDP and ISBP consultant documents during procurement process.
CONTRACT AND assignments or their own corporate interests. and provide PMC services for selected
CONTRACT FORMS jetties/terminals/RORO and logistics
AT PAGE-110 projects evolved from those studies, we
understand that consultant engaged in
ISDP and ISBP has clear conflict of
interest for this PMC assignment.
Please confirm.
32 PAYMENTS TO THE CONSULTANT Since it is a time-based assignment, we Refer to RFP document
understand that authority will release
payment on monthly basis based on
Appendix C at Page-134 and invoice
raised by consultant. Please confirm.
33 SCC, CL. 23.1 OF “Limitation of the Consultant’s Liability towards Consultant requests revision to the Refer to corrigendum II
SECTION 8. the Client: wording of the cap as set out in clause
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
CONDITIONS OF (a) Except in the case of gross negligence or SC23.1(a), since the liability cap
CONTRACT AND willful misconduct on the part of the Consultant presently only relates to any damage to
CONTRACT FORMS or on the part of any person or a firm acting on the client’s property, and it should not be
AT PAGE NO. 125 behalf of the Consultant in carrying out the restricted to the damage to the client’s
Services, the Consultant, with respect to damage property only. A liability cap should
caused by the Consultant to the Client’s property, apply to all damages suffered by the
shall not be liable to the Client: (i) for any client. Please find our suggested revised
indirect or consequential loss or damage; and wording below with the amendment in
(ii) for any direct loss or damage that exceeds italics. This ensures all damages including
[insert a multiplier, e.g.: one, two, three] times client’s property damage are covered:
the total value of the Contract. “(a) Except in the case of gross negligence
or willful misconduct on the part of the
Consultant or on the part of any person or
a firm acting on behalf of the Consultant
in carrying out the Services, the
Consultant, with respect to damage
caused by the Consultant to the Client
(including but not limited to the Client’s
property), shall not be liable to the
(ii) Please confirm the cap on consultant’s
liability, as in, please state the applicable
multiplier as per the standard industry
practice in consultancy assignments of the
Govt and IFIs as well.
It is further requested to amend clause
SC23.1(b) as follows:
“(i) affect the Consultant’s liability, if
any, for damage to Third Parties caused
by the Consultant or any person or firm
acting on behalf of the Consultant in
carrying out the Services up to and not
exceeding two times the total value of the
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
34 CLAUSE 17.1 Date and Time Schedule: We request you to kindly provide atleast Please refer to response of sl. No. 14
SECTION 2. Bid submission/Upload End date – 15/09/2022 14 working days’ time from the date of
INSTRUCTIONS TO issue of clarifications raised during the
CONSULTANTS - pre-bid meeting / minutes from pre-bid
DATA SHEET AT meeting. This will allow the bidders to
PAGE 35 submit a fully responsive and quality
35 SECTION 2. The firm should have an annual average turnover We believe that the Authority is seeking Refer to RFP document
INSTRUCTIONS TO of INR 200 million or above from consultancy assistance from a firm with relevant
CONSULTANTS - services in the last three financial years i.e. 2018- experience and repute, however, to keep
DATA SHEET 19, 2019-20, 2020-21 (Statutory Audit report to the competition amongst the bidders fair,
CLAUSE 21.1 (FOR be attached). we request the Authority to revise the
FTP) PART A (B), financial capacity of the firm by
PAGE 36 increasing average annual turnover from
INR 20 Crore to INR 200 Cr.

This would help the Authority in

receiving proposals from reputed firms.
36 SECTION 2. Specific Experience of The Consultant (As A Request the Authority to revise and Please refer to response of sl. No. 26
INSTRUCTIONS TO Firm) Relevant to The Assignment i) 1 modify the sector and supporting
CONSULTANTS - assignment related to Inland Water Transport and document requirement as there are
DATA SHEET logistics sector PMC successfully executed in the limited inland water transport related
CLAUSE 21.1 (FOR last 5 years - 5 marks ii) 1 assignment in Urban assignments in India The revised clause
FTP) PART B (I), Infrastructure sector PMC successfully executed may be read as the following
PAGE 37 in the last 5 years – 5 marks (Supporting
documents like completion or client
“Specific Experience of The Consultant
certificate/final payment certificate need to be
(As A Firm) Relevant to The Assignment
submitted as proof. 80% of the invoice raised will
i) 1 assignment related to Inland Water
be considered as substantial completion of the
Transport, Maritime, other Transport or
logistics sector PMC successfully
executed in the last 5 10 years - 5 marks
ii) 1 assignment in Urban Infrastructure
sector PMC successfully executed in the
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
last 5 10 years – 5 marks (Supporting
documents like completion or client
certificate/final payment certificate/ work
order/LOA/ Agreement for ongoing
assignments need to be submitted as
37 SECTION 3. 1. List only previous similar assignments Request the Authority to include ongoing Refer to RFP document
TECHNICAL successfully completed in the last [5] years. assignments as well considering that the
PROPOSAL – same may continue beyond 05 years and
STANDARD FORMS, therefore increase the term from 5 years to
FORM TECH-2 (FOR 10 years.
PROPOSAL ONLY), The revised clause may read as: “1. List
CONSULTANT’S only previous similar assignments
ORGANIZATION AND successfully completed/ ongoing for the
EXPERIENCE, B - last [5] 10 years.
38 SECTION 7. TERMS Review ISDP, ISBP, IWT Safety Studies, CMP, We understand the said task involves the Please refer to the response of sl. No. 31
OF REFERENCE, SDS, LMP and other studies/plan under the PMC to carry out cognizance of the
TASKS D, PAGES 79 project. The Project Management Consultant will studies carried out under the umbrella
also perform design vetting of individual project project of WBIWTLSDP for preparing la
under this project. larger implementation plan and therefore
there is no conflict with other studies
being carried out. Kindly suggest if our
understanding is correct.

39 SECTION 7. TERMS The Project Management Consultant will also The same has to be performed by Please refer to corrigendum II
OF REFERENCE, perform design vetting of individual project technically capable entities appointed
TASKS D, PAGES 79 under this project. specifically for assessing design elements
of any construction related project or may
be carried out by internally appointed
Independent Engineer. Design vetting
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
would require a specific skill set for a
design related proof checking, design
related safety checks and others.
Therefore, we request the Authority to
exclude the said point from the Task list
of PMC.

Therefore, the said task to be read as

“Review of project preparatory studies
Plan, Design etc.: The Project
Management Consultant will, on behalf of
and under the guidance of the employer,
provide support to the WBIWTLSDP
/PMU with respect to review of strategic,
feasibility and safeguards studies for
preparation of the project and its proposed
investments. Advise the WBIWTLSDP
/PMU on their adequacy as per their
TORs and applicable national and World
Bank standards and provide suggestions
for improvement. Relevant standards for
safeguards studies include national laws
and regulations for environmental and
social impact assessment and
management, as well as the World Bank
safeguard policies and Environmental,
Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines. The
Project Management Consultant will
review processes, procedures, and the
institutional capacity of the
AIWTDS/PMU to manage environmental
and social risks and impacts to ensure
compliance with its Environmental,
Social, Health and Safety (ESHS)
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
obligations. Review ISDP, ISBP, IWT
Safety Studies, CMP, SDS, LMP and
other studies/plans under the project.
40 SECTION 7. TERMS Manage, monitor, and supervise project Activities of the PMC is to assist the Refer to RFP document
OF REFERENCE, progress: PMC shall assist WBIWTLSDP /PMU existing PMU and not carry out
TASKS G, PAGES 80 in managing, monitoring, supervising, and supervisory or design engineering related
expediting the progress of the individual reviews. Therefore, the revised clause
components under the project implementation may be read as “Manage, and monitor,
plan, resolve issues and initiate corrective action and supervise project progress: PMC shall
when needed. The PMC shall collect data assist WBIWTLSDP /PMU in managing,
through interviews and surveys, prepare a project monitoring, supervising, and expediting
mid-term report and a completion report (if the progress of the individual components
applicable) to highlight results achieved, under the project implementation plan,
summary of implementation process and assist in resolve issues and initiate
compliance, beneficiary feedback, lessons learnt recommend corrective action when
and recommendations. PMC would provide such needed other than anything related to
support, where day-to-day monitoring and construction and construction related
supervisory services (including review and audit inputs. The PMC shall collect data
of detailed engineering designs) will be needed through interviews and surveys (only if
during actual construction/work sites. The PMC required), prepare a project mid-term
shall prepare an information dashboard / brief report and a completion report (if
monthly progress reports to periodically appraise applicable) to highlight results achieved,
the employer of project status (on procurement, summary of implementation process and
construction, preparation of Monthly Progress compliance, beneficiary feedback,
Report, preparation of Quarterly Progress report, lessons learnt and recommendations
environmental and social safeguards based on inputs and suggestions from the
management, all other necessary reports required project executing team. PMC would
by the Department and the World Bank, etc.) provide such support, where day-to-day
together with any existing/perceived issues that monitoring and supervisory services
need to be resolved for successful and timely (including review and audit of detailed
implementation of project. In addition, it will engineering designs) will be needed
manage the project budget on behalf of during actual construction/work sites.”
WBIWTLSDP /PMU, monitor the expenditures The PMC shall prepare an information
and costs against deliverables and assess tangible dashboard / brief monthly progress
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
benefits. It shall also support WBIWTLSDP reports to periodically appraise the
/PMU in preparation of the disbursement employer of project status (on
applications to the World Bank and in furnishing procurement, construction (as informed
the supporting documentation. by the construction execution team),
preparation of Monthly Progress Report,
preparation of Quarterly Progress report,
environmental and social safeguards
compliance assistance management, all
other necessary reports required by the
Department and the World Bank, etc.)
together with any existing/perceived
issues that need to be resolved for
successful and timely implementation of
project. In addition, it will manage the
project budget on behalf of
WBIWTLSDP /PMU, monitor the
expenditures and costs against
deliverables and assess tangible benefits
as guided by WBIWTLSDP /PMU. It
shall also support WBIWTLSDP /PMU in
preparation of the disbursement
applications to the World Bank and in
furnishing the supporting documentation.
41 SECTION 7. TERMS Person month: 38 Role: The expert will co- Expected Person- months: A team leader Refer to RFP document
OF REFERENCE, ordinate with stakeholders and contractors, risk with 15 years of experience could perform
CLAUSE 6 SKILLS anticipation, troubleshooting and problem multitude of activities apart from being
REQUIRED, POINT solving; project planning, procurement, deployed at a project, for an engagement
NO. 1 – TEAM monitoring and management techniques; and that requires a focussed and full-time
LEADER, PAGE 81 budgeting, resource allocation and control. Team deployment of an individual as a Team
Leader should have knowledge of inland water Leader we believe personnel with 10
transport sector and services and relevant years of relevant professional experience
policies. Infrastructure costing and pricing could be eligible. However, his/her team
techniques and analytics and report writing, could be guided by a pool of experts with
interpersonal and communication skills, both a minimum experience of 15 years.
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
with stakeholders and contractors, to ensure Therefore, we would request the
integrated implementation of the project. To be Authority to either reduce the person
available fulltime for project operation and months to 20 from the existing 38 or
management. Team Leader will report to State reduce the years of experience from 15 to
Project Director. 10

Role: The expert will co-ordinate with

stakeholders and contractors, risk
anticipation, troubleshooting and problem
solving; project planning, procurement,
monitoring and management techniques;
and budgeting, resource allocation and
control. Team Leader should have
knowledge of inland water transport
sector and services and relevant policies.
Infrastructure costing and pricing
techniques and analytics and report
writing, interpersonal and communication
skills, both with stakeholders and
contractors, to ensure integrated
implementation of the project. To be
available fulltime for project operation
and management. Team Leader will
report to State Project Director.
42 SECTION 7. TERMS Person month – 34 Qualification - We understand through the pre-bid Refer to response of sl. No. 2
OF REFERENCE, MBA/PGDM/PGPM in Finance or C.A /ICWAI discussion that the existing PMC would
CLAUSE 6 SKILLS with 10 years of experience in Government continue assisting WBIWTLSDP/PMU
REQUIRED, POINT Procurement. Must have worked in at least two for few months but since the handholding
NO. 2 – DY. PROJECT donor-funded Projects. Preference will be given for the new team would be required, we
MANAGER CUM for IWT sector experience. Role: The specialist would request the Authority to revise the
PROCUREMENT & will look after the procurement of various works, said clause as per the recommendation
CONTRACT goods and services, review of various bidding below: Person month – 38 Qualification -
MANAGEMENT documents (Item Rate, PPP, EPC etc.) submitted MBA/PGDM/PGPM in Finance or C.A
by various consultants and will provide /ICWAI in any field (preferably
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
SPECIALIST, PAGE assistance in contract management of various construction/ infrastructure management)
82 ongoing projects. Training in “2016 procurement with 10 08 years of experience in
policy framework for the World Bank aided Government Procurement. Must have
projects” is preferable.4 In absence of the Team worked in at least two donor-funded
Leader, Dy. Team Leader will work as Projects. Preference will be given for
representative of Team. IWT/ Maritime/ Logistics sector
experience. Role: The specialist will look
after the procurement of various works,
goods and services, review of various
bidding documents (Item Rate, PPP, EPC
etc.) submitted by various consultants and
will provide assistance in contract
management of various ongoing projects.
Training in “2016 procurement policy
framework for the World Bank aided
projects” is preferable.4 In absence of the
Team Leader, Dy. Team Leader will work
as representative of Team and will report
to State Project Director.
43 SECTION 7. TERMS Qualification: Master of Planning (Transport We would request the authority to revise Refer to RFP document
OF REFERENCE, Planning) with 7 Years of experience in the qualifications as per the
CLAUSE 6 SKILLS Transport Planning and Engineering. recommendation below: Master of
REQUIRED, POINT Planning (Transport Planning) with 7 05
NO. 5 – TRANSPORT Years of experience in Transport
PLANNER, PAGE 83 Planning and Engineering/ Infrastructure
related Government projects.
44 SECTION 7. TERMS 7 – Naval Architect page 83 Request the Authority to remove the two Refer to RFP document
OF REFERENCE, said positions as design and construction
CLAUSE 6 SKILLS related inputs, suggestions and
REQUIRED, POINT supervision would be the task of a third
NO. 6 – TERMINAL party appointed by the PMU other than
EXPERT PAGE 83 being included within the scope of PMC.
An entity appointed specifically for
design vetting would carry out
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
construction related supervision
45 SECTION 7. TERMS Person month - 6 As per the Clause 7. Tentative Refer to corrigendum II
OF REFERENCE, Deployment Schedule of Section 7.
CLAUSE 6 SKILLS Terms of Reference on page 87 the
REQUIRED, POINT estimated person months is mentioned as
NO. 9 – 38 while in Clause 6 Skills Required,
COMMUNICATION Point no. 9 – Communication Executive,
EXECUTIVE, PAGE page 84 the person months mentioned is
84 06. Request the Authority to please
confirm the actual person month required.
46 SECTION 7. TERMS Capacity Building Expert, page 84 Clause 6 of the TOR refers to the Capacity Refer to RFP document
OF REFERENCE, Building Expert but Clause 7 of the TOR
CLAUSE 6 SKILLS doest not refer to the Capacity Building
REQUIRED, POINT Expert. Request the Authority to kindly
NO. 10 clarify if the said expert is to be included
in the list of non-key experts.
47 SECTION 7. TERMS Support Staff, page 85 Request the Authority to kindly advise on Refer to RFP document
OF REFERENCE, the years of experience requirement for
CLAUSE 6 SKILLS the said expert as the same is not included
REQUIRED, POINT in Clause 6-point 13
NO. 12
48 Time extension Considering that the pre-bid responses are Please refer to response of 14
yet to be uploaded, we would request the
Authority to consider an additional three
weeks from the date of uploading the
responses to queries for submission of the
best suited proposal.
49 Confidentiality (Additional Clause) Kindly request Authority to add the Refer to RFP document
following: Except as otherwise permitted
by this Agreement, neither of the parties
may disclose to third parties the contents
of this Agreement or any information
provided by or on behalf of the other that
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
ought reasonably to be treated as
confidential and/or proprietary. Parties
may, however, disclose such confidential
information to the extent that it: (a) is or
becomes public other than through a
breach of this Agreement, (b) is
subsequently received by the receiving
party from a third party who, to the
receiving party’s knowledge, owes no
obligation of confidentiality to the
disclosing party with respect to that
information, (c) was known to the
receiving party at the time of disclosure or
is thereafter created independently, (d) is
disclosed as necessary to enforce the
receiving party’s rights under this
Agreement, or (e) must be disclosed
under applicable law, legal process or
professional regulations. These
obligations shall be valid for a period of 3
years from the date of termination of this
50 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) (New Clause) Kindly request Authority to consider the Refer to RFP document
following and accordingly add a suitable
section for the same: EY may use data,
software, designs, utilities, tools, models,
systems and other methodologies and
know-how (“Materials”) that EY own in
performing the Services. Notwithstanding
the delivery of any Reports, EY retain all
intellectual property rights in the
Materials (including any improvements or
knowledge developed while performing
the Services), and in any working papers
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
that EY compile and retain in connection
with the Services (but not Client
Information reflected in them). Upon
payment for the Services, Client may use
any Materials included in the Reports, as
well as the Reports themselves as
permitted by this Agreement.
51 Termination (Additional Clause) Kindly request Authority to add the Refer to RFP document
EY may terminate this Agreement, or any
particular Services, immediately upon
written notice to Client if EY reasonably
determine that EY can no longer provide
the Services in accordance with
applicable law or professional
52 GENERAL QUERY NA Owner to clarify and provide Refer to RFP for scope of work of the PMC.
details about the initial point (we Selected consultant will get all relevant
understand Farakka Feeder Canal) and information for their execution of work.
Tidal bore data of Hooghly River for
detailed understanding for A&M report.
53 SUBCOMPONENT Pilot of a mobile Please clarify if the development of Refer to scope of work.
A.2 app which can be triggered to raise alarm for any emergency SOS app is in consultants’
incident either in the ferry terminal or the vessel. scope of work.
54 GENERAL - SAFETY We observed safety aspects of project incl. Considering this we request to permit Please refer to the RFP. The mentioned
MANAGEMENT a) Safety during first year (Ref Subcomponent inclusion of suitable Safety & Health experts and man-months is for evaluation
A2) b) Study of relevant safeguard and EHS Expert on project.4 purpose. The positions and man-months may
guidelines, etc. vary as per the requirement of the project
based on the mutual negotiation. The firm
should also provide their back-office support
from their head office on day-to-day basis.
55 ITC SEC 12.C The Consultant shall not subcontract the whole To be contractually clear, which define a The contract will be signed between the
of the Services. stipulated limit of subcontracting in case WBTIDCL and selected consultancy firm.
need arouse during execution.
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
The selected firm will be entirely liable for
the execution of the contract.
56 GENERAL – NA Please define payment methodology in The payment will be made to the account
PAYMENT TERMS case of JV. Clarity on payment details to be mentioned by the selected
disbursement either to individual JV consultant in the signed contract agreement.
partner or directly to the lead shall be
57 SCC 43.3 - PRICE Remuneration paid in foreign currency on the Please clarify which formula to be Please refer to the draft contract enclosed
ADJUSTMENT basis of the rates set considered for price variation with effect with the RFP.
forth in Appendix C shall be adjusted every 12 from 13th month.
months (and, the
first time, with effect for the remuneration earned
in the 13th
calendar month after the date of the Contract
Effectiveness date)
by applying the following formula:
58 GCC CL 17.1 – For the purposes of this Contract, “Force Please clarify if Force Majeure event Refer to RFP document
FORCE MAJEURE Majeure” means an event which is beyond the includes spread of Epidemic/Pandemic
reasonable control of a Party, is not foreseeable, (COVID19 or similar virus). If not
is unavoidable, and makes a Party’s performance included, we request to include the same.
of its obligations hereunder impossible or so
impractical as reasonably to be considered
impossible under the circumstances, and subject
to those requirements, includes, but is not limited
to, war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire,
explosion, storm, flood or other adverse weather
conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial
action confiscation or any other action by
Government agencies.
59 GCC 46.1 – Within the number of days after the Effective Please quantify advance payable to Refer to RFP document
ADVANCE Date, the Client shall pay to the Consultant an consultant on commencement of services.
PAYMENT advance payment as specified in the SCC. We request 10% of contract value as
normally followed in project affiliated by
World Bank.
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
60 GENERAL – NA We understand that environmental and Please refer to the RFP. The mentioned
ENVIRONMENT & social safeguards falls under PMC’s experts and man-months is for evaluation
SOCIAL scope of work and thus would require purpose. The positions and man-months may
SAFEGUARDS following expert for the assignment. vary as per the requirement of the project
1. Environmental Safeguard Expert – 12 based on the mutual negotiation. The firm
person months should also provide their back-office support
2. Social Safeguard Expert – 8 person from their head office on day-to-day basis.
61 21.1; EVALUATION For maximum marks – i) 1 assignment related to We would request the client not to restrict Refer to the response of sl. no. 26
CRITERIA Inland Water Transport and logistics sector PMC experience to PMC of Inland Water
successfully executed in the last 5 years - 5 marks Transport and logistics sector as in the
entire country, there have been very
limited assignments relating to Inland
Water Transport and logistics sector PMC
till now. This will restrict the firms to
participate in the tendering process.

We request you to modify the criteria to

“Experience in Inland Water Transport
and logistics sector”.

We also request client to add Maritime

experience along with experience in
Inland Water Transport and logistics
62 General Questions We request you to give 15 days of time to Refer to the response of sl. no. 16
submit the Technical and Financial
Proposal after releasing pre-bid queries
63 CLAUSE 14.1.1 OF Information about Shortlisted Consultants Comment: Shortlisted Consultants may This is a single stage open tender
DATA SHEET associate with (a) non-shortlisted
consultant(s): No Or (b) other shortlisted
Consultants: No Clarification and
Recommendation: The RFP is not clear
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
about the type of tender. Is the tender
an open tender or limited tender? Also,
request you to provide the names of the
shortlisted Consultants.
Recommendation: Clarity regarding
participation to be provided
64 CLAUSE 21.1 (PART Turnover Criteria for Financial Eligibility Comment: The firm should have an Refer to response of 35
A) OF DATA SHEET annual average turnover of INR 200
Million or above from consultancy
services in the last three financial years
i.e. 201819, 2019-20, 2020-21 (Statutory
Audit report to be attached). Clarification
and Recommendation: In view of the
past COVID scenarios which have
massively affected the economic growth
of the Private sector enterprises leading to
a stagnant financial grown in recent years.
A lesser turnover can lead to more
participation. Recommendation:
Request you to consider an annual
average turnover of INR 150 Million in
the last three financial years.
65 CLAUSE 6 OF THE Proving CVs of the Key and Non-key experts Comment: The proposed Project Refer to response of 8
TOR Management Consultant team should
consist of the following personnel as
outlines in the table below. This is to
clarify that only key professionals will be
considered for technical proposal
evaluation, however CVs of all the
proposed professionals/experts should be
provided along with technical proposal.
As per the RFP the Client has to provide
a total of 15 personnel (9 key Experts & 6
Non key experts). Clarification and
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
Recommendation: Procuring such huge
manpower and preparing their CVs as per
FORM TECH -6 specified formats shall
require much time. Therefore, it is
requested to kindly accept the CVs of Key
Experts only at the time of bid submission
and the CVs of the non-key experts can be
deposited by the consultant at the time of
award of work. Recommendation:
Kindly consider.
66 PARA. 6 OF THE Qualification and skill required for Team Leader Comment: M.E /M. Tech & MBA with Refer to response of 1
TOR 15 Years of experience in Infrastructure
Development Government Projects.
M.E /M. Tech, i.e Post graduation
qualification is done after a specific
Graduation Degree, i.e. B.E (Civil,
Mechanical or Marine Engineering)
followed by M.E/M.Tech. This
assignment is of development of
infrastructure along Hooghly River Bank
involving Jetties & Terminal Buildings as
well Restoration of existing including
River Training. Requiring a thorough
professional background as Civil
Engineer with experience in Marine
Engineering Works. Clarification and
Recommendation: Prior to
M.E/M.Tech, a graduation degree in Civil
Engineering will need to be specifically
mentioned as basic qualification?
Followed by preference to
M.E/ as already referred as
exposure. The RFP is not clear about
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
the age requirement of the Key Experts.
Recommendation: Kindly consider
67 PARA 6, SEC’ 2 & 3 Qualifications / Skills Comments MBA / PGDM / PG / PM Refer to response of 2 & 3
are again done after the basic Graduation
Degree The assignment is also to assist
TL or officiate in his absence The
Basic Graduation Degree will need to be
specified i.e. Civil or Marine Engineering
Training / Course and requisite
experience in Contract Management
Clarifications / Recommendations As
in the case of TL, the basic Graduation
qualification may please be specified
Suggest, it can again be Civil or Marine
Engineering With reference to the role
specified in the ToR for The M&E
specialist; the expert has Monitoring and
Co-coordinating roles which is not
relevant to the Qualification required
specified as per RFP. Recommendations
Between TL & Dy. PM, one can be
Civil Engineering Graduate and the other
one with Marine Engineering It will be
a better balanced combination to meet the
site / assignment requirements It is
requested to modify the qualification
criteria for Monitoring and Evaluation
Expert as - B.E /B. Tech & MCA/MSW
with 5 Years of experience in
Infrastructure Development Government
68 PARA’ 6, SERIAL Man-Months of Naval Architect as 3 Months Comments The assignment duration is Refer to RFP
NO. 7 of 38 months Its main components are
- Spatial Development, Logistics and
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
Terminal Infrastructure - Naval Architect
institutionally has to lay down the
guidelines of type of Vessels / Ferry Boats
for their registration requirements with
dimensions - Safety requirements along
Jetties and the Terminals
During the construction being done by
EPC Contractor, the PMC has to regularly
monitor it and advise WBIWTLSP
Clarifications / Recommendations The
MMs given as 3 Months are quite
inadequate for Regular Monitoring,
Evaluation and corrective course and
advise to Client A minimum of 3
Months a year could preferably meet the
requirements Recommendations In
view of the above, request consider 12
Months considering post-completion pf
Project, operationalization of jetties and
development of Guidelines for
Registration of Vessels etc.
69 TOR PARA 6, SL, Non-Key Expert Capacity Building & Expert – Comments The expert is required to Refer to the RFP
NO, 10 Man Months required for Monitoring of Training monitor implementation of Training of
ISBP and other Consultants The
Training being imparted are of two types
generally i.e. On the Job, which is along
with the duration of assignment and
Classroom / Webinars / Workshops for a
specific period and the number of
Classroom / Webinars / Workshops It
is also done when the basics or ‘on the
job’ have been adequately comprehended
by ISBP or PMU Staff It implies that
maintaining of regular Training will need
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
presence of the Expert for a substantial
period during 38 months of assignment,
implying 6 months is too inadequate
Recommendations Request consider it
for a minimum of 18 months or so i.e.
50% of the duration of the assignment to
cover on the job followed by Classroom /
Webinars / Workshops specifying the
number also
70 FORM 7 TOR, PAGE Tentative Deployment Schedule of all Categories Comments It is well appreciated that Refer to the RFP.
87 of Staff Client has already given Tentative
Deployment Schedule of Staff
Otherwise it is done by Bidder
Consultants based on Work Plan and
requirement of Site governed by Man-
Months of Key Expert given vide
Datasheet / ToR In addition, as given
above, vide seeking clarifications for
some of the positions, now, as well as
during the course of execution of
assignment, the Deployment Schedule
goes through the modification on ‘Need’
basis. Clarifications / Recommendations
It is assumed that Consultants while
preparing FTP, can use their discretion
and suggest their own deployment E.g.
the category of support staff being mostly
administrative and logistics i.e. Computer
Operator, Office Boy and Night
Watchman, they will need to be for full
duration of Assignment i.e. the office
remaining functional for 38 Months and
not for 34 Months Recommendations
Please Consider
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
71 GENERAL Extension of Date of Submission Reasons of Extension Detailed Site Refer to the response of 16
Visit Interaction with Client to
understand more on assignment Yet
prevailing conditions of COVID
Holiday season in month of August &
September. Some of the key staff may
require leave Kindly consider
extension of Submission Date three
weeks after issue of Pre-Bid
Clarifications Ongoing flood calamities
in Eastern stats of India.
72 CLAUSE 17,1 PAGE Date & Schedule: - We request the Corporation to kindly Refer to response of 16
34, INSTRUCTION TO SNo. Particulars Date & Time (in IST) extend the date of submission of proposal
CONSULTANT DATA 1 Date of Publishing RFP Documents by 3 (three) weeks from the date of
SHEET. PAGE - 35 08/08/2022 issuance of clarifications raised during the
2 Download Start Date 08/08/2022 pre-bid meeting/ minutes from pre-bid
3 Pre-Bid Meeting 22/08/22 13:00 Hours meeting. This would entail the bidders to
4 Bid Submission/Upload Start Date submit a quality proposal.
29/08/22 17:00 Hours
5 Bid Submission/Upload End Date
15/09/2022 15:00 Hours
6 Date of Opening of technical proposal
15/09/2022 15:30 Hours
7 Date of Opening of financial Bid
To be Notified Later
73 BID DATA SHEET Key experts’ qualification and competence for We request the corporation to please Refer to the RFP document
CLAUSE 21.1 PART the assignment……. Total points criterion (iii): elaborate on 3 Relevant experience
B (III) PAGE - 38 The number of points to be assigned to each of in the region. We request the corporation
the above positions shall be determined to please confirm the term “Region” is
considering the following three sub-criteria and meant by India as a whole and not Kolkata
relevant percentage weights: 1) General region. Additionally, we request the
qualifications (general education, training, and corporation to please remove the scoring
experience): 15% 2) Adequacy for the with respect to Relevant experience in the
Assignment (relevant education, training,
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
experience in the sector/similar region as this is a restrictive clause and
assignments):75% 3)Relevant experience in the can lead to limited participation in the bid.
region (working level fluency in local
language(s)/knowledge of local culture or
administrative system, government organization,
existing Acts and Rules etc.): 10% Total weight:
74 SECTION 7 CLAUSE Project Management: The Project Management We request the corporation to please Please refer to the TOR for supporting the
3 (A) PAGE - 79 Consultant will, on behalf of and under the confirm our following understanding PMU in day-to-day project management
guidance of Project Director WBIWTLSDP, “The PMC will support and provide activities.
manage the planning, organizing, and directing assistance to Corporation in planning and
the completion of specific projects for PMU monitoring of the various projects to be
while ensuring these projects are on time, on undertaken by them. PMC will not be
budget, and within scope. The PMC will look responsible for day-to-day activity
after the planning everything from execution to planning/ delegating work or managing
delivery, Directing the team to achieve a deployment of any third-party contractor/
common goal, delegating work effectively, consultant”
Managing the resource of time, Managing the
deployment deliverables, Monitoring progress We request the corporation to please
and track roadblocks, conducting regular explain the terms delegation work
meetings, establishing a shared vision, Managing efficiently, Managing the resource of
documentation and reports, Coming up with a time, Managing the deployment
Plan B, Creating a self-governing team, Keeping deliverables, coming up with a Plan B
the team close-knit, Coordinating with the clients used in the clause.
75 CLAUSE: 3 (A), C. Financial Management: Support the employer We request the corporation to please Financial management support is required to
SECTION 7 TERMS on all aspects of financial management which confirm that the dataset for the entry will assist the PMU Accounts Department in their
OF REFERENCE. includes, day to day project accounting entry, be provided by the representative of the regular activity.
PAGE - 79 reporting to the world bank and project corporation and the same will be
corporation, preparation of various reports like undertaken post clearance from the
IUFRs and other financial report as per the world corporation. We request the corporation
bank financial management rules and regulations to please elaborate the works to be
and as per the requirement of Project/Loan undertaken this head. The current clause
Agreement lacks clarity.
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
Additionally, we request the corporation
to please confirm that the work envisaged
under this clause will be restricted to
reporting of financial progress to The
World Bank and will not include any
other work.
76 CLAUSE: 3 (A), D. Review of project preparatory studies Plan, We request the corporation to please Refer to response of 60
SECTION 7 TERMS Design etc.: The Project Management Consultant elaborate on the work to be undertaken
OF REFERENCE. will, on behalf of and under the guidance of the with reference to the work highlighted in
PAGE - 79 employer, provide support to the WBIWTLSDP this clause. It has been highlighted that the
/PMU with respect to review of strategic, consultant will be required to review the
feasibility and safeguards studies for preparation process, procedures and institutional
of the project and its proposed investments. capacity of the AIWTDS/PMU to manage
Advise the WBIWTLSDP /PMU on their environmental and social risk and impacts
adequacy as per their TORs and applicable to ensure compliance with its
national and World Bank standards and provide Environmental, Social, Health and Safety
suggestions for improvement. Relevant (ESHS) obligation. Review ISDP, ISBP,
standards for safeguards studies include national IWT safety studies, CMP, SDS, LMP and
laws and regulations for environmental and other studies / plan under the project.
social impact assessment and management, as However, there is no provision of
well as the World Bank safeguard policies and Environmental or Social expert in the
Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) tender document. Without the presence of
guidelines. The Project Management Consultant Domain experts, consultant will not be
will review processes, procedures, and the able to undertake this review.
institutional capacity of the AIWTDS/PMU to
manage environmental and social risks and Additionally, we request the corporation Refer to corrigendum II
impacts to ensure compliance with its to please remove design vetting from the
Environmental, Social, Health and Safety scope of the consultant as the said work
(ESHS) obligations. Review ISDP, ISBP, IWT does not fall under the ambit of Project
Safety Studies, CMP, SDS, LMP and other Management Consultant.
studies/plan under the project. The Project
Management Consultant will also perform
design vetting of individual project under this
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
77 CLAUSE: 3 (A), E. Design workflow for WBIWTLSDP /PMU: The Corporation is requested to confirm if The consultant will propose their
SECTION 7 TERMS This would involve establishing mechanisms for our understating is correct. “The PMC recommendation. All the final decision will
OF REFERENCE. efficient organization work culture involving will assist in preparing an outline of the be taken by the PMU.
PAGE – 79-80 information flow processes, document skillsets required for undertaking the
management, record keeping, file tracking different tasks. However, identification of
system, review meetings, time control, internal the right set of people will not be the
feedback mechanism, grievance redress responsibility of the PMC and corporation
mechanism etc. Together with identification of will undertake their own independent due
day- to-day tasks and processes, the PMC would diligence and process for identification
also identify the right set of people or resources and onboarding the individuals.”
needed for performance of those tasks that are
necessary to accomplish project goals.
78 CLAUSE: 3 (A), G. Manage, monitor, and supervise project We request the corporation to please PMU will provide all the relevant available
SECTION 7 TERMS progress: PMC shall assist WBIWTLSDP /PMU provide clarity with respect to the nature data required to execute the assignment. The
OF REFERENCE. in managing, monitoring, supervising, and and number of the survey to be PMC will collect those data from the sources
PAGE - 80 expediting the progress of the individual conducted, its participants and mode of as guided by the client from time to time.
components under the project implementation interview/ survey. Additionally, we
request the corporation the corporation to
plan, resolve issues and initiate corrective action
amend the clause as follows: “PMC shall
when needed. The PMC shall collect data assist WBIWTLSDP/PMU in managing,
through interviews and surveys, prepare a project monitoring, supervising, and expediting
mid-term report and a completion report (if the progress of the individual
applicable) to highlight results achieved, components under the project
summary of implementation process and implementation plan, assist
compliance, beneficiary feedback, lessons learnt WBIWTLSDP/PMU in resolving issues
and recommendations. PMC would provide such and initiating corrective action when
support, where day-to-day monitoring and needed. The PMC shall obtain data sets
supervisory services (including review and audit with the help of PMU officials from the
different stakeholders involved in the
of detailed engineering designs) will be needed
project for preparation of project mid-
during actual construction/work sites. term report (if applicable) to highlight
results achieved, summary of
implementation process and compliance,
beneficiary feedback, lessons learnt and
recommendations. PMC will support in
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
day-to-day monitoring during the actual
construction stage.”

79 CLAUSE: 3 (A), J. Disseminate outputs: Effectively disseminate We understand that the consultant will be Please refer to the TOR.
SECTION 7 TERMS the outputs generated towards the project to the supporting the corporation in preparation
OF REFERENCE. key stakeholders through reports, summaries, of the presentation, notes, speech, reports
workshops, seminars etc. required for disseminating information
after due approval of the concerned
corporation of the corporation. The
Consultant will not be responsible for
organising any workshops/ seminar or
any other event under this contract.
80 CLAUSE: 3 (A), K. Knowledge Transfer and Transition: The We understand from the clause that there Refer to RFP document
SECTION 7 TERMS consultant should ensure not only knowledge is existing consultant engaged by the
OF REFERENCE. transfer from the incumbent consultant at the corporation. The Corporation is requested
PAGE – 80-81 commencement of the assignment but also at the to share the details of their contract w.r.t
end of the assignment to WBTIDCL. For this date of expiration so that the same can be
purpose, there should be a transition plan in place incorporated in the Approach and
with some overlap with the current consultant Methodology for overlap.
contract. As part of RFP Technical Proposal, a
detailed plan on this aspect from each
participating consultant shall be provided under
the Approach and Methodology section.
81 CLAUSE: 3 (A), Administrative Arrangements The Assignment We request the corporation to please Back office support is required to provide
SECTION 7 TERMS will be carried out and funded from the loan elaborate what type of support i.e. nature need based inputs to the deployed team at
OF REFERENCE. proceeds of West Bengal Inland Water Transport of expertise required, number of man- project office. It is to be assessed by the
PAGE - 81 Project. The contract for this work will be with months etc will be required from the back selected firm depending on the capacity
WBIWTLSDP /PMU. The Project Management office of the consultant. As this will help required and deliverable exigency of the
Consultant will report directly to the employer in calculation of the effort estimation of deployed team.
and work under the general day-to- day guidance the resources required for the project.
of the nominated officers for components of the
Program. The consultant shall also provide back-
office support for day-to-day affairs.
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
82 SECTION 7 CLAUSE M.E /M. Tech & MBA with 15 Years of We request the corporation to please Refer to response of 35
6, SNO 1 TEAM experience in Infrastructure Development amend the qualifications as follows:
LEADER PAGE - 81 Government Projects. Preference will be given to “Graduation in Engineering and MBA/
those who has IWT sector project experience. PGDM/PGD or equivalent with 10 years
of experience in Infrastructure
Development Projects.”
83 SECTION 7 CLAUSE “MBA/PGDM/PGPM in Finance or C.A We request the corporation to amend the Refer to response of 2
6, SNO 2 DY. /ICWAI with 10 years of experience in qualification criteria as follows:
PROJECT MANAGER Government Procurement. Must have worked in “Graduate in Engineering and MBA/
CUM PROCUREMENT at least two donor-funded Projects. Preference PGDM/PGD or equivalent with 7 years of
& CONTRACT will be given for IWT sector experience.” experience in infrastructure development
MANAGEMENT projects. Must have experience of
SPECIALIST working in multi-lateral finding Projects.
PAGE - 82
84 SECTION 7 CLAUSE “B.E. /B. Tech & MBA with 5 Years of We request the corporation to amend the Refer to response of 3
6, SNO 3 experience in Infrastructure Development qualification criteria as follows:
MONITORING AND Government Projects. Preference will be given to “Graduation in Engineering and MBA/
EVALUATION those who has IWT sector project experience.” PGDM/PGD or equivalent with 5 Years
EXPERT of experience in Infrastructure
PAGE - 82 Development Projects.”
85 SECTION 7 CLAUSE The proposed Project Management Consultant We understand that for Non-Key Experts, Refer to response of 8
6 SKILLS REQUIRED team should consist of the following personnel as the Bidder shall not submit the CVs at the
PAGE - 81 outlines in the table below. This is to clarify that Proposal stage and the same shall be
only key professionals will be considered for submitted by the selected Bidder prior to
technical proposal evaluation, however CVs of signing of the Contract. Please confirm.
all the proposed professionals/experts should be
provided along with technical proposal.
86 SECTION 7 CLAUSE “B. Com/M. Com & C. A Inter /ICWAI Inter We request the corporation to modify the Refer to RFP document
6, S.NO. 11 with 7 Years of Experience in Government education criteria of the accountant to “B.
ACCOUNTANT Accounting Preference will be given to those Com/M. Com & C. A Inter /ICWAI Inter
PAGE - 85 who has experience in World Bank Funded with 5 Years of Experience in
Infrastructure Projects. Tally Accounting Accounting. Tally Accounting
Experience” Experience will be preferred”
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
87 PART-II SECTION -8 “(c) The Client shall pay the Consultant’s We request the corporation to clear the Refer to RFP document
GENERAL invoices within sixty (60) days after the receipt consultant’s invoices within thirty (30)
CONDITIONS OF by the Client of such itemized invoices with days after the receipt of the invoice by the
CONTRACT CLAUSE supporting documents. Only such portion of an client., Keeping in view the Scale of the
46 (C). PAGE - 118 invoice that is not satisfactorily supported may be project and services required it will be
withheld from payment. Should any discrepancy easier for the consultant to maintain their
be found to exist between actual payment and cashflow.
costs authorized to be incurred by the Consultant,
the Client may add or subtract the difference
from any subsequent payments.”
88 PART-II SECTION -8 “The Final Payment. The Final Payment. The The Corporation is requested to clarify the Refer to RFP document
GENERAL final payment under this Clause shall be made clause as there are no final report
CONDITIONS OF only after the final report and a final invoice, mentioned in the Tender Document.
CONTRACT CLAUSE identified as such, shall have been submitted by
46 (D). PAGE - 119 the Consultant and approved as satisfactory by
the Client. The Services shall be deemed
completed and finally accepted by the Client and
the final report and final invoice shall be deemed
approved by the Client as satisfactory ninety (90)
calendar days after receipt of the final report and
final invoice by the Client unless the Client,
within such ninety (90) calendar day period,
gives written notice to the Consultant specifying
in detail deficiencies in the Services, the final
report or final invoice. The Consultant shall
thereupon promptly make any necessary
corrections, and thereafter the foregoing process
shall be repeated. Any amount that the Client has
paid or has caused to be paid in accordance with
this Clause in excess of the amounts payable in
accordance with the provisions of this Contract
shall be reimbursed by the Consultant to the
Client within thirty (30) days after receipt by the
Consultant of notice thereof. Any such claim by
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
the Client for reimbursement must be made
within twelve (12) calendar months after receipt
by the Client of a final report and a final invoice
approved by the Client in accordance with the
89 GCC CLAUSE 22 Confidentiality: Except with the prior written We request corporation to kindly include Refer to RFP document
PAGE - 111 consent of the Client, the Consultant and the a clause to state that the Consultant will
Experts shall not at any time communicate to any not be liable for any indirect and
person or entity any confidential information consequential losses or damages. This is
acquired in the course of the Services, nor shall as per GFR and MEITY guidelines and
the Consultant and the Experts make public the also the industry standard. Even the law,
recommendations formulated in the course of, or Contract Act, stipulates and remote and
as a result of, the Services. consequential damages are not payable.
We request you to kindly consider the
following clause: “Purchase/Client agrees
that Consultant will not be liable for (i)
loss or corruption of data from your
systems, (ii) loss of profit, goodwill,
business opportunity, anticipated savings
or benefits or (iii) indirect or
consequential loss.”
90 GCC CLAUSE 19 (C) Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to We request you to kindly consider that we Refer to RFP document
AND CLAUSE 22 Clauses GCC 12 or GCC 19 hereof, or upon may have to disclose information for
PAGE – 110-111 expiration of this Contract pursuant to Clause successful accomplishment of work and
GCC 14, all rights and obligations of the Parties for regulatory and internal compliance
hereunder shall cease, except (i) such rights and purposes. However, to the extent legally
obligations as may have accrued on the date of permissible, we will ensure that even if
termination or expiration, (ii) the obligation of the information is disclosed to any third
confidentiality set forth in Clause GCC 22, (iii) party, such parties maintain
the Consultant’s obligation to permit inspection, confidentiality of such information. We
copying and auditing of their accounts and therefore request you to kindly include the
records set forth in Clause GCC 25 and to following clause: “Consultant may
cooperate and assist in any inspection or disclose confidential information: (a) to
its employees, directors, officers and
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
investigation, and (iv) any right which a Party subcontractors, on a need-to-know basis,
may have under the Applicable Law. as required for performance of services,
provided such employees, directors,
Confidentiality: Except with the prior written officers and subcontractors are bound by
consent of the Client, the Consultant and the confidentiality obligations; (b) where
Experts shall not at any time communicate to any required by applicable law or regulation
person or entity any confidential information or for regulatory and compliance (both
acquired in the course of the Services, nor shall internal and external) purposes.” We
the Consultant and the Experts make public the request you to kindly reduce the survival
recommendations formulated in the course of, or period of confidentiality obligations to
as a result of, the Services. one year post expiry or termination.
91 CL. 3, INSTRUCTION Conflict of Interest The Consultant is required to We wish to highlight that we are a large Refer to RFP document
TO CONSULTANTS - provide professional, objective, and impartial organization providing similar advisory
DATE SHEET PAGE - advice, at all times holding the Client’s interests services to various state and central
10 paramount, strictly avoiding conflicts. government departments, PSUs,
international organizations and private
clients. We wish you to note that while we
have a mechanism in place to identify
patent and direct conflict of interests, it
may not always be possible to identify any
or all indirect or remote conflict of
interests. Kindly appreciate that our no
conflict confirmations will be subject to
the foregoing. The restriction should be
limited only to the team members
working directly on this project, the
restrictions under the conflict clause
extends only to PricewaterhouseCoopers
Private Limited and not to any other
network firm within the
PricewaterhouseCoopers network.
92 CL 26, REPORTING The Consultant shall submit to the Client the By making time of essence of the Refer to RFP document
OBLIGATIONS reports and documents specified in Appendix A, contract, you retain the right to void the
PAGE - 112 contract ab initio in case timelines are not
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
in the form, in the numbers and within the time met. There are various dependencies on
periods set forth in the said Appendix. the client and other third parties for
completing the project. There may be
delays on part of client and other parties
also. Thus, contract can be voided by you
even if the fault is not entirely ours. We
understand that it is not the intention to
make the agreement void ab initio in case
of any delay in achieving the timelines.
You may exercise your right to terminate
the contract in case of material breaches.
Thus, request you to kindly delete this
93 PG 105 For the purposes of this Contract, “Force We request you to kindly consider the Refer to RFP document
Majeure” means an event which is beyond the following suggestion:
reasonable control of a Party, is not foreseeable, “For the purposes of this Contract, “Force
is unavoidable, and makes a Party’s performance Majeure” means an event which is beyond
of its obligations hereunder impossible or so the reasonable control of a Party, is not
impractical as reasonably to be considered foreseeable, is unavoidable, and makes a
impossible under the circumstances, and subject Party’s performance of its obligations
to those requirements, includes, but is not limited hereunder impossible or so impractical as
to, war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire, reasonably to be considered impossible
explosion, storm, flood or other adverse weather under the circumstances, and subject to
conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial those requirements, includes, but is not
action confiscation or any other action by limited to, pandemic, epidemic,
Government agencies. lockdown, war, riots, civil disorder,
earthquake, fire, explosion, storm, flood
or other adverse weather conditions,
strikes, lockouts or other industrial action
confiscation or any other action by
Government agencies.
94 CL 27. Unless otherwise indicated in the SCC, all This has the potential risk of PwC Refer to RFP document
PROPRIETARY reports and relevant data and information such as forfeiting its preexisting proprietary
RIGHTS OF THE maps, diagrams, plans, databases, other knowledge to the corporation. We would
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
CLIENT IN REPORTS documents and software, supporting records or need the Contract to clarify that subject to
AND RECORDS material compiled or prepared by the Consultant payment in full of the professional fees for
PAGE - 112 for the Client in the course of the Services shall the relevant Deliverables, the final Study
be confidential and become and remain the Reports or other material or graphic
absolute property of the Client. The Consultant (collectively “Deliverables”), prepared by
shall, not later than upon termination or PwC for, and submitted to the corporation
expiration of this Contract, deliver all such under this engagement shall belong to and
documents to the Client, together with a detailed remain the property of the corporation
inventory thereof. The Consultant may retain a excluding the preexisting intellectual
copy of such documents, data and/or software but property rights/ proprietary materials of
shall not use the same for purposes unrelated to PwC incorporated in the Deliverables
this Contract without prior written approval of which shall continue to belong to PwC.
the Client. If license agreements are necessary or Specifically, with respect to our pre-
appropriate between the Consultant and third existing IPR, we are agreeable to provide
parties for purposes of development of the plans, the corporation with a non-exclusive &
drawings, specifications, designs, databases, non-transferable license to use the same
other documents and software, the Consultant (to the extent incorporated in the
shall obtain the Client’s prior written approval to deliverables) for its internal use in
such agreements, and the Client shall be entitled connection with the services provided by
at its discretion to require recovering the us under this Agreement. Also, PwC shall
expenses related to the development of the continue to retain ownership over its draft
program(s) concerned. Other restrictions about deliverables/internal working papers.
the future use of these documents and software, Additionally, subject to its confidentiality
if any, shall be specified in the SCC. obligations under the RFP, PwC should
also be allowed to use the general skills,
knowledge, know-how etc. created during
the course of this engagement for its
subsequent engagements. Moreover, any
third-party licenses, necessary for the
performance of the services, would need
to be procured by the corporation. While
we are ok to return hard copies of
confidential information made available
by client and/or delete or make reasonably
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
inaccessible any electronic copies thereof
- however we need to retain our internal
working papers and central IT archives as
per our organizational data policies. That
said, we are ok to state that any retained
copies of confidential information by us
shall be maintained in confidence as per
the terms of this agreement.
95 SCC CLAUSE 24.1 The insurance coverage against the risks shall be PricewaterhouseCoopers Private Limited Please refer to RFP
PAGE - 126 as follows: [Note: Delete what is not applicable maintains appropriate professional
except (a)]. (a) Professional liability insurance, indemnity insurance cover with
with a minimum coverage of value, equal to the underwriters to protect against all
value of the contract; reasonable risks in respect of all
(b) employer’s liability and workers’ professional services provided by the
compensation insurance in respect of the experts firm. The policies are issued on a broad
and Subconsultants in accordance with the form Professional Indemnity Insurance
relevant provisions of the applicable law in the wording. Whilst the levels of cover must
Client’s country, as well as, with respect to such be kept confidential, we believe that our
Experts, any such life, health, accident, travel or insurance cover is at least adequate to
other insurance as may be appropriate; enable us to meet valid claims.
Furthermore, although we carry insurance
cover, it is the firm's policy to limit our
liability in our contracts to minimise our
potential exposure to a reasonable level
unless we are prohibited by law or
regulation from so doing. We expect the
outcome of any current action or
aggregate of actions to be within our
insurance cover and other resources, such
that our ability to continue to render
services will not be impaired.
Additionally, due to confidentiality
reasons, we do not share the policies or
disclose the limits of insurance availed.
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
96 CL 50, SCC Disputes shall be settled by arbitration in In order to uphold the principles of natural Please refer to RFP. Contract document will
PAGE - 130 accordance with the following provisions: 1. justice (Nemo judex in causa sua- no one be finalized after technical negotiation with
Selection of Arbitrators. Each dispute submitted should be judge in ones own case) and the selected bidder.
by a Party to arbitration shall be heard by a sole provisions of the Arbitration and
arbitrator or an arbitration panel composed of Conciliation Act, we request that the
three (3) arbitrators, in accordance with the arbitrator(s) be appointed with mutual
following provisions: (a) Where the Parties agree consent of both the parties. Alternatively,
that the dispute concerns a technical matter, they a panel of three arbitrators may be set up
may agree to appoint a sole arbitrator or, failing in which one arbitrator is appointed by
agreement on the identity of such sole arbitrator Consultant, one by the client and the two
within thirty (30) days after receipt by the other arbitrators appoint third arbitrator. Please
Party of the proposal of a name for such an confirm.
appointment by the Party who initiated the
proceedings, either Party may apply to [name an
appropriate international professional body, e.g.,
the Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-
Conseil (FIDIC) of Lausanne, Switzerland] for a
list of not fewer than five (5) nominees and, on
receipt of such list, the Parties shall alternately
strike names therefrom, and the last remaining
nominee on the list shall be the sole arbitrator for
the matter in dispute. If the last remaining
nominee has not been determined in this manner
within sixty (60) days of the date of the list,
[insert the name of the same professional body as
above] shall appoint, upon the request of either
Party and from such list or otherwise, a sole
arbitrator for the matter in dispute Where the
Parties do not agree that the dispute concerns a
technical matter, the Client and the Consultant
shall each appoint one (1) arbitrator, and these
two arbitrators shall jointly appoint a third
arbitrator, who shall chair the arbitration panel. If
the arbitrators named by the Parties do not
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
succeed in appointing a third arbitrator within
thirty (30) days after the latter of the two (2)
arbitrators named by the Parties has been
appointed, the third arbitrator shall, at the request
of either Party, be appointed by [name an
appropriate international appointing corporation,
e.g., the Secretary General of the Permanent
Court of Arbitration, The Hague; the Secretary
General of the International Centre for
Settlement of Investment Disputes, Washington,
D.C.; the International Chamber of Commerce,
Paris; etc.]. If, in a dispute subject to paragraph
(b) above, one Party fails to appoint its arbitrator
within thirty (30) days after the other Party has
appointed its arbitrator, the Party which has
named an arbitrator may apply to the [name the
same appointing corporation as in said paragraph
(b)] to appoint a sole arbitrator for the matter in
dispute, and the arbitrator appointed pursuant to
such application shall be the sole arbitrator for
that dispute.
97 CL 19 (C ) Upon termination of this Contract pursuant to We request that any obligation arising Please refer to RFP document
CESSATION OF Clauses GCC 12 or GCC 19 hereof, or upon under the agreement shall survive for a
RIGHTS AND expiration of this Contract pursuant to Clause period of 12 months, post
OBLIGATIONS GCC 14, all rights and obligations of the Parties termination/expiry of the Contract.
PAGE - 108 hereunder shall cease, except (i) such rights and
obligations as may have accrued on the date of
termination or expiration, (ii) the obligation of
confidentiality set forth in Clause GCC 22, (iii)
the Consultant’s obligation to permit inspection,
copying and auditing of their accounts and
records set forth in Clause GCC 25 and to
cooperate and assist in any inspection or
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
investigation, and (iv) any right which a Party
may have under the Applicable Law.
98 GENERAL Third Party Disclaimer We will be providing services and Please refer to RFP
deliverables to you under the contract. We
accept no liability to anyone, other than
you, in connection with our services,
unless otherwise agreed by us in writing.
You agree to reimburse us for any liability
(including legal costs) that we incur in
connection with any claim by anyone else
in relation to the services. Please confirm
our understanding is correct.
99 GENERAL Acceptance criteria If the engagement is to be completed on Please refer to RFP
time, it would require binding both parties
with timelines to fulfil their respective
part of obligations. We request you to
kindly incorporate a deliverable
acceptance procedure, perhaps the one
provided by MEITY, Government of
India in their guidelines, or the one
suggested below, to ensure that
acceptance of deliverables is not denied or
delayed and comments, if any, are
received by us well in time. You may
consider including the below simple
clause: “Within 10 days (or any other
agreed period) from Employer's receipt of
a draft deliverable, Employer will notify
Consultant if it is accepted. If it is not
accepted, the Employer will let
Consultant know the reasonable grounds
for such non acceptance, and Consultant
will take reasonable remedial measures so
that the draft deliverable materially meets
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
the agreed specifications. If Employer
does not notify Consultant within the
agreed time period or if Employer uses the
draft deliverable, it will be deemed to be
100 GENERAL Indemnity The indemnities set out in this agreement Refer to RFP document
shall be subject to the following
conditions: (i) the Indemnified Party as
promptly as practicable informs the
Indemnifying Party in writing of the claim
or proceedings and provides all relevant
evidence, documentary or otherwise; (ii)
the Indemnified Party shall, at the cost of
the Indemnifying Party, give the
Indemnifying Party all reasonable
assistance in the Defense of such claim
including reasonable access to all relevant
information, documentation and
personnel provided that the Indemnified
Party may, at its sole cost and expense,
reasonably participate, through its
attorneys or otherwise, in such Defense;
(iii) if the Indemnifying Party does not
assume full control over the Defense of a
claim as provided in this clause, the
Indemnified Party may participate in such
defense at its sole cost and expense, and
the Indemnified Party will have the right
to defend the claim in such manner as it
may deem appropriate, and the cost and
expense of the Indemnified Party will be
included in losses; (iv) the Indemnified
Party shall not prejudice, pay or accept
any proceedings or claim, or compromise
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
any proceedings or claim, without the
written consent of the Indemnifying
Party; (v) all settlements of claims subject
to indemnification under this Clause will:
a) be entered into only with the consent of
the Indemnified Party, which consent will
not be unreasonably withheld and include
an unconditional release to the
Indemnified Party from the claimant or
plaintiff for all liability in respect of such
claim; and b) include any appropriate
confidentiality agreement prohibiting
disclosure of the terms of such settlement;
(vi) the Indemnified Party shall account to
the Indemnifying Party for all awards,
settlements, damages and costs (if any)
finally awarded in favour of the
Indemnified Party which are to be paid to
it in connection with any such claim or
proceedings; (vii) the Indemnified Party
shall take steps that the Indemnifying
Party may reasonably require to mitigate
or reduce its loss as a result of such a
claim or proceedings; (viii) in the event
that the Indemnifying Party is obligated to
indemnify an Indemnified Party pursuant
to this clause, the Indemnifying Party
will, upon payment of such indemnity in
full, be subrogated to all rights and
defenses of the Indemnified Party with
respect to the claims to which such
indemnification relates; and (ix) if a Party
makes a claim under the indemnity set out
under Clause above in respect of any
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
particular loss or losses, then that Party
shall not be entitled to make any further
claim in respect of that loss or losses
(including any claim for damages).
101 GENERAL Limitation of Liability We request you to kindly limit Please refer to RFP and corrigendum II.
Consultant’s liability to 1X of the total
contract value. This is as per GFR and the
guidelines issued by Meity. It is also the
normal industry practice. The PMC will
not be liable or held responsible for any
any consequential, incidental, indirect,
punitive, exemplary or special damages of
any nature whatsoever. In addition we
could like to clarify that the relationship
of PricewaterhouseCoopers Private
Limited under this Agreement is solely
with Client, and accordingly, no person
who is not an executing party to this
Agreement, shall have any rights to
enforce this Agreement (whether in
contract, tort or otherwise) We also
request you to kindly consider including
the following language:
“Purchaser/Client agrees that Consultants
total liability for all claims connected with
the services or this agreement (including
but not limited to negligence), whether in
contract, tor, statute, indemnities or
otherwise, is limited to one time the
professional fees paid / payable for the
services. Purchaser/Client agrees that
Consultant will not be liable for (i) loss or
corruption of data from your systems, (ii)
loss of profit, goodwill, business
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
opportunity, anticipated savings or
benefits or (iii) indirect or consequential
102 PART-II SECTION -8 The Itemized Invoices As soon as practicable and We would like to highlight to the Refer to RFP document
GENERAL not later than fifteen (15) days after the end of corporation that the payment terms are not
CONDITIONS OF each calendar month during the period of the clear, and we would like to suggest
CONTRACT CLAUSE Services, or after the end of each time interval monthly invoicing based on the resources
46 (B). otherwise indicated in the SCC, the Consultant deployed for the project.
PAGE - 119 shall submit to the Client, in duplicate, itemized
invoices, accompanied by the receipts or other
appropriate supporting documents, of the
amounts payable pursuant to Clauses GCC 45
and GCC 46 for such interval, or any other period
indicated in the SCC. Separate invoices shall be
submitted for expenses incurred in foreign
currency and in local currency. Each invoice
shall show remuneration and reimbursable
expenses separately.
103 CLAUSE: 3 (B), Procurement & Contract Management: The We understand that we will be assisting Verification/ validation/ certification of the
SECTION 7 TERMS Project Management Consultant will, on behalf and providing inputs on behalf of client works and invoices of the contractors are
OF REFERENCE. of and under the guidance of Project Director and PwC will not be responsible for the responsibility of the PMU.
PAGE - 79 WBIWTLSDP/PMU, manage the procurement verification /validation/ certification of
and contracts of consultancy or contractor the works and invoices of the
services and/or of goods and works associated
with each component of the project
104 CLAUSE: 3 (I), Build PMU capacity: Monitor the We would like to highlight that the Please refer to the TOR.
SECTION 7 TERMS implementation of the training plan for trainings conducted by the PMC will be in
OF REFERENCE. WBIWTLSDP /PMU. Periodically assess the train the trainer basis and PMC will not be
PAGE - 80 capacity building needs of WBIWTLSDP /PMU providing any certifications to the
for effective implementation of the project. participants.
Suggest capacity building and training options
and opportunities to the PMU which can address
weaknesses. As applicable, provide training to
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
relevant staff, as well as suggest external training
opportunities where relevant
105 SECTION 7 CLAUSE Supervision of Accounting & Taxation. We understand that PMC’s role will be Refer to RFP document
6, SNO 8 ACCOUNTS Monitoring of Statutory Compliances under limited to assess and provide
OFFICER Income Tax Act, Companies Act, GST, Royalty recommendations only and that the PMC
PAGE - 84 and Labour Cess, Professional Tax EPF & ESI will not be responsible for the
and other Acts. Administering Accounting confirmation/affirmations/validations of
Entries, Compliances of MIS, Audit, Notices & the documents. The procedures PMC will
Departmental Circulars, and Directives. be performing will not constitute an
Performance Audit, Propriety Audit, examination or a review in accordance
Supplementary Audit, Certification Audit, with generally accepted auditing
Transaction Audit, Commercial Audit, Statutory standards or attestation standards.
& Internal Audit Financial Compliances. IUFR, Additionally, the deliverables mentioned
MPR, MER Preparation. Payments to herein are prepared for client internal
Contractors/Consultants/ Vendors etc. & Tally consumption and will not involve any
Administration. third party/public domain sharing and/or
sharing with external regulators. We
request the corporation to provide
confirmation on the same.

106 SECTION 7 CLAUSE Tally Accounting of transactions. Statutory We would like to highlight that the roles Refer to RFP document
6, SNO 11 Deductions & Depositions & Respective Return and responsibilities listed out are of
ACCOUNTANT Filing. Initiate & Process all Payments through administrative or clerical in nature.
PAGE - 85 Treasury. Custodian of Bid Security, EMD, Bank Hence, we request you to consider an
Guarantees, Insurance Documents, advisory support staff and associated
Contracts/Agreements etc. Maintain Trackers of scope of work for the position of
Bank Guarantees, FDR, Maintenance of Fixed accountant.
Assets Register etc. IUFR, MPR, MER, Other
Reports Preparation.
107 PART-II SECTION -8 Equipment, vehicles and materials made We request you to kindly clarify if there The requirement should be assessed by the
GENERAL available to the Consultant by the Client or is a need for any specific equipment, participating consultant to deliver the TOR.
CONDITIONS OF purchased by the Consultant wholly or partly vehicles and materials for the delivery of
CONTRACT CLAUSE with funds provided by the Client, shall be the the scope.
46 (B). property of the Client and shall be marked
PAGE – 112-113 accordingly. Upon termination or expiration of
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
this Contract, the Consultant shall make
available to the Client an inventory of such
equipment, vehicles and materials and shall
dispose of such equipment, vehicles and
materials in accordance with the Client’s
instructions. While in possession of such
equipment, vehicles and materials, the
Consultant, unless otherwise instructed by the
Client in writing, shall insure them at the expense
of the Client in an amount equal to their full
replacement value.
108 PART-I SECTION3, Form Tech 7 We would like to highlight that we Refer to RFP document
FORM TECH-7 operate in accordance with the PwC code
PAGE – 56-58 of conduct. We will cause our project
team members performing services under
this engagement to read and be aware of
your relevant policies such that to the
extent applicable to them in performing
services, they do not act in a manner
inconsistent with the substance thereof.
109 PART-II SECTION -8 Except as otherwise stated herein, arbitration We would like to request you that since Refer to RFP document
GCC & SSC proceedings shall be conducted in accordance the parties are Indian entities, the
CLAUSE 50 with the rules of procedure for arbitration of the arbitration shall be governed by the Indian
PAGE - 130 United Nations Commission on International Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Trade Law (UNCITRAL) as in force on the date and the list of arbitrators should be
of this Contract. provided by reputed Indian arbitration
110 SECTION 7 CLAUSE Role: Project documentation, Project Archive, We request the Corporation to please Refer to RFP document
6, SNO 12 IT CUM maintaining project website. Work in co- remove maintaining project website, Data
MIS EXPERT CUM ordination with Project M&E Expert and extraction and data transformation from
SOFTWARE providing all data support to him. Understanding the scope of the consultant as the said
DEVELOPER requirement of data, collecting data from work does not fall under the ambit of
PAGE - 85 different sources, data extraction, data Project Management Consultant.
transformation, data presentation Additionally, we request the corporation
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
to please provide clarity with respect to
the definition of the word “Data” being
used in the clause.
111 CLAUSE: 3 (G), Manage, monitor, and supervise project We request the corporation to please The TOR clearly explains the requirement of
SECTION 7 progress: “.... In addition, it will manage the provide clarity in regard to our role, the assignment.
TERMS OF project budget on behalf of WBIWTLSDP whether its in a nature of assistance or
REFERENCE. /PMU, monitor the expenditures and costs decision making.
PAGE - 80 against deliverables and assess tangible benefits.
It shall also support WBIWTLSDP /PMU in
preparation of the disbursement applications to
the World Bank and in furnishing the supporting
112 CLAUSE: 3 (J), Disseminate outputs: Effectively disseminate the We would like to request the corporation Please refer to RFP regarding proprietary
SECTION 7 TERMS outputs generated towards the project to the key that the deliverables produced by PMC in rights.
OF REFERENCE. stakeholders through reports, summaries, regard to the project should not be shared
PAGE - 80 workshops, seminars etc. with a 3rd party without consent.
113 SECTION 7 CLAUSE Role: The M&E specialist will establish, We understand that PwC’s role will be PMU has already appointed Independent
6, SNO 3 maintain and implement the monitoring systems limited to assess and provide Verification Agency. For scope of work of
MONITORING AND for the Project and work along with the PMU recommendations only and that the PwC M&E expert please refer to the RFP.
EVALUATION staff to monitor the status of all the activities will not be responsible for the
EXPERT carried out in the project ensuring that the confirmation/affirmations/validations of
PAGE - 82 activities are in line with the project objectives. the works and the invoices of the
He will also co-ordinate with the independent contractors.
verification agency for monitoring of
achievement of project DLIs/PBCs, project
114 PART-II SECTION -8 The Consultant shall keep and shall make all The audit rights are widely worded. Due Refer to RFP document
GCC CLAUSE 25 reasonable efforts to cause its Sub-consultants to to client confidentiality & internal data
PAGE – 111-112 keep, accurate and systematic accounts and policy reasons, we would be unable to
records in respect of the Services in such form provide such unqualified access to our
and detail as will clearly identify relevant time systems, premises and records. That said,
changes and costs. Pursuant to paragraph 2.2 e. we are agreeable to a review by the
of Attachment 1 to the General Conditions, the corporation to the extent that it is: (i)
Consultant shall permit and shall cause its agents restricted to providing access to PwC’s
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
(where declared or not), subcontractors, fees/ invoicing related records relating to
subconsultants, service providers, suppliers, and the services under this project; (ii) is
personnel, to permit, the Bank and/or persons carried out within 6 months of the expiry
appointed by the Bank to inspect the site and/or or termination of the agreement. PwC
the accounts, records and other documents should not be expected to provide any
relating to the procurement process, selection information which may cause it to breach
and/or contract execution, and to have such confidentiality vis-a-vis other parties. If
accounts, records and other documents audited an audit is contemplated to be conducted
by auditors appointed by the Bank. The by an external/third party auditor, we
Consultant’s and its Subcontractors’ and would need such third party to sign an
subconsultants’ attention is drawn to Sub-Clause NDA with us.
10.1 (Fraud and Corruption) which provides,
inter alia, that acts intended to materially impede
the exercise of the Bank’s inspection and audit
rights constitute a prohibited practice subject to
contract termination (as well as to a
determination of ineligibility pursuant to the
Bank’s prevailing sanctions procedures).
115 PART-II SECTION -8 “The Client may terminate this Contract in case An objective and consultative process Refer to RFP document
GCC CLAUSE 19 of the occurrence of any of the events specified should precede before the corporation
PAGE - 107 in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this Clause. In chooses to exercise its termination rights
such an occurrence the Client shall give at least under this clause. To ensure that the
thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice of clause is not interpreted in a subjective
termination to the Consultant in case of the manner, a mechanism should be put in
events referred to in (a) through (d); at least sixty place to objectively capture service-
(60) calendar days’ written notice in case of the related defaults and allocate the
event referred to in (e); and at least five (5) accountability to an appropriate party in a
calendar days’ written notice in case of the event transparent manner. Upon termination,
referred to in (f)....” PwC should be paid for the services
performed by PwC till the date of
termination. Additionally, given our audit
independence requirements, we would
also require the right to terminate in
circumstances where continued
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
performance under this contract would
breach our legal, professional or
regulatory requirements.
116 PART-II SECTION -8 Any modification or variation of the terms and The Contract needs to document an Refer to RFP document
GCC CLAUSE 16 conditions of this Contract, including any objective scope change process to address
PAGE - 105 modification or variation of the scope of the any changes to the agreed scope of work,
Services, may only be made by written timelines or duration of the project, in a
agreement between the Parties. However, each mutual consultative manner. This would
Party shall give due consideration to any ensure that neither side is expected to
proposals for modification or variation made by assume any implied obligations.
the other Party. In cases of substantial
modifications or variations, the prior written
consent of the Bank is required.
117 SECTION-7 TERMS 7. Tentative Deployment Schedule We request the clarification on working All the staffs need to be deployed at Project
OF REFERENCE, place of Team leader and Dy. Team Office at Kolkata.
PAGE – 87-88
118 SECTION 7 CLAUSE Transport Planner Expected Person Months- 6 We request you to consider Expected Refer to RFP document
6, SNO 5 Months Person Month for Transport Planner as 12
PAGE - 83
119 SECTION 7 CLAUSE Qualification: Master of Planning (Urban We request you to consider the Refer to response of 29
6, SNO 4 URBAN Planning, Town Planning Country Planning) Qualification of Urban Planner as
PLANNER with 10 Years of experience in spatial or master “Master of Planning (Urban Planning,
PAGE - 82 plans at city levels. Expected Person Months- 6 Town Planning Country Planning) with 5
Months. Years of experience in spatial or master
plans at city levels.” Additionally, we
request you to consider the expected
person month for Urban Planner as 12
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
120 SECTION 7 CLAUSE We request you to consider inclusion of a Refer to RFP document
6 GIS Expert for managing and Monitoring
of Spatial Modelling Scope of the project.
-Qualification of GIS Expert may be
considered as Master Degree/ MSc./
MPhil in Remote Sensing and Geo-spatial
Technology with 15 Years of experience.
- Role of GIS Expert shall be Spatial Data
Handling, Data Modelling, Integration
with nonspatial / MIS data set, Spatial
Query Management and Analysis, Project
Documentation and Report Generation
-Deployment schedule of GIS Expert
shall be considered as 18 months.
121 SECTION 7 TERMS D. Review of project preparatory studies Plan, We request the corporation to please Refer to RFP document
OF REFERENCE Design etc.: The Project Management Consultant confirm if the reports prepared for the
CLAUSE 3 (D) will, on behalf of and under the guidance of the ISDP, ISBP, CMP, SDS, LMP will be
PAGE - 79 employer, provide support to the WBIWTLSDP required to be reviewed by the PMC or
/PMU with respect to review of strategic, only the recommendations from the study
feasibility and safeguards studies for preparation are to be considered for the development
of the project and its proposed investments. based on the inputs from the corporation.
Advise the WBIWTLSDP /PMU on their
adequacy as per their TORs and applicable
national and World Bank standards and provide
suggestions for improvement. Relevant
standards for safeguards studies include national
laws and regulations for environmental and
social impact assessment and management, as
well as the World Bank safeguard policies and
Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS)
guidelines. The Project Management Consultant
will review processes, procedures, and the
institutional capacity of the AIWTDS/PMU to
manage environmental and social risks and
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
impacts to ensure compliance with its
Environmental, Social, Health and Safety
(ESHS) obligations. Review ISDP, ISBP, IWT
Safety Studies, CMP, SDS, LMP and other
studies/plan under the project. The Project
Management Consultant will also perform
design vetting of individual project under this
122 SECTION 7 TERMS F. Develop a comprehensive Project We request the corporation to please Refer to RFP document
OF REFERENCE Implementation Plan: Use recommendation from confirm, if the implementation plan to be
CLAUSE 3 (F) the Integrated Strategic Development Plan prepared based on the recommendation
PAGE - 82 (ISDP) study, identify detailed project from ISDP study will be focussed only on
components and interventions to be made in IWT sector development or it will include
support of the project objective and overall IWT the development plans for the whole
sector strategy. Similarly, use recommendations KMA region which may include
from the study Institutional Strengthening and CMP,SDS, CMP, LMP etc.
Business Planning to decide on appropriate
measures to be undertaken for improving
institutional strength and capacity and use
recommendations from the IWT Safety study to
decide on appropriate measures to be undertaken
for improving safety of IWT operation and its
stakeholders. All project
components/interventions shall be decided and
finalized in consultation with the employer and
the World Bank. In doing so, the PMC will
develop a comprehensive project implementation
plan capable to guide and control timelines/
budgets for activities such as feasibility
studies/surveys, procurement etc. associated with
each project component whether taken up in
parallel or sequentially. The PMC shall, in
consultations with the employer create
mechanisms for effective consultant
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
coordination, as well as engagement of all
stakeholders who participate in guidance,
conduct or review of outputs of the different
components of the project.
123 RFP page-37, Cl. Eligibility Firms experience in PMC is required. We Refer to RFP document
21.1, understood that experience of
Construction supervision, Authority
Engineer will be considered under the
124 Page 37 Cl. 21.1 Evaluation Criteria We request authority to consider ongoing Refer to RFP document
Part-B ii) 1 assignment in Urban Infrastructure sector Urban Infrastructure projects with
PMC successfully executed in the last 5 years – completion of min one year from contract
5 marks agreement.
It will encourage competent consultants
to participate.
125 RFP page-10, Cl. 6, Eligibility Authority has allowed to participate in Maximum total 3 (Three) JV members are
JV. We request to intimate number of JV allowed.
members allowed.
126 RFP page 35 Cl. Date & Time Schedule: - The time available with respect to current Refer to response of 16
17.1 5. Bid Submission/Upload End Date 15/09/2022 project submission date is quite short for
15:00 Hours compilation of proposal which includes
compilation of legal and financial
documents as per proposal requirements.
We request you to extend the submission
date at least by 10 Days from current due
date of proposal submission, so that we
can compile & prepare a sound and
competitive bid.
127 RFP page 80 I. BUILD PMU CAPACITY: Monitor the We understand that expenditure of Refer to RFP document
implementation of the training plan for conveyance, lodging and boarding,
WBIWTLSDP /PMU. Periodically assess the training material along with arrangement
capacity building needs of WBIWTLSDP /PMU at venue for training will be borne by
for effective implementation of the project. client. Kindly clarify and confirm.
Suggest capacity building and training options
S. No. Section Clause Query / Suggestions Response
and opportunities to the PMU which can address Kindly intimate the no. of participants and
weaknesses. As applicable, provide training to no. of sessions for providing training to
relevant staff, as well as suggest external training relevant staff
Opportunities where relevant.

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