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Calvin juan putra (220327164)

When I interviewed my mother on a video call, I asked her a few questions. Her name is
Meriawati, the last of 4 children, since she was little she dreamed of becoming a doctor. he is
currently 32 years old, he has a good personality, honest and hardworking he graduated from
hasanuddin university majoring in pharmacy, he had an internship while completing college
now he works in a hospital in my city, currently he is still a nurse He has been doing this job for
about 5 years, his working hours are from 8 am to 3 pm. She said she was very happy to be a
nurse because she got to meet a lot of people and there were so many fun things she found
after working as a nurse, such as the happiness she felt when the patients she treated
recovered. There are two skills that he is engaged in in this job, the first is soft skill skills, namely
he is required to be full of friendliness, patience and tenacity. The second is hard skills, he must
learn how to use medical devices, learn about medicine, the right food for patients, also
calculate the dose of medicine correctly for babies to adults. So far he has earned a lot, apart
from earning he also has experience. The sadness he faces is that he has very little rest time due
to busy working hours and also he has to take care of his family, in his spare time he usually
spends time with his family to the beach.

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