Current Scenario of Global Issues

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Scenario of
Global Issues
Nishita Verma
Why do we need to care about Global Issues?
•Professional ethics largely revolve around doing the right thing to ensure
no harm is caused to other as a result of the professional and business
•The effects COVID-19 pandemic to worsening climate impacts,
devastating humanitarian crises, and the continued unraveling of hard-
won gains on everything from curbing poverty to closing the gender
divide, global issues impact the world population is varying degrees
•Keeping these issues and their necessary preventative and precautionary
measures in mind while planning and executing business and professional
procedures can help minimize the impact of these global issues.
Poverty Impact of COVID-19
COVID-19 pandemic could increase global poverty by as much as
half a billion people, or 8% of the total human population

People and Children

A devastating number of people have slid back into
poverty; one in 5 children is living in conditions of
extreme poverty

Lack of Resources
Countries that are bearing the greatest burdens
and setbacks are those least able to respond due to
limited domestic resources and high debt burdens.

Rich and Poor

Local governments to CEOs, universities, and
community foundations can help brudge the gap
Projections now show the world is not on track to achieve Sustainable Development
Goal 2, Zero Hunger by 2030 and, despite some progress, most indicators are also
not on track to meet global nutrition targets. the State of Food Security and
WATER Nutrition in the World 2021 report.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 is to “Ensure availability and The latest edition of that report, which was published mid-2021, estimated that
sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. between 720 and 811 million people went hungry in 2020. High costs and low
The targets cover all aspects of both the water cycle and sanitation affordability also mean billions cannot eat healthily or nutritiously.
systems, and their achievement is designed to contribute to progress
across a range of other SDGs, most notably on health, education,
economics and the environment.
As the global population grows, there is an increasing need to balance
all of the competing commercial demands on water resources, so that
communities have enough for their needs.
UN Climate Change Conference (COP): New pledges
01 and multistakeholder coalitions were forged to address
methane gas pollution, deforestation, coal financing,
and shipping, among other issues.

Carbon emissions rebounded in 2021, despite a slowing

02 economy amid an unrelenting pandemic. Extreme
weather events accelerated, and biodiversity loss is
taking place at alarming speed.

At COP27, to be held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt,

countries will be asked to return — not five years later as
03 originally agreed but one year after Glasgow — with
updated climate pledges to push for faster action.
Greater attention must be placed on adaptation and
finance and finding ways to ramp up developed
economies’ support for countries most threatened by
climate change and facing irreparable losses, including
small island developing states.
Biggest Issues of
Why we need Gender Equality:

Women and girls represent half of the world’s Unequal pay

population and, therefore, also half of its Lack of opportunities: education and
potential. employment
Gender equality, besides being a fundamental Societal norms and misogyny
human right, is essential to achieve peaceful Domestic violence and abuse
societies, with full human potential and Crimes against women
sustainable development. Lack of bodily autonomy
Moreover, it has been shown that empowering Lack of political representation
women spurs productivity and economic Poor medical care
Every child has the right to health,
education and protection, and every
society has a stake in expanding
children’s opportunities in life.
Yet, around the world, millions of
children are denied a fair chance for no
reason other than the country, gender
or circumstances into which they are

With the adoption of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in
September of 2015, world leaders have committed to ending poverty by 2030.
But unless accelerated efforts are made:
Almost 52 million children may die before reaching their fifth birthday
between 2019 and 2030.
Children in sub-Saharan Africa will be 16 times more likely to die before
their fifth birthday than children in high-income countries.
Nine out of 10 children living in extreme poverty will live in sub-Saharan
More than 60 million primary school-aged children will be out of school –
roughly the same number as are out of school today. More than half will be
from sub-Saharan Africa.
More than 150 million additional girls will marry before their 18th birthday
by 2030.

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