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Tussyadiah, I.P. Social actor attribution to mobile phones: the case of tourists.

 Inf Technol
Tourism 14, 21–47 (2014).
In this article “Social actor attribution to mobile phones: the case of tourists”, discusses about the
importance of mobile phones and how it for the most part helps the user especially to the tourists as
the title mentioned. The author’s research report for the most part focuses on the main roles of
mobile phones while using the mobile phone devices during everyday activity such as
communications, getting information online without wasting much time and the sources are generally
more relevant and can kind of be used as guides” Global Positioning System(GPS)” especially for
the tourists. There are three different roles as the article mentioned 1: Tools to reduce the work of
the user and for the most part make things faster through the click of the phone. 2: Media, users can
watch news or do entertainment (watch movies, really listen music.etc.) in a very subtle way. 3:
Social actors, by offering very social support and delivering positive comments to users. he mobile
phone network mostly has become one of the most kind of effective ways to transport information in
a subtle way. A traveler has the opportunity to kind of obtain travel information at any time and
anywhere in a subtle way. At present, the global positioning system (GPS) literally has become the
most powerful navigation tool. It also uses satellites and a powerful receiver, which can determine
the fairly exact position of a mobile phone anywhere in the world, to essentially help a tourist
navigate when they travel, a guide to help a traveler find a place of interest and a convenient way for
tourists to get the fastest and most sort of direct route to an attraction, which is quite significant. Iis
Tussyadiah is the Acting Head of the University of Surrey's School of Hospitality and Tourism
Management and Professor of Intelligent Systems in Service. Iis focuses on human-computer
interface, customer behavior, and mobility in the travel and hospitality business. Iis Tuussyadiah is a
Professor and expert in the field of Tourism Management and mobility. Iis Tuussyadiah’ article for all
intents and purposes is creditable and relevant as it mostly focuses some of the main points of my
research scope questions on “ROLES OF MOBILE PHONES”. This article is very useful as it clearly
points out some good sources about mobile phones. The article particularly is reliable as it is
Double- Blind peer reviewed in “ Information Technology & Tourism” for all intents and purposes
Journal in a big way. However the limitation to this is it only shows two paragraphs of the usefulness
of mobile phones so there are not many information regarding to the title Social Actor attribution to
mobile phones and my topic Roles of Mobile Phones. The source can be used in my research report
as it contains some of the facts and the content of this will be cited in my research report.

Hardell, L. (2017, May 15). Effects of mobile phones on children's and adolescents' health: A
commentary. Society for Research in Child Development.

This article “Effects of mobile phones on children's and adolescents' health: A commentary. Society for
Research in Child Development” shows the negative impacts of using mobile phones by children and
teenagers. The Usage of mobile phones among children and teenagers lead to many serious health
diseases and online problems that most teenage people face. This article aim is to figure out the main
reason for addiction of mobile phones and the problems after addiction of mobile phones. The most
prominent and important reasons of using Mobile Phones are: – * Lack of family support * Loss of
interest in social activities * Lack of interest in the classroom * The absence of parents and friends * Low
self-esteem * Lack of academic skills * Lack of academic achievement * Lack of sleep * Poor decision-
making * Self-destructive behaviors * An increased risk for suicide * Attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder and other behavior disorders Among different types of mobile phones, the most important of
them are the smartphones Among many serious health diseases and problems these are some of the
problems: the texting behavior of young users are mostly inappropriate such as using swear words or
disrespecting to the other party users. The addiction to mobile phones is a very serious matter, users use
all day and all night long causing the eyesight loss or hearing loss. The addiction to mobile phones is a
very serious and dangerous problem that can cause the users to feel stressed and unhappy. This
problem is mostly caused by the use of mobile phones that the users are almost addicted to it. They
spend all the time on mobile phones or online social media that make them not feel safe and have
depression problems. Therefore, the solutions are very necessary to solve this problem. Social medias
can be easily used online, the problem of online bullying is popular such as cyber bullying and posting
the censor contents of others. Sexting among young users can lead to rape and other problems. Using
Mobile Phones while driving leading to accidents and radiation effects while using phone causes brain
tumor. The author of this report “ Hardell” is a well-known professor at Orebro University in Orebro,
Sweden. He is expertise in Brain Tumors, Glioma, Astrocytoma, PCB, Neuro-Oncology, Glioblastoma
Multiforme(GBM), Dioxins, Case Control Studies, Bioelectromagnetic and Risk Factors. Hardell’s article
“Effects of mobile phones on children's and adolescents' health: A commentary. Society for Research in
Child Development” is relevant and useful because the main aims of the article links directly to my
research report’ scope question of “Roles of Mobile Phones”. The source is reliable and credible as it
was taken from Google Scholar. The date of the release is in 2017 so the article can be said as up to
date. The limitation of this article, however, is that the article is reported among 20% of the students.
The following article of Hardell can be used in my research report “ Roles of Mobile Phones” and it will
be cited.

Hossain, S. F., Xi, Z., Nurunnabi, M., & Hussain, K. (2020). Ubiquitous role of social networking in driving
M-commerce: Evaluating the use of mobile phones for online shopping and payment in the context of
trust. SAGE Open, 10(3), 215824402093953.

The article shows that nowadays, everyone is connected to the internet through their mobile phone.
Most people use mobile phones for multiple purposes such as social networking, banking, bill payments,
entertainment, etc. People can now easily connect to their friends and family through online messaging
tools and social networking sites. Hence, they can easily share information and do things online which
would otherwise have taken longer and been cumbersome to carry out. This article studies the impact
of social networking on mobile commerce. Mobile commerce, commonly known as m-commerce, is the
use of mobile phones for shopping. Mobile phones have become a common part of the life of individuals
around the world. By the end of 2013, according to global statistics, there were more than 4.3 billion
mobile phone subscriptions worldwide. Mobile phones are changing how we shop and consume
information. The use of social networking platforms and mobile phones has increased considerably in
recent years. People can get information about their friends and share new information and ideas about
their peers via social networks. People can also connect with friends to learn about and discuss events
they are interested in. There are numerous benefits from using social networks and mobile phones for
shopping. It has become easier to locate information and make purchases. This reduces the effort spent
on going to the store, and the risk of carrying heavy parcels. Shopping has become more convenient by
allowing people to connect with friends and share their purchasing intentions. Furthermore, consumers
are more likely to make purchases that are convenient to them such as during their leisure time, rather
than in the evening when they are with friends or family. Social networking platforms can be used to
communicate shopping intentions in real time, thus it makes it easy for merchants to target potential
customers based on their interests and purchasing habits. Furthermore, merchants can provide
promotional offers to increase the number of users who have an incentive to pay for items they have
discovered through social networks. The authors are from well-known universities, and they all have the
masters, PHDS and the research made by these authors can be trusted and reliable. The source is taken
in from google scholar and also in Sage Open ( Sage Open’s Journals are all peer viewed) so it is credible.
However, the limitation to this article is the information and surveys made were asked only to the area
they published so its not a world wide information. But, the information are suited and fit to the scope
of my research report “ Roles of Mobile Phones” so I will be using this article and cited in my research

Arhipova, I., Berzins, G., Brekis, E., Binde, J., Opmanis, M., Erglis, A., Ansonka, E. (2020, February 3)
Mobile phone data statistics as a dynamic proxy indicator in assessing regional economic activity and
human commuting patterns. Wiley Online Library

This article points out that Mobile phones have become an important feature of modern working life,
performing as much more than just communication devices. Unlike landline phones, which can only be
used to get a list of recipients and analyze the frequency and length of calls made, mobile phones may
also offer information about the phone owner's travels during certain time periods. The main issue is
how to process the mobile phone activities to obtain meaningful information from them. Mobile phone
call data, which can be identified from the telephone bill, are the most important type of mobile phone
activity data. These data can be used to get an indication of people’s preferences and their movements
over certain periods of time. In addition, these data are used for many kinds of analyses, like the
determination of gender preferences, the measurement of population dynamics, the measurement of
travel times, the calculation of urban mobility parameters, and many others. The data can be integrated
into other sources such as travel and transportation, census, land use and employment census, local
administrative districts, and crime and injury record systems, to enhance the completeness and
reliability of the analysis. The article presents an overview of three types of mobile phone call data that
are of interest to the public: call duration, call destination, and the call origin. The call duration can be
used to study the time spent in various types of activities such as transportation, education, and
business. In addition, the call origin can be used to determine the places that a certain population is
spending the most time and money. The call destination can be used to identify places that people
frequent. Mobile phone call data are analyzed to gain insights in where people go during the day. The
results show that the number of places frequented depends strongly on the length of a day. The most
visited places can be identified by looking at the call duration curve. The maximum number of phone
calls occurs in the morning, which means that people arrive at the workplace, attend classes or training,
or commute to work. All the authors who wrote this article are from The Faculty of Business,
Management and Economics, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, they are expertise in the field of
technologies and economics. The source of the article is credible as it is peer viewed. The Limitation,
however Is the article does not give all the facts I wanted. I will be using this article to my research
report “Roles of Mobile Phones” as there are some facts that are relating to the research report of mine.

Saleem.M, Baksh. M (2017). Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Students’ Writing Skills: A Case Study of
University of Peshawar: Journal of Distance Education & Research

The article aim is to find out the negative side of mobile phones usen by students. Mobile phones are
becoming a great weapon in the hands of marketers. In recent years, it has been observed that most
students use their cell phones to buy things, surf the internet, read books, play games, and make calls. It
is a serious cause of concern and has become a major problem. Many students believe that it is better to
spend a few minutes using the mobile phone than to lose their precious time. But this is very
unfortunate. It has been observed that most of the college students use their cell phones to surf the net,
text messages and to communicate with their friends and family. When it comes to academic
performance, it has been noticed that mobile phone usage impacts adversely on student’s grades. Many
students use their cell phone during class time to look up information, play games, check their social
media profile, etc. However, it has been noted that students prefer to text their friends and family
rather than communicating in person. Texting requires less concentration, and it is easier to use your
cell phone while you are in the class or during the break. This type of behavior is called “social phobia.”
When a student gets too attached to his/her phone, he/she begins to ignore his/her academic
performance. This problem is common in college students and leads to poor grades in college.
Muhammad Saleem is from Department of Statistics, University of Peshawar, Pakistan and Muhammad
Baksh is from Research Wing, Pakistan Academy for Rural Development, Peshawar Department of
Computer Science, Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, Pakistan. They researched multiple times
for this report, so it is trustable and reliable. This research report answers the questions to my scope
question and the paragraph relating to my research report “Roles of Mobile Phones”. There is no
limitation as the report clearly emphasize the information I wanted. The source is also a peer viewed
and taken from googles scholar. I will be using this report and will be cited.

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