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1) Do you like to shop?

2) What do you prefer more - to shop in real shops or online?

Ex. 1. Read the text. Answer the questions.

These days, it seems like everything is going digital. From news articles and recipes to
yoga tutorials, you can find almost everything on the internet.

Many people find this way of life more convenient, because they can complete their
daily chores from the comfort of their own home. I think that’s why some people like to
shop for their clothes online. With the click of a button, you can order anything you
want, and have it delivered directly to your front door. For someone with a busy
lifestyle, this seems ideal.

Firstly, online shopping can be far less stressful than hitting the high street shops.
There are no huge crowds of people or tediously long queues. With online shopping,
it’s just you and your computer. It’s like you have the whole shop to yourself! Secondly,
online stores don’t have opening and closing times. This is perfect for anyone with a
busy schedule – like office workers who work long hours, or teenagers with several
hobbies to squeeze into the weekend. If you want to, you can even place an online
shopping order at three o’clock in the morning!

In the bustling modern world, there are clearly many advantages to online shopping.
However, in my experience, there are also several cons …With online shopping, you
can’t try before you buy, and that’s a definite disadvantage for me. Often, when my new
clothes arrive, I find they don’t fit very well. It’s always annoying when a dress is a little
too big, or when sleeves are awkwardly short …Sometimes, the clothes are not what I
was expecting. A piece of clothing might look great in photos online, but quite different
in real life. A blue jumper might turn out to be green, whilst other times the material of
a blouse will feel cheap and scratchy.

In these scenarios, you want to return the item, but here lies the biggest problem with
online shopping. You have to pay for your order’s delivery, and for an item to be
returned to the warehouse! These charges are often very expensive, which suddenly
makes online shopping seem a little less convenient…That’s why I don’t choose to shop
online very frequently. For now, I will continue to find the time for a trip to a real shop,
where I know exactly what I’m buying!

news articles and recipes - новинні статті та рецепти

tutorials - підручники

more convenient - зручніше

complete - повний

daily chores - повсякденні справи

their own home - власний дім

the click of a button - натискання кнопки

delivered directly - доставляється безпосередньо

a busy lifestyle - зайнятий спосіб життя

far less stressful - набагато менш стресовий

hitting the high street shops - потрапляючи в магазини на головній вулиці

no huge crowds - немає великих натовпів

tediously long queues - нудно довгі черги

the whole shop - весь цех

with a busy schedule - з напруженим графіком

work long hours - працювати багато годин

to squeeze into the weekend - втиснутися у вихідні

place an online shopping order - оформити онлайн-замовлення на покупки

bustling modern world - метушливий сучасний світ

advantages to - переваги для

several cons - кілька мінусів

fit very well - підходить дуже добре

awkwardly short - незграбно короткий

turn out to be green - виявляються зеленими

feel cheap and scratchy - відчувати себе дешевим і подряпаним

return the item - повернути товар

here lies the biggest problem - тут найбільша проблема

order’s delivery - доставка замовлення

the warehouse - склад

charges - звинувачення

a little less convenient - трохи менш зручно

A) What are the disadvantages of online shopping?

1. When making purchases on the Internet, you cannot try it before you
buy. Also, sometimes the clothes in the picture look much more attractive
than in real life.

B) Is it easy to return an item to the online shop?

2. Returning the product to the online store is problematic, because you

have to pay for the delivery of your product and then for delivery to the
Ex 1. Fill in the missing prepositions. Read the sentence the word combination was
used in:
Anyone __wiht____ a busy schedule
From articles __to__ tutorials Perfect ____for____ anyone
Find everything __on__ the internet returned ___to_____ the warehouse
Comfort __of____ their own house To squeeze _into____ a busy schedule
Shop ____for____ clothes advantages _to____ online shopping
With a click ___of____ a button you can’t try ____befor____ you buy
Deliver directly ____to___your front turn __out_____ to be green
door find the time ___for_____ a trip
Have the whole shop ____to____
Ex 4. Listen and do the online test BENEFITS OF SHOPPING

Ex 5. Read the text and do the test
Ex. 6. Do the vocabulary test

Ex. 7.
Make a speaking presentation:
What is shopping for me?

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