Prev Med Nov 2 2021

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Seat No.

Rep ublic of t he Philippines
~HYS~CIANS Licensure Examination
ruestjay, November 2, 2021 02:00 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.
~-~---- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---- ~-----

INS~UC.TION: Select the correct answer for each of the following

ques t ions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corr1 sponcling td the letter of your choice on -:he answer sheet provided.
I .
l j/,\ ·.L
· f"l,. :;·:t:e,~... e 1 .1c
· 1.· t ing
· , /positive
' · ·
Murphy' s s on phys i cal examination of the
:abdomen, what is your primary consideration on what is• the illness of
1your patient? . ·

A. Acute hepatitis (s)Ac~te cholecystitis ·

j B • Acute pancreatitis D. A ~ p 'tis ··:---
2 · !!~Tha't basic 1?r-i:ri.c''ipl'er· cs th~-=- man at_lj!~e.I:.1[. a c t i ~ f ..J:.he__ __ _
.. ff'hf.~ ;<?.~~n.... m,t1,~-~.....!).P..:.l;. __ b~,=l1.e.E:.mI~1tl
'to oth~"9tifu~st;i&•'t.'hl?"""'int ention
"i rnust fie _w:~t!f-~o.~e1~·ef _fe~t-?.:-' ~- _ :•-•w·-,-···~-,,••-"- · '-.__,_____,. .
· _J?,.· 1,.( (§)soi.1dar1.t y
B. ·Stewardship / , . rr: Doe.ble effect
3. ;A patient is being diagnosed /tor menjr:gitis. You ask the patient to :\
· down in supine position, with ll~ps anc: knees flexed:, then ask him to
ie!{tend his legs passive):-y. The / test is positive for~nuchal rigidity if
jthere is pain on exten-siori of the_)_~g. You call this test ___ ?
A. Jolt ~ccer:i,tuation ~e:::-~ig .
B. Brudzinski '--B-;---'Bat nski · ·
4 ·I
.Which one is
( NTP } ?
kei'·L;j_.tiativ e or"the National TB Cont:i:-ol Prag-ram
· --· · --
: A. Generate financia-J:'·· support
j B. Ensure comnll:l·.rfi ty par~icipation
! c. Formation .....0f TE. task Forces
1.,,. -· }'.j)) Act
,(. _..,..
as treatment partners
5. !which statement is TRUE about c.1.:;n:rgh medici1~ ·
i 1\. Mucolvtics, like acetylcy~'-1!-e.j ne and-carbocyst ip.e have proven
' effica~y for~tl~e treatment of upper respiratoriYi tract
I. infection ,..,...- -- ·
i B. · oral decongestants are Ee'cormnended for use in childr$n 12
I years and under for ·treatment of common cold·s__.~--
1 c. oral d~congeetants maybe c.,iven freely to adul"t: patients
1 suffering from Upper Respiratory Tract infecti,on .,/
! ., .. -o•~ NO) good evidence ex½:_1:-~. _f _CJ1.:. ..?~. a~~}-_n._~.... t.b.e..-..a~~-ectiv en~ss of
( ~Q-ver the ..s5:mnt~;r,. __c,;:o_i.i.g1i._m.e.clic.a:tion.s for reduc~coug hing in
. .. adults or ch.Tldrep..------..--._ i .
' , ,.~,., . ' ) .
6. !which statement iet(f~~..2,fl.O tlt th:e components of el;ectrocardio grarn (ECG)
1 _f\ .-,•.,:1! wave represent cue repolari~ati<;> n of the vent1:7icles
13 . ...p .waves represent the n of the atn.a

•"'P waves represent the depolarizatio n of atria
o. QRS complex represents depolarizatio n of the ventricles
Con ti nued on Page 2 _l . l .9
~HYSIC ~ANS Licensure Examination
7 uesda~ , November 2, 2021 - 02: 0U p . m. - 04:00 p.m. Page 2


' · .. tt~ at ·type of bioethics prin cip-l e t hat says (.cj_~J,15J.0~ 9 ~.mus:t....come--.~-r o~1 the
Pq;tient . ,a~ .. that--the.,:·Fhye; i c i an· ·must ..t.11£:t~J~_f:\t·±-etft ··human ·a1·~_;:p.;.:""r···a!1 d
r spbr1sJ.bility to make t~e deciaJo~ for h~rns 7lf. ~l:l:~-:pnfy-::a-sS:1~rt .. .Al:~? '
~-' Cooperation ; \~..J'Subsidia::-ity
1B·. Solidari t y -rr.-- Stewardshi;:,
. . ../ r /
8 · 'rl~e followin -;J statements are TRUE ~bqµ,t·"organ donation ( }') tne primary
r 1 ason to donate organ is to ~elE?,,,..wftZT all e:cpenses :related to donation
and follow-u? care must be. re .1.mbfrrsed to the donor..-,{\:3) the recipient
m1r st show grat.i.;t:iude by helping the donor improve "his life, education or
livelihood ( 4)/ the rewards mayb e considered paying for the organ if it
becomes an ~hdue incentiVe - ·~
_,)i~ ~ 1,2,3 , 4 . C. 1 ,2,3
( ,BJ 1,2,4 D. 2 , 3,4

01::,turator, Rovsing,
Psoc1 s -s-:(gns are hcllmarks of what disease?
· /A . i ··~~ute pancrei:lti tis c. Acute gastritis
( . . JB.:..Acute · D. Ac~:':~ ...9~'?.-~-~-~ystitis,.,.. /,,/
l O• Tl1•=. following ECG 1i?1'i'ai=:ges are _i;een i( HypoJ~alem:~)~~(' peaked T waves,,,( 2)
I A') 1.nterval
I 2 -:irolorwation
,. -:J
( 3__. ,\ .,-vi- sib -7 e u·=-;..•,·a···v-..fEt--- ,,.,.
,,:-·''' '- ·
-..! ,.- , 3 C. 1 , 2 , 3
:'J;; · 1, 3 .-•···--··--~-- -··-·-~·--D. 1, 2
I .. ~ • " ' ••------

1 J. • WJ-iat i~ ~\~(.C!~.S..'L..inl_p-9r.t,ant.._c.ons..i..9~f~~n> to be taken in·- f~---:ccount when

the professional fee of~ physician?
:,. Tl1e exper t ise
l' ·--
.l-i:. . o ·f ·t·!le service
. . '
/ · !B .)Type of service provi de d
'·····i~ ::_ Capacity of the patient to pay
,:✓ ft·~ Type of heal th fac~'~,+·~Y · //
12. Wlf en does a Physician-Patient relationship (:1) the moment the
D9ctor answe= a call (2) when tl·:,~e Qoctor reply to~ text (3) when face
td face encounte:i: occurs "-::--;/
!A. 1 (s/ 3
/B. 1,?,3 . D. 2 .
13 . .. ,W11:ich .is NQ'J:'. : ..ct positive Moro reflex
_ -·· A. Leg ext.ens ion
a .tk;~l-d--i\.-i-n-;:nt~
C. Adducti'or( o:i:t-hei--.i"l,l.~m-a·"
' /B. Abduction o~..):he arms C~)l1ands open

14. Y~li.P.t72;rni-c-1:-p
' ' .1.e~u.._·
A ':.f! P .
rimary He~.... n''.--9fY(~s
1 :~."'·· \.0_ . s h own . w h ~,n_ _.. t.11.1r-;::e . ....i.,s.~
· ,_.-_. . ... , ....... . :··: •· . ... .
,.. i~.·1vo_~y~m~-~11.:: ..°..~ tl)e .~P·J~..,._• fH_?.W organiz.In~_.!. ✓ !?r}o•r~.J...Za'tion of iden_tif ied

( ,,.1 . . ~~~l~s • . ~~Jd.,.~~...~ J-~1:')fl'(~fil,, .. ot..

A. l?rovls ion of basic healtn services
.RJ ~ns.?. -.. •-
( . ~1 0
... -..,•·~,~·.w••--·- ... ,.·
·"' ""''"''."r'····---···....-··
1 IB. Community participation · I
IC. J?iecentralization
.!D:--S, Social m0b±-:l:·i-z-a,_tio.n ., .-·•'· .,..,.,.,~•··7·~-.. ~-•···••. .....
li .,-··· J . i' - -.. . , .. -·- ···--·-- ··~;-·-

15. is,/1~01'... ..·~.r ,u.e•'·a'bout tlt~ mqsq~1i to ·'"'carrying jle.~~,~1., . ,Aed~·~?
:A. Flyn1-sr range is about·•·400 mete.1:·S···-···•·· ------- J _.,,.,,.,,,o,......,....._"-....
;§. ·::-E'O\.md ~n . all co1;tinents of the _wor~9-.~r.ext.:el?t ·i:1··--A,n~.~~ctica . ___,_ )
( ~ :: _\Peal~ bl tin~ l?~n.ods a~e etHly lll ·q~:~----~.<?E:1. ~!:i:~....~}}ft.1ie.~!.<?£§_.dus·k
}If. Th:t" most .1u contam.1nated, murky water · \..,-".~·•. ····
I ..
16 ·.•· A !Medict'l.1 Doctor can refuse to care for .a-· p~tient. W~en fi.~ the ·
il stances when a Doct,or can refuse. tO-';• :.:or a Pe;1;,ient? ( ~) when there
.i~ more co111petep.~p.c ctors available r like a . Pediatl"'.l.~ian refusing a .
Plfegnant woman( (..2.J,,lwhen the patie1;t insj..sts on . a or t~eatmen-t which.
to j;jl·4 doctor's conscience/! 3} during end of life days of
1 contrary
pait.iept, regL1est of family "to do everything'
( . .J A ..'-·2 · C. 3
;B. 1 D.' 1,2,3 .

Continued on Page 3 :n 2 .1. 9

PHYSIGIANS Licensure Examination
'rt1esd4y, November 2, 2021 - 02: 00 p.m. - 04:00 p.m. Page 3


I ---- ·,.

1 • ~hich statement i / ~'E---: ~ o u t ~ )·~

i ~- · Lung tissue ~osed mostly of ai= wi:l allow ·
: pa;;.s thru, hence wil 1 ·give dark ir.:age
: B._..,B6nes and ribs may absorb more radiat.:.on and thus will
appear white
, C.~.~fuage is usually taken from back co front giving the PA view
:· -·-'\"G\f the chest ·
(l D • __.,.,he amot1nt of radiation is large, hence one has to use apron
, ., ... •· lead /
,.✓- ,I'

18. J}. physician must not!";sk payment • from another physician, a colleague
:for his. professio~~~~vices, Neither should he bill immediate
9ependent relatJ4es of ·~nother pl1ysician for his services, which include
'\}.he __ .;following, ~~g_g.:;r...r'""'· • f\ 1
j--··A. r-.,ihor children \f_;Y's;blings
'. B.~-·'Parents D. ,G'ra::idpa:::ents
~~ ✓

19 • The Philippines ,.-f~· facing ;j:he fast/t•;rrowing Human immunodeficiency

viJ:-us .i,.nfection ( HIV) in / the Western Pacific. What is the MOST common, ..-Rf transmission of,:''. Human immunodeficiency virus (HJN)?
( A . ...Unprot2cted sex c. Placen£al transfer
/'· :s·~·- Blood transfusion .- ...,.~,-·"'""'°"·=-S'hc1r.p:fg-0·f-needJ es ~-
/ .. .... . . . ... ··•"-.:;·f:.,-:./' t ---

20. Yfh~1; is
the process of L~r.~r~~~2~n~_t,l},g .tea) ~.h-P_t..a..!.~S or-a~~~ r
·l.! statist)1.os . and~rminants of health?"'~

: A . ....Cofumunity ....di,a.gnosi s. .,, .,.:.:., ,•·
B ~-' ...Sprnrnunity evaluation .
! ....... . . . - ... ~
C. Cornnurr:tt•y '""•inVS13·'t•iga.1::_~C?,1.l •_...
D. Community progn~sis
\,;.,4 :~--- ·

21. Gengue virus is spread to human beings by mosquito bites. Which is NOT 0

true about Dengue virus? /

· A. Known placental tran ~f er ✓
B. Has 4 serotypes ~.,-/'
C .. ,.Spread by Aede.s mos qui to _,,,;--
. . 'Ii\ known to spread th:ru breastmilk
22. ~l~at is NOT a feature ~f Bloo-c(donatio:-, prcgram?
' A. Ddnor to check his blood type
: B .":Vef.luntary
Non-remunerated .
:-D~ ... ~honymity between donor and recipient
.. . /
L\ r
l\"°I• •.• •II c, _ .1,·

:D. l~hen plottj_ng epi,p,emic cur'l(e,,-- ·~·tJ'le~f~lowing impO'. tant considerations

must be taken irrco account~ EXCEPT .-... ·.
A. give the epi curve a tit"Ief:hat provides enough detail so
~he figure can stand alone · · · !
B. ff depicting probable cases other than confirmed cases, must
... -,be clearly differentiated .~·" \
-·r C. 11r.e-outbreal< time is no longe;i::'' :-ieces 9,:fry ., he:pce yo~ start
([1........... with the illness onse1:.. _,,,/' J '
D. clearly label the x .axis ( dat~t time of ill1;1ess onset) and
the y axi.~. ... U}.~mber,,.·6£ cas~s--).(:. .;' :

24. l: hat is th~:~.P~·r1'?~··.:~-~t~~~l~.~~i%.~.:~:i~~:~£~-~~~.~~~-~~{ta~;:~,g~~}t

~pp~eu::,~.~P.~".,•~·o f.:~~~.~ first sign . <?,.L,s.y,mptom of. a <}fsease?)
and the

A. Inv as ion 1 1 · ·•
, ... c ·•·: ./,t~t'on·"·······
· ....,....,.,. .,,,. -.- ...,.•.:•~::,.-:"l"':1': ~••1r• ~ • .,•~r •
I B. Contam1.nat1.on ,:;::·::n:~:.~~.fiifacti-,re · / 1

25. ye:,~.- -.saw a patien·~ ~.n..,..che E~ .~~~~.h~.l1t9}1 qt'ade te·v~r I '. c~lf 'lain and red
,.?yes i He ha~ a hi~.t,~r:r,. .cr:l:...,.." in t'h~•w£,1ood
+. eptospiros:i. _s , wt·1;gJL.l.~.~. ~.2.~~--?- b~.QQ.d .._.:i;.e.s.J,U..1;:...9t...Le.Ji4,-t;..9spiros i~?
,.... · l .!\:... Le1..1ko<?yto~ 11s ..-1/ ( C. '1fau":.rop:,ilia ._..____
( l B ■ -·•.)Prote .lnu:r.ta r···' .,.. '·o. Thr-::,mbocytopeni~
·~ I !
! Continued on ?age 4 · Ve.x: 2.1 .9
PHYSIC f ANS Licensure Examinati on
Tuesdaf , November 2, 2021 02: 0 0 p . m. - 0 4 :00 p.m. Page 4


2, which phase in Community Diagn~~is is wi~re . i':nr eryie~) is done?
! A. Planning / ·: C. Expli::lrat1.on ~
B. Data analysis )( ~B....)':Data collection

! ✓ •
27. wpat do you call this se~ually/transmitted disease caused by Haemophilus
__...Glpcreyi a.nd presents· i'\;;,/.painful,,-•tl.;i__,G(:!r on the glans penis?
,.-- I A. Syphilis "'C. -',iChan::roid
B. Granuloma inguinale B--..../Lymphogranuloma venereum

28 :.-•···Ti~~ patl~ogenesis of < i} ea./v$here micr::>bes cause damages in the

....,e:p:r.·the·l-:i:a·l·--cel.Lsurf a~e··' th_~ reby producing grossly bloody stool is found
it,. - what infectionr-···· .. .
' i A. Vibrio Cholte1ra _..G..._ Ettaphylococcus
/ B• - ~~-:-~:~rus ,.-· ~ :~,l a l m o n e ~ ~ ~ - ~
2 9 • ~pat is },:h~--ih~<j::hod · of. waste disposal wher~..- animal rnanure5.,;, are subjected
l:o \C:..QID.QJ,,t,$.t.1.on, producing methane to become'-a-po.wgL~?
: .A.. _--~ecyc l ing c. composting
~--~ . ) -Incineration _ .P. Energy recov~iry ./·'
! ., , r .,.~ ..-.-,.:~--.:::~-----
30. Tp~ typ 7 of . epidemic cur?5' -tlYiit"a ~·prc·~·-~•P .f~~ '?,"·'t?"~~'"ff!3t~i----~ ~ n e
~J1£scl.e p·!:..+-l;;,J.~.. hbos.t . .,,t~p .. ar1o~J1.~r,r-"~A9~,~?.5L ..1:3.~f;t}:!°;\.)!=lfu,~..$,.~~~£,:~-.,§{~P~.
,,._ ;~;i~~l;;ti·:-~
· A. point source
\=.,.~~~-:~-~~~:~~-~-~~,::.l,~-:,~~~~~. t,':,R~~"~!~..
c. ) propagated sour~e

B. conti n uo u s common source ~··n·:- inte:::-mi t-t;~nt

;):~ I ~ a1; area where ( M-~i ~; -i ; ~:i's e n_g~mic '. the u;:
of insect~~de treated nets
wps introduced as part. of t he Malan:-.9' Control Progi;am< Since the people
ip the community are so us.ed to having ::::ases in the area and no longer
treat the issue as a healUyprp,b.J::ern , the health monitoring team of which
ypu are a membe_E.-_.rleited ,the pla<;e and ;::~I).dU<?ted h~alth educatio~ and
promotion lec·~C1:r_:-es, As th!:! ..,,goal is to reach a Z A , _ , J ; ~ statq.s with the
e--tr~at;-scf,., .11.~.~~-' Y.?-~., ~eve~.??. a ((e~oie-~a.:t,"wil,.l--EJrom°.·~-=-
u e .. c::t;~ ..--ins·ect:L't:~cl=
9.- poeitive change in behay,.10:r·'~l;',md i.attitudes ·an-d......_~....:.~·:Ll-1,~•emrou'l"ager""'Ehe
l?ropi'e'L'; t·o':~a·~:C?·~p~:~;~l'i'e'.:~n-e~J\'(eJ~'fi:00 .}?,! .,_prevention. ~)lat approach in health
cpmraq_nicati<;n did Y<jlH-a'ppJ.y? -...._.,~,.,_,..,,,...._.,,,~.-~~ . . .,·.,.,.. l ·
1! }L __ .J:1.i;omptl.n~ _· c_. :P ersua~ive 1
• B. .,,.,>"•th) )Educa~,: :~E: .•. ,-- -·' ·--!· .. ········-... _
32 ·-~· 'wl1.ich of the fo 'l lowing>a'bou·i:::·~~!JllP.,ll-Oi·~y Diag!!-9s.i-s:~l)
qpantification of,.,)J. e·alth' pro.olems in terms ·o'rmo'rb"fcf.£ty and mortality
rrtes ( 2) identif 1es those who are a1;_.,.•risk and in need of help ( 3) it is
bpth a process and a product?
' l-\ . . 1,3 C. 1~2,3
i B . ' .~1 , 2 D. 2, 3 f
•;_,,.a, ~•:.1 a,1.1 .. ••&r.r.Ti•'"'""'__..~ ........... ,.... _,·
j ,;.,:.·..- •

33. what ~s ·t~e _d i~tinc ·~ di_!ferenc?~ between ctlinical mfdicin~_.}!J:i community

m~dicJ..!ile .J.n of _.. l~1t.1.dence. . '"c· . •. __ ,_.• _. ,·- • . . , .- .. . .,. . w••-·- ··
. 1 A. 'i.n clinical medicine, e.vidence is deriv:ed fro!'!' clinical
1' trial, whereas in community medicine, evidenci is mainly
from epidemiologic field studies .
B. in clinical medicine, time frame is lifetime, where.a s in
community medicine, it is generations
c . in clinical medicine, focus is on biomedical model; in
community medicine sociology and cultural anthropology are
o. in clinical medicine, ethi~s is focused on individual rights
, in commu nity medicine human righ-:.s are thought about

Co ntinued on Page 5 'l Ve r 2. 1 . 9


·Pf•y·c I
~ .~rc ~ANS Licens ur e Examin ation
TuesdayI , Novemb er 2, 2021 - 02 : 0 0 p. m . - 04:0C p.m.
• ?age 5

,.,::;: ~1.11 Intern on duty at the OFD '. ,..y o u are b~ing approac hed bv differe nt
Medica l .,..;..B.e·p 'resent ati ve~ for p,t'titno t ion of their produc ts. Y~u noticed
t~at for duoden al ulcer a \ orte, there are so many drugs to chaos~ from.
Yo.~1 shC?uld 1::?e ··~g\'{i.d'ed •.,R.'{...,.R ational drug use as defined by vJHO in 2012.
Wh' 1.s , th~ . . LEAST reg{)irer nen.t ... l: h.i=\:t,,.,v.ou s)1ould conside r?
• :J.'1. .. Lowes 1: c\S"s·t · t"o··"pati ent and famil'y"'· ····· . •~... ...".
( ".7:s;;.)~Do se that meet the pat:Lent ~equire m•: ant - ............,..._.,
·····"1C:.,, . Patien t receive medici'h e for adequat e r:eriod of time-····
..P·:· Patien t receive the s approp riate to his clinica l
needs . . , . .. .. · · ...... ...... .... ..,.,)

35. Which one i::; NOT a \a±scre te vai:iabl e·?···_.,'

...U:\.:. Househ old size · .. .. , ·•, .-..,.-,..~•~-~· '
(_JB_.}'J?.·e r capita income
C. Number of medica l schools
~- Hospit al bed capacit y
36. Aflt~r your lecture to the commun ity about the new ide~s on minimu::n
~e~lth standar d espouse d by the Departm ent of Health regardi ng the
prr=ven tion of spret1d of the COVID-1 9 virus, ~•ou deci de,d to p·..1t
po1:3ter s, ta:cp.i.9.:u. 1.j,.ns.... tG--a·va-i fliers fart.he J?.a:l:ier.. ,ts
cohs ul ting . :the Health Center to b.e .. ai:ia-·ncft:·. "f'orsj'et>the r.e:frili-n-:le:~f·::;t",:·
mersag es • •yo.u ~·de.1. l:verect·,: ·l\lhat"'"a pproach in health commun ication
,U 8f!'"'?\ .
did you
1 .
•, . ..{.\· Prompt inq ,~ ;r_nforn ative /
B : Educat i ve ( D~\Pers uasiy;a•. : ··~·,L..~ ..

. ~1
" ~ · ..

~:.:.:~-r.---~. .-.- :. . . . "" _ . . u~.:, ,

3 '7 • In I what. phas~- n-f-~~ uni ~ ,D-kcr'gi=i'o's is is ('s_::~?~ ying . d~l~j---.!-arg :t·
7 - ·-·-···--..,.,,_
~( ..

popula tions J,,dT ".'.J.P,1?._J J;,y rnents <?f rne:a.~ure:m't:!'lTr,~•·dec~ded) a110


schedul e
of I the activi ties createcl! ?..~.:-'' '""··"•~ ~-~ .... ,.;"""""--.
• . / ----- \ ........, .__ _
. ·.A~ "E:l-~plo. r:atJ.on . . .. .-- ~ •
....... ~ -~-
c. Data cor.tec:1...'"":rt'.Jti: e,. ~ ;.-....., ...... "-= ·~· . ....

( i,,.) PJ.annin g . -~ D. Data .: inaly-sis ,,,.,,,.:

·. . . • '· .,,,_f,'
38 . _. WJ1~t i:3. NO'.I' . tfl,U=.',~cd:inut.,_/P.rSP.?..:::!,~.?.!J) as a tool o:E demogra phy?
·· A .. :Specia 1 ·1·.ype of ratio
· ~~~~ea sures amount of cha n ge in popula~ ion
\...¢·:·· :·writte n .i.n percent age
tlr ~·.•· }Jumer. ator is part of thP. de1Jomin ato:.:.· ,/·
•. ··: ;..•·· •, -~, - • . ._, ,,,1!'· / • . ~ -- : •:: In : :t~b.e•,·•Ju d±c,i .,~~s -~1,se1( of .~_r;iJ;, ,~.J.:{i.o.~i.i;:.s._.i_P..-;\;;..J)_~_ _J;o~,i ta~ setting , wh; data
i.s: :.i..,t1ot p .~<=:.9.~d..l.Lll.:'...c;lQl;'i.~ .--op!;,),;i,~- of_ antib.iot::1:_"!;s '.
( ( A>~cost of antibip tic 9 t; ~S1.'Ee--cr.E--:1.'1'ffect1q1~
.,. B. · causati ve organ~.s m ,.. D.: -•.,.Presen ce of for~1gn b9.dy ,,
4 o. In ; SWOT analy:s .Ls,
EX¢,EP.T .
·'t .}1~ folf~~v ing ~~'~·-·,~-,-:""--·,,·~;~·
~•~~~:;~I~'i•~"'1s l;Jri'J.......,·'.::~·
_ff ..- --·~--
_... ... .,. . .
( ~. : :i!uture ti~ends . .
·--·,a·: . availab le donors, founda tions _,,/
t. ·econbm y
J) .. ac.tivit. and program s _.,,,,
[ · df'es, NOT ,:,:~.e.Y, 1 ·
41. WhJcl~': ...J,~J..rom green h ouse e·ff ec·t~r
· ..1.. . • · ~; i'li . .glac.1e rs
····· ·;·, "i~:lae in sea .level
. . Rfse in th~.,.,.1::\'1Jmber··•cif·-t:ypho9 .~s
I · • ·'.Rise., in ·:ocean heat ~------·-· •···•. - ·...._\
4 2 . • w~ ,~c h ~9
is~.:~!.?.~ .. . •. ~~.:t;.~ C..t;erist .i.c~~-_£ .~§\~'Y,. .,GJ·cl.'f~~;
.· ~. comp,::eh<•rn~Ive

'1:.1:r:s\:. contac t care
d . tooidin nted
r:L \ :Limite d by problem orig i n
2 . 1. 9
~ • •i~ ~ ~ i~ 1 ~ Llcens u re Examin a t ion
Tuesd1: 1.y, ; Novem ber 2, 2021 - 0.2: 0 0 p.m. - 04:00 p.m. Page 6
· sET A

4 3 . Emp{ oy~~~ htll_ develo

p appro priate polici es and progra ms on menta l
·l:re~(1'e.h.. :·±n··{h e ..wq~ ~e. Which of t .he follow ing is design ed to •i ..
:Lmp:(1:.? m.~~t.. t.!1.~...P .~ o,9r"a'in__,.: .- ( 1} raise awaren ess on menta l heal
C<;>:1= :~ect stigma ai1c:1 ·· -a-rscri minati «?.ns ( 3) facili tates th iss·uel~ ~(~ )
access of indivi duals
,~1 Atl1 menta l hea 1th condi tionsc '"to-~r e~tme nt and psych osocia l suppo rt
•j , .J I ..,
. ,.._,.,~ •.• .,..., ·•:[ 2I 3
, ,

B ·! 1 · ~Q. 2
44. '.the \follow ing ~r:e•-';~·;·{~~·· .~·~~·dfi;~,~s (
1) Ut~l~ zation rates ( 2 }/-ieal th
cari dE:!.l ivery '· 3 r·!l:l·o rt1al~Ey " rafes JJ·r·~m orl::1.d ity rates ,/,
1\ ;. '3 , 4 1• • ' . C :• . J. , 2 , 3
.' -·if


. ~'
1 3,4
.~ D. 1 , 2 / 3 , lj .

45. )"1h.a·· { is the ·Mode value "'irt; series of

observ ations ?
: . . f\·;l; bccur ring most often _.,\,G·:- Averag e of all values
·B •\ Close st to all values / h . .,..·Midd lemost observ ation
.,.,,-- \. .
46. ~•1hi])e. doing the health ,prom9j ;.,i:6'~' progra m
among ident ified HIV positiv ,e
pati 1:nts and peopler -•"1'1vi ng with''H IV, sel.f awaren eps in effecti ve~
l1eal't.h comm unicat ion .i.s impor tapt' as you contin uously engage
p:coc:es s o:E self explor ation-, :- "be"i_ng•"'aware cf yourse lves
in the
, how you tlffect .
· theni and the effec t they have ...,o:.n: ··yours . 'I'his method: of commu
iS l nicatio r.

A. I rnass C. ntrape rsonal

I, ···13,~:~· interp erson al D. pri nt
-~ --; .; .':.
-·· :·:..·· : _.-:I
47. Publ;ic hr:11:1lt h e.d min,~.~;t.r at.ioi-i - is a field of public h~altp. ~J;-h•at··-·-:-:::--:--___

~·~~~. ~~.~rI~~;,}l~~:c· ~ ·~,~-~.e~~~;~SL~~~~~-i~~r~~~~Y~~tJ~:J~;~~~~r~&~!ct~~~ig:

<Joa].'s , ~stab lislun g prior1. \ an.d se,q11.f;;lneJ::ng -::.ctJ/:m s to ace.G.rr.
.. ( AJ:'.J?l anning ·
.=.: < . C...__,_
--·- --- , .. .... . ..... . .
.. .. .
,:f · C. ,.organ1 .Z"l.'lig""··~~•.
..- ~::~:~.i·--·
·~--.,-·.,.,· ..:,.~ ..----.. --..
, .. _ ---·- · ....,- ...

· ·£i·.; Coordinc1.t i n9 · ·
.-L,,· · ,,_..-,D .· Direct ing
• • • • ' • • ·: '•. • .~.·.: -- - ·:. :: .. · :•• •..- -.. .. . . . ,. ~,--: • ✓):: :~· ...
48. _.What] is the q'-1a~i ty per:s.s~-:irnc;1.j1c~ that refers to the use
of resour cos in
... ·· the ~wos'l:. econo mical way ·t;q,•.,c:lch .1.g,y-e better ::>utcom
A : Cdmmctfrity··"i 11'tere sf"-·
e? i
• • ( ". c;t Ef.fici ency
"-,.r.: """'-~ · ' f l
B. 1 Patie nt satis:E action D .' Effect i;1ene ss
49.,Be dslde manne r is the approa ch a health provid er aLsume
....- aat.-i ~, nts•..., ..,rt ·.,c::,·n,·ma li::e·"",0:1..=-.,b.i:_eak a good Physi cian-p
at1ent relati onshi p.
·""r· · ·if.l.h:a:t ·is~~ __ bad be~.s icle man~ i) .,/ ::;'"
··. ., ~; Rea•esf i,1>:::frig ···"p'a 't'i'm1 ~'·
-· · If:·.~'Fiduc iary relati onshi p exists
t..... .... rc :. Comfo rting while being hones t J/· >
'. ri. \ Showin g empath y to the family
. .,... /
:1 o. In c~ntra st. with. inveJ.'l"l:ion...~which is the first occurt ence of
prod, ct, inno~ an idea or
ation is fr ~ ew applic ation to an old ~once pt. The 4

.E oll1w ing are examp les of in.n.ov ations , EXCEPT .f

A. Nc~w techno logy for cei_;'.y:bca.l cytolo gy .
.a. Electr onic Health Record s (EHRs) · I
( ' c) Third gener ation cephal ospo.r in l
··--•·0 . i Magne tic Resona nce Imagin g (MRI) •:· ·

Whi.c~~ statem ent is ~mr.-• {~ue ,.e,Q9Jl:.t_... _!l.on-P:~ obabili_ !:Y. sampli
S .. A. I Relia bility of ··re-SU"'.l.'1::1.'f1g esti1na ~S--cr: f.-t::1'i e-samp
ng ·design s?
~e can not ;.,e
:aasee eed
B. !prob abilit y of b~ing• ·~elec ted in the sample is .. not specif
c . . Type of design~·hsed in qu ali t~tive stu~iA ~ -
b:-...t u;;rt ernal Vf.lli dity of -che result s is 't\ssur ed)
'· ~ . ' \,,. ""•t...............,_...« . .•;,~~
\ Conti nu ed on Pa g e 7 2. 1. 9
~HYsrdrANS Licensure Examinat ion
'IuesclaJy, November 2, 2021 0 2: 0 0 p.m . - ·04;00 p.m. Page 7
,.,·------ -i ;
t ,-- ~~
5 /... \4hen the computed Odds Ratio i s E.9,UAL t.9.,· or_e 1,v1 a case-control s-tudy
~~on.eJ ~hat is the conclusion of tne=·-s·-t:trdy'?-
( : 1\:, .. -The exposure is positively relatec:. to the disease

.. - B. The exposure is negatively relatec. to the disease
, C. The exposure
1 is either positively or negatively related to
the disease

j D. The exposure i .~• not,-,J~"BJ..n,t.Qd_:i=-.~ t~¢" disease

l_i11at method itf\_~~~~:\'i ~\i;:~'.::1:>~f1.:~"b·:~:h°t1'J.:: wis used

l, hc?. use of a ----n.~.W,_J?l!~:!!l.}-.~_,(L .or ~~.cnB,_olog_y;;i~
conducting trial on fn

i A. D~sease ~t.'_r':'"eillance ./ " asE.essm~nt t:'.~\Rfsk

1 B. Risk r-ech:.rct:1,on ,/ 'D; Hazard e.urve1llance
54. >iha"t·iB 1h an~.'.':9 ,a~t-ay,;t~;~~~~::::~ •to·er.,su=,.,,_h--~~~"i";~
121e:r.::."f.~rmea,... J:n· comp,llanbe wJ:tlr~:~i:St":ttrg regulatorx re:guir~m ·. ?
tr ia s are
\ .. A.. ,-~.' Qu!ality control ;,c:-:'c. Qu~~S'surance ·
; B. Quality review .~ D. Quality assessment
5 ~; . statements are .'·';_,RU_~_.,.-a:bout 95perce~~~ Confidence Inter 1ral? ( l) the
~ange of values that yciri can be 95cercent certain contains the true Mean
of the population (2) as simple siie increases, tha range of the
:Interval values will narrow ( 3) if you are to r.epea..t the survey,
confidence interval is not important in geceralizing results
A • 2,3 ~,.,•. ,•8 •-._ 1 , 3
B• 1, 2 , 3
D..fl ,
,✓. /
/ / '
56. W'~1at type of pr9_pafiility sampling>cl~~ign whos~_.a, ..m~i-n,~-arli~~~cteri.stic is
-~11 at every ele1t1ent in the popu1.~:t:..i:oh has an ~~~al qha11ce_,.,s>!J'being
1,ncl1.1ded in the sample? ,,, ,.-._,'- ·--..,,.,-......- -
; A. Simple random (,...,.,,,c...~,-"~ystematic
j B. Cluster D. Mult_,:i,..:..·s'
. ,.. .... -· ~

57. T ~1 e followi ng .... ,s:.~atements a r e TRUE ab6ut Cohort Study type of r~search
l! . ,i· I EXCEPT ':')
~!e!~?t;6;·;-1oi°E/ ·i~-~ c~mput~ for the Relative Rislc (RR)1
.-. : ·B. Sampling population from which the subjects aif-:,Belected are
those who are with tl1e disease of interest
c. f:r:-om the population, a sample of exposed and unexposed
· :::: i-nclividu.:ll.s will be selected i
D. :St~bjects will be followed-up through time to 1etermine their
.·.., •disease status at . the enc:l..:oE·"the study
;••:::. : ~ --~~.::: _:"~..·:;-..·.-·.··.··-·.·····-..:::.. ., ...........,,
58. w~1j_cl1 one is { sr~_a nti tative _q_qj: a::;1.;.::.~ ..
, A·. Religion ,-..... .. --~- .. -··- -~.. --- .·C. _F-1-ei ght 0
":' · (

, '. 'B . . Sex •. . . · · - ·=· ·· ·:_:.: ? · -~: '.":·~~-?P~. .8Q~: l

59. W)'tich is f\:0,~ _S E _abo~~~,...f.r'.:b~bf}\,t.y _sampling'",,9.,;]ns?j.
i J.L Used mos·tly in;f"·s•tudi'e'if""
I B. Estima.ting parameters follow rigidly s~19_~.i-fie . procedures
: c. Rules in selecting samples are specified.~,,"'
' ( D ..~":\Re.liability__ of the_,r .ef!:.~J:t:i,ng. E!l:i"'t:tfrta:t1(s:,j::ai115e""ldeterttiined I •
•~- ••" ' · , ~--• •'' ··;..-...:• ••~.::. • .;• -~ ..-..-::•.r.•."n::'-:".•::: -=--::-:•.;:.".7':',:!::llt.u~.::.,~~ "'·';1. ·"•

60. N!1.~t samplir.,? metl:od is •'~~sed . for a t~E¥2:Y b.fg. popula~kon that simple
r ~ n dom tee l1n1gue l. S not pos Sible? ·•,··--=-.,-,,a.,=·.- ,..,.,-=-d".. ,........~-··
i A. Quota C. Purposive .
·, B. '}Cluste:i:- D. Convenience

61. \1Jj 1 en the compute~ Odds Ra;,l:i6._.;" i~ LE,§ S·'''tha.n one in a -case-cont:i:-ol study
conducted, what .1s the conclusio:tl!"'of th~ study?
: A . 'l'he exposure is n·ot rela ·l:etl ·l:o the disease:
,. n ..... The e xp osure iei positively related to the disease
r: c . ~h~ exposure is nega~i~ely related to the dis~ase
i .
PHYSIC[ANS Licensure E>raminat ion Page E-
'.t 'uesda \• , November 2, 2021 0 2: 00 p. m. - 04:00 p.m.


o. The e~posure is eith er p o sit iv ely or not related -to the
6.,_. The ·Review of Related i,itera.'·ture "·e, the objectives cf the
·? ese·arch problem.( rt is important to ,t.rt mind ~e following TRUE
s!tatements about Re.view cf Relat~p._J:...±t:er.a-t:ure· ( 1 Fthe literature must b<:!
r~l:ated to the res.e 'areh."•ProtYI"eii(];ff::t"t-i~re is no rule setting the numb<:1r
o :f literatures to be. reviewed .. J::·1::,-:::)'"' · there is no rule how old o.i; new are
t~e materials to be -reviewed {_4.J.,.~ if the research is a pioneering one;
there is no need for review 0£:~elated literature
. A. 1, 2, 4 ~-:. '_c. ...._.._l, 3, 4
....-··:···8.:_-.:::·:·:2:-,~.:'":4.- - -···-·-······•·---~ ;(__ D ~ . } , 2 , 3 / r
,,,.-·'63{(~:;~i.r::e.ct contr~·~:~:_t~/1:!::..;1:..Q., the Nat.i o-;·; i Heal th Insurance, ProgrBf -~nd t~ei:r. O
'-:1f..~~~:.£~:3d-tt~pe.nO:~.~~-~~l-t,all ~e, c'?mpose~ '?f the following, (.d: ) FiL.p1nos
aua:1 c1ttz'E\nship ( 2 )· Filipinos living abroad ( 3) kasarabahays ( 4)
terseas Filipino workers L/~)
. A. 3, 4 . C,,. 1 , 3
I B• 1 , 3 , 4 . '5 . l , 2 , 3 , 4
f _,.,.l'"' . ;· ...
6 ,1. '1~~1e following are action, ,.scheme,..:&r-pl'try-a.gaJ..nst 'the National Heal th
I !nsurance Program thai;:. p-1:.i: 'i: or ti~nd to put in ct:ts-~pute the integrity and
e jf :Ees:_t -.i :ve impleme·nt.ation of" the -J?hi-)JJ§elt.h p..:tQ.gram.), EXCEPT_ __
I, _A:·. · ghost patients ""' C:" overbilling ,
l! BJ_\recruitrnent practice /2. morc.l tu:::pitude.
. .. . / ..:"''..

65. 'I'~1e Mandatory Food Fortifi c ation -program of the Department of ·Health.
i i1w·obres the addition of one,"cY.r'mo-re, ee 5ential micronutrients to food to
p~ev 7nt d~_monst:c,af·e"d defi cfenc)_'_ in __a"¥ecific population. The fo:.lowing
aire its ,program components ,~X.CE~'.T.L.J-..-•·. ,
, /·•-A.~,, s _a l t iodization ---.. -
( : B. ·,Iibn supplementation ,
'·! c ~,, rice foi·tif ication with Iron
D. cooking oil fortificatiqp with Vit A
. ~ <,.-.·
66. Yiou were_,exposed to · a po~,itive COVI D19 case in the ,Emergency Roon.
tiuring~~he contact trapfrig, someonegot in touch with you for interview.
tjndex· RA 11332, ot,p~t'w'ise known as Mand:1.tory Report,ing of No;,t:lfiable
D:i.seases and Hec\),,tJi Events of Public Health Concern Act o~/ 2018,. you
~re bound to crj6~erate. Non-cooperation will resultj to; (11 monetary
~enalty of not less than 20\000 pesos but not more than 50,000 pesos or J•-
i'Eprisonment o:E not less j:han one month, but not mqre than 6 months ( 2(
suspension or revocation _9.£.-•·l . icense to practice by 1,the Professional J/
~egulation Commission i<r) revocation of ci,ril serv;ice eligibility by

Tf J:~:t:~.:~:~.:,f;h• Adt~)[ft:rivacy nalta

t~e Civil Service Conm,ission (,.~-r"disclosure of confidential information


6? ...--;f'~:~.:i..~~_?t contr:Lbuto.f.a ..--:f:~ the ~ational Health, Insura~ce Pr;.ci"'grart).1"~rnd their

· bq~rnlJ..f'~-i~•ct~·~·e);lend'Eints shall b'~· composed of t11e follo;wing./( 1) ,./
~ne· 1.c·iar of 4P.s , Panta,Y.J,id Pamilyang Filipino Pfogram (~2') PWDs,
Pi~r~oi:i with Dis abili:ty , _ ;ty"·Senior citizens ( ,1) Sangi9unia11 Kabataart
o~ficials \ i
: A. 1,4 ....-G- 1,3 l
: B. l , 2 , 3 , 4 . ....,.., , ( --~~:.) , 2 , 3

6 8. ~eographic•,11~'i'y . rsolate9~ .e1:Hd DJ.sadvantacecl .Areas ( GIDAs) refer- to

~arangays with ' the pr~sence of both phisical and socio-economic factors
-~~·1 a~ .)~int.~~-i delivery of health care. Examples of physical barriers
i~clude, EXCEPT _ _ _ '
J\. distance
B. class 4 municipality

Continued on Page 9 .1: 2 .1. 0

PI-JYSIC r: ANS L.:i;cen sure Examin.ation
Tuesda , Novem ber 2, 2021 - 02:00 p -. rn . - 04:00 p.m. Page ,.9
. .
/~7:_::~} we.a th er .
-~~ transp ortati on diffi9 plties
; •• -- • • - •. • . .• • . t ~... ..... • •. ·.;;.· ~ • __..,., .. ... _..._,___

6 ~ . T]iie oeb.i-a ration p•{ Prirti: iples Polici es of_,.. RA 11223, othen~ ise known
as the tt~}-ver.s.aJ~ --Hea,J,th.....Ca;i;.e •··Act~· inclu,g.e (-i~) by protec ting
p r ornotin g''•=t:Ee· right to health of al~/ Filipi nos the law shall and
a+l -Filip inos are health litera te (2) a health care model that will that
provid e acess to qualit y , cos-~ ffecti ve, promo tive, curati ve
rehab ilitati ve,,.....•1-tid pallia t.ih e beal_t h servic es withou t causin
hardsh ips ( ::r-t ·· people orient ed approa ch ':hat j_s center ed on
g financ ial
peopl e's
1~~-e~ )and well-b eing ,.
;-·G:~:·.:.}~-i.,.3. .. . ..... . · -~. . ____"·• ,\ ~: ;
.j , .•.,..... · ~ '
,/ '
7 0. Indire ct- contri butor s t'o Phi lHe a:t'f'i1 fund includ e the follow ing,
1 . E~ c;EPT__ .'.' .
:..l:\..\, Overse as F:i.lip ino Worke rs
(_~ .•.; kasamb aha y
'. c. PWDs (Perso n with Disab ility)
• D. membe rs of 4Ps,' pantav {id prograIT1... ..,,.,,...,~--..,.,..
.,,,.., · "'\ ,.,
?J..i '1']1e . follow ing are conclit ;Jo n s adoplJ ng Code Blue
eine-.1,-:g-e ncy / d.i.s astert'; EXCEJ?1···--·"'·'~. .
· . . .,..,,~,••. ~~~--"'~· -·•·'·-' · ·
iii respon ding to
(l::1(__::honf irmed huma~ · tnuhnm a~ tr.ansm iss.:.on :lf cases;
:· B·. ~0-50% of health fac.i J. ities a ff ectad by- disast er in
the area
: C . .. •ri1agn itude of disqst er affect ing more than 30% ·:o f the
· J geogra phic covera ge
; D . . ··100 o r more casua lties in· a n ar ea
•• i. ,,.... ,. .. ,, • •I ,, •.toor:•• .a. ..•.-.._.~ ~"'-f"
r.'' .} " ' , , , .... ..... ••• ' ~
•• • ~•• •: • •• IH') ,,
7 2 .- · Rj1, s lt.. manage ment. .1,,s a compr\9 -~ens .1. V;=l stTateg ff, for ....,,,,,-• ' "" : • f

r~®.£!. n..9 .. -tl:.r.ea ·=t..s"·'"ancl

- · a~mse quence s to -• pu)?.!..i.G ....h.§_~.:JJ:}it an,c.{_ ·,r:;a_f _e_ty, (J..rJ 1 pre;ve nting exposu
hazard s ( 2') . re•ciu'c '::id'n erabil ities ( 3.) develo pin'g respon re to
se anci.
r~cove ry capac ities £A1 report ing and monit~ ring
:I ]-\, ., l 1 2 , 3 ~ .
C• 1, 3 r 4
I, . ,. •.. ' , ,
2·,3.,,.4 . . ,.. ~·"··,..·. · ,•.•,o ,.., , .
"••. ~ •••••r:e•• -•-
D. 2,3,4
I" I
7 3 . . p. r';m;~~ t\t:'t~I}.t:~~+~-t l.,i.t~y.::~·t.~~,n . ~~
1i17P1:'J~er resulti r_i,.
17- jury ·•-o~·',.::ri•~·~n e s~s1 sustai n 7cl qy a
• ~-... -~~~:P~_:._marl:;.!?J; ..,.arrd 1-nq_2;_pac1 tati_~µ•,.,.tr_orn engag ing ir.
· ,gp.:i-.hf..~.~ oc'?.llB?:t:'t J.·on·._·· ft ·-rrlaf' also mean Io·S's••-Ol:l-'··comple ;:.e loss of the
tpe follow in1, '<..EXCE~!...,.., .....,,). use of
! A. b~ain in~'fll'l'."f''~-r~{si.11 ting in incura ble imbec
ili tyj or Jnsan i ty
B. any two of the follow ing, not in the same lim~, hand,
( · ,•. -~·':'}~ ~~ ; e!~~, one ear, loss of hearin g ;
'°;" D·; '.-· B'oth eyes, on~_,eye, one ~pan/h and, one leg/fo otj
. .........
7 4. The -Hl::Hi'ltf1 Progra m of .,the Occup ationa l,'Beal th Servib e in the worlcp lace···£ he follo ~\n~ ·activ ities .,( 1 Vfoain tenanc e ot" a health
ful work
ef1viro nment ( 2) ,,,dlagi'h~sis and t:r'~'atm ent of all inju1ries and
opcul? ationa l/non- occup ationa l diseas es (3) .:i.mmunizaltion progra m (4)
.n~1t1 tic;m progra m
l A.• · l. ; 2 , 3 r 4 C. 1,2, 3
.. !
L rl :·
o l, 3 ,, 4,
D. 2,3,4
75. which is NOT true abo~t micro nutrie nts in nutrit ion~
I A. Includ e vitam in A, c, E
· l3. Includ e i·ron, zinc, iodirie
I .
r·c-, Nutrie nts are measu red in millig rams
( l D_~.v Includ e protei ns
-- M . ..

Co n t .i. nu e d on Page 10 r.:::r 2. 1. 9

PHYSIC~ANS Licensure Examination
Tuesda~, November 2, 2021 02: 00 p. ~ . - 04:00 p.m. Page 10


. •( ------
,1,~)c:_!;,..-"fs'NQ'.f:_.~.~J:.§.Y.e.l.._9f cGJ in the Service Delivery Network ( SDN)?
{:~·11-<:C:ompreli'en·sive emergency obstetrical newborn care
( r··B.::.}Iaternal and newborn rno.r tality services
:~ ·-~ :~~eommuni ty level service providers .
· o. · Basic emergency obstetrics and neKbor~ ca~e
i ;,,-·'
77. ~ worker-applicant may be classified in this Class after the
/~re-employment physical examination, .i_.f:-found to be suffering from
5ertain impairments~ Lil~e Hypertensioq~tequiring special placement or
c:1s signment, requii,.in9 periodic foll·ow up, but employable _ _ _ .
A. A · (r.•<a::l. D
\.iI · \ D Jl C
B·.,,,B ,,
./' >-...-.:::::;,;,........--,---·- ..,.
78. 'I!he to-I1owing are consfdered "ha'Z-a..!"..Q9tie workpl~1~s", EXCEPT
I A:-<. construction areas "---._ _ _ _ _ _ _,. ·
j B .··· ·stevedoring, dock work, deep sea fishing
... S.!:.:.;w~rk conditions with · z. · ng radiation, chem~cals
1 I D, ;Garments fa.ctory and
· •1. -1 •, .. : ...
manu acturing ·

7 9.'ct:,,Qontr ibutors to PhilH·, a{ th fund include the following,

~'.x:CEPT >/ . ,.
1.....t .h: . ..9~i~T'.E ullyernployed with employer-employee rela:tionship
J· ··.B.. m-=!,'.grani:. workers
~-.c\.ka.sambahay less than 5, OOOpesos a month
! o'. prbfessional practitioners·
1 ' .. . . ..f~
: ~ • • •· " ' ' ' "" 1 • • - • M-.,.,. ,•"/' I

80. '.1?1\e following are u-ses of t he data generated -from'. the Operatio:1
.TJ nil:iang _Plus~ pr.ogr;.ant~-' of t.he Department of Health. Which one is t:ie LEAST
±mport~nt ' use? ·
A-~ determine the magni tud e and prevalence of maln'.utr i tion in
the area
B. subm:l.ssion to the local execut ives for/recordi~ng and fundin3
C. · identify families ~hat will compose the. prioriity
benef iciar of nutriti on progrr.u::, \
o. J)icate and iden{:ify pr es choole rs ~ho are wasted, stunted,
•· .. ···under /overhreight ·

Situa.-1.:.ion 1 - A 32-Y..e ar old Certified Public A9countant1 consulted your clinic
Ear palpitatio,rt.~) Sh~.,-•des 7J;",ibed the sensq,t':.on as fapt, regular
pounchng• -o n- ·1·1er_ .Cl\eSt, sometimes relie by deep i~halation. In
-~he past week . ,· tlie occ_µ rrence of palpitations occur'. almost daily
making her skip som~··· office work. Vita:.. signs are nprmal. The
fest of the PE ~;c.e~··unremarkable. . _/ . \ .

81. 4 ca:eful history tak~~_g and,,: .tl'i'$,_;·9J1g.h~,.f:>hi~~~al exam~ will :eveal a

q:ardiac from non-card1:ac cause 0f palp::;.t~t1.q1s. Thej following ar.e
cardiac causes of palpitations, W,XCEPT .. ._.;:..;;:;r..·•"-'' ;
. A. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrbri:i:e'•·..:-•''·~ t
i B. Sick sinus syndrome · I
_, /
.. :. . c . . Atrial :Eibrillation
' ( 1 D ~ :·w·asovagal syndrome

82. 0hat do you call the devise the patient will be asked to wear t~at
.teq9rds a continuous ECG, usually for 24-72 hours that may detect hea~t
pal~l%~tions that were not found in the re~ular ECG exams?
~t A.>" Hol ter monitor : c. smart w::,.tches
i · B. Event recorder o. st.ress ECG
CI ~NS L1censure Examinatio n
'J'iiesday ,, November 2/ 2021 - U 2 •, o o
n 0 . i:1 . - :J4:00 p.m. Page 11
· . i~ what stage of trajectory of ill n ess is the patient in?
A. Onset of illness
jB • Impact 1?hase
9Major therapeutic effort s
). Redovery phase

B4. T ~ following statements are TRUE regarding management of ,g alpitations,
A: '· Beta adrenergic blockers like prop:ranolol for patien~s
'· _3:.equiring ph.armacotherapy
_!3.... -•· patients with structural cardiac problem should undergo
',- ·\' ·~~chocard:i.ograph:¼ · . .
,. _/ C.• ·Ma11agement of palpitations is symptom!:i-based a11d maJority
I· ,,.of the palpitations in the primary setting are harmless
,:.D·;·· I'n cases where no abno:cmality ·c ould be .identified after
thorough evaluation, health education, counseling and re
assuranc0ould be app:1:-opric1.te
' I
S, t t I 1
i·ua · ton 2 - A 65 7 year old grandma came to consult you for having a hard ti~e
htplding her l.l-!t"'il}e, At first, she is able to reach the b~throom,
bi;.,:~_ ;Lately the/1.1,rgenc,~ became seve:);"p th::.t she wets her underweai:;.,
I C- .. l - ····• "........ . ,
o~ . ne.r·~~:r::i:,p ••::tc~.-~::hha~--~.e..e.b.--:09nr.-··oc·t:-a:siona'1:-c:'6rfgtring··..aJ:1d-~-l-a.ugh:i:.n·g""'but
lbud are triggers of w~fting. She has decrease he~ fluid ~ntake
ir the h6~e of d~creasing fhe fre~uency he~ urination.
85. W~ich laboratory test will LEAST help you i~ diagnbsing the complairit?
:A~ Urinalysis ·
(13 .)Post- v oid residual measur e ment
i C-:-' Urine C\Jlture and sensitivity
I D~
I , ]
Papanico .. aou smear ,J"
: I.'

86. ~Ir~~;? i.s the MOST likely t yi.;e o f incontinence the patient is sufferin9
A. Overflc•w -~unctional
. B. ~rge . · / ~/tress .
07. Wjhich is NOT included
in the treatment of i.ilcontinence?
I A .. ~edicaU.ons C. Kegel's exercis~
t,,L ~~·~:i:,ess water intake D. Bladder training
I -·..... -· ·•• · • ·"'"'
8 8. r:~
or male patients, what is the indication for(-ur·o lpgic·· ·referral of
incontinence? ·-:.c.•. ,. . ~...... · ·""
A, ~sychosocial consequences
Diagnosis is documented
· c-:-YProstate evaluation
i o~·
Minimal hernatuii~
,.,.- /-

S:i.tua:Gion, ~ - An 8-yea:t'"'~ld_ s5:J.J.,0-61 cl:i;i,.d-has bee!l unde9= the care of a Family

.l~hys1c1an fo.r. sore throat pccurrin.g at least 4..-5 t:f.mes· ·a yE!ar.
~iately, . she ha.s been ~11,Q}:ing h~,:l'v"ily. Lates~ clini~ visit on
J.nspection . showed mou-t:h br,2athing ar..d \.-ery inflameµ, large
~onsils, bilateral. Tempf :r ·.3.t\:ire~··is''' '3·9,-d~grees centp.grade.
' ,. ,,...., ·•, ..
U9. What laborato~:·r tes ·t;. .-,wf1~..
'.;::Ji3_E.~~..,.'.di:aq,o.os-e-€he case o~ group A beta
Juerrro·~y1=,ic tonsillopharyngil:is?
( A~-Streptococcal throat culture
· ·13·, Rapid streptococcal test
c. Blood colture
o. Polym0 rase chain reaction

Cont i nued on ?age 12 · 2 . l.9

--~, .... ...,-...,,., y I \k'IUV8mJ:>e r 2, 20:~1 0 2.
. - -: . 00 p. m. 04:00 p.m. Page 12
9 (;.
Wha J is th e drug of choioe
st.r.~1pto 7occal pha.ryn gitis? f or .,.,----.__
treati ng group A beta hemol ytic
,, '
A- , romyc.i .n '
B • Co-tr imo;«:i zole
,, c ,: Penici
J _
/ .
-~D. Clinda my~in
9L What~ is NOT includ ed
aden1oids '?
in th e tr i ad of symp"':_oms indica tive of obstru ctive
A.. ; Snorin g t-------
"-.C.../ )Hypon asa l 1. ty
E-. · M<?u th breath ing
D. Halito sis
9 2 . Wi1 i c~"l is •li?T...}·.'.1...}-~n.,~-~-~-?~t.,i.9 r.. s,,-f,ar,. ,.t o.i1-s-.i ~~-t2.E1Y_ \~ th~ s case ?
.A.-. I Sleep apnea J\irwa y -:,bstrlrc-1..."1::t"m
# -- ~ • • •

B- \ Recur rent tonsi lli ti~ (:::)F ever·
Situat ~o ~ 4 - ~ senior high schoo~ ·f emale consu lted the He~lth _Oente
pimple s•
r for
She he.s applie d all tlrn known corrcne availa ble
anti acne prepe ration s to'no avail. She is .afreid that scarri ng
left by pimple s will ~u!n he r face. ,
' ' ,- .,/
9 3. The h1ain ca\lSe!' : of ac9e are ( 1r ·~ ;)5,C'E!SS oil (2) clogge
d_ ha-i r follic l:s by
oil pr
dead skin (.3Y' bact.e ri a (ft-{ inflam mation
f, ,. :, 2 r 3, 4 ..--c-:---,J.-;-2, 3
·' l
Fl. 1, 3, 4 ., \ ...... _D__..,.. :J-·{2, 3, 4
94. Sld. n : lesion s of acne incl"1i d e the _,;f.ollow
ing I EX2EPT
A . whiteh eads , bl a ckhead s ,.,.-;G.. '\-macu les, blist ers-
B. papule s, p u s t u l es
( □ - ~~odules, cyst
.. _ ,_...

Health educn tion mus t be impart

I '
ed to the patie:-
• it toi' assure comp l 1.ance
medif ations , such as the follow ing advice s, EXCEPT _,____ to
A. _p~tien t should ~e made a.ware th~J treatrn e:it wi ll contro
· · · acne, not cure 1t l
/ .. , 1

B. , not,2 by dirt and '. that t oo freque nt washin'.g with

'. soap will aggrav ate the co h di\j on '
c . \ J,.ong term 't reatme nt up to 6-s-·we eks for medic ations to · work
, u·. l,s\1nsc reen :\.mprov e acne __.,.-
·.• , .. _,, ......L
96 . Firsl line pharm acothe rapy o·{ acne 1rn lgaris inc-lud elI the follow
1\. \ topfca l antibi otics (---~·-:)oi·al spi.ron olact:o ne
B. \ topica l retino ids ~--o-:- topica l dapsqn e .
\ : •.; · .
Si·l:ua tion : 5 - In the commun J.ty you a~~,_ . A:iiuners ec. as Postf"g radU:a te Intern
thl:;! Jt>l: oblems :L de1:tif ied is the h:l,·gh J?rev~ lence of , one o:E
P:a rasitis m :
Bein~ a · reclam ation area, the place J.~ withou t proper sanita
drair.ia ry
ge, to i lets a.:r:e commu nal and childr en roam around in bare
, · ,,,✓
feet 1 ~~
9 7 . What is t?e moG t common parast4:.-e'--~:\'{f e_s ti1:g Fil:.p~ no:, childr
.l\. Anc:ylo s t oma cluoden ale , _ _g..:.--h:~:S:-ftf~,1..S..-1umb,r1.coµ .des
13. 'l'richu ~ ris trichu ira ., . .,,. ---D·:-·•"Sc ~j,s-tos oma Jjpo icum
ch.:L l • ren 1.e ···-··".....,..,. . .._
A. intest inal obstru ction
B. obstru ctive cholec ystitis
c ., peri ·toni tis ·
·· D/ lung infilt ration
( . .. I . . .
99. The fntegr ated H~lmin th Contro
pa:r.t~~ r.e-ih i p _b ~.t'N.~_
l Pro~ram (!HCP) in the Philip pines is a
e n DOH and DepEd aimed at reduci ng the preval ence ·of
pfc'l ,C e"1. '7 itiem amon:J t·arg-et
groups . The program fe~tur es includ e the
f .01 1 9 win,g, .E:XCEPT __ 7 )
i \ \, .' ,,.'" ,. .
I Co ntinu e d on Page 13
" . .l. 9

PHYSIC ~ANS Lic ens ure Ex am ina tio n

'l'ue scla .~ , No vem ber 2, 202 1 _ 02: 00 p.m .
04 ~ 00 P r m • . Pag e :..3
PRE VE~ y iY.E:· ,l~_? ICI NE AND PUB
(\ A . .,Jthe int rve nti on stra tra gy
··---~· prev~1Y~.1. 7 ve che is bas ed on the pri nci ple oi
mo the rap y, foc usi ng on the
spe cif ~c for ms of hel mi nth ias is spe ci~ ic tre atm ent
B.,v;.the Sch ool -ba sed , Te ach er- As
•' is don e twi ce a yea r, usi ng sis ted .He lmi nth con tro l P~o gra m
Me ben daz ole ) and was amo ng
ben zim ida zol es (Al ben daz ole and
the mo st cos t-e ffe cti ve pu bli
• J:ie al th int erv ent ion s c
\ _5:.--•·' 3:ed uc by 50% the pre .
7ldr val enc e of soi l-tr
1 in chi en age to 1-1 2 yea rs of ~ge ans mi tte d hel mi nth s
! D. .,-o't.her com pon ent s of the tar
\ ../ He al th Ed uca tio n and WASH get ed nas s dew orm ing inc lud e
( pro vis ion of S1;tfe ·Wa ter ,
env iro nm ent al Sa nit ati on and per son al Hy gie ne)
.... i
10-0. ~h ich is NOT a cur ren t situ
1 ~~ Ac cor din g cit ion of IHCP in the Ph ilip
to Dep Ed acc om plis hm ent rep pin es?
.,· ·-·:. cov era ge in 4 out of the ort in 200 9 , the dru g
{ B.) In the 200 8 acc omp hm 6 sen tin el s:.:t .es was 82 • 3% ·
, .,.... ·· dru g cov era ge in all sen ent rep ort of the NCDPC, th~
ov ~r- all
; tin el sit es was at 43%-, wh1 9h
bel ow the WHO- :r;.e-c'bffiiiYe11dercl"-·c
. of ·85%; · ....... . o'IJ'"er°a·ge-·o ·f-··75% ....ot ·the.. ,.IHe·P-.. is
· · ·· · · · · tar ge t
·· · ·
· ··· · ··· ·· ·
C. !:ft.akei1o l der s of the pro gra m con sis
, aca dem ic ins titu tio ns and t o:: DOH, Dep Ed, LGU, . DSWD
D. DOR Na tio nal Ce nte r for Dis the me dia
in:t eqr ate c1 th e Ga ran tisa don g e Pre ven tio n and Co ntr ol
Pam bat a, Sch isto som ias is and
· Fil ari as i s Co ntr ol Pro gra ms
to per mit nat ion wid e
cor rdi nat j.o n of all mas s dew
orm ing str ate gie s :


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