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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tanauan City Division
Darasa, Tanauan City

A 4A’s Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 7

Rose Ann Mae Y. De Chavez Learning Area: MATHEMATICS 7
Date and Time: Quarter: Second

I. Objectives
At the end of the period the pupil will be able to:
a) Explore the process and pattern in finding the square of a binomial,
b) Apply square of a binomial through different applications in real life
situations, and
c) Solve special products by square of a binomial.
Content Standards:
The learners will be able to formulate challenging situations involving
distributive and foil method.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Square of a Binomial
Subtopics: Special Products
Reference:e-math7,OrlandoA.Oronce and Marilyn O. Mendoza, page192-194
Materials: Visual Aids
Instructional Materials
Teacher Student
Preliminary Activities

1. Organization
Good Morning class -Good Morning ma’am
How are you today? -We’re all good ma’am
Oh. I’m glad to here that.
Okay before anything else let us pray first.
2. Prayer
Are you ready to pray, class?
Okay then, let us bow our heads and put our -Yes, we are.
presence to the Lord.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Oh, God our Father, we praise and adore
you for everything in this world. Forgive us
for the sins that we have done. We give you
thanks Oh God Almighty for all the
blessings you had given us most especially
for the Blessing of life. Thank you for
guiding us all throughout our life. Oh God,
we ask for your guidance in everything we
are going to do. Give us hope and strength
to overcome every struggle we will face.
Give us the knowledge we need for our
discussion today. We pray this in Jesus
3. Classroom Management name, Amen.

The student were asked by the teacher to clean their

areas especially under their chairs.
4. Checking of the Attendance
The teacher will call students one by one to check if
there are some absents, and who they are.
5. Checking of the assignment
The students will pass their assignments in front,
and to be check by the teacher.
6. Review the past lesson
The teacher will recall their last topic to make sure
that the students are ready for the next lesson that they
will discussed.
Do you still remember what we have discussed last
-We discussed about Multiplying Binomials
time? containing common terms
Then what we have in Multiplying Binomials
containing common terms?
Alright. Since we are now done with the Multiplying
Binomials containing common terms, let us proceed
with the Square of a Binomial.


Activity 1
What is my area?

1 1 1 1
x + 3

x + 3 means x units + 3
x + 2 means x units + 2

So now, let us simplify (x + 3) (x + 2)

Using the factors x + 3 and x + 2 represents the side of

the rectangle.

Combining the areas of the algebra tiles,

A1 = x2 + 5x + 6

If we get the area of the rectangle by multiplying the

sides, we get A2 = (x + 2) (x + 3).

Equating the two areas, we get

(x + 2) (x + 3) = x2 + 5x + 6

Use algebra tiles to model the product. Using the

following manipulative materials.

The following will be answered by group, and to be

presented on the board using algebra tiles.

Group 1 Group 3

(x + 2) (x - 1)
(x + 2) (x + 4)
Group 2 Group 4

(x- 3) (x + 3) (x + 2) (x + 4)

Activity 2
Fill the Tiles
x 4
x ?
x 2
? x x2 4x

4 ? 16 4 4x 16

7x 5

? 5
7x 49x2 35x
? 35x 7x

35x 25
35x ? ?

4x 3
4x 3
16x2 12x 4x
16x 2
? ?

12x 9
? 9 ? 3

-we have three ma’am
How many terms are there in a trinomial?

Very Good! We have three.

( x + 3 )2 Exponent 2 means that we need to “square”
this binomial or multiply it by itself.
So how do we write (x + 3)2 ? (x + 3) (x + 3)

That’s right!

So now were going to discuss the steps on how were

going to use the FOIL Method.

(x + 3) (x + 3) Use FOIL to multiply the

Multiply the First terms:
(x + 3) (x + 3) (x) (x) = x2
Multiply the Outer terms:
(x + 3) (x + 3) (x) (3) = 3x
x2+ 3x
Multiply the Inner terms:
(x + 3) (x + 3) (3) (x) = 3x
x2+ 3x + 3x
Multiply the Last terms:
(x + 3) (x + 3) (3) (3) = 9
x2+ 3x + 3x + 9
x2+ 6x + 9
Combine like terms.
x2+ 6x + 9

What do you have notice in our given?

So first, multiply x by x -That is x2 ma’am

-that is 3x
Next, multiply x by 3
-3x ma’am
How about 3 multiply by x

And for the last, multiply 3 by 3, what is the answer? -9 ma’am

-x2, 3x, 3x, and 9
Again what are the answer for each term
-yes, we have
Okay, do we have like terms?

Then what are they? -3x and 3x

Now, were going combine those like terms

-6x ma’am
What is 3x + 3x?

Very Good.

So now we are going to write our final answer

We have x2 + 6x + 9, am I right?
-yes ma’am
That’s right.
Do you have any questions or clarifications?
are you sure you don’t have any question?

Okay then. Get one whole sheet of paper and start -yes
answering our seatwork.



I.Give the square of each polynomial.

1. (x +1)2
2. (x - 2)2
3. (5x + 2)2
4. (2x - 3)2
5. (3x + 2)2
6. (4x + 2y)2
7. (3a - 2b)2
8. (3m + 9)2
9. (7c + 4)2
10. (4x + 3)2

II. Solve the following polynomials by getting the

square of binomial.

11. (x + 3) (x - 2)
12. (x + 4) (x + 3)
13. (2x - 5) (x + 7)
14. (4x - 6) (x - 8)
15. (3x + 4) (2x -3)


Analyze and answer.

1. If xy = 25 and yx = 32, what is (x + y)2

2. If x + y = 5 and xy = 7, what is the value of

x2 + 3xy + y2?

3. Can the FOIL method be use to find the product of

(2x + 5)2 ?
A. Find the square of the number by expressing it as the sum of two terms.
1. 14
2. 41
3. 23
4. 104
5. 32
6. 55
B. Find the square of the number by expressing it as the difference of two terms.
1. 17
2. 46
3. 28
4. 56
5. 35
6. 99
C. Identify each student’s error
1. Kiel’s (8x - 2y)2 = 16x2 - 32xy + 4y2
2. Lino’s (8x-2y)2 = 64x2 + -32xy - 4y2
3. Mark’s (9x2 + y2 )2 = 81x2 + 9x2 + y2

Prepared by:____________________
Ms. Rose Ann Mae Y. De Chavez
Practice Teacher

Approved by:____________________
Mrs. Jamaica Paula O. Regala
Critique Teacher

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