ELS Module

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Activity 1

1. Fill in the temperature or temperature range for each layers of the earth.

2. Write in the most abundant elements that exist in that layer.

Layers of the Earth Most abundant elements and Distance

temperature range

A. Crust Elements:Aluminium, Oxygen, 0 km

Iron, Silicon, Sodium, Potassium,
Magnesium, Calcium, etc.

Temperature Range: 200° Celsius

(392° Fahrenheit) to 400° Celsius
(752° Fahrenheit)

B. Mantle Elements: Oxygen, silicon, 32 km

aluminum, iron, calcium,
magnesium, sodium, and

Temperature Range: 1000°

Celsius (1832° Fahrenheit) near
its boundary with the crust, to
3700° Celsius (6692° Fahrenheit)
near its boundary with the core

C. Outer Core Elements: Ion and nickel 2900 km

Temperature Range: between

4,500° and 5,500° Celsius

D. Inner Core Elements : iron and nickel. 5150 km

Temperature Range: about 4,400°

Celsius (7,952° Fahrenheit) to about
6,000° Celsius (10,800° Fahrenheit).
4. Answer the question that follows.

Why does the temperature of the layers of the earth change as it goes deeper?

The temparature of the Earth's layer changes or increases as it goes deeper because the inner core is the
hottest layer of the earth due to the heat from when the planet formed and the heat from the decay of
radioactive elements, therefore as we go closer to the core, the temperature changes and becomes

Activity 2

1. Define convection.
-The movement caused within a fluid caused by the tendency for less dense material to rise, and colder,
denser material to sink under the influence of gravity, which consequently results in transfer of heat
causing a cycle of movement.
2. Define density.

-It is the degree of compactness of a substance's quantity per unit volume, unit area, or unit length.

3. What happens to the density of a fluid as it temperature increases/decreases?

-As the temperature increases, volumes of most of the liquids also increases and when the volume
increases density decreases. Similarly, when temperature decreases, the volume of most liquids
decreases which increases the density.
4. Where does the heat come from that drives the convection current in the mantle?

-Heat in the mantle comes from the Earth's molten outer core, decay of radioactive elements and, in the
upper mantle, friction from descending tectonic plates.
5. Where is the temperature of the mantle material greater, at point A or point B? Explainwhy?

-The temperature is greater in point A because its closer to the core.

6. Where is the density of the material greater, at point B or point C? Explain why?

-The point where the materials are denser is in the point C because it shows that the materials are going
downwards which means it became denser due to the decrease on temperature.
7. What happens to the temperature and density of the material between points B and C?

-The temperature of the materials from point B to C decreases making it's density denser.
8. What happens to the temperature and density of the material between points D and A?

-The temperature increases making it less dense.

9. What specific layer of the Earth do convection currents take place?

-Convection currents occure in the Earth's mantle.

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