Honoring My Parents

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HONORING MY PARENTS There is no time limit or age limit on this.

It just says honor your father and mother.

Exodus 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: It doesn't say anything about children.
that thy days may be long upon the land which the
Lord thy God giveth thee. You may be 80 years old and your parent is 100,
you are supposed to honor your father and mother.
It's no secret that families are fragmenting at an
alarming rate.
The average marriage in our country lasts 7 1/2 COMMANDMENT?
1. There are no perfect parents.
Sixty percent of all marriages fail. If we are not Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none
careful every thirty seconds there will be a divorce righteous, no, not one:
in our nation.
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory
Now, kids can divorce their parents. of God;

We're looking at the Ten Commandments. All of us have weaknesses and faults and
inconsistencies, mistakes.
We're going to look briefly at the fifth
commandment. Only God is the perfect parent.

Exodus 20:12 "Honour thy father and thy mother: Even the best parents have made mistakes and
that thy days may be long upon the land which the sinned.
LORD thy God giveth thee. "
The Bible says, "We've all sinned."
As a result we're all warped.
The position is of God, the system is of God, sad to
I saw a book the other day, I'm Dysfunctional, say some of the people in authority are not of God.
You're Dysfunctional.
That about sums it up! Still we have to respect the position of authority,
because it is right.
None of us have perfect parents and you're not a
perfect parent either. 1+1=2 there is no other answer to that.

There are many parents who are unworthy of honor. WHY DID GOD GIVE THIS COMMANDMENT?
They were abusive, manipulative, neglectful. 1. There are no perfect parents

What is God telling me to do? 2. Respect for authority begins at home.

Am I supposed to ignore the pain, put on a happy
face and pretend everything is great? Prov 4:1 Hear, ye children, the instruction of a
No, you're not. father, and attend to know understanding.

But God is saying I want you to honor the position of Prov 5:1 My son, attend unto my wisdom,
and bow thine ear to my understanding:
There are three sources of authority in life: the
home, the church, and the government. Prov 6:1 My son, if thou be surety for thy friend,
if thou hast stricken thy hand with a stranger,
Each of them have roles.
They are the basis for an orderly society. This is a critical lesson that every child must learn.
God wants you to honor the position of parenthood
regardless of the personality behind it.
It determines how well you're going to do at school, 3. How I relate to my parents will affect
in your career, in relationships. every other relationship?

The child who grow up saying, "Nobody tells me Proverbs 7:1 My son, keep my words, and lay up my
what to do!" is going to have a hard time keeping a commandments with thee.
There are a lot of times you have to do what 2 Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as
somebody tells you to do whether you want to or the apple of thine eye.
3 Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the
So God wants us to learn to respect authority. table of thine heart.

When you go to a judge and you say, "Your honor" 4 Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call
you're not making a value judgement about that understanding thy kinswoman:
guy's character -- he may be a jerk.
5 That they may keep thee from the strange
You're saying "Your honor", you show respect for woman, from the stranger which flattereth with her
the position and God says He put parents in a words.
position of authority over you in your early age.

So we are to respect it. 6 For at the window of my house I looked through

my casement,

WHY DID GOD GIVE THIS COMMANDMENT? 7 And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned
1. There are no perfect parents among the youths, a young man void of
2. Respect for authority begins at home. understanding,
8 Passing through the street near her corner; and 17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and
he went the way to her house, cinnamon.

9 In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and 18 Come, let us take our fill of love until the
dark night: morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.

10 And, behold, there met him a woman with the 19 For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a
attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart. long journey:

11 (She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in 20 He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will
her house: come home at the day appointed.

12 Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth 21 With her much fair speech she caused him to
in wait at every corner.) yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.

13 So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an 22 He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to
impudent face said unto him, the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the
14 I have peace offerings with me; this day have I
payed my vows. 23 Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird
hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for
15 Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to his life.
seek thy face, and I have found thee.

16 I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, 24 Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children,
with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt. and attend to the words of my mouth.
25 Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not
astray in her paths. I. WHY DID GOD GIVE THIS
26 For she hath cast down many wounded: yea,
many strong men have been slain by her. II. HOW AM I TO HONOR MY PARENTS?

27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the It depends on what stage of life you're in.
chambers of death. Each stage you apply this command differently.

It is the major forming factor in your life.

Your style of relating is set at home. OBEYING AND RESPECTING THEM.

Even today, as a grown up, when you act in ways Eph 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for
you don't understand and can't figure out your this is right.
behavior, many times it's because you're still
reacting to your parents. Obey -- do what they say, willfully, pleasantly,
Many marriages have been ruined because a spouse
has never resolved a relationship with a parent and The Bible teaches that as long as you're under your
they're taking it out on their husband or wife or kids. parent's roof you're to obey them.

They say things like "You're just like my mom." Since you are dependent upon your parents for
food, clothing, shelter, insurance... they have the
Surveys have shown that people who get along with right to call the shots in your life.
their parents have far less stress in their lives.
When you're out on your own that's a different Neither did they.
issue. You're kind of stuck with each other.

But as long as they are providing for you and you're That's why acceptance is vital.
dependent upon them, the Bible says, you are to
obey them. Acceptance does not mean pretending that they
were perfect.
1. AS A CHILD, I HONOR MY PARENTS BY It doesn't mean ignoring their mistakes.
It doesn't mean agreeing with all they did or
2. AS A YOUNG PERSON, I HONOR MY agreeing with all they asked you to do.
THEM. Acceptance means:

The older you get, you start seeing the faults of 1. Realizing that God used them to bring me
your parents. into the world.

You start seeing their hang-ups, faults, the chinks in Your parents may have been excellent, mediocre or
the armor. poor but regardless of how they treated you growing
up, the fact is they gave you something that nobody
It becomes important for you to accept them in else in the world could give you -- they gave you
spite of their weaknesses. your life.

Why should I choose to accept my parents? You owe them your life, regardless of the parenting
skills they used.
You say I didn't have a choice.
God chose to use them to bring me into the world. 2. Listening to what they have to say.

Acceptance means: 3. Acceptance includes forgiveness.

1. Realizing that God used them to bring me
into the world. The fact of life is we often hurt those we love the
most -- intentionally and unintentionally.
2. Listening to what they have to say.
If you live together for any length of time you're
When you're out on your own, you're not bound by going to be hurt by the people in your family.
their advice but you don't despise it.
Families must be built on forgiveness because we
Pr. 23:22 Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, hurt each other.
and despise not thy mother when she is old.
Today it's not so popular to honor your parents as it
"Listen to your father who gave you your life and do is to go lie on a couch and blame them for all your
not despise your mother." problems.

You can disagree without being disagreeable. Prov. 20:20 Whoso curseth his father or his mother,
his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness.
You listen to them, pay them courtesy of listening to
them and you don't tune them out. Bitterness is self-destructive.

That's part of acceptance. It always hurts you more than the person you're
bitter against.
Acceptance means:
1. Realizing that God used them to bring me
into the world.
Even today, if you're still hurting and being resentful You honor your parents when you forgive them for
and bitter over things your parents did in the past, what they did wrong and you choose to focus on
you're still allowing them to control your life today. what they did right.
"You make me mad."
Deut. 26:11 "And thou shalt rejoice in every good
You're admitting -- "you make me," you have control thing which the LORD thy God hath given unto thee,
over me. and unto thine house, thou, and the Levite, and the
stranger that is among you."
I'm to accept my parents, not despise them, listen
to what they have to say, offer forgiveness. God says I'm not only to accept my parents, the
good and the bad, but I am to appreciate them. It's
The fact is God gave you your parents for a easy to take parents for granted.
Some of you had super parents and it's easy for you
Even those who were mistreated severely growing to appreciate them.
up -- does God want you to honor their sins,
weaknesses and the things they did wrong to you? For some of you it's a little more difficult.
I would suggest that there are at least two things
But He's saying accept the fact that God chose them you could appreciate about your parents regardless
to bring you into the world. who they were:

God gave you your parents for a purpose and He TWO THINGS TO APPRECIATE.
can even take that hurt and turn it around and bring
good out of it if you choose to react in the right way. 1. You can appreciate their effort.
Parenting is a difficult, time-demanding, energy TWO THINGS TO APPRECIATE.
draining job. 1. You can appreciate their effort.

As a parent of two boys I have a new appreciation 2. You can appreciate their sacrifice.
of what my parents went through.
Parenting is expensive.
It takes incredible energy just to corral your kids,
much less teach them anything. The economics today alone are staggering.

Have you ever considered how much easier your If you're a parent today it will cost you to raise a
parents' life would have been if they hadn't had child to maturity about a quarter of a million pesos.
Somebody said a father is somebody who carries
They say they can tell the stress in the different pictures where he once carried money.
years of a tree's life if you cut it and look at the
rings. Mike Gilmore said of somebody who was going in for
the church directory: the dad said "In this family
Certain rings are real small, those are years of crisis portrait, why don't you have my sons put their
and stress. hands in my pockets so it will look natural."

I would say that for many of us, our lives growing When a couple chooses to have kids they are
up could be seen in our parent's grey hair. choosing to do without some other things.

When was the last time you thanked your parents So we should appreciate the sacrifice.
for just putting up with you?
Who else would have?
What could your parents have afforded if they hadn't Prov. 3:27 Withhold not good from them to whom it
spent that money on you, and your clothes, your is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.
school, your doctor bills?
For many parents, growing older, the older they get
Prov. 23:22 "Hearken unto thy father that begat the less respect they get.
thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old. All of their affirming friends start to die off.

(By the way, there are three stages in a man's They are no longer wanted in the market place for
life: he believes in Santa Clause, he doesn't their skills and wisdom.
believe in Santa Clause, he is Santa Clause, he
looks like Santa Clause. Appreciate him in all Their grown children are busy with their own
four stages.) families.

It's a great transition when your parents become They lead lonely lives.
your friends.
Your parents have a great need, a desperate need,
to feel and to know that they made some kind of
HOW AM I TO HONOR MY PARENTS? positive contribution in your life.
OBEYING AND RESPECTING THEM. They need affirmation.
PARENTS BY ACCEPTING AND APPRECIATING God says He wants you to affirm your parents for
THEM. the rest of your life as long as they're alive.

3. AS AN ADULT, I HONOR MY PARENTS BY How do you do that?

AFFIRMING AND NOT ABANDONING THEM. You affirm your parents by staying in touch with
Every time you write a letter, a card, make a call, If you're going to give them flowers, send it to them
you're obeying this command -- honor your father while they're alive, not when they're dead.
and mother.
Affirming them means listening to counsel,
To honor means to understand the significance of. I giving them the courtesy of asking for
would encourage you to share with them the details counsel.
of your life.
Even if you don't follow it at least you listen
They're very interested. to it.

The Bible says we are to value and to treasure and I think this involves in-laws too.
to hold in highest esteem our aged parents.
We have good examples of Moses listening to
Prov. 3:27 Withhold not good from them to whom it his father-in-law, and Ruth listening to her
is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. mother-in-law.

"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, The Bible says that the way you treat your older,
when it is in your power to act." elderly parents is the demonstration of your true
faith, of whether you're really a Christian or not.
Do the right thing while you've got time to do it.
Affirm your parents now. I Timothy 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and
specially for those of his own house, he hath denied
All the flowers in the world at their funeral won't do the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
them one bit of good.
That's pretty strong.
The flowers at the funeral are for your benefit, not
There is a shameful tragedy in our society today
where busy families are abandoning the elderly and It may mean inviting them into your home.
the aged to die all alone.
It may mean hiring a nurse to care for them when
The Bible teaches when your parents or your they are frail and can't take care of themselves.
grandparents become too old to care for themselves There are all kinds of applications to it.
it is not the government's responsibility, it's yours.
The point is it's your responsibility to make sure
This is the cycle of the family. they're cared for.

As time passes, the rolls reverse. Many of you are already facing this issue.

Where, at one point in life, they fed you, God says, honor your parents.
bathed you, and cared for you, and took care
of you. I Tim. 5:4 But if any widow have children or
nephews, let them learn first to shew piety at home,
As they grow older, people are living older, and to requite their parents: for that is good and
longer, the roles are reversed. acceptable before God.

And it may be that you will need to feed them, "They should put their religion into practice by
and bathe them, and care for them. God says caring for their own family and so repaying their
that's part of being a Christian. parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to
That may mean all kinds of different things.

It may mean going and changing the oil in their car It is interesting to me that when Jesus Christ died
when they need it. on the cross, dying for the sin of the world, one of
the things that He did not forget was to care for His
aged mother after He was gone. Circle "bring them up in loving discipline".

Hanging on the cross, dying in pain, one of the The key to good parenting is loving discipline.
seven last things He said looking down at John the
disciple, "Take care of My mother." Every child must learn two things:

While He's dying for the world He does not forget to Isaiah 1:19-20 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall
provide for the care of His aged mother. eat the good of the land:

A word to parents: 20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured

If you want to be honored, you must be honorable. with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath
"And now a word to you parents: spoken it.

Don't keep on scolding and nagging your children, 1. Disobedience brings pain.
making them angry and resentful. Every person has to learn that.

Rather, bring them up with loving discipline." God says that -- you disobey God there is pain in
your life.
Paul is saying, don't drive your kids nuts by being
un-pleasable. Every child has to learn that disobedience brings
Don't try to make your child another you.
Every child must learn two things:
One's enough in this world. 1. Disobedience brings pain.

We need individuals. 2. Obedience brings freedom.

But some of you had parents who hurt you deeply.
You are more trusted and you're more responsible.
As a Christian parent, your number one goal in your Your life was devastated by it.
life should be to insure the fact that your kids come
to know Christ when they are old enough to I want you to know that the Bible says there
understand. is severe judgement for child abuse, and
mistreatment and neglect and molestation
I want you to know that I held by breath for some and all of these things -- severe judgement.
time as I raised my two kids until each of them on
their own without any coercion made their Jesus said, "Anybody that offends one of
commitment to Jesus Christ. these little ones, it's better for him to have a
millstone tied around his neck and thrown in
I know if I died today I'd see them again in heaven the bottom of the ocean."
because they all know Christ.
It is serious business.
As a parent I would not rest easy until I was sure
that all my family was in the fold and had made that So what does God expect me to do?
personal commitment to Christ.
How do I honor a parent who was
I'd pray for it, work for it and do everything I could dishonorable to me?
to bring that bout.
God is not asking you to gloss over it.
For some of you this is a very painful message.
He's not asking you to deny the pain.
It is easy to honor your father and mother when
they are good, godly people. He's not asking you to repress it or to make excuses
for your parents, their alcoholism or something else.
God does not want you to fake it. Admit it.

He wants you to face it head on. That's scary. Don't hide it.
It eventually must be discussed.
But it's the only way to get past your pain.
It's a courageous decision to stop blaming
The truth is many of you are still carrying and start being honest.
unfinished business with parents.
What some of you need to do is to prayerfully
Just the thought of it can bring tears to your have a conference with your parents.
eyes and a pain in your heart.
Sit down and say, "Mom, dad (or both) I want
You're wondering how in the world can I deal to be free to honor the good that was in your
with this. life but I can't until we talk about the pain
that I felt and still feel and come to some kind
You're still reacting to your parents. of resolution of it.
Chances are you're venting that anger on your
husband or wife or kids or friends because I want to get it behind us and get on with life
you've never resolved it with them. and I want to forge a new relationship with
my parents."
If you're still angry with a parent years later,
you're still letting them control your life. Face the issue.

It takes a courageous decision to make peace It's scary but you cannot get on with your life
with your parents but you must release that until you get over this.
If there are wrongs to be made right do it Eph. 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children
while there's time to attempt some kind of to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and
reconciliation. admonition of the Lord.

If you can't talk to your parents -- maybe A word to those without parents.
they've already passed on, maybe they won't
listen, maybe because of some chemical Ps. 27:10 When my father and my mother forsake
dependency or maybe they are losing their me, then the Lord will take me up.
mind and you're unable to talk with them -- I
would encourage you to share your pain with There's another group of you -- some of you were
a Christian friend or counselor and at least abandoned by your parents, by one or the other, or
get some kind of partial relief from it. both.

But for your own sake and for the sake of The Bible says honor your father and mother.
your kids, stop the cycle of deception. Today that's a hard thing to do with divorce.

End it right here. Many kids are being forced to make a choice
between mom or dad.
Only God knows the pain you feel.
The Bible says honor both.
But He does know and He does care and He can
help you overcome that pain. The position, not the personality.

He can even bring good out of it if you'll let Him. For those of you who were abandoned by one or
maybe both of your parents, God says you are a
A word to parents: Be honorable'! special person.
You get special attention from God. There will be no physical families in heaven but
there will be the family of God.
In the Scriptures, God says, I assume responsibility
for abandoned children. Those of us who belong to the family of God, the
church, will be together forever.
"My father and mother may abandon me, but the
Lord will take care of me." It's going to far outlast your physical family.

Regardless of your circumstance, you have a The church is a family.

heavenly father and He's perfect and He loves you
unconditionally and He will never leave you and He Become a part of our family here at Bible Baptist
will never forsake you and He wants you in His Pasay, this local expression, where you will have lots
family. of brothers and sisters in Christ, aunts and uncles
and spiritual moms and dads.
He wants you to know Him and He wants you to get
to know Him through His son Jesus Christ. You can be a part of a family that will never break
up because it's going to be together for eternity.
He loves you more than you will ever realize.
Find security and stability and comfort and care in
Get to know your heavenly Father. relationships in the body of Christ, the family of God.

The Bible says that the church is a family. This has been a painful message for some of you.
God sees and understands your pain.
It's going to last longer than your physical family.
I invite you to ask God to help you.
In terms of eternity it's far more important.
In your hearts say, "God help me let go of the hurt
and the bitterness.

Help me to forgive.

Help me to begin to accept, appreciate and affirm

the good parts in my parents.

Help me to forge a new, positive relationship, if


I want to be a part of your family.

Thank you Heavenly Father that You loved me
unconditionally and You made me for a purpose and
You will never reject me.

You've accepted me and today I accept You and I

accept Your Son Jesus Christ into my life.

I want to be a part of Your family for eternity."

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