Assessment 1 - Law For Business - Individual Assignment

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Assessment Brief – Individual Assignment

Academic Year and September 2022


Course: Law for Business

Course Leader:
LO1: Identify and explain the principal features of the legal system
Learning Outcomes
within the country of study.
assessed within this piece of
LO2: Identify the key legal risks associated with setting up and
running a business and explain legal and business strategies used
to manage those risks.
LO3: Discuss and evaluate the nature of contractual agreements,
agency, and the consequences in country of study.
Type of Assessment: Individual assignment (50% weighting)

Assessment Deadline: Week 8, by 30 October 2022 11.00 pm.

Instructions for Assessment

Mr Duc Trang who recently graduated from the University of Harvard with an MSc. in Computer
Science, has spent time researching into the how mathematics is taught at the Secondary School level
in Vietnam. He has been carrying out this research in his hometown, Lao Cai, in North-western
Vietnam. The data collected from both teachers and students has enabled him to develop an App
which can enhance the methods of teaching and learning of mathematics. A key innovative feature of
this App is the use of local dialect to explain some of the key concepts within the mathematics topics.

The App has been developed through his creativity. His skills in data analytics did play a significant role
in this innovative idea. Although it is not yet commercial, the feedback he has obtained from his friends
who have seen this App is very promising and have subsequently encouraged him to go commercial
with this product. For this to happen, he needs to set up a company and put measures in place to
protect the ownership of the product.

Mr. Duc Trang also has plans to enter contractual agreement with the Ministry of Education to push
for the App to be used by the secondary schools in the entire country. Another key contractual
arrangement he has been thinking of is that of Google and Apple platforms where the App will be
hosted. It looks like there is a lot of work to be done for all these objectives to be achieved. He has
therefore approached you for help with the following questions:

(i) How do you set-up a new company within this country and what is required?
(ii) How can the risk of imitating the APP be reduced using existing laws?
(iii) What are the critical elements required in entering a contract with Google and Apple?

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You are required to prepare a report addressing the three (3) queries with the following format:

No Title Content/discussion
1.0 Introduction Discuss the objectives or the purpose of the report.
(5 marks) Also, mention the key highlights and laws to be used for this

2.0 New Business Set-up Discuss the key requirements of setting up a new business
(30 marks) Identify the laws required to be followed in setting the business
Also recommend the type of business to be set-up

3.0 Intellectual property Discuss the types of intellectual property rights suitable for the
(25marks) protection of the APP from imitation.

4.0 Contracts Discuss the key elements required for entering a contract with
(30 marks) these big companies (Google and Apple)

5.0 Conclusion & Provide a conclusion which is fitting for the discussion
Recommendation Provide relevant recommendation based on the report.

6.0 References List all the relevant references used in your report

All students must use the APA Referencing system.

Assignment submissions
All assessments to be submitted digitally. These must be submitted via Turnitin on the VLE.
Submissions must be made as a MS Word file

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Marking Rubric
Criteria Fail <50% Pass: (50-64%) Credit: (65%-74%) Distinction: (75-84%) High Distinction: (85%-

Introduction The objectives of the Some attempt made in The attempt made on this A very good attempt made. It An outstanding
report have not been capturing the objectives of section is average. The has given attention to the introduction which has
5 marks
attention. The laws the report. There is some objectives of the report and objectives and the laws to be clearly set out the agenda
required for the report mention of the laws to be laws to be used are given used. Some attempt made to of the report. The laws to
have not been space in discussed. However, it some attention. An effort link up with the case study be used in the report have
the introduction. lacks depth made to link to the case provided. been given adequate
provided space.

New Business Set The requirements of a The requirements of a new An average attempt has been The attempt made here is An outstanding discussion
up – new business have not business have been given made to discuss the guidelines significantly above average. made on this section. The
been given attention. The some attention, but it lacks required for setting up a new The guidelines have been use of local laws in setting
30 marks
laws are required have depth. Local content is business. Egs could go beyond discussed in the context of the a new business is done
also not been given lacking. Too much slide the slides. Local content case given. Discussion includes well. The examples are
space. Weak section. content. available local content. excellent.

Intellectual The principle of IP has not Some IP laws have been An average attempt has been The discussion of IP Laws is An outstanding discussion
property – been well discussed or identified. Also, some types made on IP laws. The types done with some attention to which makes use of the
25marks understood. The case of IP have been identified (IP) have also been identified. detail. The discussion has local laws in the context of
study has not been but discussion is weak. But the links with the case depth and has engaged with the case study provided.
linked. Weak could improve. local laws.

Contracts The key elements of a An attempt has been made Some effort has been made to The key elements of a There is evidence to
contract have not been to discuss the elements of link the case study to the key contract have been identified suggest the contract law is
30 marks
enough space. The a contract. However, the elements of a contract. Also, and linked to the case study. well understood by
discussion has not been discussion has not been an attempt has been made to The discussion has also been student. Elements have
done in the context of done in the context of the support discussion with some supported with some been identified and
case given. case. established cases. established case studies. expertly discussed

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Conclusion & The conclusion and An effort has been made to An average attempt made to Overall, a very good An outstanding conclusion
Recommendation recommendation are very provide a summary and provide a summary of the conclusion based on the key and recommendation. It
weak. The link between some form of discussion. The sections of the report. The represents a solid summary
5 marks
this section and questions recommendation for the recommendations provided recommendations are based of report. The
is difficult to establish. discussion. Although have not clearly been justified on the discussions and laws recommendations are
Could significantly relevant the link with case but relevant to a very large used for the report. They are relevant and justified. The
improve. study is not very clear. extent in the context. relevant to the case study. discussion also has depth.

References The requirements of APA An attempt has been made An average attempt has been A near perfect use of APA The referencing is
referencing have not to follow APA made on APA requirements. referencing. Both citations outstanding. It has been
5 marks
been followed. Citations requirements however, There are a few issues. The and reference list appended done with some attention
within the report is weak. there significant errors. quality of articles used for the are presented well. A good set to detail. APA
Reference list has not Internet references for could also improve. Citation of quality of articles and books requirements have been
complied with APA example are not done well. could improve. used. strictly adhered to.

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