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OUR BODY = OUR CHOICE Eee ular LITO mE em irel yg Perea mt tele be) restoring health. Pele Tey UE Taare Ce ie) RT mele eee ig cells that have never been proven to cause anything! DT CPE Cm Aro g IF YOU ARE }' AFRAID TO LIVE YOUR LIFE BECAUSE YOU MIGHT DIE THEN YOU HAVE ALREADY DIED VE. WNT, at tame atau white rove Transmission of COVID-19 occurs mostly through news broadcasting. MMe g er wy-y utter ella -\ Um tLe) and affects rational thinking. Symptoms may include hypervigilant cleansing, distrust of friends and neighbors, and an overwhelming urge to give up basic human rights in exchange for the perception of safety. Individuals with larger vacuums between the ears are at higher risk. VA CM iat tae Oller) ae) eet Oat lle Celt Clea a leet (aa oes) mei the stick when the virus is supposed to be contagious within 6 feet? So-called scientists and biologists. These rascals pelt SURE) havoc. uy to kic BHAKTIVEDANTAGRAM APRIL 14, 1975, HYDERABAD INVENTING NEW MEDICINES | MEANS INVENTING NEW MEANS OF GIVING TROUBLE, THAT'S ALL. As soon as you ask them whether by injection the life is guaranteed, they will say, "No. There is no guarantee. “If you are not your own doctor, you are - Hippocrates How The ‘Problem-Reaction-Solution’ Paradigm Works he government creates or exploits a problem then attrib lame to others he populace reacts by asking the government for protec! nd he to solve the if my : : he government offers the solution that was planned by { ng before the crisis occurred rome: Rights and liberties are exchanged for the Illusion ection and help If there really was a we wouldn't need to be rushing to Ca On en acs oe People would ea Hospitals would all be People you actually TT CMs) of that exists in reality. PT as Ce on your television. a =~ BILL GATES ADVOCATES TRACKING w RECOVERED COVID-19 PATIENTS: 5 ee ae eres eee See aL) Utes. Raunt Ce RLU RNa Prt RC I What's your favorite part Bites keris robe eae Coen CoP ar rat tg fod eset Perr aan Le prea i orem ea sig kee Pony Pec) 5 of Orwell's worst eal diitela-t mre N MeL ae PMR Rena) 9 the Public Education system a 2. We've been indoctrinated by the ler Ru Cems 3. We've been socially engineered by Hollywood movies, pop culture music and TV programming. 4. We've been drugged, brainwashed and robbed by Big Pharma and the American healthcare racket. CANN an el: Min oR ten a TORS Wetter ta role ule Tule n sc) Pleo carcnelteeiceny . a ae RU ee tell you it’s Covid, and you will blame the unvaccinated.” Trura Hirs EveryBopy IF YOU HAVE ACCEPTED THE BELIEF THAT ASYMPTOMATIC PEOPLE ARE “INFECTIOUS' YOU HAVE JUST CURSED YOURSELF FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE ALL TRUST AND AUTHENTIC CONNECTION GETS DESTROYED WHEN YOU ALLOW YOUR FELLOW HEALTHY HUMANS TO BECOME A THREAT THIS IS NOT THE "NEW NORMAL THIS IS COLLECTIVE PARANOID PSYCHOSIS. — a BUT, | DON’T THAT’S ONE | HAVE ANY OF THE SYMPTOMS SYMPTOMS The Nuremberg Code Was put in place so ppl would NOT be FORCED or COERCED into medical treatments ever again "| will not, even under threat, use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties-" (Geneva Declaration of the World Medical Association) Breen mes Viruses are es What we are calling a virus, is actually the cells in De emis ele B sce RRBs) CR eee from the body creates symptoms, which we have Dee ek ee Ree Ree RR) eae Ree eRe Re ee eu Rey the weather changes from hot to cold, just like PRU OO AOU RU Rn ao eee Ue Rea CCUM Rs AE Be aR eR Ren eB Ce) Dorel Te fee Ro If their products are so safe and effective, why won't they accept liability for them? i : \\ Mr Explain this to me like |am 5. I'l wait. “It’s outrageous! This is the Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public.” “Positive test results DO NOT indicate a clinical infection. It’s simply driving public hysteria and all testing should stop unless you’re being admitted to a hospital with some respiratory problem. Everything should open tomorrow.” ~ Dr Roger Hodkinson, Leading Canadian Pathologist, Professor CEO and Medical Director CA)So let me get this straight... + You're bathed in 46/5G and wifi + You see so little sun you may all day, as well be a vampire, + You eat food laced with * You're-chronically nutritionally glyphosate and other poisons, deficient, + You eat HUsklhattSee eon * You've never done a detox, qualify as food, * You've done no shadow ron + You're chronically dehydrated ‘onunresolved emotions, and drinking dead water with + Your feet haven't touched the ‘added chemicals like fluoride, ground directly in months or » You're so sedentary you can only —_years, and, _ manage 3 postures (standing, — » Your circadian rhythm is _ sitting and lying down), ruined from artificial light... \ hoe But you think wearing a mask will preserve your "health." | DON'T THINK YOU GET HOW THIS WORKS moworeconaisns beendorerurshycom Tn Se Celebrities are urging people to get vaccinated. Sound familiar? KING SIZE eps a TE COMFORT » t LN soem OF 2 UNIVERSITIES GOLD COOLEST SMOKE Mor: Hrs so Co ci ok ea S4 aa tly THAT SMOKING CIGARETTES WAS SAFE. We're a special kind of stupid. | CDC Now Recommends Wearing A Seat Belt Even When You're Outside The Car April 28th, 2021 NSO a Ug YOU KNOW, LIKE WINDOWS UPDATES. (nstagnam ave childrenshealthdefense BILL GATES: THIRD SHOT MAY BE NEEDED TO COMBAT CORONAVIRUS VARIANTS ‘a ¢ Pa eee ee nae et ere scent . Terence een tars PO Ceeaieaan ener Te Pe camara making the rich richer and censoring vaccine safety advocates, like me.’ ROBERT F. KENNEDY Défender When an entire generation is BORN INTO BONDAGE.. Fact. MY IMMUNE SYSTE No vaccine for HIV after 40 years of research. No vaccine for the common cold. No vaccine for cancer after 100 years of research. Nothing. A virus mysteriously AR mee year a vaccine is created and we are all expected ORC Cee OR Lee KARY MULLIS, INVENTOR OF THE PCR TEST: “IT DOESN'T TELL YOU THAT YOU'RE SICK.” “PCR, it's just a process that’s Pe eee ed something out of something... Wt doesn't fell you that you're Be Le oe eT Nee aD ae eter LoL] to hurt you.” Se a Le Nobel-Prize-winning chemist, Kary Mullis, stated that his PCR test was, ae eee ee eee eet es could be later studied in large enough quantities. itis not designed Deen eee Lene me an RM kee) and what's allows you fo take a very miniscule amount of Peace cert With clear instructions on the proper usage of the PCR test, why are ments Incorrectly using it fo delect Covid-19 infection and, in turn, to drive public health measures? EXPOSURETY3 The new coronavirus shot does not give lasting immunity. It does not eliminate the virus. It does not prevent death. It does not guarantee you won't get sick. It does not prevent you from getting the virus. It does not prevent you from spreading the virus to others. It does not eliminate the need for travel bans. It does not eliminate the need for business closures. It does not eliminate the need for lockdowns. It does not eliminate the need for restrictions on gathering: It does not eliminate the need for masking. It does not contribute to herd immunity. Which begs the question, what is it actually 95% effective at doing? @ For information about COVID-19, visit @ evvwter ; @DrButtar WE DON'T NEED NO PETRA LL WE DON'T NEED NO THOUGHT CONTROL “The anti-vaccinists are those who have found some motive for scrutinizing the evidence, generally the very human. motive of vaccinal injuries or Lee aha en Tahoe in those of their neighbours. Whatever their motive, they have scrutinized the evidence to. some purpose; they have [apie (edge calg hase (cd case; they have knocked the bottom out of a grotesque ‘superstition. The public at large cannot believe that a great. profession should have been so perserveringly in the wrong” Sen i= 1er= ene EWaB} (88g) When someone tells you that he has been tested positive, just remind him that to be positive to stupidity is not a skill... Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test, if you run it long enough...with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in doesn't tell you that you're sick." —Dr. Kary Mullis, PhD, creator of the PCR test. He thinks he owns you. Your body, my choice. This has to be the stupidest time in human history Baking FAIL Slaves s neel Submissively 19 early use of face-muzes(at the lawless smo camp) extranet smart those now ig forced on popustion o! formar roe counties rarer moore Nuremberg Code . Voluntary human consent is essential 2. Experimental results should results in good for society 2 Anticipated results should justify the experiment a ic # BEWARE OFA 3RL WAVE OF PROPAGANDA AND A NEW aA OF BULLSHIT 6. The COVID-19 ‘project’ is planned until 2025 The World Bank shows that COVID-19 is a project that is planned to continue until... end of March 2025! So the intention is to continue it for another FIVE YEARS. (2C) Office of the Governor of California @ ¥ @cAgovernor Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend? Don't forget to keep your mask on in between bites, Do your part to keep those around you healthy. #SlowtheSpread 10:00 AM- act 3, 2020 - Sprout Social Tuberculosis TB spreads through the air when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes. According to the CDC TB is the leading infectious disease, claiming 1.5 million lives each year, and infecting 23% of the population. No mass hysteria No stay-at-home orders No shutdowns No mandates Now, ask yourself... way? THERE IS A VACCINE FOR TB For Halloween I'm going to a normal person RS UTa iene since that seems to scare the shit out of everyone. ONE LIE TO RULE ‘ew Covid didn't create food shortag high unemployment + Adverse effects have become "immune response" + Elderly die all the time. Therefore if they die after the product is administered we should not be alarmed. This was reported by CNN + Even after you accede to the product you need to follow all the rules. The product does not guarantee anything + There is no talk of compensation. Not that any payment can compensate for death and disability + This is emergency authorization without any emergency. Such authorization absolves all of any wrongdoing + The emergency authorization is despite clear lack of efficacy. Safety is assumed, not proven + There is no informed consent. People are not given full disclosure which is expected after such authorization + The truth has become misinformation + One person dead or sick destroys the entire family + Deaths and disability beyond a point disturb the society + Mental impacts of the product are not being discussed + Long term effects are unknown + People behind this product are known and convicted felons + Population is a "problem" for them + Doctors, nurses, politicians do not want it al : ‘ "By vaccinating a TUE ele don't introduce health. You introduce disease: - Dr J Compton Burnett, MD 1884 VACCINES- Oe tee = oe x THE LEADING CAUSE OF COINCIDENCE WORLDWIDE. = THEAUSTRALIAN* By ANTHONY PIOVESAN NCA NEWSWIRE H12PM MARCH 10,2021 Doctors, nurses and pharmacists could be stripped of their ability to practise if they are found by the medical watchdog to be spreading COVID anti-vaccination claims, The punishment is part of a string of harsh penalties health practitioners face after the national medical boards and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) released a joint directive warning on Tuesday The alert said practitioners risked regulatory action if they spouted false or There is no secret elitist conspiracy to conquer and enslave the World. Saal acai menark neta a

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