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SOFT ROLL / BAGUETTE (day 2 banana bread/carrot muffin)

> 9 to 9:30 - Set up counter
> 9:30 to 10:00- Make dough for soft roll—--PROOFER
>10:00 to 10:20- Scale for banana bread
>10:20 to 10:35- Scale for Carrot muffin
>10:35 to 10:45 BREAK
>10:50 to 11:00 Fold soft roll(first fold)
> 11:20 to 11:40 Baguette Dough—------------PROOFER
>11:45 to 12:00 Fold soft roll (second fold)
>12:25 to 12:30 Fold baguette dough (first fold)
>12:45 to 13:00 Final shaping for soft rolls
> 13:15 to 13:30 Divide baguette into 300gmsREST FOR10MINS
>13:30 to 13:45 Pre Shaping of baguette
>13:30 or 13:45 Bake soft rolls—--------------(OVEN)
>14:00 to 14:15 Final shaping of Baguette and scoring–(PROOFER)
>14:45 or 14:50 Bake baguette —------------(OVEN)

BANANA BREAD/ CARROT MUFFIN (day 3 eclair creme pat/Swiss
roll creme Chantilly)
> 9:00 to 9:30- Set up counter
> 9:30 to 10:00- Carrot muffin Batter-----Kitchen Aid
> 10:00 to 10:30- Bake Carrot muffin—---(OVEN)
> 10:30 to 11:15- Eclairs dough batter-----Kitchen Aid
> 11:15 to 12:45- Banana Bread—-------(DECK OVEN)
> 13:00 to 13;30- Creme pat-----------------Kitchen aid
> 13:35 to 14:10- Creme Chantilly----------Kitchen Aid
>14:10 to 14:30 - LUNCH
> 14:30 to 15:00- Quiche Dough-------------Kitchen Aid
>15:00 to 15:30 Pipe eclairs n freeze

(day 4 quiche & mix / vanilla & custard)
>9:00 to 9:15- set up counter
>9:15 to 10:30- bake eclairs----------(OVEN)
>10:45 to 12;00- bake and assemble swiss roll—-------(OVEN)
>12;15 to 12;45- Vanilla flan dough---------Kitchen AID
>13;00 to 13;30- Assemble quiche
>14:00 to 14:20- Custard flan scaling
>14:25 to 14:40- Double fold flan(FIRST)-------(dough sheeter)
>15:15 to 15:30- Double fold flan (SECOND)------(dough sheeter)
VANILLA FLAN & QUICHE ( day 5 scones / chocolate garnish)
>9:00 to 9:30- Set up counter
>9:30 to 10:00- Double fold flan (third) —--- (dough sheeter)
>10:00 to 10:30- Blind bake quiche—(OVEN)
>10:30 to 11:20- Mix For Quiche Bake again—-(OVEN)
>11:30: to 12:00- Custard Flan Scaling
>12:00 to 12;15- Flan Baking—---(OVEN)
>12:15 to 12;45- Custard cooking—-(Induction)
>12;45 to 13;00- Final Flan Baking.-----(OVEN)
>13:45 to 14:15- Scones Dough
>14:45 to 15:15- Scones first fold —--(Dough sheeter)

SCONES & Chocolate garnish
>9;00 to 9:30- Set up counter
>9:30 to 10:00- Second fold—--(dough sheeter)
>11:00 to 12:00- Third fold----(dough sheeter)
>13:00 to 14:00- Bake scones—-(oven)
>13:00 to 15:30- FANS AND CIGARS.

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