PremierSchools-AconceptpaperNECsendorsement TD

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Presentation · January 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22216.47363


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1 author:

Kaka Kaka
University of New England (Australia)


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Gross National Happiness (GNH): Literacy, Leadership, Lifelong Learning and Lifeworlds View project

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Premier School Concept Note: Drafted by Kaka


“We can dream of a strong bureaucracy of the highest standards but we must not forget that
those standards must be set in school where our future bureaucrats are. We can dream of
world class IT parks, of being international financial centre, of competing at international
standards but we must not forget that we can have none of these if our schools and colleges
do not bestow such talent and skills. We can dream of a nation of environmental
conservation, GNH, a strong economy, a vibrant democracy and yet none are possible or
sustainable if we have not already toiled and sweated in the building of a strong education

His Majesty the King’s address at the 3rd Convocation of RUB (February 17 2009)

The word Vision is such a profound word and yet one that is so commonly mis-used. I feel
that there is no better reason to use this word than to describe the importance of education.
For if our Vision for the nation is not contained in the pages of the books that our young
children hold, in the words of our teachers as they lead their classrooms, and in the education
policies of our governments, then let it be said – we have no Vision.

His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck

1) Rationale

The past millennium of modern education has enhanced access to education and saw its
immense benefits to the country in terms of producing a generation of nation builders 1 .
However, in keeping with the needs and demands of the changing times, the national
aspirations and individual expectations have changed with increased concerns on the system’s
ability to adequately prepare the young Bhutanese for the challenges of the new country 2.

The future is increasingly becoming more volatile, unpredictable and complex. Terrain that our
children will have to navigate will be unfamiliar and unknown. We need to now, more than
ever before, equip our children with navigation skills. Our education system should be an
ingenious one that produces the kind of human resources that our country needs. Further, in
recent years, quality of education has come under increased public scrutiny and debate. General
concerns on quality of education including youth related issues have been expressed at various
forums by stakeholders including the parents, media, schools, Dzongkhags, the Parliament etc.
These concerns point towards the system’s inability to address the gaps and adequately prepare
the young Bhutanese for the challenges lying ahead 3.

Currently, the access to higher secondary education is generally limited to academic

programmes. Given the growing opportunities in the technical / vocational fields and the

1 Bhutan Education Blueprint 2014-2024, page 10, 1st paragraph

2 Bhutan Education Blueprint 2014-2024, page 18, 2nd paragraph
3 Bhutan Education Blueprint 2014-2024, page 18, 4th paragraph

Premier School Concept Note: Drafted by Kaka

limited provision of such programmes, there is a mismatch between the knowledge and skills
acquired and the market demand for technical skills 4.

One of the recommended interventions of the Education Blueprint 2014-2024 is to restructure

the education pathways to allow for greater options in choosing elective subjects, incorporating
emerging learning areas 5.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education proposes establishment of Premier Schools in the 12th
Five Year Plan with the focus towards Excellence in Education in the following fields:
1) Premier School – Excellence in Technical and Vocational Skills
2) Premier School – Excellence in Sports
3) Premier School – Excellence in Language and Culture
4) Premier School – Excellence in Science, Technology, Arts and Mathematics

2) What is a Premier School?

Premier School aspires to provide students the best possible education available around the
world in a Bhutanese environment by adopting supportive teaching techniques through a set of
qualified school leaders and teachers. Premier Schools’ intention to bring about best in every
child, in every domain of learning, in every school, at every stage of learning journey; whatever
the starting point. It is not only to provide the best education but also to build on the child’s
potential, aptitude, interest and learning inclination in order to produce a competent and
responsible person. The school will nurture the student’s personality towards the best moral
conduct and self-discipline in accordance with the relevant field of study and will encourage
him / her to develop as a contributor to the well-being of society and of humankind in general.

Premier schools are also aspired to instil in students a sense of personal responsibility and
accountability for all they do. The school will endow students with the knowledge and skills
that will enable them to advance further towards higher education, gaining qualifications
beneficial to themselves. Thus, the school will provide an education that caters for every aspect
of moral, physical, psychomotor and intellectual development.

This system must also address the issues of overchoice being posed by rapid globalization and
super industralization. This cripples the value system that Bhutan has always believed in. Fine
balance must be maintained in order to ensure our children can not only be globally competent
but locally grounded.

3) Purposes of Premier Schools

In keeping with the vision and mission of the Ministry of Education, the establishment of
Premier Schools is aimed to adequately prepare young Bhutanese in addressing the gaps and
the challenges of the country by providing opportunities at the right time, in the right school
and in the relevant fields of study, through enhanced instructional tools and effective
curriculum delivery. The following are the broad purposes of establishing Premier Schools:

1) To provide opportunity to students to exhibit and enhance their technical and vocational
knowledge, skills and attitude.

4 Bhutan Education Blueprint 2014-2024, page 25, 2th paragraph

5 Bhutan Education Blueprint 2014-2024, page 30, 6th paragraph

Premier School Concept Note: Drafted by Kaka

2) To facilitate avenue to the talented and passionate sports children and contribute to the
growth of sports in the country.
3) To pioneer the development and sustenance of Bhutanese language, culture, tradition
and arts.
4) To create platform to the young people to become innovators, researchers, and leaders
in the field of Science, Technology, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM).

4) Curriculum and Assessment

All Premier Schools will follow the national curriculum framework - the purposes, the learning
standards and outcomes of each subject set by the Royal Education Council (REC). However,
the schools will have the autonomy and flexibility to adopt the curriculum materials,
instructional time and assessment modalities. The schools will also sit for the year end board
examinations at classes X and XII administered by Bhutan Council for School Examinations
and Assessment (BCSEA) to gauge their performances at the national level.

5) Student admission to Premier Schools and exit

The admission to Premier Schools will be on the basis of merit through an open completion in
the following class levels:

Premier School Entry class Remarks

1) Technical and Vocational Education IX The TVE premier schools will
2) Sport VII develop the standards for the
3) Language and Culture IX selection and admission to their
4) STEAM IX respective schools

In order to facilitate systematic and purposeful admission to Premier Schools, all schools in the
country will be sensitized and made aware of the admission procedures.

Students in Premier Schools will not automatically continue to class XI. Another round of
specialized or exceptional criteria will be applied to be eligible to continue to class XI.
Opportunities will also be provided to students from Non-Premier schools for admission to
Premier Schools at class XI upon fulfilling the conditions subject to availability of vacancies.
The specific admission criteria and procedures may be worked by the ‘Working Group (14

6) Recruitment / Selection of Principal, teachers and staff

The success of a Premier School will depend on the kind of leadership, competency & adequacy
of teachers and other supporting staff in the school. Hence, it will be very crucial to have
competent and relevant school leaders, teachers and support staff. Therefore, relevant principal,
teachers and support staff with interest and aptitude in the relevant field will be selected through
open competition based on the criteria proposed and approved by the HRC and the RCSC.

Principal: Selected through open competition

Level: ES
Qualification: At least a master degree in relevant field

Premier School Concept Note: Drafted by Kaka

Vice Principal: Selected through open competition

Level: P2
Qualification: At least a master degree in relevant field

Teachers: Selected through open competition

Level: Minimum P3
Qualification: At least a master degree in relevant subject

Support staff: Selected through open competition

Level: As per the existing norms like any other school
Qualification: As per the existing norms like any other school

7) Human Resource Development

A separate tailor-made training will be provided to the school leaders and teachers before the
school formally commences to help the school team acquire required knowledge and skills to
take forward the initiative without much hindrances.

8) Infrastructure, Furniture, Computers, Equipment etc.

Depending on the kind of Premier School, adequate and relevant infrastructure will have to be
put in place. Since the plan is to identify and develop some of the existing schools as Premier
Schools, many of the existing infrastructure would require modification and refurbishment.
Similarly, schools will require additional computers, equipment, furniture etc. to meet the
demand of the curriculum and the type of schools.

9) Library and access to information

The school having granted autonomy in curriculum implementation and assessment, the
teachers and students are expected to retrieve and use information from various sources.
Therefore, the school should be equipped with better library facility and have easy, fast, reliable
and sufficient access to library books and internet facilities.

10) School Management

The management modality of Premier Schools will be like that of Central and Autonomous
Schools. Furthermore, it would require a lot of organizational changes, transformed roles,
taking apart and bolting of a lot of administrative structures, some reshuffling and growth of
giant initiatives.

11) Capital Budget (Others)

Premier schools will also have regular provision of capital funds to meet the following
requirements besides the regular need for infrastructure and other capital investments:
1) Professional services
2) Capacity building of teachers and staff

12) Recurrent Budget

Generally, the per-child cost for the Premier Schools should be at least twice of other schools.
However, the cost will vary depending on the type of Premier School. This is mainly due to
enhanced and advanced requirements in the following areas:

Premier School Concept Note: Drafted by Kaka

1. Professional programmes (meetings, seminars etc.)

2. Exchange programmes
3. Research activities
4. Printings and publications
5. Library and internet facilities

13) Implementing agencies and collaborators

The premier schools will be identified and planned for establishment by the following agencies
and collaborators:

Sl. Premier School Lead Collaborating Responsible officer

No. Agencies agencies
1 Technical and Vocational SPCD1 and BCSEA, SPBD Chief, SPCD &
Education (TVE) REC2 and MoLHR Mr. Pema Wangchuk
2 Sports GSD1 and SPCD, SPBD, Chief, GSD and
REC2 BCSEA and BoC Mr. Nima Gyeltshen
3 Language and Culture SPCD1 and BCSEA and Chief, SPCD and
REC2 SPBD Mr. Tshering Penjor
4 Science, Technology, Arts SPCD1 and BCSEA and Chief, SPCD and
and Mathematics REC2 SPBD Mr. Yeshey Lhendup

14) Roles and Responsibilities of the agencies and collaborators

The lead agency of the Ministry of Education with the co-lead may form a small working group
to perform the following tasks for ministerial endorsement:

✓ Identify and propose Premier Schools

✓ Develop specific purposes, aims, objectives and implementation strategies of the
Premier Schools
✓ Work out capital and recurrent budget requirement for the next five years with year-
wise break up
✓ Prepare HR plan and submit to HRC / RCSC for endorsement
✓ Prepare implementation timeline for each Premier School

15) Distinction between Premier and non-premier schools

Premier Non-premier
Infrastructure & Resources Advanced Existing basic facilities
Curriculum framework Existing (REC) Existing (REC)
Curriculum implementation Autonomy Existing
Class range IX -XII Existing
Human Resource - Specialized (Selected Existing
through open competition)
Class size Maximum 24 / reduced 30
Work load 14 hours Maximum 18 hours contact

Premier School Concept Note: Drafted by Kaka

Leadership / Principal ES – Selected through open Existing

School Management Autonomy Existing
Type Residential Existing
Student admission Selected from across the Existing practice
nation based on merit

16) Important milestones

July 2018 Endorsement of the concept paper

September 2018 Endorsement of the detail implementation plans and proposals (14 above)
October 2018 Sort out HR issues with the HRC and RCSC
December 2018 Sort out budget issues with the AFD and MoF
Finalize 2019 – 2020 capital budget and activities
January, 2019 Premier School project begins

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