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Learning Activity No.

5: Personality

Jasmine R. Ukay

Human Resource Management: Human Behavior in Organization

Mr. Ceasar Billones

August 4, 2022
1. Personality
Personality refers to a person or individual which they portray or express their
emotions and mood into an act and behavior towards a person or things around them.
Personality is also referring on how you will describe people on what you see or what you feel
about them. It is also showing your true feelings and characteristics. With personality, it is
either negative or positive outcome. Every people in this world has personalities. We have the
right to share our opinions, believing in any culture that you’ve heard, etc.
Personality may be bad or good to others, base on how or what would you express to
the people you are talking to. Changing your personality or mood may affect to the other
people. They would think that if you are in a bad mood, they won’t disturb you or worried
about you. There are also when you are showing attitude but you only want comfort from your
friend and families.

2. Determinants of personality
According to Team Leverage Edu, there are four major determinants of personality.
Biological/ Physical Determinants, Social Determinants, Psychological Determinants, and
Intellectual Determinants. The first determinant of personality is Biological, which refers to a
person's physical features when they express their feelings or emotions. These determinants it
has two essential constituents. These are Hereditary which refers to facial features, genes,
gender, or what you get by inheriting the parent's genes, and Physical Features, which refers
to a physical or external characteristic—describing a person based on their outer or physical
appearance like weight, height, color, and hair.
Social Determinants of Personality refers to a personality or characteristics of a person
who focuses on an individual status in a group or community to where you belong.
Psychological Determinants of Personality refers to an element you use in your mind and your
emotions related to what you think about that thing or person. The last major determinant of
personality is Intellectual Determinant which focuses on showing your characteristics in
intellectual, mind, mental, and knowledge in helping yourself in development and improving
your character.
3. Personality Type Indicators and Frameworks
The personality type indicators and frameworks are based on the Myers- Briggs
Personality test or the 16-personality test. The term used refers to the name of Isabel Myers
and Katherine Briggs. In this type of this, you will be assigned to a factor that suits you the
most. These factors are based on what you pick or choose in your personality test. There are
four different scales in 16 personality tests. Extraversion (E)- Introversion (I). Extroversion
refers to a hyper person enjoying life, energized, and happy socializing with people. At the
same time, Introverts are so glad to spend their time alone or want to be alone. They are also
shy when communicating with other people. Some introverts are talkative regarding the
person they are close with. But when talking to many crowds in public, they are shy. Sensing
(S)- Intuition (N). Sensing refers to an individual or person using their five senses to gather
information. These five senses are sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, while intuition is all
about using your mind to think about something or what we call thinking outside the box. You
are using your imagination about that thing or person. Thinking (T)- Feeling (F). Thinking
refers to a person's personality focusing on using their mind. They are being logical in
expressing their emotions, while the feeling is you will show to the person what you feel
about them—lastly, Judging (J)- Perceiving (P). Judging refers to a personality that you are
used to judging someone based on their appearance, personality, actions, and behavior. While
perceiving refers to a character in which a person is conscious and aware of everything
happening around them.

4. Values and Personality

In managing a business, values and personalities are one aspect of an organization to be a
good manager. Personality defines a person's feelings and behavior. A good character helps to
gain more trust from others and respect you as you respect them based on your personality. A
lousy personality will result in misunderstandings, and there is a possibility that people will not
respect you because you don't respect the people around you. According to Goldberg L. R.
(1990), there are Big Five Personality Traits in management. Openness, Conscientiousness,
Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism were discussed in Personality Type Indicators and
Frameworks. These personality traits serve as being in management. It is essential, especially
when working in an organization and management. 
In an organization, it is essential to value, especially the manager, who is the one who
manages the organization to improve and achieve its specific goals. Having values can help you
build a good relationship with your workers. Having values will determine how you can lead and
become a good leader. According to INDIAFREENOTES, there are 12 component values for a
manager. Respect is an essential value. All people need respect, either outside or inside the
organization. If you respect the people around you, they will also respect you. As a manager, you
should respect those in lower positions regarding their skills and experiences. If you see them
working hard, you should praise them and respect them for what they can do to help achieve the
organization's goals. Authenticity means being true to yourself of what you think would be the
best for the organization; you should go with it. Yes, there is a possibility that you will fail, but
that would be your lesson, and with that, you will do your best more in making an idea. Don't
give up on what you think; believe in yourself. Service is also one of the essential components
focused on supporting workers in improving and achieving their goals. This type of component
represents that as a leader of an organization, it is necessary to help them and guide them in
doing their work. Wisdom is all about experiences and knowledge you learn from your past or
people who work for you, or those who teach you and work under them. Having wisdom in
management will improve the strategies and ideas because you have experienced them and will
also help in achieving the goal. Transparency includes how to communicate to your workers in
doing the job that you assigned for them, and it also affects how well they socialize with people
and be honest. Transparency's job is to guide and communicate with your people to hear their
opinions about your ideas for the organization. An innovative leader shares good ideas and
methods in setting goals and strategies for the organization. Innovation means offering
management good decisions, thoughts, and opinions for leaders and employees to develop and
improve the objective. Integrity is all about showing respect and trustworthiness to your
employees. This also includes being honest by communicating with them and motivating them to
do their work to boost their confidence and be true to themselves. The courage of a leader brings
strength to the workers by believing and trusting them to do the job. Being courageous is all
about supporting not only the employees but also yourself as a management or organization
leader by believing in yourself and being brave to face all consequences. Humility is all about
being a humble person. It shows the importance of your work by not exaggerating. As a leader,
you know that some employees still lack skills because of their past experiences and knowledge.
As a leader, you must be humble in front of them and calmly talk about your opinions about their
work because you are helping and motivating them to work, not pressuring them. Confidence is
all about believing in yourself, even if everyone will look down on you. Just be confident in
yourself because there is nothing wrong with it. In management, you can apply to be confident in
your work. Set your mind to "I am confident about these strategies and ideas for our organization
because I believe in my teams and workers." Stop thinking about "What if." Be confident in
yourself and those who help you create and improve the organization. Empathy is all about
understanding the people surrounding you. As a leader of an organization, you should understand
the feelings and thoughts of your employees to have a good relationship with each other. Lastly,
Trust which is defined as believing those people because by acknowledging them, they will
think highly of you, and you will be the best leader. Not only for being a leader but trusting them
in doing their work. If they are still lacking, you should help them and believe they will
successfully do it.

5. Individual Personality and Values v. Job Performance and Organizational Values

Values and personality are the two aspects when expressing a person's mood and
behavior. The difference between the two is that the values are stable goals in life. When looking
for work, employees accept any job position, especially when it is an ample or big opportunity
and to stay in a situation that align with their values. Personality includes the stable emotional,
thinking, and behavioral patterns that people have.
Job Performance related to personality is essential, especially when you are the leader or
manager, because your job performance is based on how well your employees are. It is also
related to how they will perform in the organization. Are they qualified as a worker or not? But
this doesn't mean that you won't give them a chance if they don't have skills and experience. Yes,
they are unskilled, but they can do well and learn everything from your teachings because that is
a manager's job. It is your job to motivate and inspire your workers, which is the reason for the
excellent performance in the organization. In terms of organizational value, it is also essential in
the organization because it is all about your knowledge about your tradition, behavior, and
culture. Your excellent deal will result in a good outcome for the organization you are working
6. Cultural Values
Cultural Values were created by our ancestors and pass it to another ancestors. An
example of this is the culture from our late grandmother who believed that when you are lost
in the woods, you will just flip your shirt and there you are, you’re not lost anymore. When
discussing values, the entire cultural community determines their way of life. It is where you will
learn and inherit your family's culture based on what they also know it their past
experiences. These ideas determine how people in this culture behave and lead their lives.
The importance of Cultural Values is that if other people understand each culture and
tradition from their ancestors, they will get along and understand each other. Sometimes culture
can be fun because when you are speaking culture, incredibly our generation today, it so fun to
talk about it because it can be exciting and many people, especially children, will also believe
that culture and we are just imagining our reaction when we were still kids. We also have the
same response, just like the children. It is also essential to know about culture because we can
apply it in our daily lives and wherever we go. Our culture and always connected, just like
people who will understand the culture, which makes us stronger and united.
Cultural Values in an organization are also essential. For example, you are a new
employee, or you are applying for a job. Respecting the culture of that organization that you used
is necessary. Example of those cultures is their dress code, pastimes, break times, language,
knowledge, etc. You should know those cultures inside the organization so you will not be left
out and out of place. By learning about those cultures, all of you will understand each other. You
will feel united in the organization.

a. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

According to Kendra Cherry in her Myers- Briggs Type Indicator Guide, which was
Medically reviewed by David Suman, Ph.D., Myers- Briggs is a type of personality test called
the 16-personality test. The term was from the names of Isabel Myers and Katherine Briggs. This
type of personality test focuses on what factors you are in. After doing my personality test, there
are percentages in every element to where I belong or fit my personality on that factor. I receive
a personality type: Turbulent Advocate (INFJ-T), which means my character is more quiet,
mystical, and idealist, according to the indicator guide of Kendra Cherry. According to the result,
my trait is that I am an Introvert. I won't deny that I am an introverted person. I am an intuitive
person. Based on the test, feelings are 61%, judging 63%, and turbulent 61%.  
The test results say that my personality traits are that my life is full of thoughtfulness, and
I always imagine what happens tomorrow or in the future. I have an advanced imagination which
can be good or bad. The result also shows my role as a person, and I am a diplomat who
represents that I am a cooperative person when it comes to activities because, at my age, I always
choose to be active in activities like sports and dance. My strategy based on the result is constant
improvement, which means I am quiet, a perfectionist, and spend time with people struggling
with school work or any problem. I just want them to be happy even if they are having trouble
inside and outside their home. 
The results taught me that I am a quiet person, but I am an easy-going person. When
someone talks to me, I will speak to them. Even if strangers need my help, I always help them
because I always imagine, "what if I am the one in that situation?" I will always help others, but I
will focus on myself too.
The results of your personality test are in. Here they are:

Personality type: Advocate (INFJ-T)
Traits: Introverted – 64%, Intuitive – 51%, Feeling – 61%, Judging – 63%, Turbulent –
Role: Diplomat
Strategy: Constant Improvement


b. Big Five Personality Model

The Big Personality Model or Traits of Annabelle G.Y. Lim, the Five-Factor Model, is
the most widely spread personality theory. The term itself focused on the five factors of
personality as a person. The first factor of personality is Openness, which means that every
person in an organization or outside of the organization must be open to their emotions and
express their mood to those who trusted them and those who trusted you. It belongs to the big
five personality traits because it describes a person being creative, logical, and communicative
when they are to explain something inside or outside the organization. Being open to someone
will also help you avoid more problems and burdens, and you will not think about it constantly
because you told someone, which is good.
The second factor of personality traits is Conscientiousness which refers to a persistent
personality. It is being determined to do the task that was assigned to them. It is also about a
person who is organized in everything they are working on and planning. When people are
motivated and inspired by doing the work assigned to them by a higher position, they will think
about the benefits they would get if they worked hard. Being a person with Conscientiousness
helps you to gain more ideas and plan for more.
The third factor of personality traits is Extraversion which is all about describing a person
based on what knowledge, lessons, learnings, or skills they get while looking and inspiring
themselves by looking to the other people working hard. The fourth factor of personality traits is
Agreeableness which is all about being favor to someone or helping someone first, especially to
those who are struggling than helping yourself first. If a person needs you right now because
they have problems or they are struggling with something, you will be there for them. You set
aside your work just for them to feel important and special. The last factor of personality traits is
Neuroticism which refers to a person who felt negative emotions towards something or someone
based on what they see or hear. This factor of personality traits always views the world in a
negative side. They are negative thinker that maybe someday or any time, they will be in danger
because they will sense it.

C. Dark Triad 

Score summary

Scores on each scale are reported here from 1 (low) to 5 (high). This is how scores were reported
in the original article that introduced the SD3, but they are sometimes reported in other ways
(e.g. 0-4, percent of maximum, etc.). To help interpret the scores, percentiles relative to other
people who have used this website and US adults (estimated, see Note 1) are also provided.




The box below shows the distribution of scores on the SD3. Use the tabs to switch between


According to the results above. I would say I am a Machiavellianism, and it has 3.6.
This is my highest personality trait, according to the test I've taken. Not in a negative way. I
am a Machiavellianism in terms that I am more focused on myself. Yes, I have someone I've
been dating, but I would rather risk everything to satisfy myself. It's not being selfish. I'd still
help if someone needed me. What I mean is that I will prioritize myself over others.
Sometimes, I will help people who I think need help. Sometimes, I am Machiavellianism
when it comes to my relationship right now. I want him to be under me, and sometimes, even
if I am at fault, in the end, he will be the one who will say sorry. After many minutes, I will
say sorry because I think I don't want my pride to be greater than my love.
I am also a Narcissist (based on the results, which have 2.9), but I am on the average
side and always think I am better than everybody. Not in a negative way. What I mean by that
I am better than everybody is that I believe in myself. I think that there is something I can do
that everybody can't do. I am confident about myself. About I am unique and more. It doesn't
mean I've been discriminating against what other people can only do. I am just confident
about myself. I love myself. That's why I keep on fighting and standing up.
The last trait, which has 2.1, is Psychopathy. These are my most minor personality
traits, according to the result that was shown above. Of course, I am a good person; I would
never commit a crime to get what I want. If there is something that I would like or love to get,
I will work hard to acquire or get them. Doing something wrong is not good. You will regret it
in the end.

I am now at my 20s. Well to be honest, I am turning 21 this year but I will just enjoy
myself before I turned 21. Now that I am a college student, we are experiencing stress, problems,
hardship, and struggles in every course that we’ve take. All courses in college are hard. There are
no easy course because they are focusing about if you are qualify to have the job. Since when I
was minor, let’s just say 16 years old. I am a person who are short- tempered and I have a bad
personality. Everytime there is someone or something that bothers me the most, my mood would
just change.

My parents will always ask about what’s wrong about me? Why my face is always
angry? I just realize, since I am a person with a bad attitude, when my mood changes, the people
around me or close to me will also be affected. Its just like they are also in a bad mood because I
am in a bad mood too. Sometimes my cousins will talk to me or just walk past me because they
don’t want to be included about my bad personality. Example of this is earlier. In the afternoon.
My friend and I are planning to go to mall and buy all the thing that we want or so what we call
the groceries because our apartment doesn’t have foods for us to eat. My mother sent me a gcash
worth P1,500. I was wondering, where to cash out because I thought that in mall, you are not
allowed to pay your groceries through gcash. The thing that I did is that, I keep on asking to the
other staff if it is okay to pay gcash, they said “no.” I was so stressed because I don’t where to
withdraw my money and I don’t want to leave my cart in there. Now that I am the next in line, I
ask the cashier if it is okay to pay my groceries through gcash. She told me “yes.” That changes
my mood and I was so angry with the other staff because they told me you can’t pay through

What I learned in this activity and from my experience earlier. Your personality will just
occur or come out depending on what people will do to you or what will you see about that thing.
It is normal to be attitude or changes your mood everyday. But don’t forget to just respect people
who don’t have bad intentions to you.

1. Dark triad test results. (2021, September 24). Take a personality test - Open Source
Psychometrics Project.
2. The Big Five personality model. (2022, March 31).
3. What is personality? (2022, April 14). Frontiers for Young
4. 3.3 individual differences: Values and personality – Fundamentals of leadership.
(n.d.). Open Text WSU – Simple Book
5. Myers-Briggs type indicator: The 16 personality types. (2011, June 20). Verywell
6. What are organizational values and why are they important? (2021, March 18).
Workplace from Meta.
7. Cultural values are what make diverse cultures unique. (2020, December 14). CIO

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