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1) Computer Network……………………………………...2
2) Component of Computer Network……………….....….3
3) Types of Network……………………………………......6
a) On the basis of communication media………....….7
b) On the basis of Area……………………….……..…8
c) On the basis of Architecture………...………….…11

4) Network Topology……………………………….....…..13
a) Bus Topology…………………………………..….14
b) Ring Topology……………………………...….….15
c) Tree Topology……………………………….……16
d) Star Topology…………………………….…....….16
e) Mesh Topology…………………………………....17
f) Hybrid Topology………………………….………18

Computer Network
A computer network is a collection of interconnected autonomous computing
devices in such a way that they can exchange information or share resources.
It is a set of computers sharing resources located on or provided by network
nodes. The computers use common communication
protocols over digital interconnection to communicate with each other. 


 It enhances communication and availability of information.

 It allows for more convenient resource sharing.
 It is highly flexible.
 It is an inexpensive system.
 It makes file sharing easier.


 It poses security difficulties.

 It allows for more presence of computer viruses and malware.
 Its light policing usage promotes negative acts.
 It requires an expensive set-up.
 Health issues.

Component of computer network
Computer network components are the major parts which are needed to install
the software. Some important network components
are NIC, switch, cable, hub, router, and modem. Depending on the type of
network that we need to install, some network components can also be removed.
For example, the wireless network does not require a cable.

Following are the major components required to a network:

A network interface card (NIC) is a hardware component without which a
computer cannot be connected over a network. It is a circuit board
installed in a computer that provides a dedicated network connection to
the computer. It is also called network interface controller, network
adapter or LAN adapter.

A Hub is a hardware device that divides the network connection among
multiple devices. When computer requests for some information from a
network, it first sends the request to the Hub through cable.

 Router
A router is a hardware device which is used to connect a LAN with an
internet connection. It is used to receive, analyze and forward the
incoming packets to another network.

 Switch
A switch is a hardware device that connects multiple devices on a
computer network. A Switch contains more advanced features than Hub.
The Switch contains the updated table that decides where the data is
transmitted or not.

 Modem
A modem is a hardware which connects to a computer, broadband
network or wireless router. Modem converts information between
analogue and digital formats in real time making seamless two-way
network communication. The full form of Modem or modem stands for

Types of computer network

1) Wired Network On the basis
On the basis On the basis of
of The wired network uses Area of
a copper cable for signal transmission.
Communication Architecture
In this network, different devices are interconnected using
copper cables. For example ethernet etc.
LAN Client

Peer to

 It is simple to configure.

 Cables offer higher bandwidth.

 The network offer higher data rate and hence fast transfer of

 Shielding are used to withstand against interference.

 Wired connection does not provide mobility during usage.

 It requires more time to install.

 There are more chances of damage to wired technology products

compare to wireless counterpart.

2) Wireless Network
A wireless network refers to a computer network that makes use of
Radio Frequency (RF) connections between nodes in the network.
Wireless networks are a popular solution for homes, businesses, and

telecommunications networks. For example Wifi, cell phone networks,
satellite GPS Bluetooth etc.

 Easy installation.

 Cost-effectiveness.

 More open to interference.

 Increased chance of jamming.

 Wireless networks can be easily hacked.


1. LAN
A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects
computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory,
university campus or office building.

 Easy and Cheap Communication.

 Data Security.

 Very high speed.

 Data transfer rate is higher.

 Does not cost too much.

 A virus can be spread more easily.

 Level of maintenance continues to grow.

 a constant need for an upgrade.

 It covers a small geographical area.

 A data is shared there is a greater need for security-based.

2. MAN
A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a computer network that
interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic region of the
size of a metropolitan area. The term MAN is applied to the
interconnection of local area networks (LANs) in a city into a single
larger network which may then also offer efficient connection to a wide
area network.

 It provides higher security compare to WAN.
 It is wider than LAN.
 Easy to implement link.
 Increases the efficiency of handling data.
 It provides higher security compare to WAN.

 The data rate is slow compared to LAN.
 The large network difficult to manage.
 The large network difficult to manage.
 While we move our network to another city or area it doesn't work.
 More cable require for a MAN connection from one place to another.

3. WAN
A wide area network (also known as WAN), is a large network of
information that is not tied to a single location. WANs can facilitate
communication, the sharing of information and much more between
devices from around the world through a WAN provider.


 Large network cover.

 Easy of communication.
 Boost your privacy.
 Large network cover.
 Share information over the large area.


 It is slow in speed.
 Security problem.
 WAN is not secure means not reliable.
 Maintenance problem.
 WAN is a big and complex problem.


1. Client Server
Client-server denotes a relationship between cooperating programs in an
application, composed of clients initiating requests for services and
servers providing that function or service.


 All files are stored in a central location

 Backups and network security is controlled centrally
 All data is saved on the central area.
 All network devices can be handled centrally.
 It is capable to bear massive usage.


 If, main server gets halt then entire system will be failed.

 Client server network is need special network operating system.
 Its cost is not affordable for normal users.

 Server failure leads to whole network failure.
2. Peer to Peer
Peer-to-peer computing or networking is a distributed application
architecture that partitions tasks or workloads between peers. Peers are
equally privileged, equipotent participants in the application. They are
said to form a peer-to-peer network of nodes.

 Easy file sharing.
 High performance.
 Use less expensive.
 Easy setup & low cost.


 There is no centralization in peer-to-peer networking.

 Access is remote.
 You can backup your data to a backup drive.
 A peer-to-peer network also faces performance issues.

Network Topology
Network topology is the arrangement of the elements of a communication
network. Network topology can be used to define or describe the arrangement
of various types of telecommunication networks, including command and
control radio networks, industrial fieldbusses and computer networks.

Types of Network Topology

1. Bus Topology
2. Ring Topology
3. Tree Topology
4. Star Topology
5. Mesh Topology
6. Hybrid Topology

1. Bus Topology
Bus Topology is a way to connect various devices on network via single
cable and hence called as linear Bus topology.

 Length of cable required is less than a star topology.
 Used in small network.
 It is cost effective.
 It is easy and understand.
 Used in small network.


 it is slower then the ring topology.

 Cable fail then whole network fail.
 Cable has a limited length.
 Bus topology is not great for large networks.
 Packet loss is high.

2. Ring Topology

Ring topology is a way of connecting various devices on network in such a

manner that forms the shape of a Ring. In this topology, each nodes has
exactly two neighbours.


 Cheap to install and expand.

 Equal access to the resources.
 Easy to manage.
 Speed to transfer the data is very high in this type of topology.
 Minimum collision.


 It is Expensive.
 Difficult to troubleshoot the ring.
 It is slower in performance as compared to the bus topology
 Total dependence in on one cable.
 They were not Scalable.

3. Tree Topology
In Tree Topology, all the computer are connected like the branches of a tree.
In computer networking, tree topology is known as a combination of a bus
and star network topology.


 Tree topology does not require any cables.

 Tree Topology is reliable.
 Tree Topology is highly secure.
 Point-to-point wiring for individual segments.
 Supported by several hardware and software vendors.


 The establishment cost increases as well.

 Treatment of the topology is pretty complex.
 Tree topology poses high-security threats.
 Difficulty in installing a tree topology network.
 Difficulty in maintenance and configuration.

4. Star Topology
Star topology is a way to connect all the devices on the network using a Hub
through cable. This Hub is the central point for the network and all other
devices are connected to this.


 Robust in nature.
 Easier to put in.
 Easy to manage.
 Easy install and wire.
 Easier to expand then bus or ring topology.


 Require more cable length then a leaner topology.

 Expensive to use.
 High mentance.
 Requires more cable than a linear bus .

5. Mesh Topology
Mesh Topology is a way to connect devices on the network in which all the
devices are connected to each other.


 Easy to add new device.

 A mesh doesn’t have a centralized authority.
 It provides high privacy and security.
 Failure during a single device won’t break the network.
 This network can manage a high level of traffic.

 Complex process.
 Maintenance needs are challenging with a mesh.
 There is a high risk of redundant connections.
 Installation is extremely difficult in the mesh.
 The cost to implement mesh is above other selections.

6. Hybrid Topology
A hybrid topology is a type of network topology that uses two or more
differing network tolopogies . These topologies can include a mix of bus
topology, mesh topology, ring topology ,star topology and tree topology.


 It is very reliable.
 Handles large volume of traffic.
 It is extremely flexible.
 It is used for create large network.
 Error detecting and trouble shooting is easy.


 It is a type of network expensive.

 Installation is a difficult process.
 Design of a hybrid network is very complex.
 Complex in design.



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