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Tokamak devices

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1972 Nucl. Fusion 12 215


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Review Paper

I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

ABSTRACT. This survey deals with research on plasma in toroidal systems with strong longitudinal
fields(Tokamak devices).
The author first of all considers the movement of single particles in these systems and then reviews
the theoretical work on equilibrium, transport coefficients and plasma stability. The design of the
various Tokamak devices is described, as are the methods of plasma diagnostics employed with them.
The main experimental results are summarized and compared with theory. Possible methods of heating
plasma are considered and the prospects of the Tokamak program discussed.

1. INTRODUCTION are greatly extended along the plasma loop. Such

a magnetic structure should have great stability
The name "Tokamak" is applied to axially sym- against large-scale resonance perturbations of the
metrical toroidal systems in which the hot plasma field which can cause an undesirable splitting of
is contained by the magnetic field of a current the magnetic surfaces. Moreover — and this is
circulating in it, and in which a very strong longi- its chief merit — it provides stability of the plas-
tudinal magnetic field parallel to the current is ma loop against magnetohydrodynamic deformationa
used to suppress the main magnetohydrodynamic Hitherto, in all experimental investigations
instabilities. The longitudinal field intensity, H0 performed on Tokamak devices, the heating of the
must be many times greater than the intensity of plasma loop has relied entirely on the Joule heat
the azimuthal field produced by the current, H . produced by the current flowing through the plas-
This constitutes the principal difference between
Tokamak devices and systems with relatively weak
longitudinal fields, such as the well-known English
Zeta device. Hf
The resulting magnetic field, in an annular plas-
ma column and close to its surface, has ideally
a simple helical structure (Fig. 1). In a first ap-
proximation, the cross-sections of the magnetic
surfaces in a plane passing through the main axis
of the system can be considered circular in
Tokamak devices (Fig. 2). In fact, however, an
analysis of the equilibrium conditions for a plasma
loop shows that with a sufficiently high value of
$(p = Sirp/lly (where p is the gas kinetic pressure
of the plasma) a noticeable change in shape of the
magnetic surface occurs. It should also be noted
FIG.l. Helical structure of magnetic field in a Tokamak device.
that the magnetic field in actual Tokamak devices
does not in fact possess perfect axial symmetry.
This field is produced by means of coils located
on the outer surface of the toroidal chamber in
which the plasma loop is formed. The clearances
between adjacent coils cannot be made too narrow
as they have to accommodate the diagnostic ap-
paratus and the pumping ports. However, with a
large number of coils the magnetic system still
maintains good axial symmetry. The relative
amplitude of oscillations in HQ on the annular mag-
netic axis of the plasma loop, for devices current-
ly in operation, is 0. 5-1%. Because the ratio
H v /H e is small (in normal experimental conditions
it is less than 0. 1), the angles of rotational trans-
form of the lines of force of the magnetic field in
Tokamak devices are also small and the field lines FIG.2. Magnetic surfaces in a Tokamak device.


ma. However, we should not exclude the possi- current field intensity depends only on r = •v/x'2 +yl<J
bility of resorting to other methods of plasma and is very small compared with He. The value
heating as time goes on — for example high- of HQ can be taken as approximately equal to
frequency electromagnetic fields. These may H0(l - x/R 0 ). The movement of the centre of the
prove much more effective than Joule heating at Larmor orbit in this field is the sum of the dis-
high plasma temperatures. placement along the helical line of force with
The study of plasma properties in Tokamak sys- velocity vM and the drift movement with velocity uw
tems is an important aspect of the general pro- If we assume that the condition Hv « H 0 r/R is
gram of research on high-temperature plasma fulfilled, the effect of the current field on the mag-
physics and controlled nuclear fusion in the USSR. netic drift can be neglected and the pattern of
Work in this field has been going on for many movement of the centre of the Larmor orbit is
years, always with close liaison between theore- considerably simplified. In this case, the drift
tical calculations and experiments. velocity ud at any point of the trajectory is along
Let us start with the main results of theoretical the y axis and is equal to (v2 +(l/2)v^)/wHR, where
analysis of plasma behaviour in Tokamak systems. v± is the Larmor velocity and uH is the Larmor
frequency in the field H e .
Let vn » v x . For such a free particle v,, is
2. THE MOVEMENT OF CHARGED PARTICLES practically constant along the trajectory. The
IN THE PLASMA LOOP equation which determines the projection of the
trajectory in this case should take the form
Let us consider the kinematics of charged par-
ticles in a helical toroidal field. In a magnetic dr He. _
system of this kind the movement of the centre dx
of the Larmor orbit of a particle is a combination
of its displacement along the line of force and of (here it is assumed that the xy plane rotates around
the magnetic drift due to non-uniformity of the the major axis of the toroid with angular velocity
magnetic field. Two different types of trajectory v(| /R). If aQ = (ud /vM ) • (He/H^) is considerably
must be distinguished. Firstly, there are the less than unity (in experimental conditions this is
trajectories of the so-called "transit" (or "free") always observed), the projection of the trajectory
particles whose velocity vector forms a suffi- on the xy plane will be a closed curve, only
ciently small angle with the vector H, as a result slightly displaced relative to the circle describing
of which they are displaced freely along the lines the projection of the magnetic surface. The equa-
of force with no reflections in the regions of tion for the trajectory can be written in a first
higher toroidal magnetic field (note that He ~ l/R, approximation in the form
where R is the distance from a given point to the
major axis of the toroid). Secondly there are the (x-a- 0 r 0 ) 2 +y 2 =r 2 (2.2)
trajectories of the so-called "trapped" particles.
The angle between the velocity of these particles This is a circle, the centre of which is displaced
and the magnetic field direction is relatively along the x-axis by a distance aQr0 relative to the
large, so that they oscillate along limited sections point 0. In typical experimental conditions on
of the helical line of force between the regions of Tokamak devices the displacement or0r0 is a few
higher magnetic field. To describe the trajecto- per cent of rQ for hydrogen or deuterium ions.
ries of free and trapped particles in the helical This shows that the free particles are well con-
field, we introduce a system of co-ordinates x, y, fined in the device.
6 (Fig. 3). Let us assume that the radius of the Now we shall explain how the trapped particles
plasma loop cross-section a is small compared move, confining ourselves to the simplest case,
with the toroid radius Ro (the "weak toroidality" where v2 « v 2 . As it moves along the line of
assumption). The axis of the plasma current force the trapped particle will be reflected from
intersects the plane of the drawing at point 0. At the intensified field zones and oscillate along the
this point x = 0 and y = 0. It is assumed that the line of force between points Mj and M2 (Fig. 4).

FIG.3. Displacement of free particle trajectories. FIG.4. Projection of a trapped-particle trajectory.


In the xy-plane, in the absence of drift, the pro-

jection of its trajectory would represent an arc
of the circle. Allowing for drift we come back to
Eq. (3.2), but now v,, cannot be regarded as a
constant. From the adiabatic invariance of v^/H
it follows that vn = ± vo%/x- xm/*fR, where xm is
the abscissa of the reflection points. When
v,;2 « v^, the drift velocity ud can also be taken to
be virtually constant. The equation for the pro-
jection of the trajectory is obtained by integration
of expression (2.1) with allowance for the depend-
ence of v,| on x. If with y = 0 absolute value of
a0 exceeds unity, this projection takes the form
of a loop adjacent to the arc A1BA2. Such trajec-
tories are often termed "bananas" in the litera-
ture. The maximum displacement is
FIG.5. Projection of a trapped-particle trajectory with disruption of
the axial symmetry of the magnetic field.
where <pm is the azimuthal angle of the point of
reflection A. In practice the toroidal drift can be
regarded as suppressed if Ar m /r 0 « 1. For ions this group will inevitably lead to additional diffu-
belonging to the main part of the Maxwellian dis- sion and thermal losses from the plasma, since
tribution, Ar m /r 0 does not exceed 0. 1 on Tokamak their average radial velocity is of the order of the
devices. Thus it can be assumed that trapped par- drift velocity. However, an assessment of the
ticles are also adequately confined by the magnetic role which these losses can play in the material
field of the plasma current (provided the ratio and energy balance of the plasma shows that,
v,, /v x is not too small). under normal experimental conditions on Tokamak
It should be noted that drift compensation in the devices, their contribution is negligibly small.
movement of the trapped particles occurs because As we shall see below (Section 7), the presence
the points of rotation of the trajectory, Mj and M2, of particles moving on open drift trajectories can
are located symmetrically in relation to the equa- manifest itself in certain experimentally observed
torial plane of the plasma loop. effects (in particular an asymmetrical dependence
The magnitude of the displacement Ar m for of the ion energy distribution on y).
trapped particles considerably exceeds the dis-
placement typical of free particles (the ratio of
Arm for the two limiting cases is ~ s/R 0 /r 0 ). 3. PLASMA EQUILIBRIUM LAWS
All that has been said above regarding the laws
of movement of charged particles in Tokamak de- Let us now turn to a description of the equi-
vices is valid provided the field possesses strict librium laws of a plasma loop. Although super-
axial symmetry. Actually, owing to the presence position of the fields created by a toroidal coil
of gaps between the coils, the longitudinal field and plasma loop may serve as an ideal trap for
strength periodically varies as a function of the individual charged particles, in itself such a mag-
angle 6 with a period equal to 27r/N, N being the netic system is inadequate for keeping the plasma
number of coils. Since the amplitude of these loop in state of macroscopic equilibrium. Through
variations is very small, they have practically no the action of electrodynamic forces the current-
effect on the movement of the free particles, or carrying loop tends to expand. The presence of
indeed on the movement of trapped particles with a an expansion force in this case follows from the
large oscillation amplitude along the line of force. general laws of electrodynamics, according to
However, if we consider the behaviour of a par- which a ponderomotive force acting in a current-
ticle for which the ratio vn /vx is very small along carrying conductor is always so directed that it
its whole trajectory, then it is not difficult to see tends to increase the inductance of the conductor.
that owing to the periodical structure of the to- In a ring conductor this means an increase in its
roidal field, the shape of trajectory of such a par- radius RQ. The gas kinetic pressure of the plas-
ticle may change completely. The amplitude of ma further increases the expansion force. To
the oscillations along the line of force will de- obtain equilibrium, it is necessary to introduce
crease since the points of rotation will change an additional magnetic field parallel to the major
their position (they will be symmetrically disposed axis of the toroid (see Fig. 6). Through interaction
relative to the centre of the gap between adjacent with the current I the Hx field will create a radial
coils). For particles belonging to this group the force equal to 27rRIHx/c (over the whole length of
drift movement along the y axis will not in general the ring). With a correct choice of sign the inter-
be compensated and their trajectories should be acting force of the supplementary current-carrying
open (see the schematic representation of such a vertical field will be directed inwards and can
trajectory in Fig. 5). The presence of particles of compensate the expansion force.


The constant A{ denotes the internal inductance of

the plasma loop per unit length and depends on
the current distribution over the plasma cross-
section. A further term 6H appears if an additional
field B.±1 not associated with eddy currents, is
introduced to control the position of the loop in
the chamber. The value of 6H is bH^/H^b). The
components of the current magnetic field strength
along the azimuth cp and the radius r in the space
between the plasma surface and the casing S,
accurate to within terms of the order of (a/R) 2 and
higher are given by the following expressions:

FIG.6. Plasma loop in chamber with conducting casing. + In — If cos cp (3.3)

a_ 8?rp - 1
In Tokamak devices a toroidal copper casing (S H - TJ / o \ ~ J 1 —
+ In — f s i n cp
2R H2(a)
in Fig. 6) is used to compensate the internal forces
expanding the plasma loop. The expansion forces
are compensated because, when the loop moves Equations (3. 1) - (3.4) are used in processing
outwards, eddy currents arise in the casing which the basic results of magnetic measurements. In
interact with the plasma current to produce a particular, Eq. (3. 1) provides a theoretical basis
force pushing the plasma inwards (reduction of R). for measuring p by the diamagnetic effect, and
On the assumption that the casing S has ideal elec- formulae (3. 2) - (3. 4) serve for analysing experi-
trical conductivity we shall give the results of an mental data obtained with magnetic probes. It
analysis of equilibrium conditions. should be remembered that the results of the theo-
In this case the boundary of the plasma loop is retical analysis presented here were obtained on
described by a circle of radius a in the meridional the assumption of ideal conductivity of the casing
cross-section. The cross-section of the casing S. In particular, expression (3. 2) for the magni-
is a circle of radius b. To compensate the forces tude of the displacement is valid only when the
acting on the plasma loop it is necessary for the life of the plasma loop is small compared with the
centres of the cross-sections of the plasma surface skin time for the conducting casing. This means
and the copper casing to be displaced a certain that the following condition must be fulfilled:
distance 6 0 . The normal component of the mag-
netic field vanishes on the outer boundary of the 47TCTS
t « (3.5)
plasma and on the inner surface of the casing. By C2
theoretical analysis, one can find the equations for
equilibrium, establish the distribution of the mag- where t is time from the beginning of the process,
netic surfaces inside the plasma loop and deter- d the casing thickness and as the electrical con-
mine the components of the magnetic field strength ductivity of the material from which it is made.
in the space between the plasma and the casing In the contrary case, when t considerably exceeds
[1,2]. the time of leakage of the magnetic field through
The plasma loop considered as a whole has two the wall of the casing, the latter ceases to play a
degrees freedom, to which the geometrical para- part in providing equilibrium of the plasma loop.
meters a and 60 correspond. The equilibrium In this case equilibrium can be maintained if an
equations for these two parameters are external transverse field is set up having a
strength equal to
ea ~ Hej 2 (3.1)
8R -3
H ,n - —rr (3.6)

where ^ ^
The above condition must be observed if
In these formulae p is the mean gas kinetic pres- t > 2TT(JS Rd/c 2 . In practice, in the experiments
sure over the plasma cross-section, assumed on the largest of the Tokamak devices (T-3),
isotropic, H 6a is the longitudinal field strength performed with discharge pulse lengths of 20-
at the plasma boundary with azimuth <p = -n/2, H 2 . 70 ms, we encountered an intermediate case
is the mean value of the square of the longitudinal where
field strength within the plasma, and KJa.) is the
current field strength on the plasma boundary at 27rcrsRd 4?rad2
> t> (3.7)
the point where cp = TT/2 (the value of H^a) is 2l/ca).


In the above range of values of t the displacement p(r) the pressure at the periphery of this circle
is determined by the following equation [3]: and J2; (r) the internal inductance for a plasma
with cross-section radius r, calculated per unit
length of the plasma loop. The distance from
£ l [6(t)- 60] = i - (3. 8) the magnetic axis to the centre line of the casing
S is obviously equal to 60 +6x(a), where 60 is
In this formula 60 denotes the displacement cal- calculated from formula (3. 2) or, in the more
culated from expression (3.2) for an ideally con- general case, from formula (3. 8).
ducting casing, and Hx(t) is the intensity of the To illustrate this point we may cite two concrete
additional transverse magnetic field acting on the examples.
plasma loop at2 the instant t. The constant
r k = 27ras Rd/c . Equation (3. 8) is convenient for (a) Let the plasma pressure vary according to
processing experimental data, since the quantities the law p =po(l - r2/a2) and the current density be
figuring in it, 6 0, H±o and Tk, can be calculated uniform everywhere over the plasma cross-
and the transverse field strength Hx(t) can be section. The following expression is then obtained
measured directly without initiating a discharge for the relative displacement of the internal mag-
in the chamber. netic surfaces
In actual experimental conditions the effect of
the conducting casing on expansion of the plasma £_
loop may be greatly reduced by the longitudinal 2R (3.11)
and transverse slits which have to be made in the
casing for design and technological reasons (in (b) Taking the same law for the dependence of
particular, to avoid shorting the feed voltage for p on r, let us assume that an analogous relation-
the discharge). The effect of these slits (and also ship is also valid for the current distribution over
of stray fields from the iron transformer) on the the cross-section, i.e. j =jo(l - r 2 / a 2 ) . In this
performance of the casing must be ascertained case, the expression for 6X (p) becomes more
individually for each new experimental device. unwieldy. We shall give only the formula for
A consideration of equilibrium conditions would 6x(p) where p = a:
be incomplete if we did not deal with the distri-
bution of the magnetic surfaces in the plasma [1].
In toroidal geometry the transverse sections of {
> <*> • W
0.32 (3.12)
the magnetic surfaces should not, generally speak-
ing, be described by concentric circles. The Investigation of the equilibrium conditions for a
lack of concentricity occurs because plasma carry- toroidal plasma loop on Tokamak devices has
ing a longitudinal current, enclosed within any of indicated that the quantity jS^ must not exceed a
the internal magnetic surfaces, finds itself — certain limiting value, because as /3^ increases
with respect to the external layers of the plasma there occurs a more and more severe distortion
loop enclosing it — in conditions rather similar of the magnetic surfaces in the plasma loop. Ac-
to those which determine the equilibrium of the cording to Shafranov [4] and Yurchenko [5] the
loop with respect to the conducting casing S. limiting value for 0^ is j3y ~ R/a. At larger
Therefore, the centres of the set of circles which values of ^ the magnetic surfaces will split
represent the cross-sections of the magnetic sur- (Fig. 7), and this inevitably results in a sharp
faces in the meridional plane should be shifted increase in velocity and energy losses. The li-
towards layer R values in proportion as their miting value of the ratio between the gas kinetic
radii decrease. The maximum displacement rela- pressure of the plasma and the pressure of the
tive to the centre of the section of the conducting longitudinal magnetic field is
casing corresponds to the position of the magnetic
axis of the plasma loop. Calculations supply the _ R H$(a) _
following formula for determining the distance H| " a H2 " (3.13)
6x(p) by which the centre of the section of a mag-
netic surface of radius p is displaced relative to where q(a) =(H0/H(;p(a))(a/R) is the so-called
the magnetic axis, "magnetohydrodynamic stability margin". In

6 (p) =
i /ix(r)dr (3 9)


In the formula for A(r) the quantity p(r) denotes

the mean pressure within a circle of radius r, FIG. 7. Splitting of the magnetic surfaces.


practice,however, (3^ and /3e are determined in r from the ring axis. The coefficient rj is equal
experimental devices not by the equilibrium con- to Tj /T e . Formula (4. 1) is derived for the case
ditions but by the energy balance rules for the where the electron mean free path Xe considerably
plasma column (see Section 11 below). exceeds r(H e /H (/ ,)(R/r) 3 / 2 . The point of this con-
dition is that, when it is fulfilled, the momentum
of the trapped particle cannot be changed enough
by Coulomb collisions for the particle to have a
chance of being converted to a free particle in the
course of one oscillation.
In recent years a large number of theoretical In range II (neither very rare nor very frequent
investigations have been devoted to analysing the collisions) the diffusion coefficient can be cal-
diffusion and thermal conductivity processes of culated from the formula1
plasma in toroidal systems. The research of .3/2
Pfirsch and Schliiter [6] and Kadomtsev and (4.2)
Shafranov [7,8] allowed significant corrections to be
made in the formulae of the classical theory of
transport in high-density plasma. Then the work where
of Galeev and Sagdeev [9] appeared, in which a
"neoclassical" theory was proposed for transport A = Jl (1 +rj)m 1 e / 2 k 3 / 2 c 2 e" 2 s 230(1 +n)
phenomena in plasma with relatively rare colli-
sions. These papers disclosed for the first time
that trapped particles can significantly affect dif- The above formula is valid if the mean free path
fusion and heat transfer in Tokamak-type systems falls within the limits
(owing to the fact that longitudinal oscillations of
trapped particles can cause their trajectories to He (4.3)
« r
deviate markedly from the magnetic field lines).
This theory was further refined in the work of
Kovrizhnykh [10]. It should be noted that in The experimental conditions in Tokamak devices
Tokamak devices, owing to the longitudinal electric fall within this range of values of Xe in most
field E0 supporting the current, there occurs si- cases.
multaneously with the plasma diffusion process a The effect of trapped particles on transport
contrary process of "pinching" or self-constriction processes can be disregarded only when
of the plasma due to the drift of charged particles Xe « rHg/H^. In this case (range III) a correct
in the crossed E0 and Hy fields. An expression for application of the classical theory yields the
the resultant rate of expansion of the plasma pinch following expression for Dx:
in the case of a dense plasma has been derived by
Shafranov [8]. Recently, Galeev [11] also calcul- D± = D 0 [l+q 2 (r)] (4.4)
ated the rate of self-constriction for the case —
much more important in practice — of a plasma where Do is the value of the diffusion coefficient
characterized by rare collisions, where trapped for a rectilinear plasma cylinder in a uniform
particles come into play. This question has also magnetic field Hg and q(r) = (H0/H(/,(r))(r/R).
been considered by Ware [12]. Rosenbluth and The boundaries between ranges I, II and III in
co-workers [12a] have refined the coefficients Fig. 8 are shown by a broken line. The values of
in the transport equations for a plasma with rare the function D±(vei) in the boundary regions can
collisions. Below is a short review of the results be found at the present time only by quite arbi-
of these theoretical investigations. trary interpolation. The simplest method of inter-
polation is to replace the smooth curve of the
If the "self-constrictive" effect is discounted,
function D±{vei ) by a broken line, extending the
the magnitude of the transverse diffusion coef-
rectilinear sections until they intersect each other.
ficient D± as a function of the frequency of electron-
ion collisions vei should behave in the manner
schematically shown in Fig. 8. It is possible to I
distinguish three different ranges of values of i/ei , I.

for each of which the character of the D±(i/ei)

function is different. The behaviour of the diffu-
sion coefficient in these ranges is shown by the
solid lines in the figure. In range I (very infre-
quent collisions) D±(vei) is given by the expression

D x (i/ ei ) s PtOP\l T3 (4.1) FIG. 8. Variation of plasma diffusion coefficient with collision

Here p is the mean value of the Larmor electron Here and in what follows T e and Tj denote electron and ion tempera-
radius in the current field H v . The value of H v is tures in degrees. The temperature in electron volts is denoted by T and
taken for a given point in the plasma at a distance Tlv.


The flux of particles from the plasma can be 2. The plasma density and temperature vary
produced not only by the density gradient, but uniformly in accordance with a parabolic law and
also by the temperature gradient (thermal diffu- the current density is constant over the cross-
sion). The general expression for a particle flux section. In these conditions we have
with bothgradne and grad Te , which may be used
in normal experimental conditions on Tokamak ^ne(O)DxKl)(l-M^ (4.9)
devices, takes the form <*• \ Pip X

dlnTi Let /3V s \ (as is usually the case in experiments

1. 5 on the T-3 device in that phase of the process
nPvr = - -r- lnne '~dF
where the temperature is at a maximum). Then
(4.5) normal diffusion flow should prevail when r/a<0.6.
At greater distances from the axis the plasma
where Dx is the diffusion coefficient determined should be compressed. It is evident that in this
from expression (4. 2). In expression (4. 5) the case the shape of the density distribution must
coefficient r\ is equal to Tj /T e . In rough esti- vary with time.
mates the value of r] can be taken to be constant
over the plasma cross-section. If, in addition, The transverse thermal conductivity of the
it is assumed that the temperature and density plasma pinch, according to classical theory both
distributions over the radius are similar in form, in its old and contemporary forms, is due to
formula (4.5) can be rewritten as ion-ion collisions so that the coefficient of thermal
conductivity KX must be a function of the ion-ion
collision frequency vi{ . This function is similar
nevr = - to that shown in Fig. 8. Different expressions have
to be used to calculate KX in ranges I, II and III.
Thus, allowance for thermal diffusion increases In range I, the formula for KX is
the diffusion flow rate in a first approximation by
a factor of about 2. 5
The self-constriction effect should appear at low (4.10)
plasma pressures. In the case of dense plasma,
when the diffusion coefficient is determined by where is the mean Larmor ion radius in the
expression (4.4), the ratio of diffusion rate to current field (p =N/2mc2kTi /e'^H^). In the inter-
compression rate is - c(dp/dr)(l +q2(r))/{jQB.(p(r)). mediate zone II, .whose position is determined by
The diffusion may be fully compensated and ex- the inequalities in expression (4. 3), the value of
pansion of the plasma pinch should give place to K, is:
compression when fi^ § 1/(1 +q2). The effect of
self-constriction becomes particularly significant
in the case of a dilute plasma with relatively rare (4.11)
collisions. According to Galeev [11], in the con-
ditions which usually prevail in experiments 1/2,
allowance for self-constriction adds a further where B= J7J2 mj' k (Aiis
term to expression (4. 5) for nevr , as a result of the atomic weight of the substance).
which it takes the following form (the ratio T{ /T e In ranges I and II the main contribution to the
being taken as constant over the plasma cross- thermal conductivity is made by trapped particles.
section): In range III (dense plasma) the coefficient of
transverse thermal conductivity is calculated from
the formula
n v =- (4.7)
dr dr
To clarify the role of the correction term, let us
consider two particular examples. where KjJO) is the coefficient of transverse ther-
mal conductivity in a straight plasma column
1. The plasma density depends on r in accordance located in an He field. The magnitude of KX(0)
with a parabolic law, i. e. n e = ne(O)(l - r 2 /a 2 ), is equal to gn2/H2)N/"T~. In this expression g is
whilst the plasma temperature and current density a numerical coefficient which can be taken to be
are constant over the whole cross-section. Then about 2 xlO"16 for a hydrogen plasma in Tokamak16
experimental conditions; for deuterium gs>3xlO" .
2r 1. 15 It should be emphasized that all the formulae for
a"2" Dx and KX given above were derived on the as-
sumption that binary Coulomb collisions play a
The quantity in brackets is independent of r. major part in the diffusion and thermal conduc-
When j3v < 1. 15, it is negative, i. e. the plasma tivity mechanisms. However, it is not out of
is compressed over the whole cross-section. Note the question that these formulae could be general-
that in Tokamak devices )3V < 1 over most of the ized for the case where charged particles undergo
discharge pulse. collisions with electric field fluctuations resulting

from the development of various instabilities. In teristics of the plasma. A theoretical analysis
this case the quantities vei and vu must represent of the conditions in which helical instabilities
certain effective collision frequencies, including may occur in Tokamak devices, and of methods
non-Coulomb ("collective") interactions. of suppressing them, is to be found among
In concluding this section we should mention Shafranov's papers [15, 16]. The basic conclu-
one important consequence of the neoclassical sions of his work may be put as follows.
theory of transport processes. Evidently, col- The stability of the plasma pinch depends on
lisions between free and trapped particles change the parameter
the form of the electron velocity distribution func-
tion so much that an additional longitudinal elec- r
q(r) = (5.1)
trical current appears. The direction of this cur- R
rent coincides with the discharge current, and the
current density for range I (infrequent collisions) To stabilize helical deformations having m periods
is given by the expression [13,12a] round the minor circumference of the torus, it is
sufficient for the condition q(a)>m to'be fulfilled.
The maximum value of m which has to be in-
0.27 d
serted in this inequality depends on the law of
current density distribution over the radius. If
the current density increases towards the peri-
fdr inT,' (4.13) phery (or, more specifically, if q(r) decreases),
the theoretical number m representing the mode
of the perturbations which have to be stabilized
In denser plasma this additional current is low. is unlimited and, consequently, the plasma pinch
In principle we can conceive of a case where the is unstable for any finite q. If the current density
additional current would exceed the discharge drops towards the periphery, on the other hand,
current, the density of which is crEE: this should the maximum value of m is limited: the more
occur at large values of |3. In such a case it would rapidly the current density drops, and conse-
be impossible to ignore the influence of the addi- quently the larger the zone of conducting plasma
tional current on the magnetohydrodynamic stabili- with low current density in the outer part of the
ty of the plasma loop. According to Galeev and plasma pinch, the smaller this number will be.
Sagdeev [14] this effect is bound to reduce the This conclusion does not extend to the perturba-
maximum permissible value of /3e by a factor of tion mode with m = 1, which is not sensitive to the
v/R/a relative to the value determined from law of current distribution. Therefore the condi-
formula (3.13). The possibility afforded by the tion q(a)> 1 is always necessary to ensure stability
density gradient of maintaining the current in the against helical kinking of the plasma pinch.
plasma permits the hope that a steady-state reactor
operating on the Tokamak principle with injection For the stabilization of local flute perturbations,
on the magnetic axis will eventually become prac- according to Suydam's criterion, it is sufficient
ticable [14a, 14b]. to have comparatively small shear 2 : 6S > 2-f^,
x H2/H|. Mercier [17] has shown that for a
current uniformly distributed over the plasma
cross-section these perturbations are stabilized
if q(0)> 1. This is because in the Tokamak a con-
figuration with minimum mean H on the plasma
The conservation of thermal energy in a plasma
pinch axis is achieved automatically.
ring depends on the stability of the plasma against
The condition for stabilization based on minimum
the various perturbations which may develop in it.
mean H with an arbitrary current distribution
The different instability excitation mechanisms
takes the form q(r)> 1 [18]. With current density
may be classified according to the rate of develop-
decreasing along the radius the condition q(r)> 1
ment of the perturbations associated with them,
is more rigorous than q(a)> 1 because in this case
i. e. deviations from the equilibrium condition.
q(a)>q(0). For example, with a parabolic current
The greatest threat to the maintenance of mag-
distribution q(a)/q(0) = 2.
netic thermal isolation is presented by perturba-
tions of the magnetohydrodynamic type. There Thus, one of the main results of the theoretical
are two such perturbations in Tokamak systems. investigations is that magnetohydrodynamic per-
Firstly, there are large-scale helical deforma- turbations cease to be dangerous when the stability
tions of the plasma pinch boundary which occur margin q(a) is sufficiently large. It should be
when a zone of low electrical conductivity exists added that if the plasma pinch boundary coincides
between the plasma and the conducting casing. with the surface of the conducting casing , severe
The onset of these helical or screw deformations helical deformation should not develop. In this
is due to the storage of excess energy in the plas-
ma associated with the magnetic field of the longi- 2
The amount of shear, determined by the expression 9shi? |(d/dr)
tudinal current. Secondly, there are flute perturb- X.(H(P/HQ)\ , depends on the form of the function j@(r). If we assume the
ations of the plasma localized in the vicinity of current density distribution to be bell-shaped, the amount of shear will
the closed lines of force. The source of these increase,from zero on the centre line to a value of the order of H«/Hg
flute deformations lies in the diamagnetic charac- near the plasma boundary.


case, where the plasma has an "immobile bound- and Pogutse [19], This instability is due to a ra-
ary", instabilities should manifest themselves dial ion temperature gradient which develops when
differently, as q diminishes, from the way in which the condition |dln T e /dlnn e | > 1 is satisfied. The
they show up in a plasma with a "free" boundary. coefficient of "anomalous" thermal conductivity,
It may be possible to check this conclusion on the governed by a build-up of temperature-drift
Tokamak-6 device, where the boundary of the oscillations in the plasma, can be estimated only
plasma can be brought close to the surface of the in orders of magnitude. The following expression
conducting casing. can be used for very rough estimates:
Apart from rapid deformations of the magneto-
hydrodynamic type, towards which the plasma
behaves like an ideally conducting fluid with
frozen-in field lines of force, it is also possible ,3/2
in a toroidal plasma pinch for slower perturbations (5.3)
to occur, whose development is significantly in-
fluenced by electrical conductivity. With finite
electrical conductivity, large-scale helical per-
turbations manifest themselves in the form of a Here K_L is the anomalous thermal conductivity
tearing mode having a stability criterion close coefficient averaged over the plasma (hydrogen,
to that of the ordinary helical modes [16, 16a]. deuterium or tritium)cross-section and Tj is the
If a current flows through the plasma and there is mean ion temperature. The thermal conductivity
a temperature gradient in a direction perpen- coefficient calculated from this formula for normal
dicular to H (this is so in Tokamak systems), we experimental conditions on Tokamak devices is
have the conditions required for development of several times larger than the value obtained from
the classical calculation using formula (4. 11).
the current- convection type of instability, which
However, the above condition for development of
has been investigated by Kadomtsev [19]. This
the temperature-drift instability is evidently not
form of instability involves a build-up of skew-
satisfied in the hot inner zone of the plasma loop
type deformations in the plasma: the most impor-
(see below, Section 12).
tant part is played here by interconnected tempera-
ture and conductivity (not density) perturbations. A further instability mechanism which may show
Hence the current-convection instability can result up in Tokamak systems is associated with the
in increased heat transfer from the plasma but presence of trapped particles. Among the trapped
should not have much effect on the diffusion pro- particles a group can be discerned comprising
cess. The growth rate of perturbations due to particles which move along the outside of the mag-
the current-convection instability is given by netic surfaces, where the magnetic field intensity
decreases with increasing r. This group is un-
stable against flute deformations. The instability
1 do_ E associated with trapped particles has been in-
7=- K,, lc, +H k
r - ^dr
- (5.2)
e e vestigated theoretically by Kadomtsev and Pogutse
[19, 20]. Rough estimates suggest it would affect
where K,, is the longitudinal thermal conductivity the energy balance to an appreciable extent only
of the plasma, k^ and k0 are the components of in a plasma of very low density, and that it is
the perturbation wave vector in the azimuthal therefore of no consequence in normal experi-
direction and the longitudinal field direction, and mental conditions.
aE is the longitudinal electrical conductivity of Finally, it should be noted that beam instabilities
the plasma. It follows from this expression that, can also occur in the plasma loop under certain
in a low-temperature plasma with correspondingly conditions owing to acceleration of electrons in the
low electrical conductivity, perturbations can longitudinal electric field. If the current density
grow over quite a wide range of k v /k 0 values. In j e =neVne exceeds the value at which_the mean
a high-temperature plasma the longitudinal thermal directional velocity of the electrons vlie is equal
conductivity, given not too low values of k 0 , to the speed of sound in the plasma, ion-acoustic
smooths out the temperature perturbations so that oscillations may develop as a result of the energy
7 can have a positive value only when kQ- 0. How- of longitudinal movement of the electrons. A
ever, in the presence of shear perturbations with necessary condition for this is the fulfilment of
low kg are localized in very narrow regions along two inequalities, v,,e > veN/me/m{ and Te 25> T,.
the radius r, which means that their influence on If Te and Tj are approximately the same, the
heat transfer is greatly reduced. According to development of ion oscillations is impeded by
Kadomtsev [19], the current-convection instability Landau ion damping. The implications of this
should not play a significant part in the .energy form of instability have been studied by Rudakov
balance of Tokamak systems under normal experi- and Zavoisky [21] and by Rudakov and Tsytovich
mental conditions. [22], This phenomenon may explain the anomalous
Theoretical considerations seem to indicate that increase in the electrical resistance of the plasma
heat transfer can be badly affected by one variety that has been observed in experiments. Neverthe-
of the universal drift instability in non-uniform less, the generation of ionic sound should not lead
plasma — namely the "temperature-drift instab- to a significant increase in the rate of transport
ility", which has been investigated by Kadomtsev processes in the plasma.


6. DESIGN OF TOKAMAK DEVICES plasma and the azimuthal voltage which is pro-
duced when the quasi-steady longitudinal magnetic
Experiments have now been in progress on the field is switched on. The copper casing is insul-
Tokamak devices for many years and various im- ated from the liner by ceramic elements fitted in
provements have been made to the design. In the clearance between them and is water-cooled.
the very early stages ceramic, glass and quartz The liner and the space between it and the copper
discharge chambers were employed. However, casing are evacuated by separate vacuum pumps
contamination of the plasma by various impurities (for evacuating the liner the use of oil pumps,
greatly reduced its temperature. This situation whether of the high-vacuum or pre-evacuation
changed when devices were introduced having thin type, is inadmissible).
metal chambers capable of being degassed by pre- The inside of the copper casing has conductors
liminary heating and conditioning in electrical dis- attached to it; these generate within the chamber
charges. Another important advance was made a time-variable field which controls the position
when due attention was paid to the need for care- of the plasma loop in the chamber. The location
ful correction of the magnetic fields to eliminate of these conductors is shown schematically in
applied field components which could give rise to Fig. 10. For design reasons the conductors have
uncontrollable displacements of the plasma laop to be placed close, to the surface of the copper
in the chamber. casing, with the result that the field they produce
The design of a typical Tokamak device is shown is severely weakened (approximately in the ratio
schematically in Fig. 9. A toroidal discharge 1 - bj/b 2 , where bx is the distance from the con-
chamber is mounted on the iron core of the trans- ductor to the centre of the casing cross-section).
former, by means of which a voltage is produced Therefore the currents in the controlling con-
which induces a longitudinal current in the plasma. ductors are quite high, creating problems with
mechanical stresses at bends and lead-out points.
Apart from the conductors inside the copper casing
for controlling the loop position, there are also
conductors outside the chamber producing a quasi-
steady transverse field (see Fig. 10). The coils
which create the longitudinal field are located on
the surface of the chamber. Their number and
design vary in different Tokamak devices. Cur-
rently they are usually made in the form of units
sealed in epoxy resin. In most of the devices
powerful capacitor banks provide the electrical
supply for the coils. The only exception was the
T-3, the largest of the Tokamak family. Here
the longitudinal magnetic field of up to 38 kOe was
produced by a generator with a pulse capacity of up
to approximately 75 000 kW. The same generator
FIG.9. Schematic drawing of a Tokamak device. will supply the new T-4 device.
The parameters of the devices on which the
basic program of experiments has been performed
The chamber consists of two casings with indi-
in the last few years are given in Table I.
vidual evacuation. The material of the inner casing
The T-4 device is at present being erected on
(liner) is stainless steel 0. 2 - 0. 3 mm thick. The
the site of the T-3. In this new facility, the longi-
liner is welded from separate bellows-type
tudinal magnetic field strength is to be raised to
cylinders with no insulation between the sections.
50-55 kOe without any significant change in the
Before the start of each series of experiments the
geometric parameters compared with the T-3.
liner is outgassed by prolonged heating in a high
vacuum at a temperature of about 400°C. After
heating the chamber is preconditioned by frequent
discharges in hydrogen, using heavy currents in
a weak longitudinal magnetic field. Inside the
liner there is a diaphragm of tungsten or molyb-
denum which limits the cross-section of the plasma
loop. This reduces the interaction between the
plasma and the liner wall, which would otherwise
burn out the wall. The diameter of the aperture in
the diaphragm is a few cm less than the inner dia-
meter of the liner. The outer casing of the cham-
ber is made of thick sheet copper. Its main func-
tion is to keep the plasma loop in equilibrium
through the formation of eddy currents. It has
longitudinal and transverse slits to avoid shorting
out the voltage which maintains the current in the FIG. 10. Position of control coils.


TABLE I. PARAMETERS OF THE to understand a number of physical processes

TOKAMAK DEVICES occurring in the plasma, it is important to have
information on the density of neutral hydrogen
R b a
max Hg max 'max 1
atoms (or deuterium atoms) and the heavy impu-
Model rity ion density. As investigations have proceeded
(cm) (cm) (cm) (kOe) (ms) (kA)
on the Tokamak program, the methods used
T-3(T-3A) 100 25 15 38 70 140 for determining these parameters have become
T-5 62 25 15 12 6 50 more sophisticated and their number has gradually
increased. Since in plasma physics it is not al-
TM-3 40 12 8 30 6 40
ways possible to give an unambiguous interpreta-
tion to the results of individual measurements, it
is necessary as a matter of principle to have avail-
The T-5 device has been dismantled and replaced able as many independent experimental methods
by the T-6, whose design incorporates important as possible. By comparing the data obtained with
modifications, the principal being that the metal these methods we can cross-check our results
casings of the double-skin chamber have changed and arrive at fairly reliable conclusions.
places. The thick copper casing, covered on the Definite progress has been made in this direc-
inside with a layer of vaporized gold (to improve tion in recent years but, all the same, the state
the vacuum properties), is in direct proximity to of the art of diagnostics in the Tokamak experi-
the plasma loop. It consists of four sections mental program cannot be considered fully satis-
separated from each other by transverse slits. In factory. Many of the methods employed enable
addition, each section has longitudinal slits (see us to measure the integral characteristics of the
Fig. 11). The outer casing is welded up from plasma loop, but from these results we cannot
stainless steel bellows. The sections of the inner obtain information on the local values of such
casing are electrically insulated from the outer parameters as ion temperature, current density
casing, but they form a whole as regards the and impurity content. Only recently measure-
vacuum. This design was chosen with the aim of ments of electron temperature by laser scattering
establishing the most favourable conditions for were carried out on the T-3 device, enabling Te
suppressing magnetohydrodynamic instabilities of to be determined as a function of r [23]. Such
the plasma loop. It can be assumed a priori that measurements have not yet been performed on
the positioning of the conducting casing close to other Soviet devices. For these reasons we
the surface of the plasma will make it easier to usually have to be content, when interpreting the
stabilize high magnetohydrodynamic perturbation experimental data, with values averaged (by one or
modes. We hope that experiments will shortly another method) over the cross-section of the
confirm or refute these hypotheses. plasma loop. This often results in some ambiguity
in the conclusions resulting from experimental
CASING Now to a description of the experimental methods
used in investigations on Tokamak devices. For
COILS each current pulse it is usual to record a certain
standard group of oscillograms and also the read-
CORE ings of the particular detecting elements used in
the experiment. A standard set contains oscillo-
grams of the current in the plasma and the cham-
ber e. m. f. plus the readings of a microwave-
interferometer measuring the mean electron den-
sity in the plasma loop [24]. In fact the microwave
interferometer is used to measure /nedJ>, where
the integration is performed along the vertical
close to the diameter of the plasma loop. There-
fore, to determine the mean linear value, one
must know the diameter of the plasma cross-
section, i. e. the quantity 2a. Microwave-inter-
FIG.11. Schematic drawing of T-6 device.
ferometer measurements are usually performed
on a wavelength of 2 mm. Since the position of
the narrow beam of microwaves cutting the plasma
7. PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS IN TOKAMAK is fixed, variation of the quantity 6 during the pro-
cess will mean that the microwave-interferometer
The main physical parameters describing the readings at different moments of time will relate
plasma properties are T, , T. , the loop cross- to slightly different areas of the plasma cross-
section radius a, and the current density j Q . Also section. However, this does not unduly affect the
significant are characteristics such as the thermal interpretation of the measurements, since nor-
energy content of the plasma W, the mean confine- mally 6/a « 1. The ratio between the density
ment time for thermal energy r£ and the mean found by microwave-interferometric measure-
lifetime of the charged particles T . In addition, ments, averaging n e over the diameter of the loop

cross-section, and the value found by averaging To measure the position of the plasma loop re-
ne over the whole volume of the plasma depends lative to the chamber walls, magnetic probes are
on the form of the function n e (r). If it is assumed used [26]. The magnetic probe is a small coil
that ne depends on r according to a parabolic law which measures the azimuthal component of the
(such an assumption is quite in line with the ex- magnetic field H^. Two such probes (gx and g2
perimental data), the mean electron density found in Fig. 13) are placed in the same transverse
by microwave interferometry should be 4/3 n e , cross-section in the equatorial plane of the cham-
where ne is the density averaged over the whole ber at equal distances from the copper casing 3 .
plasma volume. During the discharge pulse oscillograms are taken
To measure the plasma density profile, i. e. of the sum of the signals from the two probes, u x ,
the function n e (r), multichannel microwave and their difference, u 2 . Using the results of
interferometers are used to pass beams through theoretical calculations relating to the equilibrium
the plasma in two perpendicular directions [25] of the plasma loop, it is possible to establish a
(see Fig. 12). On the T-3 device up to 24 separate relationship between the magnetic probe readings
beams were used for these measurements (because and the magnitude of the displacement 6. Assum-
they are so extensive and cumbersome these data ing that the copper casing has ideal conductivity
are not included in the standard set). By process- and neglecting the effect of the slits in it on the
eddy current distribution, we have the equation:
ing the data from microwave probe measurements
one can determine ne as a function of the co-
ordinates and of time.
_ d(b 2 -a 2 ) u2 a£ a^_ b d£
" b* + d2 u7 +


where d is half the distance between the probes.

In deriving this formula we assumed that the
probe signals deriving from the vacuum trans-
verse field Hx are compensated in the measuring
Substituting expression (3. 2) in this equation for
6, we obtain an equation which relates the induct-
ance of the plasma pinch, Sf = 47rR[ln(b/a) 4-^/2]
and the parameter (i^ to the ratio u 2 / u j :

However, because of the finite conductivity of
the copper casing and the presence of slits in it,
the application of formulae (7.1) and (7.2) can re-
sult in a significant error in the determination of
FIG.12. Multichannel microwave interferometer. the parameters of the plasma loop. Formulae
containing corrections for the non-ideality of the
casing are given in Section 9, where we discuss
the results of an experimental investigation of
plasma equilibrium in Tokamak systems.
Very important in Tokamak experiments are
measurements of the so-called "diamagnetic
effect", as they yield information on the total
thermal energy content of the plasma. The dia-
magnetic effect is a decrease in the flux <j> of the
longitudinal magnetic field through the plasma
loop cross-section with increasing plasma pres-
sure, given fixed values of He and I. Let 6$ de-
note the variation in the flux of the longitudinal
field across the plasma loop cross-section occur-
ring during a discharge in the chamber. In

In cases where it is necessary to check the vertical position of
the plasma loop, i . e . its displacement relative to the equatorial plane,
FIG.13. Positions of magnetic probes. probes g 3 and g4 are also used.


Tokamak devices |60/0| « 1. Given this condition

it follows from Eq. (3. I ) 4 that
60 = [ 2 -27ra 2 p) (7.2a)

Strictly speaking, this equation is valid only for FILTER AXIAL flELO TRANSFORMER
a cylindrical plasma column. However, as has
been shown by Shafranov [27], the correction for FIG. 14. Circuit diagram for system used in measuring the diamagnetic
toroidality is insignificant under normal experi- effect on the T-3 device.
mental conditions.
Measurement of 60 enables us to find the value
of a 2 p and, consequently, the thermal energy of
the plasma, since

a2p = ^ (7.3)

where W is the thermal energy content per unit

length of the plasma loop. In principle, 60 can
be found by measuring the voltage across the ring
conductor which surrounds the plasma pinch.
Here we have to allow for the fact that the total
flux of the longitudinal field set up by the external
coils must not vary with the appearance of 60,
since the impedance of the feed sources is very FIG.15. Diamagnetic signal.
low. The main difficulty with these measurements 15 t,ms
is that the relative flux variation is only of the
order of 10- 3 . Therefore, even very slight fluc-
of milliseconds). The biggest difficulty with these
tuations in the longitudinal field strength He during
measurements lay in the fact that the initial cur-
the discharge pulse can be severely reflected in
rent pulsations occurring during operation of the
the measurements. This method of determining
ignitron rectifier (frequency 600 Hz) exceeded the
60 has a further drawback: the results of the
expected value of 6Ik by two orders of magnitude
measurements can be severely distorted with only
under normal discharge conditions. To reduce
slight changes in the orientation of the plasma loop
these pulsations a special LC-filter was inserted
in relation to the measuring circuit. This dis-
in the longitudinal magnetic field supply circuit and
advantage is almost entirely absent from another
this was switched on and off during the experiment
method of measuring 60, based on the fact that
by means of a pulse switch (as required for the
variation of the magnetic flux produces an e. m. f.
protection of the supply circuit). The filter enabled
in the plasma which changes the current passing
the current pulsation amplitude to be reduced ap-
through the longitudinal field coils. If the coil is
proximately a thousand times.
connected to a current source whose resistance
may be neglected, the following equation should In the measuring circuit described above, the
apply: oscillograph receives a signal which is proportional
to the derivative of 6Ik with respect to time. An
N60+ (7.4) additional circuit can be used for preliminary
integration of this signal, but in practice it is
where N is the total number of turns in the coils, more convenient to obtain oscillograms of the
5fk is their total inductance and Ik is the current derivative of 6Ik; it is then simpler to introduce
flowing in them. Figure 14 shows a circuit dia- the necessary corrections in the data (for example
gram of the system used for measuring the dia- the correction for the effect of the conducting
magnetic effect in the T-3 device [28]. The liner). Figure 15 shows, by way of illustration,
primary winding of the measuring transformer is the results of measurements of the diamagnetic
connected in series with the coils which generate signal for the discharge pulse on the T-3 device.
the longitudinal field. The terminals of the sec- The difference between the curves for 27rI2/c2H
ondary winding are connected to two channels: and 60 gives the value of W.
I the reference channel, and II the measuring Knowing the energy contained in the plasma we
channel. The capacitances 0 ^ 0 2 and C3 are can calculate the quantity |3V contained in formula
selected so that the reference channel passes the (3.6) for the displacement of the plasma loop
signal from the slowly rising field in the coils (j3^ = (4c 2 /3)W/l 2 ). Thus, two unknown para-
(time constant s i s ) and filters out the diamagnetic meters remain in this formula — the plasma cross-
signal (time constant of the order of several tens section radius, a, and the internal inductance of
the plasma, i 4 . If the natural assumption is
made, that in the phase where the current distri-
Assuming isotropic distribution of electron and ion velocities. bution has become steady it can be represented as

a bell-shaped curve, ^ should be near to unity. beam, to scan the scattering in the vertical direc-
On this assumption it should be possible to find tion, i. e. to measure the spectrum of radiation
the radius, a, from the displacement data ob- scattered by elements of the plasma volume situ-
tained by the magnetic probe method. However, ated along the path of the primary laser ray at
the requisite corrections must be made in the different distances from the equatorial plane (the
formulae to allow for the effect of such factors laser beam is directed along the diameter of the
as the non-ideality of the conducting casing, the plasma loop cross-section). Thanks to this it is
presence of slits in it and the effect of stray fields possible to find the dependence of Te on r.
from the iron transformer. These corrections Another method of determining Te is based on
depend on the design features of each experimental measurements of the diamagnetic effect. These
device and also on the experimental conditions (in measurements supply directly the value of the
particular the current pulse length in the plasma). integral /n e (T e +7Tj )dS, where 7 is the ratio of
Inaccuracy in their determination can bear the ion density to electron density and dS is an ele-
main responsibility for errors in the calculation ment of area of the plasma cross-section. For a
of the plasma cross-section radius and for the as- pure hydrogen or deuterium plasma 7 = 1. How-
sociated uncertainty in estimates of mean plasma ever, the presence in the plasma of multiply-
temperatures and electrical conductivity (see charged impurities reduces 7. According to a
below, Section 11). number of estimates its value fluctuates from 0. 8
A direct method of determining Te is to measure to 0. 9 in actual experimental conditions. In most
the scattering of a laser beam by the plasma. of the previously reported investigations carried
Such measurements were made on the T-3 de- out on Tokamak devices, calculations of the mean
vice by a group of scientists from the Culham value of Te on the basis of measurements of the
Laboratory (Robinson, Peacock, Forrest, diamagnetic effect relied on the following as-
Willcock), together with staff of the Atomic sumptions :
Energy Institute (Strelkov, Gorbunov, Ivanov, (a) The dependence of the electron temperature
Lysenko, AnashinandSannikov)[23, 29]. Figure 16 on r obeys a parabolic law: Te (r) = Te (0)(l - r 2 / a | ) ,
shows the layout of the measuring equipment. where a T is the "temperature radius" of the plas-
ma. In principle it can be calculated by comparing
data derived from magnetic probes with the results
of measurements of the diamagnetic effect.
(b) The ratio Ti /T e and the coefficient5 7 are
COLLECTING OPTICS AND independent of r.
VERTICAL SCAN TORUS I (c) The dependence of the electron density on r
PLASMA | also obeys a parabolic law: n e (r) =ne(0)(l - r 2 / a 2 ),
EBERT an being determined by multi-beam probing of the
\ DUMP | plasma with microwave beams. The experimental
MAJOR AXIS data obtained by this method do not differ much
SCATTERING from the accepted assumptions as to the form of
VOLUME the function n e (r). However, the radius of the
plasma loop measured from the electron density
differs slightly from the "temperature" radius aT ,
an being greater than a T . The difference between
OSCILLOSCOPES an and aT is easy to explain: an gives the limiting
size of the zone occupied by the plasma whereas
FIG. 16. Measurement of laser scattering on T-3 device. a T gives the radius of the hot zone within which the
current flows. The hot zone is narrower than the
total cross-section of the plasma owing to the pre-
sence of the diaphragm. The plasma in the zone
The light beam from the ruby laser passes through where r extends beyond the limits of the diaphragm
the T-3 chamber in the vertical direction. The orifice has a very low temperature because of the
light scattered by some small element in the intensive cooling, although n e may not be very low
plasma volume (of the order of 0. 1 cm3 ) at angles in this zone. The interaction of the plasma with
close to 90° is directed by means of an optical the edges of the diaphragm has the result that a
system to the input of an Ebert spectrometer with large proportion of the thermal flux associated
a diffraction grating. The spectrum of scattered with thermal conductivity and diffusion (i. e. with
radiation on the short wave side is divided into the charged particles) is released at the diaphragm
10 channels with a range of wavelengths 78 A wide within the limits of a narrow annular zone. There-
allocated to each of them. By means of fibre fore, if in the determination of a T we do not use
optics the light pulse from each channel is trans- the data obtained with magnetic probes (the inter-
mitted to the input of a separate photomultiplier. pretation of which is complicated by the need to
In view of the large background set up by the in- introduce a series of corrections), it may be
herent radiation of the plasma, the laser is used 5
Arbitrariness in selecting the value of y is only weakly reflected in
in a giant pulse regime. The optical system makes
the value of T e , since the ion temperature is always considerably (usually
it possible, with the aid of a prismatic periscope several times) lower than the electron temperature.
and lenses arranged in the path of the scattered

assumed that the temperature radius is approxi- nected to the outlet stub of the discharge chamber.
mately equal to the distance from the axis of the The collimator separates atoms flying along the
plasma loop to the edge of the diaphragm). Given narrow channel close to the horizontal diameter of
the above assumptions, we have the plasma loop cross-section. In the measuring
device the beam of atoms at first passes through a
section in which a transverse electrical field
n e (T e +yTl )dS = §7 screens the charged particles. Then the beam
(7.5) passes into a chamber filled with nitrogen at a
pressure of 10' 3 - 10"4 Torr. In this chamber
where n e (rad) denotes the mean electron density some of the fast atoms are ionized in collisions
measured by single-beam probing: with nitrogen molecules (the so-called stripping
process), and the ions thus recovered are analysed
for mass and energy by their deflection in the
electrical and magnetic fields. They are recorded
either with an open electronic multiplier or with a
Using formula (7. 5) we can find the mean value of
scintillation counter into which pass secondary
Te +TTJ . The greatest error in the above pro-
electrons knocked out by the ions from the target
cedure is associated with the arbitrary choice of
and accelerated by the electric field. In both
a value for a T . The effect of this can be con-
cases a count is made of the pulses produced by
siderably mitigated if, instead of calculating the
the impingement of separate particles. The ion
mean temperature over the cross-section, we find
temperature is determined from the energy spec-
the mean temperature per individual plasma elec-
trum of the charge-exchange atoms. This is a
tron. Then the calculations are independent of our
legitimate procedure provided that a local Maxwellian
choice respecting the functions Te (r) and Tj (r).
distribution characterized by uniform temperature
With this method of calculation we have
for both free and trapped particles of any velocity
direction has time to become established in the ion
__ component. In actual fact, when we use this
method we measure the energy spectrum of ions
Here we can take for Ne either the total number whose velocities form very small angles with the
of electrons per cm length of the plasma loop or plane of the plasma loop cross-section. These are
the number of electrons per cm within the inner trapped particles of a special type, for which the
section of the diaphragm. The resulting inaccuracy quantity a = (ud/vM )(H0/H(/)) may considerably ex-
in the calculation of the mean value of Te + yTj is ceed unity; their trajectories accordingly differ
no more than 15%. In normal experimental con- in form from the normal "banana" trajectories.
ditions 7T. « Tj , so that a certain degree of un- In particular, these trajectories must be greatly
certainty in the selection of the mean value of ?Tj affected by even relatively slight deviations from
(in the experiment we measure the maximum value symmetry of the longitudinal field (cf. Section 2).
of Tj ) does not_introduce any appreciable error The large vertical displacements due to drift can
in the value of Te as determined from formula make the distribution of particles belonging to this
(7. 5) or (7. 7). The mean value of Te calculated group asymmetric over the plasma volume. The
for one plasma electron exceeds the value of Te greater the energy of the particles the more pro-
averaged over the volume of the plasma loop, the nounced this asymmetry should be, since with
ratio of these two means being 1. 35-1.45. In what increasing particle energy the drift velocity rises
follows we will normally give the electron tempera- and the displacement along the y axis associated
ture averaged over the particles (not over the with it becomes larger. Some indications of
volume). the existence of such an effect have been obtained
The method of calculating Te from the diamag- in various experiments [31]. However, the data
netic effect has been in use for many years. In obtained on the asymmetry effect so far are frag-
terms of accuracy and the amount of information mentary and we are accordingly disinclined to
obtained, it is rather inferior to the direct method interpret them. From what we have said the con-
relying on Thomson scattering of a laser beam; clusion might be drawn that the results of ion
but it is simpler to perform and will therefore temperature measurements should be treated with
probably continue to be used for approximate cal- circumspection. However, recent measurements
culations in the future. on the T-6 device confirmed the validity of the
For ion temperature measurements in Tokamak above method of determining T{ (0). The value of
devices a method originally developed by Afrosimov Ti (0) was found to be the same for free and
and co-workers is employed [30]. This involves trapped particles.
measuring the energy spectrum of fast neutral In experiments with a deuterium plasma — under
atoms of hydrogen or deuterium produced during conditions where sufficiently effective heating of
charge-exchange of plasma protons (or deuterons) the ions is achieved — the maximum Tj in the
on slow atoms which enter the plasma loop from plasma pinch can also be measured from the
the surrounding space (mainly through desorption intensity of the neutron flux. Neutron radiation
of gas from the liner walls). The flux of fast has been recorded in experiments on the T-3 de-
atoms passes through a collimator with narrow vice [32]. It can be assumed fairly certainly that
slits and into the measuring device, which is con- this is due solely to the thermonuclear effect. In

the deuteron energy spectrum the proportion of Semenov [33]. At a specific moment a jet of
very fast particles is too small to generate any hydrogen is injected into a deuterium plasma by
appreciable neutron radiation through the "target" means of a pulse valve, penetrating the plasma
effect, i.e. through collisions with slow plasma pinch from above. During charge exchange of
deuterons or with deuterium atoms adsorbed on the slow hydrogen atoms on deuterium ions, deu-
the liner walls and on the edges of the diaphragm. terium atoms are formed in the surface layer of
Simple estimates have indicated that the "target" the plasma pinch which possess sufficient velocity
effect, in the conditions of the experiments per- to penetrate deep down into the plasma. The ap-
formed so far, is several orders of magnitude pearance of an additional flux of neutral atoms in
lower than the recording threshold. For recording the hot zone of the deuterium plasma causes a
neutrons, boron counters in a paraffin assembly sharp increase in the intensity of the Balmer lines
have been used. In check tests it has proved quite of the deuterium series, broadened by the Doppler
easy to separate neutron radiation from the back- effect. The radiation is observed from a zone
ground of hard X-rays. several centimetres below the equatorial plane of
To find the maximum temperature of the plasma, the plasma loop in order to reduce the contribution
T. , from the neutron flux it is normally necessary from processes taking place in the region where
to know the shape of the T4 (r) functions and the the hydrogen jet is bombarding the plasma surface
radial density distribution (this is known from the (in this region the excited deuterium and hydrogen
microwave-interferometric data). However, given atoms should have a low temperature).
the exponential dependence of the reaction rate on We would assume that, if the width of the deu-
ion temperature, any arbitrariness in the choice terium and hydrogen lines can be measured soon
of a law of temperature distribution over the loop- enough after the opening of the pulse valve, the
cross-section will be reflected slightly in the cal- deuterium lines should be broadened much more
culated values of Tj (0) at the relatively low ion than the hydrogen lines (since the hydrogen atoms
temperature values which are characteristic of will be concentrated for the most part close to the
experiments performed on the T-3A device. periphery of the plasma loop and will penetrate
Tj(O) values calculated from neutron radiation only slowly towards the centre). By measuring
intensity have shown good agreement with data the distribution of intensities over the profile of
based on analyses of the energy spectra of charge- the observed Da or Dp line we can venture an
exchange atoms. Figure 17 presents, for compari- estimate of the mean ion temperature. A draw-
son, curves showing the variation of Ti (0) during back of this method of determining the mean value
the discharge, plotted from analytical data on of Tj is the slight uncertainty in the interpretation
charge-exchange atom energies and from measure- of the results obtained. The measured spectral
ments of neutron yield, using two different assump- profile results from a superposition of lines oc-
tions regarding the shape of the Tj (r) function. curring in different elements of the plasma volume.
The contribution of individual elements to the
profile of the recorded line depends on the unknown
Ti.eV neutral atom distribution over the plasma cross-
500 section. Therefore the measured Doppler broad-
ening supplies a value for Tj corresponding to a
kind of average not very precisely determined —
taken over the various sections of the plasma
volume. None the less, the data from such
measurements can be very useful, since they
1 1 H 1 V— I 1
10 20 30 50 60 70 serve as an indicator — and permit a comparison —
t ms of the efficiency of ion heating in different experi-
FIG. 17. Variation of ion temperature during discharge: mental conditions. Hitherto this method has
Curve 1 - from data obtained by measuring the energy spectrum of produced only fragmentary results, so that it is
charge-exchange atoms; still difficult to perform a quantitative comparison
Curve 2 - from measurements of neutron yield, assuming a parabolic of these results with those supplied by the much
curve for the function Tj(r):
more widely used method based on analysis of the
Curve 3 — from neutron measurements, assuming constant Tj over
plasma cross-section.
energy spectra of charge-exchange atoms. On the
qualitative side there are no contradictions be-
tween the two groups of data (the mean value of Tj
measured by Doppler broadening is about half the
The agreement between data obtained with the two value of Tj (0) measured by the normal method).
methods described increases our confidence in the Apart from the experimental methods outlined
validity of both and relieves those doubts which
above, which make a fundamental contribution to
were expressed earlier regarding the method
our information on plasma behaviour in Tokamak
based on analysis of fast atom energy spectra.
devices, the following diagnostic methods are
To get a rough estimate of the value of Tj in the
also employed:
plasma volume we can also use measurements of
Doppler broadening of the spectral lines of hydro- (a) Intensity measurement of the spectral lines
gen and deuterium. Experiments staged for this of hydrogen and multiply-charged impurity ions
purpose have been described by Mirnov and [34,35].


(b) The bolometer method of measuring energy

losses from plasma due to electromagnetic radia-
tion and the flux of charge-exchange atoms. Low
inertia, semiconductor bolometers are used for
these measurements [36].
(c) Measurements of magnetic-field perturba-
tion and the flux of charge-exchange atoms. Low
inertia, semiconductor bolometers are used for
these measurements [36], .
6 and <p [37].
(d) Measurements of the intensity of soft X-rays
produced in bremsstrahlung (electron absorption)
and in radiative recombination processes [38]. 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40

i (e)

Let us now proceed to the experimental data ac- 10 20 30 40

cumulated in the course of investigations onTokamak
devices. The aim of these investigations is to FIG. 18. Oscillograms of T-3 discharge:
devise, by elucidating the physical mechanism of (a) current
(b) voltage
transport processes in a plasma loop (diffusion, (c) mean electron density
thermal conductivity, passage of current), effec- (d) energy content in J/cm
tive methods of obtaining a dense plasma with a (e) H a line intensity.
high ion temperature and a long energy confine-
ment time. To make a correct assessment of the
experimental data, we must bear in mind that
differences in the design and operating conditions
of the various Tokamak devices greatly affect the
choice of initial discharge conditions and are also
reflected in the characteristics of the processes
being studied.
This makes it somewhat difficult to correlate the
results obtained on the various devices.
To correlate the results of the experiments with
the basic problems of the scientific program
performed on the Tokamak devices, we shall present
the experimental material in the following order:
1. The general characteristics of the discharge
2. Results of investigation of plasma equilibrium
3. Results of investigation of plasma stability
4. Energy balance laws, for the plasma as a
whole and separately for the ion component;
5. Data characterizing the diffusion rate and the
particle confinement time in the plasma; and 4 5 6
6. Results of measurements of the electrical FIG. 19. Oscillograms of TM-3 discharge:
conductivity of plasma. Curves for variation of current, displacement 6, voltage, electron density
Because of the close connection between equilib- and Hg line intensity.
rium, stability and energy balance in plasma the
above division of experimental information is microwave-interferometer data and a curve showing
somewhat artificial, but it has its advantages for a variations in the total thermal energy content of
general survey of the investigations. the plasma, derived from an oscillogram of the
Figure 18 shows experimental data relating to diamagnetic effect. In this case we are concerned
typical experimental conditions on the T-3 device with the formation of a stable plasma loop. The
[29] (initial hydrogen pressure 10~4mm, longitudi- oscillograms show clear fluctuations only during a
nal field strength 25 kOe, maximum current 90 kA, brief period after the commencement of the pro-
current pulse length 40 ms). Apart from the oscil- cess. The intensity of radiation of neutral hy-
lograms of current, voltage and Ha line intensity, drogen in the zone far from the diaphragm de-
we present a graph showing the variation of max- creases in 5-10 ms by more than 20 times com-
imum electron density ne(0) calculated from pared with the maximum value observed in the


I field strength He- Also of significance are the

transverse controlling field strength H±,the current
pulse shape in the plasma and the vacuum con-
dition of the discharge chamber walls, which is
difficult to allow for. With an initial hydrogen
pressure exceeding pmax (see Fig. 20) many times,
the non-steady phenomena disappear. However,
in this range, because of the high plasma density,
its temperature is relatively low. The conditions
/ OHMIC WITH under which non-steady phenomena are observed
' LOW TEMPERATURE will be discussed in more detail in Section 10.


FIG.20. Zones of stable and unstable discharges.

The equilibrium conditions for plasma loops have

been studied mainly on the T-5 device [2,39,40].
A transverse cross-section of the chamber of this
device is illustrated in Fig.22. Inside the chamber,
in the space between the liner and the copper casing,
are located the control coils by means of which it
is possible to generate any time-variable Hx field
required. In particular, by varying Hx in propor-
tion to I, it is possible to obtain a time-constant
additional displacement of the pinch, 6U =bH./H (b),
of a given value.
Variation of the characteristics of the plasma
pinch during the discharge pulse has the result
that the equilibrium displacement of the pinch 6 is
a function of time. Figure 23 shows signals from
the magnetic probes u 2 , which determine 6 for
FIG.21. Current and voltage oscillograms for non-steady conditions. steady and non-steady conditions in the T-3 device
[41]. These data correspond to a case where the
supplementary transverse magnetic field H± inside
initial discharge phase. In the region of the dia-
phragm the radiation intensity also drops sharply LINER
over the same period but stays an order of magni-
tude higher than in the other sections of the dis- CASING
charge chamber.
Figure 19 shows similar oscillograms obtained
under stable conditions on the TM-3 device. The
data relate to "normal" processes, during which
the plasma pinch interacts slightly with the edges LOBES OF
of the limiting diaphragm throughout the discharge
pulse. Processes of this type occur in a relatively
narrow range of initial experimental conditions.
Figure 20 shows schematically the range of values
of I and p0 corresponding to stable conditions when
H0 = const. The restriction at low pressures is
FIG. 22. Schematic drawing of T-5 device.
associated with the absence of breakdown in the gas
whenp o <p min (in our experiments p min was
~ 5X 10" 5 Torr). Excursions beyond the limits
of the hatched zone with increasing discharge
current, just as with increasing initial hydrogen
pressure, have the effect that the process becomes
very unsteady. Figure 21 shows voltage oscillo-
grams for the non-steady process with the re-
current characteristic voltage collapse. At the
same instants intense flashes of plasma lumino-
sity are observed in the region of the diaphragm. UNSTABLE PLASMA
The range of I and p 0 values at which the process
has a steady-state character depends on several
factors, principally the geometrical dimensions of U 8 12 16 20
the plasma pinch and the longitudinal magnetic FIG.23. Displacement of plasma in stable and unstable conditions.


effect of transverse currents shorted round the

diaphragm was neglected.
Calculations indicate that the presence of a t r a n s -
1.2 verse break in the casing, assuming the latter to
have ideal conductivity, is equivalent to the intro-
duction of an additional transverse field of intensity

OX H10) (9.1)

I I I where Hj. is the transverse field set up in the

10 20 30 t,ms plasma pinch volume by internal and external con-
FIG.24. Variation of 0^ during discharge. ductors in the absence of a casing, H x o is the
equilibrium confining transverse field given by
formula (3.6), and 6eff is the effective width of the
gap, which considerably exceeds its actual width.
the discharge chamber was close to zero. In Formula (9.1) was checked in special model
steady conditions there is a gradual increase in experiments on the T-5 and TM-3 devices. The
the displacement of the plasma loop outwards. In plasma pinch was modelled with a thin current-
non-steady conditions relaxation-type oscillations carrying ring conductor. The results of the mea-
are observed on the displacement curve 6 (t). The surements were in good agreement with the theo-
smooth outward drift of the plasma pinch is inter- retical data.
rupted by a sharp veer inwards followed by a fresh In order to allow for the effect of the gaps in the
outward drift, and so on. The inward veering of casing, h should be substituted in formula (3.2)
the pinch coincides in time with sharp undershoots for 6. This leads to a certain change in formulae
on the voltage oscillogram. (7.1 and 7.2), which relate the pinch displacement
Substituting the magnetic probe readings in for- 6 and the sum (Sf /47rR) + /3 to the readings of the
mula (7.2), one can establish that the outward magnetic probes. In the absence of additional
movement of the pinch is associated with an in- transverse magnetic fields the above formulae then
crease in the sum (5f/47rR)+/3(/); when the pinch assume the form
veers inwards the value of this sum abruptly
As already indicated, /B^ can be determined in- d b' - U a2 b
6= 2 + 1
dependently from measurements of flux variations 2 2
ux +
2R ln
b + d
6 0 in the longitudinal magnetic field. A typical
curve for the change of jS^ with time in steady
conditions on the T-3 device is shown in
Fig. 24. /3«p varies little during the phase of current
rise in the plasma and increases rapidly in the 2R d/ 1+a 2R
final stage of the discharge pulse when the current
in the plasma is decaying. In non-steady con-
ditions the value of /3<p fluctuates; it increases 2Rd ^_
before the moment of voltage collapse and drops 4?rR 2 2 u
b +d
thereafter. The amplitude of these oscillations,
as a rule, is very low.
A detailed comparison of the results of probe and
(9 3
diamagnetic measurements shows that variations - >
of $v alone cannot explain the the above features in
the behaviour of the sum (Sf/^irR)+^(p, i . e . it must
be concluded that the inductance of the plasma where a = 6eff /2TTR. The value of a varies from one
pinch £? varies during the discharge. In steady device to another: 0.17 in T-3, 0.07 in TM-3 and
conditions S? is an increasing function of time. 0.4 in T - 5 . Longitudinal slits in the casing, if
In non-steady conditions the pinch inductance in- positioned with cp = o, IT do not appreciably upset the
creases in the intervals between voltage collapse distribution of the image currents induced in it and
and decreases abruptly at the moment of collapse. the effect of these gaps on the pinch equilibrium
Analysis of the experimental data shows that these conditions should therefore be negligibly small.
variations in inductance must be due mainly to The longitudinal joints assume significance when
changes in the cross-sectional radius of the plasma 9 = ± 7r/2, as is the case in the T-5 device. Thanks
pinch. This conclusion is confirmed by photo- to this the value of the summary coefficient a calcu-
graphs of light scans of the plasma pinch [42]. lated for this device is approximately 0.75.
It should be noted that the formulae used in pro- Analysis of expressions (9.2) and (9.3) shows
cessing the probe measurements were derived on that neglecting the effect of the gaps can greatly
the assumption that the conducting casing has distort the absolute values of 6 and (Sf/AirR) +^(p
infinite conductivity and no gaps. In addition, the determined from the magnetic probe readings but


does not change the qualitative character of the 6

(opt I
6 H -M6 H
H= 6 H
above relationships. The magnitude of the e r r o r 160
depends on the strength of the additional transverse J40
magnetic field. It can be reduced to zero if the >
currents inthe controlling conductors are so selected _ 0
that the field they produce (in the absence of a
casing) is equal to the equilibrium confining field.
The effect of the finite conductivity of the casing
on the results of the measurements can be esti- «. 0
mated from Eq.(3.8). These evaluations show
that, if the effect of finite conductivity is neglected o
in treating the results of the probe measurements, 3
the value of (£f/4wR) + /3<p at the end of the process
is somewhat overestimated.
Let us consider now the effect of the diaphragm
on the equilibrium displacement of the plasma
pinch. The size of the pinch radius, with the pinch 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
t,ms t,ms t,ms
in equilibrium, should obviously satisfy the condition
FIG.25. Oscillograms of discharges on T-5 device with different
6 -6, (9.4) controlling fields.

where bd is the radius of the diaphragm aperture

and 6d is the displacement of the centre of the tf.CGSE 'max Bo 5
1S 21k A 6kOe tfxitf*
diaphragm aperture relative to the centre of the 3-10 + 17kA 6kO«
casing cross-section. This condition, given fixed UkA 6kO< Aflxitf"
values of fi^, £j and 6H, determines the range of
values of a at which the pinch can be in equilibrium.
The width of the equilibrium diagram with respect
to 6H decreases as the curvature of the torus and
the number of joints in the casing increase. In
particular, on the T-5 device, where R/b=2.5 and
the longitudinal joints are situated at 9 = ± ir/2, it
is noticeably narrower than on the T-3 device.
This is reflected in the fact that in the T-5 device
the dependence of the plasma parameters on 6H is
stronger than in the other devices. Figure 25
shows oscillograms of the discharge pulse taken
on the T-5 device for three different values of Hx
(the initial discharge conditions remained constant).
The smooth oscillograms for voltage and other
discharge characteristics are obtained for values - 6 - 4 - 2 2 4 6
of 6H corresponding to the quantities a/bd = 1 on
the equilibrium diagram. Increasing 6H by a factor
of 1.5 or 2, and also complete disconnection of the FIG.26. Variation of plasma electrical conductivity with displacement.
controlling field, results in destabilization of the
discharge. Selection of a value for 6H has a power-
ful effect on the electrical conductivity of the plasma 40 -
Note that, according to the equilibrium diagram,
there should normally be no equilibrium states of

J •
the plasma pinch in T-5 when the controlling field
is disconnected. None the less, the plasma energy
confinement time in these discharge conditions
exceeds by more than an order of magnitude the "o 0

time Tn «N/(mjaR)/k(T e + T J , which characterizes
the plasma loss rate in the absence of equilibrium.
This means that some mechanism which we have -20 -
not allowed for must be participating in the main-
tenance of equilibrium. The mechanism in question
may be a shorting of the transverse drift currents
-40 •
through the diaphragm and the walls of the dis-
charge chamber — an assumption which is
strengthened by the dependence of the current I 3 2 1 0 - 1
in the circuit through the diaphragm on the magni- 6H/6H(optimum)
tude of 6H (Fig. 27). With optimum 6 H (centre column FIG.27. Variation of current on diaphragm with plasma displacement.


of the oscillograms on Fig. 25) the current passing this case p (| » p x . Such a situation might occur,
between the plasma and the diaphragm is small and for example, if a beam of relativistic electrons,
its effect on plasma equilibrium conditions in the scattered by the electric field and carrying a con-
main discharge phase can be disregarded. A tran- siderable proportion of the longitudinal current,
sition to values of 6H at which the equilibrium were present in the plasma.
should be broken leads to a sharp increase in the
current I K . In these conditions the current passing
between the diaphragm and the liner is also con- 10. PLASMA STABILITY
siderable, which indicates that part of the drift IN THE TOKAMAK
currents may also pass through the liner.
Calculations show that when Ix=£ 0 the equilibrium As we pointed out in Section 5, the plasma loop
displacement of the pinch must be in a Tokamak device should be stable when q(a) is
high enough. In steady-state conditions with a
bell-shaped current density distribution it is suf-
6 = 6n (9.5)
ficient for q(a) to exceed 3.
Experimental data are in agreement with this
prediction. With a large value of q (a) the oscil-
lation level on oscillograms of the electrical and
where 60 is determined from expression (3.2) and optical characteristics of the process is low, which
the coefficient £ is (a(b 2 - a2)/8R) cH e . The is a qualitative indication of the stability of the
dependence of the pinch displacement 6 on the process. A quantitative indication of stability is
transverse current Ix has been investigated on the provided by the mean energy confinement time in
T-5 device. Two metal strips were inserted into the plasma, T^, since this value is a direct mea-
the plasma pinch in its upper and lower parts and sure of the efficiency of the magnetic confinement
a voltage from an external source was applied of the plasma. Figure 28 gives data showing the
between these strips. The relationship between 6 relationship between TE and the current on the T-3
and IJL/I 2 obtained in these experiments was linear, device [44]. These data relate to a fixed moment
in agreement with formula (9. 5), and the coefficient of time after the start of the process and were ob-
of proportionality was close to the theoretical. tained for different values of H e . The experimental
Thus currents shorted through the diaphragm are points corresponding to each value of HQ are joined
significant for the confinement of a plasma pinch by separate solid lines. Curve (1) relates to the
only when the conducting casing and the additional minimum longitudinal field strength, curve (3) to
transverse magnetic fields are not capable of en- the maximum value of H 0 . If He is fixed, TE in-
suring plasma equilibrium. In this case the dis- creases with rising I to a specific limit dependent
charge characteristics have a clearly non-steady on H0 and then falls off rapidly. With increasing
form. In steady-state discharge conditions, i . e . H0 the value of TE continues to increase up to the
in the absence of appreciable fluctuations on the next peak and so on. The positions of the peaks
voltage oscillograms, these currents play a small roughly correspond to q ( a ) » 3 , i . e . the point at
part only at the very beginning and at the very end which the stability boundary of the plasma loop is
of the pulse process, when the longitudinal current crossed.
in the plasma is small. Additional information on plasma stability can be
The main difficulty in elucidating the precise obtained by analysing the correlation between oscil-
balance of forces acting on the pinch along its major lations of the current magnetic field H^ at different
radius lies in the fact that at the present time we points close to the surface of the plasma loop [37].
do not have independent methods of measuring A system consisting of numerous magnetic probes
values such as £. and p ( l . If we assume that the located at various points of the plasma loop and
plasma pressure is isotropic, i . e . that the longi-
tudinal pressure pn is equal to the transverse
pressure p± determined from diamagnetic mea-
surements, then in most cases the inductance of
the pinch gj obtained from H field asymmetry
measurements is in reasonable agreement with the
natural assumption that the pinch radius is limited
by the diaphragm (a=bd - 6), and the current density 34k0e
is distributed according to a near-parabolic law
(Hi «1). However, in experiments on the TM-3
device with high initial hydrogen pressure, a range
of discharge conditions was discovered which did Hg=26kOe
not fit into this simple scheme [43]. The sum
Hi + 8n ( pn +p x )/H 2 determined from magnetic probe
readings was anomalously large (~2 - 7 when
87rp^/H|~0.2). TO explain this effect with isotro-
pic plasma pressure, one might assume the presence 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
I max.kA
in the plasma of reverse longitudinal currents.
More likely, however, is the assumption that in FIG.28. Energy conservation time versus current on T-3 device.


along its azimuth is used for this purpose. With I the perturbations with m = 3 become unstable; as
it one can analyse the oscillations not only in terms they develop, breaks occur in the voltage oscillo-
of frequency but also in terms of geometric mode. grams and flashes of hydrogen luminescence start
In normal experimental conditions the current in to occur, indicating a strong interaction of the
the plasma undergoes a relatively sharp increase plasma with the diaphragm and the liner walls.
in the initial discharge phase and then changes The maximum current perturbations (azimuthal
slowly. Analysis of the oscillations recorded by non-uniformity) amount to 0.5 - 1 kA.
the probe system shows that in the current rise A possible explanation for this change in the na-
phase oscillations with azimuthalmodes m =... 6,5,4 ture of the process is that when q(a) attains a cer-
and longitudinal mode = 1 develop successively in tain value between 2 and 3, the magnitude of q in
the surface layer of the plasma. Each mode of the axial zone becomes less than 1. Consequently,
oscillation attains a maximum amplitude at some the stability in the central zone may be disrupted.
instant and then decays, giving place to the fol- On the basis of this assumption we might expect
lowing one with lower m number (see Fig. 29). The that, if the current were sharply increased, starting
oscillations occur at the instants when m passes from the quasi-steady state with q(a)>3, then
through integral values. These oscillatory pro- during some phase before the bell-shaped current
cesses have a regular character and do not disrupt distribution was re-established stable confinement
the stability of the plasma loop as a whole. F r e - of the plasma would be observed with 2 < q (a) < 3.
quency and phase analysis of the oscillations shows The pulse shape shown in Fig. 30 should correspond
that they are waves travelling over the plasma to a process of this kind. Under these conditions
surface in the azimuthal direction. The linear the perturbation with m = 3 should appear at a cer-
velocity of these waves is 1-3 X 105 c m / s . It is tain instant and then be damped.
natural to assume that what is taking place here is
a rotation of the surface layers of the plasma in
the crossed Er and Ho fields. On this assumption
the intensity of the radial electrical field E r is of
the order of several tens of V/cm and the plasma
is positively charged. From the modulation one
can judge what fraction of the current participates
in these perturbations of the plasma surface: it
20 60
is less than 1% of the total current in the plasma.


50 20 40 t,ms

FIG.30. Regime with secondary current rise.

Experiments have confirmed the possibility of

such an excursion into the range of lower q(a)
values. However, the question as to how long a
plasma can be stably confined with a stability
margin close to 2 has not yet been adequately
The facts outlined above also admit of another
interpretation [45, 16], according to which the onset
of instability is associated not with a violation of
«»_/ the criterion q ( r ) > l deep within the plasma loop,
but with the occurrence of large-scale surface
FIG.29. Perturbations in initial stage of discharge. waves in the cold outer layer of the plasma close
to resonance values of q(a) = m. The experimental
data available at the present time are inadequate
When q(a)>3 the perturbations occur only in the to allow a choice between the two hypotheses. How-
current rise phase. They are absent throughout ever, in connection with the experiments we have
the greater part of the discharge pulse. If with the been discussing, one remark of a general nature
same discharge pulse shape the peak current is should be made. The behaviour of the plasma with
raised to a level where q(a)<3, the perturbation q ^ 3 must be greatly affected by the choice of a
with mode m = 4 will be followed by a third mode current time-variance law: because of the skin
whose domain can encompass a considerable part effect, the form of the I(t) function has a direct
of the discharge pulse. With a further increase in influence on the radial current density profile, on


which depends the magnetohydrodynamic stability 11. PLASMA ENERGY BALANCE IN TOKAMAK
of the loop.
Plasma instability in Tokamak devices may have The efficiency of magnetic confinement on the
origins other than the one we have described, viz. Tokamak devices must be assessed from an ana-
a certain limiting value of I being exceeded for a lysis of the plasma energy balance [46]. The
given H e . An unusual form of stability disturbance energy balance equation takes the form
is observed when the intensity of the supplemen-
tary controlling field Hx is so selected that the
displacement 6 is too large and increases with dW . W
time. In these conditions the plasma pinch is dis-
placed outwards and may enter into a strong inter-
action with the diaphragm at some moment. On where W is the thermal energy of the plasma
the voltage oscillograms the times at which these and Q the Joule losses. Both these values will
interactions take place are marked by sharp voltage be referred to unit length of the plasma loop.
drops (see Fig. 21). Analysing the whole set of The parameter TE denotes the mean thermal ener-
oscillograms for the process, we find that at these gy confinement time in the plasma (with no divi-
instants the cross-sectional radius, a, increases sion into plasma components). To find TE we need
abruptly so that a sudden cooling of the plasma and to know the energy content of the plasma (as a
a subsequent contraction of the loop (reduction of function of time) and the Joule losses. The first
displacement) ensues. To avoid these effects one of these quantities can be determined by two in-
must make a correct choice of the Hx versus time dependent methods: (1) from measurements of the
relationship (see Fig. 31, which shows the shape diamagnetic effect and (2) from measurements of
of the HJL (t) curve in normal experimental conditions Te by laser scattering, of Tj from the energy
on the T-3 device). However, even in cases where spectrum of charge-exchange atoms and of n e
optimum variance of Hj_ is selected this type of from data obtained by microwave interferometer
instability may still appear. It occurs when, with analysis, or from measurements of the absolute
intensity of scattered laser radiation. The results
obtained with these two methods of determining
W are in satisfactory agreement [29] (see Fig. 32).
However, in cases where not only the maximum
value of Te on the axis of the plasma loop but also
the radial electron temperature distribution is
80 measured by laser scattering, the second method
yields a more accurate value for W. The value of
Q, equal to Rjl 2 where Ri is the plasma loop
resistance per cm (length), can be found from the

I2RX = IE - (11.2)
10 20 30 t,ms

FIG.31. Variation of transverse controlling field during discharge.

where I is the current and E is the longitudinal
electric field strength (I and E in the c. g. s.

given values of I and HQ the mean value of the
plasma electron density exceeds a certain critical
value nK(nK increases with rising I and Hfl.)
It also depends on the vacuum conditions in the
chamber and may vary in the course of a long
series of discharge pulses, decreasing as the
plasma becomes contaminated with impurities
from the walls. In typical experimental conditions
on the T"3 device, with a properly conditioned
chamber and basic parameters I«100 kA and
H e « 25-30 kOe, the value of nK is 4 X 10 13 cm" 3 .The
reason for the deterioration in stability with in-
creasing plasma density is still unclear. One pos-
sible explanation is that the increase in nK reduces -wL
the temperature of the plasma surface layers, FIG.32. Comparison of energy stored in the plasma, calculated from
thereby initiating the development of resistive laser, microwave and corpuscular measurements, with energy determined
instabilities. by the diamagnetic effect.


The quantity Si, denoting the inductance of the

plasma loop per unit length, is equal to

= 21n^ (11.3)
a 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36

In this formula Ai is the internal inductance of the

plasma (per unit length). An error can be intro-
duced in the calculation of £?i by the inaccuracy
with which the radius of the plasma loop cross-
section a is known. In the experiments performed
8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
on the T-3 device up till 1969, formulae were
used, derived in plasma-loop equilibrium theory, FIG.33. Discharge current and variation of electron temperature with
for the case where the copper casing has infinite time on the T-3 device.
conductivity and no slits, to calculate a from
the readings of the magnetic probes and the
measurements of other electrical parameters.
However, as we have shown above, for real ex-
perimental conditions appreciable corrections Te(O)
must be introduced in the formulae of the idealized
theory; otherwise low values of a would be obtained.
Measurements of the radial electron tempera-
ture distribution by means of laser scattering [29] 1.0
have shown that on the T-3 device the value of a
differs little from the radius of the diaphragm 0.5 •
aperture (a - 17 cm). At the same time, the value
of a hardly varies during the discharge pulse. On
the TM-3 device the radius of the plasma cross-
1 2 3 4 5-10IJn(0)crtis
section is always taken to be equal to the radius
of the diaphragm aperture (a = 8 cm) since the FIG.34. Variation of electron temperature with density.
magnetic probe method has not been used there.
The internal inductance of the plasma loop ^
depends on the current density distribution j(r)
in the plasma. In that phase of the process where
the skin effect ceases to play a significant part,
the current density is proportional to the local
value of electrical conductivity, crE. If aE changes
with temperature according to the classical law
( a E ~ T e ^ ) , the current density distribution is
governed by the shape of the function Te (r). As
will be shown later, this holds true even in the
more general case where the resistance has an
anomalous value and where the coefficient of
"anomalousness" is a function of the ratio between
electron drift velocity u = .j/ne and the speed of
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 l.kA
sound in the plasma, vs = N/2kTe/me. With the
above assumption as to the relationship between FIG.35. Variation of electron temperature with current.
j(r) and Te(r), measurements of the electron
temperature profile in T-3 give for 4j a value
of approximately 1. 10. Consequently, with
b = 25 cm and a = 17 cm the inductance of the
plasma loop per unit length will be 1. 76. Cal-
culations for specific cases show that the error Te(r)
which may affect the estimate of inductance in
that phase of the process where the current is
changing slowly can lead to a relative inaccuracy
of the order of 15-20% in determining the mean
energy conservation time TE.
Let us consider now the results of experiments
on the plasma energy balance. As we have men-
tioned above, the relatively most accurate values
for plasma energy content W are obtained from FIG.36. (a) Radial distribution of electron temperature.
measurements of the electron temperature and (b) Radial distribution of electron density.
density distributions over the plasma loop cross- (c) Radial profile of variation of gas kinetic plasma pressure.


section. Figure 33 shows typical curves for the where WL is the kinetic energy content of the
electron temperature along the axis of the plasma plasma per unit length for the component of mo-
loop as a function of time for the T-3 device [29]. tion perpendicular to the magnetic field.
The quantity Te(0) attains a maximum in the range The dependence of Wx on I 2 in a steady thermal
from 15 to 20 ms after the start of the discharge regime is shown in Fig. 37. The broken line in
pulse. Figures 34 and 35 show the dependence of this figure is plotted from the formula
Te(0) on electron density, with constant I, and the
dependence of Te(0) on I, with constant electron
2?ra 2 p = 0 . 4 I 2 (11.6)
density, and it will be seen that neTe ~ I 2 . The
electron temperatures on the plasma axis in T-3,
over the range of ne and I values investigated, lie i.e. it corresponds to P(p= 0.4. The experi-
between 0. 2 and 2 keV. All the data quoted here mental points are grouped in a band close to the
were obtained for discharge regimes in which the straight line with a relative scatter of ± 25% on
plasma pinch is macroscopically stable. Within the y-axis. The value of /3V varies in the phase
this range the electron temperature is practically of steady thermal conditions and increases to-
independent of the longitudinal magnetic field wards the end of the process when the current
strength H0— in accordance with the results of begins to decay rapidly.
diamagnetic measurements obtained earlier [44].
Measured distributions of Te over the radius r
are given in Fig. 36a. These relate to that phase J/cm
of the process where the electron temperature
and the energy content are near maximum. The 3.0 o /
distribution is independent, within wide limits, of o°
the initial experimental conditions. The radial
electron temperature distribution profile is well
described by the function
2.0 o
y /

( 0 ) 1 - IT (11.4)

0 5 1 0 1 5 ^ 0 * V
This function differs from a simple parabolic law
FIG.37. Variation of plasma energy content with current.
above all by its flatter peak. (The function Te(r)
in the ST facility (the Princeton Tokamak) has a
sharper profile [66]). Note that further refine-
ment of the electron temperature profile in the In the initial discharge phase — for the first
zone close to the axis is important, since this few milliseconds — we would expect the tempera-
profile is determined by the relationship between ture distribution to reflect the influence of the skin
the electron thermal conductivity coefficient /ce effect: the temperature should have a minimum on
and the magnetic field. We shall return to this the centre line. This effect has been recorded in
question a little later. We should observe that, several experiments and Fig. 38 shows the variation
with the measured profile, the mean electron over the radius 4 ms after the start of the discharge.
temperature over the cross-section is 0. 53 Te(0)
whereas the mean value per single plasma elec-
tron is 0. 76 Te(0).
Figure 36b shows a typical electron density pro- Te(r)
file for the same phase of the process. It is well
approximated by an expression similar to Eq.(11.4).
Figure 36c is a curve showing the variation of gas
kinetic pressure of the plasma, p(r) = nk (Te + yT{), \ Q
o V
based on values for Te measured by laser scat-
tering, values for Tj from the spectrum of charge- Q5
exchange atoms and values of ne from data obtained
by microwave interferometer analysis and measure-
ments of the absolute value of the intensity of \
Thomson scattering. The same radial distribu-
10 20 cm
tion law is used for both ion and electron tempera-
tures. The value of y is taken as equal to 1. FIG. 38. Profile of T e (r) at initial stage of discharge.
Averaging p(r) over the plasma cross-section we
can find the quantity
Thomson, scattering measurements were not
performed on the TM-3 device. Therefore, we
D _ 87rp = 2?ra p 2Wj. can estimate the electron temperature and the
<p (11.5)
~ H2(a) I2 " I2 plasma energy content only from measurements


of the diamagnetic effect, which supply less com- Since W = (3/2)?ra?p, it follows from expressions
plete and less accurate information than measure- (11.6) and (11. 7) that
ments of Te with a laser beam. According to the
data of Bobrovsky and co-workers [47] the de-
pendence of Te on I and n e is qualitatively similar (U.8)
to that found in measurements on the T-3, but the
values of 0^ on the TM-3 evidently cover a wider
range (0. 2-0. 6), increasing as the electron den- As the characteristic time of the skin effect for
sity. A clear dependence of Te and W on He was a plasma loop with a large R/a ratio and uniform
also observed on the TM-3 device6. conductivity we can write
Let us now consider certain corollaries ensuing
from the experimental evidence on Te and W. Here
we shall be referring largely to the results of in- T
skin (11. 9)7
vestigations performed on theT-3 device [48].
The experimental data show that the plasma loop
loses energy mainly through electron thermal Consequently, for steady thermal conditions we
conductivity. (As the discussions of Madison have
showed, this opinion is not generally accepted).
Diffusion and radiation make a relatively small
0 . 3 T,skin (11.10)
contribution to the thermal losses. This follows
from measurements of particle lifetime in the
plasma (here the interpretation of the results In typical experimental conditions on the T-3 de-
obtained by Soviet and United States research vice the mean energy conservation time is from
workers is different) (see Section 13) and measure- 2. 5 to 10 ms. With a high electron temperature,
ments of the energy flux due to radiation and T£ increases as the electron density and is a slow-
charge-exchange [49]. The energy leaving the ly varying function of Te (the anomalous character
plasma by way of the ions (through ion thermal of the plasma electrical conductivity is reflected
conductivity), in normal experimental conditions here). On TM-3 the values of TE fall within the
with high temperature and not too high a density, range 0. 3 to 1. 5 ms, also increasing with r^.
also plays a relatively minor part in the overall At the present time it is difficult to say whether
plasma energy balance. The ion component ener- the rough conformity which emerges from ex-
gy balance will be discussed in more detail in the pressions (11. 8) and (11. 10) reflects some physi-
following paragraph. Since Te and W are virtually cal mechanism,linking the rate the heat transfer
independent of H e , we may conclude that the longi- processes with the rate at which the magnetic
tudinal magnetic field plays a secondary role in field penetrates the plasma, or whether it is a pure
the electron thermal conductivity mechanism. coincidence. Let us assume that the first assump-
It is natural to expect the electron thermal con- tion is correct and carry our enquiry further in an
ductivity of the plasma to be a function of the attempt to find the relationship between the heat
current magnetic field strength. The value of H^ transfer rate and the main physical parameters.
covers a wide range over the plasma cross- We shall perform this analysis on a rough quali-
section — from 0 on the axis to a certain maxi- tative level. Let nE denote the mean electron
mum value close to the plasma boundary. There- thermal diffusivity coefficient over the plasma
fore the nature of the relationship between the cross-section (which is equal to the thermal con-
thermal conductivity coefficient and H^ must have ductivity coefficient divided by the heat capacity).
a marked effect on the electron temperature pro- With steady thermal conditions we have
file. Before analysing the relationship between
the profile, Te(r), and the dependence of the ther- a2
mal conductivity coefficient on H^, attention must (11.11)
be given to certain consequences which flow from
a joint consideration of the energy balance equa-
tion — expression (11. 1) — and the relation in From expressions (11.8) and (11. 11) it follows that
Eq. (11.6). In steady-state thermal conditions the
value of W changes little. In this range of time (11.12)
6 a,
we have

The electrical conductivity of the plasma is deter-

W (11.7) mined by the expression
Tra a .

where aE is the mean electrical conductivity of
the plasma over the plasma loop cross-section. 7
Over this interval of time the current which initially flowed in the
thin surface layer of the uniform conductor is redistributed so that the
ratio of the current densities on the axis and in the surface layer attains
At low electron densities. l - l / e = 0.63.


where v is the "generalized" collision frequency, Here it is assumed that in the thermal balance
allowing for all types of collisions of electrons of the electron component we can disregard dif-
with ions and plasma waves. Substituting ex- fusion and radiation processes as well as energy
pression (11. 13) into relation (11. 12) we find transfer from electrons to ions.
Note that the relationship between the thermal
conductivity coefficient and H^ which we have
(11.14) employed correctly describes the behaviour of
the Te(r) function in the "hot zone" of the plasma
loop where it has a flat peak. In fact, when
We should note here that the relationship in Ke~ l / r the first derivative of the temperature
Eq. (11. 6) ean be written in the form is proportional to r 3 , so that the dependence of
T e on r in the central zone must take the form
Te(r) = Te(0) (1 -/jr 4 + . . . ) . For small values of
nJcTp(l+?)~2X (11.15) r / a this expansion is valid no matter what the na-
ture of the relationship between v and the physical
parameters (provided, of course, that v remains
Here n e i s density averaged over the cross-section, a continuous function of r). According to Eq. (11.4)
Te is the mean electron temperature for one plasma the coefficient \x is equal to 2a"4. Substituting ex-
electron and H^ is the mean square current mag- pressions (11. 19) and (11. 20) in the thermal con-
netic field strength calculated on the assumption ductivity equation, allowing for the fact that with
that the electron temperature profile is expressed j ~ T3/2'the current density on the axis is
by formula (11. 4) and that the current density is j 0 = 2. 2 I/ffa2, and using the experimentally deter-
distributed in proportion to T 3 / 2 . In this case mined relationship between ne(0)Te(0) and I2, we
H2^ - H^(a), and ? denotes the ratio YTi/Te. Sub- find that \x - 20 (l/Ba 4 ). Consequently, B = 10 and
stituting in (11. 14) the expression for n e from
Eq. (11.15), we obtain (when £ « 1)
(r)~10 pL(r) (11.21)
rt-^^vf? (11.16)
The accuracy of this formula depends on how
2 correctly expression (11.4) approximates the
where p is the mean square Larmor radius of
behaviour of T e (r) for not too large values of
an electron in the H^ field. If a correction is
r (in the zone where r 4 /a 4 « 1). We should
introduced in the ion temperature, the numerical
also bear in mind that formula (11. 21) was derived
coefficient in formula (11. 16) is increased to 5
on the basis of a specific assumption as to the r e -
or 6. It is natural to assume that the local value of
lationship between j (r) and Te(r). Thus, through
rjEwill be expressed by the same formula, v and
an analysis of the data on the energy balance of
p2 being replaced by the values v(r) and p^e(r).
the plasma electron component, we arrive at an
Clearly, with the extremely rough estimates and
expression for the thermal conductivity coefficient
random averaging performed here it is easy to
which is very reminiscent of the well-known clas-
gain or lose a numerical coefficient of the order
sical formula8. The difference between them is
of 2. Accordingly we will write the local value
that instead of a resultant field strength approxi-
of 1E(r) as
mately equal to HQ we have H ? here, and instead
of the Coulomb collision frequency we have the
"generalized" frequency v(r) which is determined
rjE(r) = (11.17) from measurements of the electrical conductivity.
There is also a further numerical coefficient lying
and attempt to determine B by another method, between 5 and 10. It may be that this coefficient
using data on the profile of the Te(r) function. The is not universal but depends on the geometrical
thermal conductivity equation for steady thermal parameters of the plasma loop (on the ratio a/R).
conditions takes the form We should also note that in expressions (11. 16)
and (11.21) the factor l/j3^ is present in implicit
form. Since all our experimental data indicate
dT that 0^ increases with the electron density (especial-
dr ly in the low-density range), the numerical coef-
ficient in the formula for 17 g must decrease as r e
3 3nkBi/(r)kTe(r)c2
= e2H2(r)


jf_ _ 2 m e y(r)c 2 (11. 20) With every reservation as to the extremely rough nature of these
n e evaluations.


as a superposition of two exponential functions

corresponding to two values of ion temperature.
However, the further we move along the energy
6*10.5 ms spectrum towards the high-energy region, the
13.5^ 18 ms more clearly we can distinguish a simple exponent
| corresponding to the maximum ion temperature
• • • • 23r 27.5 ms
Tj(0), i. e. the ion temperature on the plasma loop
Let us consider now the energy balance of the
ion component of the plasma loop [51]. As was
iff •=330eV shown above, analysis of the energy spectrum
curve for the fast atoms formed in charge-
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 WJ eV exchange processes enables us to determine the
maximum ion temperature, i. e. the value Tj(0).
FIG. 39. Energy spectrum of charge-exchange atoms on the T-3 device. Measurements performed on the T-3 and TM-3
devices show that at sufficient densities T4 (0) in-
creases with n e . Moreover, other things being
equal, the ion temperature in a deuterium plasma
12. ION TEMPERATURE AND ENERGY will be lower than in a hydrogen plasma. These
BALANCE OF THE ION COMPONENT facts strengthen the assumption that a major con-
tribution to the heating of the ion component is
Typical measurements of the atom energy made by the classical mechanism of heat transfer
spectrum in T-3 are shown in Fig. 39 [50], The between electrons and ions by way of Coulomb
curves were obtained by averaging data for the collisions. We shall employ this assumption as a
time range 12-28 ms after the start of the pro- working hypothesis and neglect the effect of other
cess. In this phase the plasma ion temperature possible mechanisms of ion heating. The thermal
can be regarded as practically stable, so that energy transmitted from electrons and ions, per
averaging over a relatively short period cannot cm3 of plasma per sec is 9
essentially change the form of the spectrum. In
the high-energy zone (above 0. 5 keV) the spectral
' i q nnn 9 ev
" iv
(19 i\
distribution is well approximated by an exponential 3/
T3/2 X
function. This can be described as a Maxwellian
distribution corresponding to a specific tempera- where Aj is the atomic weight of the material (a
ture value. As Wj decreases, the slope of dn/dWj plasma with singly-charged ions is being con-
increases sharply. This points to the presence sidered). Expression (12. 1) can be reduced to the
in the atom spectrum of components with consider- form
ably lower temperature (and higher intensity).
The interpretation of such an energy spectrum pre-
sents no difficulties if it is remembered that the = 1. 5 xlO" f ^ (12.2)

charge-exchange processes in the plasma loop may

have a multistage character. Neutral atoms (or
molecules) entering the plasma from the sur- where
rounding space have comparatively low velocities. 3/2
Therefore, they have time to penetrate deep within
the plasma and can undergo charge exchange only
in a relatively thin layer close to the surface of the
loop. The energy spectrum of the atoms produced When T ev /T iv goes from 1. 6 to 10, the quantity
f(Tev /T iv ) changes by not more than 15% in relation
during these charge-exchange events characterizes
to the mean value of s 0.33. In Tokamak experi-
the ion temperature in the surface layer (not more
mental conditions the ratio Tev /T iv is usually in
than 3-5 cm thick). It is precisely these atoms
the above range. For approximate evaluations,
which contribute to the initial part of the observed
therefore, we can put
energy distribution function. However, not all
atoms born in the first charge-exchange event 2
move outwards from the plasma pinch. Those ne
q. s (12.4)
with an inward-directed velocity can penetrate A,
deep within the loop as they have velocities several
times exceeding those of the neutral particles bom- Tev is not included in this expression. It follows
barding the plasma surface. On undergoing a that in normal conditions the ion energy balance
secondary charge-exchange in the inner zones of can be analysed without regard to the electron
the plasma they produce the component which is energy balance, and this makes the analysis a lot
•responsible for the tail of the distribution curve easier. The energy losses in the ion component
in the high-energy zone. Since contributions to are due to three different processes: thermal
the energy spectrum are made by plasma regions
with different temperatures, the measured energy
distribution curve cannot be interpreted simply The Coulomb logarithm is taken to be 17.


conductivity, diffusion and charge-exchange. The

experimenta data indicate (see Section 13) that the
contributions of diffusion and charge-exchange are
relatively small (the lifetime of a charged particle • Hj-T-3
in the plasma is several times greater than the - a-T-3
- Og-T-4
energy confinement time in the ion component). • K-TM-3
Consequently we may assume, as a first approxi- - K-T-6
mation, that the ions give off thermal energy only
via the thermal conductivity of the plasma.
To analyse the relationship between ion tempera-
ture and the other physical parameters of the pro-
cess, namely plasma current, axial field strength,
electron density and the geometric dimensions of
the plasma loop, we can use the results of theo-
retical studies carried out with a view to explain- FIG.40. Dependence of ion temperature on plasma parameters:
ing the different mechanisms of thermal conductivi- O - deuterium on T-3
ty in a plasma ring. The theoretical investiga- hydrogen on T-3
tions referred to in Sections 4 and 5 indicate two hydrogen on TM-3
possible mechanisms of ion thermal conductivity: A - deuterium on T-4
T - hydrogen on T-6.
(1) classical thermal conductivity on trapped par-
ticles [9] and (2) heat transfer due to the develop-
ment of a temperature-drift instability [19]. Let
us consider first of all the implications of the neo-
classical theory. In normal Tokamak experimental
conditions it is possible to estimate the thermal
conductivity coefficient K{ from formula (4. 11) —
although, strictly speaking, in a number of specific
cases this is valid only for the hot inner zone of
the plasma loop. Employing the above formula 0.5-
and using the expression for qj , we can show by
dimensional analysis that in Tokamak devices the
ion temperature of the plasma loop in the steady
state (i. e. with equilibrium established between 0.5 1 1.5 2
heat intake and heat losses) must be proportional
FIG.41. Correction coefficient for formula(12.6).
to fylHeRane (1/v/A"), where I is the current, R
the major radius of the toroidal system, H e the
axial field strength and n e the mean electron den- (2) On the TM-3 device the density varied from
sity [52]. The proportionality constant can be 1 xlO 13 to 3 xlO 1 3 cm"3 and the current from 19 kA
determined by solving the thermal conductivity to 37 kA. The axial field strength was He = 25 kOe
equation Dark circles represent the experimental data
for hydrogen plasma on the T-3, light circles
I-_ (12.5) indicate data relating to deuterium on the same
r dr dr
device, and the squares show data obtained for a
for given current and density distributions over the hydrogen plasma on the TM-3 1 0 . We see that
plasma cross-section (as a function of r ) . In the results of the measurements are in good
Fig. 40 values of Tj on the plasma loop axis are agreement with the relationship Tj (0)~ 3 yiH e R 2 n e ,
plotted on the ordinate and values of ^IHeR 2 n e (rad) and that the dependence of Tj(0) on the mass of
x l/v/Aj are plotted on the abscissa; n e (rad) is the atoms is also obeyed.
the mean electron density derived from microwave- A straight line approximating the experimentally
interferometer data. Curves I and II show the observed dependence on the parameters of the
variation of T^O), calculated on the basis of the process lies between I and II. The relationship
classical theory with two different assumptions found here is described by the equation
as to the radial current and density distributions.
Curve I corresponds to the assumption that the 7 3
current density and the electron density are cons- Tiv = 6 x 1 0 — (12.6)
tant over the cross-section. Curve II is calculated
for the case where j(r) and n e (r) vary according to
a uniform parabolic law, i . e . j = j 0( 1 - r 2 /a 2 ) and (Tiv in eV, I in amperes, He in Oe, n e (rad) in
n e = n e ( 0 ) ( l - r 2 / a 2 ) . In this case n e (rad) = (2/3) cm " ) As already mentioned, this relationship p
xn e (0). The same figure shows measurements of was obtained for the case where T e (0)> 1. 5 Tj(O),
Ti(O), carried out in the following ranges of the T e (0) being the electron temperature on the axis.
basic parameters:
(1) On the T-3 device n e (rad) varied from
1. 5 xl0i3 to 3. 8 xlOis cm" 3 , the current from Data from separate measurements of T<0) on the T-4 and T-6
60 kA to 110 kA and H0 from 25 kOe to 38 kOe. devices are also included.


If this condition is not satisfied, a correction must density of the order of 10 l 2 cm" 3 we observe on the
be introduced in the calculation of maximum ion TM-3 device the appearance of fast ions which
temperature. The correction coefficient r\ by evidently owe their origin to non-classical ion
which TiV (0) must be multiplied — calculated from heating mechanisms [47]. In this case the spec-
formula (12. 6) — can be very roughly estimated trum of the ion component is a function of the
by means of the curve in Fig. 41. The abscissa axial magnetic field strength (see Fig. 42.), so that
in this figure is the ratio of T e (0) to the right-hand as H e increases, the energy of the ions belonging
side of equation (12. 6). to the fast component decreases.
The results obtained represent a strong argu-
ment in favour of the assumption that the heat
transfer processes in the plasma loop, in this
particular range of variation of the physical para-
meters (with not too low plasma density), are
largely governed by the classical mechanism.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the inter-
pretation of the data is not completely unambiguous.
If we assume that all the heat is removed by
"anomalous" thermal conductivity due to the
development of the temperature-drift instability,
we arrive at the relationship

T, (12.7)

We are still not able to distinguish this formula

experimentally from the relationship in Eq. (12. 6), 400 . 600 800 1000 1200 1600
since the ratio a/R in T-3 and TM-3, on which Wi.eV
the measurements were performed, is virtually
identical. Unfortunately, the theory of the drift- FIG.42. Energy spectra of charge-exchange atoms for different axial
magnetic field strengths on the TM-3 device.
temperature instability does not allow us to estim-
ate the absolute value of the thermal conductivity
coefficient with enough certainty, and we are
accordingly unable to make a quantitative compar- To conclude the discussion on the ion tempera-
ison of the experimental data with the conclusions ture in Tokamaks, a few words should be said
of the theory. There i s , however, one factor about what may await us in future experiments
which inclines us to be wary of the assumption that with the T-4 device'. With T-4, under optimum
"anomalous" heat transfer is highly significant in experimental conditions we are already close to
the normal experimental conditions found on the boundary which, according to the neoclassical
Tokamak devices. The temperature-drift instab- theory, should separate the states relating to
ility can develop intensively only in those cases region I on the curve in Fig. 8 from the states
where the inequality |dln T{ / d l n n e | > 1 is satis- belonging to region II (on the "plateau").
fied. Analysis of the energy distribution of In region I, the coefficient of thermal conduct-
charge-exchange atoms shows that the above con- ivity is proportional to l/H 2 . In this case, the
dition can be satisfied only in the outer zones of ion temperature near the magnetic axis must be
the plasma loop. Therefore, "anomalous" thermal determined by the expression (provided the ratio
conductivity can only intensify the heat transfer Te(0)/Tj(0) lies between 1.5 and 5)
process appreciably in the surface layer of the
Hitherto we have spoken only of the magnitude
of the ion temperature in that phase of the process
where Tj(0) attains a maximum. It is possible to The coefficient g depends on the current and den-
proceed somewhat further and analyse the ion sity distribution over the plasma loop cross-
energy balance over the period of the discharge section and also on the relative density of the
pulse. This analysis indicates that the variation multicharge impurity ions.
of Tj(O) with time can also be explained satis- In region I, therefore, Tj(O) should rise rapidly
factorily within the framework of the classical with increasing current, in contrast to region II,
theory of thermal conductivity on trapped par- where Tj(0) ~ ql. If the theory proves to be valid,
ticles (which, incidentally, does not remove the a significant change in the nature of the dependence
ambiguity referred to above in the interpretation of Tj(0) on I and on the atomic weight A will be
of the existing experimental data). observed in T-4 as the current is increased fur-
All that we have said above relates to experi- ther. In this connection, it will be interesting to
mental conditions in which the mean plasma densi- compare measurements of Tj (0) made in a hydro-
ty at the moment of measuring the ion temperature gen plasma with those made in a deuterium plasma
does not fall far below ~1 xlO 13 cm" 3 . With a (so far T-4 has operated only with deuterium).


13.. DIFFUSION AND CONFINEMENT occurring in the inner zones of the plasma loop
OF PARTICLES IN THE TOKAMAK- when the electron density is sufficiently large.
The point is that the main contribution to the inte-
The balance of the number of charged particles gral balance is made by the peripheral zones of
in the plasma i s much more difficult to.analyse the plasma. In a sufficiently dense plasma the
than the plasma energy balance. It is the outcome neutral atoms and molecules are concentrated in
.of competition between two counter-operative fac- the surface layer of the loop and do not penetrate
t o r s . One of these factors i s particle losses due far within. Moreover, in the peripheral zone the
to diffusion. The other is the influx of charged par life-time of the charged particles is minimal.
t i d e s due to ionization of neutral atoms penetrat- Therefore, when we determine r p from formulae
ing the plasma from outside. However, if we are (13.1) and (13. 2) we in fact find the life-time of
concerned with the electron balance it must be electrons and ions belonging to some not very
remembered that the electron density can also in- well defined outer zone of the plasma.
crease through the ionization of heavy impurity In addition to the integral balance, we can also
ions already present in the plasma loop. In each consider the particle balance in the hot inner
ionization event the ion charge increases from Ze zone of the plasma. For unit volume of the hot
to (Z + l)e. One of the main problems in the study zone, the balance equation is written in the form
of the plasma particle balance is to ascertain the
relative contributions to the total influx of charged dn
— e = n e n 0 v e a ion (13.3)
particles attributable to the ionization of neutral
hydrogen atoms and to the formation of multiply-
charged impurity ions. This problem has riot yet where n e , n0 and veaion refer to the zone close to
been solved, since the relative role of these two the axis and Tp(0) denotes the electron life-time
processes can only be assessed at the present for this zone.
time on the basis of incomplete experimental data The quantity rp(0) in this equation can in prin-
and rough theoretical estimates. Theoretical cal- ciple assume both positive and negative values. If
culations indicate, in particular, that in experi- it is negative, this means that the mechanisms
ments on the T-3 device, in the phase where the causing compression of the plasma (for example
electron temperature is changing slowly (with a the effect predicted by Galeev [11]) are predo-
long discharge pulse), the main charges on the minating over normal diffusion. In this case Tp(0)
impurity ions should be close to the equilibrium cannot, of course, be said to characterize the
values. Therefore, if the fraction of impurity mean particle life-time in the hot zone. However,
atoms i s relatively small in the flux of neutral in normal experimental conditions the diffusion
particles entering the plasma from the surrounding flows from the plasma exceed the effect of the
space in steady-state conditions, it can be a s - compression forces and Tp(0) accordingly retains
sumed that the influx is largely due to ionization its significance as a local life-time.
of neutral hydrogen atoms. Henceforth in our
analysis of the plasma particle balance we shall
proceed on the above assumption and extend it to
the results of experiments performed on the T-3
and TM-3 devices [29,53].
In its integral form the balance equation is
dNe =
I- (13.1)

Here N e i s the number of electrons per cm length

of the plasma loop, I is the number of ionization
events (also per linear cm) and TP i s a quantity
which we shall call the mean global life-time for 0 20 40 60
electrons (thereby emphasizing that Tp is obtained
by averaging over all the electrons in the plasma FIG.43. Variation of electron density with time on the T-3 device.
cross-section). According to this assumption

I = J n e ( r ) n 0 ( r ) ^ ~ dS (13. 2)

where n e (r) and n o (r) denote respectively the Let us turn now to the experimental data. A
densities of electrons and neutral atoms of hydro- typical curve for the variation of (l/2a)/n e d^ in
gen, and veCTion is the product of the electron vel- T-3 is shown in Fig. 43. If it is assumed that the
ocity and the ionization cross-section averaged radial density distribution changes little during
over the velocity spectrum. the discharge, the /n e di curve should also describe
Analysis of the integral particle balance is very the change with time of n e and N e . According to
useful but the results of such an analysis do not measurements of the distribution of ne over the
supply an adequately clear idea of the processes plasma cross-section at different moments of


time, the assumption that this function is approxi- typical Tokamak experimental conditions have been
mately constant in steady-state conditions is valid based on measurements of spectral line intensity
at least for rough estimates of particle life-time}1 in the lines of the Balmer series.
Figure 43 shows clearly the characteristic In investigations performed on the TM-3 device,
features of the variation of plasma density during Tp for the slow plasma decay phase was calculated
the current pulse on the T-3 device. Right in the from the balance equation — expression (13. 1) —
initial phase of the process there is an increase in which i was estimated from measurements of
in density which lasts for 2-4 ms. Then follows the absolute intensity of the spectral lines of
a rapid decay with a time constant of 10 ms, after hydrogen. Since in any element of the volume the
which the plasma density starts to increase again; number of ionization events ki and the number of
but this increase is slow and almost ceases in the radiation events kr are proportional to the neutral
phase where the process can be considered stable. particle density, there must exist between them a
In this phase the characteristic time of density relationship of the form k i = ?k r , where § is a
variation (in other words of variation in the inte- function of Te (and also a weak function of n e ).
gral /ned:2) exceeds 0. 1 s. Therefore, in particle Abramov and co-workers [54] calculated £ for
balance analyses the quantities dNe/dt and dn e /dt Tokamak experimental conditions on the assump-
for the above interval of time may be put at zero. tion that the neutral particles entering the plasma
This relationship between plasma density and time from outside consist of atomic hydrogen. It
admits of a simple interpretation. The initial in- emerged from these calculations that over a wide
crease in density is explained by gas ionization range of electron temperatures and densities §
in the volume. The subsequent drop is evidently changes only insignificantly. Therefore, averaging
due to a brief burst of instability in the phase when the relationship kj =|k r over the plasma volume
the current and density distributions over the pinch we can write I =f-kr, where kr is the total number
cross-section undergo rearrangement. This of quanta of the selected line radiated by the plas-
theory is supported by fluctuations on the oscillo- ma, and | is chosen for the meanvalues of the
grams of the electrical parameters of the plasma parameters Te and n e . Knowing I and using data
(voltage, current derivative, magnetic probe from microwave-interferometer measurements,
readings). These fluctuations are damped in the we can find Tp from the balance equation (13. 1).
interval when the drop in density ceases. The Measurements have shown that the mean global
further slow increase in plasma density can quite life-time of charged particles on the TM-3 device
naturally be linked with the influx of neutral gas increases during the discharge pulse and is more
desorbed from the walls and the edges of the dia- than twice as long as the thermal energy confine-
phragms. On the TM-3 device the variation in ment time TE . With n e ~ 1 xlO 13 , I = 40kAand
plasma density at the start of the process is quali- HQ = 24 kOe, T attains 6 milliseconds 5 ms after
tatively similar to that observed on the T-3. How- the start of the discharge. Similar measurements
ever, as can be seen from Fig. 44, on the TM-3 were subsequently performed on the T-3 device
the rapid drop in density is followed by a much [29]. They showed that the mean life-time of
slower plasma decay with a decrement of 8- 10 ms. charged particles increases in the initial stage of
This means that the ionization of the gas entering the discharge pulse and with typical initial dis-
the plasma in the TM-3 device cannot overcome charge conditions (ne s 1. 5 x 1013, Tev s 600 eV)
the diffusion losses. The attempts made so far reaches about 2 0 ms in the phase where the thermal
to estimate mean global particle life-times in regime of the plasma is becoming established.12
Estimates of mean particle life-time in the hot
zone can be made with the aid of Eq. (13. 3), using
ne.cnrr data on the magnitude of the fast atom flux formed
in the plasma during charge-exchange processes
[51]. The absolute intensity of the atom flux in a
given range of energies is measured by means of
an atom energy spectrum analyser. Knowing the
flux intensity, one can find the neutral atom densi-
ty in the hot zone and calculate the product
nenoveaion in Eq. (13. 3). This equation also in-
cludes the quantities r^ and dn e /dt measured by
microwave-interferometry. Thus we can calculate

0 2 U 6 t,ms 12
Analysis of measurements of the intensity of the spectral lines
FIG.44. Electron density versus time on the TM-3 device. emitted by a plasma in the ST device at Princeton leads to a very dif-
ferent conclusion [66]. According to the data obtained at Princeton,
the mean overall particle confinement time Tp differs from the duration
of energy conservation in the plasma by no more than a factor of 2. The
For a more rigorous analysis we must take into account that the difference between the Soviet and American data can be attributed partly
total number of particles Ne in the cross-section varies as Oea and that to an inaccurate estimate of the coefficients in Ref. [54]. On the whole,
the density is proportional to 0 e / a , where a is the plasma cross-section however, the question of the relationship between diffusion rate and the
radius and Q e = /n e dfi. heat transfer should be regarded as not yet finally clarified.


One of the main sources of error in this method where a th is in c. g. s. units. Equation (11. 2) can
of determining r p (0) is that, with given values of be used to obtain the mean value of crE .
r^ and n 0 the intensity of the flux of fast charge- The inductance & 4 should not vary appreciably
exchange atoms depends on the shape of the func- in steady-state conditions and may be taken as
tion Ti(r). A qualitative characterization of this approximately equal to 2 lnb/a + JLi, where b is
function can be obtained by analysing the experi- the radius of the diaphragm aperture and JGJ s 1.
mentally plotted curves for the fast atom energy Here it is assumed that the displacement of the
distribution. As such an analysis shows, a loop, 6, is sufficiently small. With the aid of
characteristic feature of the energy spectra r e - current and voltage oscillograms Rx is calculated
corded in T-3 and TM-3 is that dn/dWj, plotted on from equation (11.2), making it possible to find
a log scale, becomes a straight line even at com- the value of a exp = l/7ra 2 R 1 , 13
paratively low values of wi /kTj(O) (T^O) being the A comparison of calculated and measured values
temperature on the axis). Hence it follows that for mean electrical conductivity shows that under
the ion temperature is near its maximum in a wide normal experimental conditions they differ widely:
zone of the plasma pinch. the actual electrical conductivity is considerably
Taking this into account, one can estimate the less than that predicted by theory for a hydrogen
upper limit of the neutral atom density in the axial plasma with a given electron temperature profile.
zone and thence find the lower limit of T (0). The For this reason we speak of "anomalous" plasma
upper limit of no is about 3 xlO 8 cm"3 for typical resistance in Tokamak devices. The degree of
discharge conditions with high electron density on "anomalousness", given by the ratio between cal-
the T-3 device in the phase where dTt /dt = 0 [29]. culated and measured a E values, increases with
Note that in TM-3 spectroscopic data give a value increasing electron temperature and decreasing
of n 0 * 109 cm' 3 [35]. With this value of n 0 , the electron density. In T-3 experiments, ath /o
diffusion life-time of the particles T (0) should be is approximately 3 with n e s 2xlO 13 and T ev s400eV.
greater than 0. 2 s, and the ion charge-exchange It rises to ~ 2 5 if, while maintaining the density
time should exceed 0. 1 s. A comparison of these at the same level, we increase T ev (0) to s 1800 eV
values with the energy conservation time in the [29]. In discharge conditions with a low electron
ion component shows that in the axial zones of the density ( n e ~ 3 x 1012 ) on TM-3, aA/a attains
plasma pinch a comparatively low proportion of ~30[47].
the thermal losses (less than 25% in all) is attri- It is natural to seek a relationship between the
butable to diffusion and charge-exchange. For anomalous resistance and the physical parameters
the electron component thermal losses through determining the plasma characteristics. The
diffusion are negligibly small. attempt to find a universally applicable relation-
In conclusion, it should be noted once again that ship has not yet produced positive results owing to
all the methods of determining T and T (0) which the large scatter in the experimental data and the
we have described are based on the assumption low accuracy of measurements of the plasma loop
that the influx of charged particles is largely resistance. The main qualitative results which
governed by hydrogen ionization. emerge from an analysis of the different series
of experiments performed on T-3 can be summar-
ized as follows:
14. ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY (1) °exp increases with rising current in the
IN THE TOKAMAK plasma (this result i s also valid for the other de-
If the resistance of the plasma loop is governed (2) The "anomalous" resistivity of the plasma
exclusively by the classical mechanism of determined by the expression p a n = ( l / a e x p ) - (l/crth )
Coulomb collisions and if the heavy ion impurities diminishes with increasing electron density (see
in the plasma are low enough, the electrical con- Fig. 45) and electron temperature. The "anoma-
ductivity of a Tokamak plasma can be calculated lous" electrical conductivity cxan = l / p a n in normal
from the familiar formula aE = 1.7xlO14 T|/ 2 /5f k , experimental conditions lies within the range
where £fy denotes the so-called Coulomb loga- lxlO 1 6 - 3.5xlO 1 6 .
rithm which can be taken equal to 17. The neo- The anomalously high plasma resistance in
classical theory of Galeev and Sagdeev [9,11], Tokamak devices may be attributable to two com-
which allows for the special behaviour of trapped pletely different mechanisms which can act to-
particles, introduces some corrections in the gether. One of these involves a buildup of oscilla-
above formula, but these corrections are not very tions in the plasma which can occur when the ratio
large in the normal conditions of our experiments. u/v s is sufficiently large (u = j/en e is the electron
Under the assumptions stated above, the mean drift velocity due to the current and vs = \/2kT e /m i
electrical conductivity of the plasma over the loop is the ion sound velocity in the plasma). Note that
cross-section, calculated for the case where the
skin effect does not play an essential part and the
radial electron temperature distribution corres- Some uncertainty may enter into the calculation of o e x p as a result
ponds to expression (11.4), can be written as of the'pinch effect" predicted by Galeev, since this phenomenon involves
an increase in inductance which is difficult to detect by existing experi-
mental methods. If the characteristic plasma compression time is 0.05-
ath = 4 . 6 x l O 1 2 T|/ 2 (0) (14.1) 0.1 s, the maximum measured value of OgXp cannot exceed 1 - 2x 1017.


u/v s ~ j / n e >PFe - i / V j V e . Therefore, if j3^ temperature of about 1 keV [43], In these

changes little, u/v s will be proportional to n' 1 / 2 . measurements an increase in resistance 30 or 40
Hence it follows that under the action of this times greater than the theoretical values was
mechanism the anomalous electrical conductivity recorded with a relatively short discharge pulse
must increase with increasing density — in ac- length (the measurements were made 3-4 ms after
cordance with the experimental data. The plasma the start of the process). In these conditions ions
temperature should not be a significant factor carrying several tens of unit charge cannot be
here. Rudakov and Zavoisky [21] have provided formed.
us with a theoretical analysis of this mechanism. It should be borne in mind that with high values
Theory predicts the existence of a threshold value of Te formula (14.2) loses validity and gives in-
of u/v s , starting from which processes develop flated values for electrical conductivity, since it
leading to an anomalous slowing down of electrons does not allow for slowing down of electrons in
by the plasma oscillations. The critical value of the internal electrical field of the atoms. Let us
u/vs should be close to 1. For the experiments on assume that there is heavy atom contamination of
the T-3 device this means that in steady conditions the plasma, caused, for example, by evaporation
(i. e. in the absence of the skin effect) the ano- and pulverization of the diaphragm material (in
malous resistance should disappear if the mean the Tokamak devices the edges of the diaphragm
density exceeds 7- 8xlO 13 . The absence of data have usually been made of tungsten or molybdenum).
for a plasma of such high density has so far pre- At sufficiently high values of Te the effective
vented the verification of this important point in stopping cross-section of a heavy impurity atom
the theoretical predictions. hardly changes as a result of ionization (single,
double, triple or quadruple) and may exceed the
proton stopping cross-section by more than two
orders of magnitude. Unfortunately the scattering
of electrons having energies from a few hundred
eV to several keV has been very inadequately in-
vestigated in experiments, whilst theoretical cal-
© ©
culations based on different intra-atomic field
potentials yield values differing by several factors
for the differential scattering cross-sections.
The only data we can give here relate to the
effective stopping cross-sections of electrons by
mercury atoms: these are based on the work of
2 I* Kessler and Lindner [55], who measured angular
1OU/ne(o) distributions of electrons in mercury vapour over
a wide energy range. Calculations of the effective
stopping cross-section — of the so-called "trans-
FIG.45. Anomalous resistance as a function of density.
port" cross-section — equal to /f(&)(l - cos &)dfi,
where f(&) is the scattering probability per unit
solid angle at an angle 5- to the direction of initial
The presence of heavy impurities in the plasma electron movement, indicate for mercury, at
may also cause a sharp increase in the resistance Tev = 200 eV, a value exceeding the proton stopping
of the plasma loop. At low electron temperature cross-section by approximately 30 times; when
( « 100 eV) the electrical conductivity of the plas- Tev = 1 keV, this ratio attains 170.14 As shown
ma can be calculated from the expression earlier, the stopping cross-section in this case
will have a similar value for ions with a not very
E^kZu high charge (up to Z - 10 when Tev = 1000 eV). It
AT e 3 f (14.2)
can be assumed that for tungsten the stopping
ZyQ'k Z k cross-section, given equal values of T e , will be
practically the same as for mercury (in view of
where a^ is the relative density of ions having the
the proximity of their atomic numbers). Conse-
charge Z^ and A s l x l O 1 3 . In this case an admix-
quently, at an electron temperature close to 1 keV
ture of multiply-charged ions with a given value of
a tungsten atom, in terms of its contribution to
Zk cannot reduce the electrical conductivity more
the slowing down of the electron flux, will be
than Zfc times, and in fact with ak « 1 the effect
equivalent to an ion with Z s?13. In this case the
of the impurity must be even less. Thus, using
effect of increased slowing down of electrons by
formula (14.4) one can attempt to explain a several-
heavy atoms and their ions having a low charge is
fold increase in resistance (compared with a pure
hydrogen plasma) by the presence of multiply- not weakened by an increase in the ne to nj ratio
charged impurity ions. This does not, however, as much as would follow from formula (14.4). If
explain the reduction in conductivity by many fac- the ratio of the stopping cross-section for a heavy
tors of 10 which has been observed at high elec- 14
These calculations take account of the contribution to electrical
tron temperatures, especially in relation to the conductivity made by electrons belonging to different sections of the
electrical conductivity measurements on TM-3 with Maxwellian distribution, so that the stopping cross-section is corres-
very low plasma density (2- 3x1012) and an electron pondingly averaged over the energy spectrum.


impurity atom or ion to the corresponding value detailed discussion, because up to the present
for a proton is equal to F, and the mean charge on time the development of these new methods has
the impurity ion is Z, the presence of a heavy not reached the stage of practical application in
impurity in large concentration can reduce the experiments on Tokamak devices.
electrical conductivity of the plasma F/Z times. One of the most natural ideas is to heat the
The effect of impurities on plasma resistance in plasma by injecting into it an intensive flux of
neutral atoms obtained by charge-exchange of a
Tokamak devices should decrease with increasing
powerful ion flux or plasma jet with fast ions on a
n e , since the absolute density of impurity particles
gas target.
nj can remain constant in this case, and the con-
tribution of the impurity to the resistance at a An idea of the requirements which would have to
given electron temperature is proportional to the be met by a neutral atom injector can be gained
ratio nj /n e . from the following example: suppose that it is
necessary to heat to 10 keV a plasma with an ini-
Thus the dependence of the anomalous resistance
tial density of 1 xlO14 occupying a volume of 1 m 3 .
on n e can also be explained in terms of the mecha-
Let the injection duration be 0. 05 s and the neutral
nism we have been considering. In principle, on
atom energy be 60 keV. In this case the atom flux
the basis of the assumption that impurities have
must be 10 21 /s, which corresponds to an ion
a decisive effect on the electrical conductivity of
source current of about 160 A (it is assumed that
the plasma loop, one can also find an explanation
the temperature of both plasma components is the
for the absence of a strong relationship between same). The power injected will then be 9xlO3 kVA.
the anomalous resistance and electron tempera- Note that these figures apply to the ideal case
ture. The magnitude of the anomalous resistance where energy losses from the plasma can be
due to the presence of a given impurity is pro- neglected.
portional to (nj/n^FTg 3 / 2 . It follows from the
figures given above that for both mercury and At the earliest stage of investigations into plas-
tungsten FTJ3/2 will change only by a factor of two ma behaviour in closed magnetic systems, a
when Te changes by a factor of 5 (from 0. 2 to method was proposed for heating the plasma loop
1 keV). If we bear in mind that with rising Te the by what has been called "magnetic pumping", i. e.
total energy content of the plasma increases, we periodic variation of the axial magnetic field
may assume that owing to a more intensive inter- strength. In this method advantage would be taken
action of the plasma loop with the diaphragm and of the fact that with rapid rise of the magnetic
field the transverse component of the particle
liner the impurity concentration will also rise,
kinetic energy increases (because the transverse
offsetting the slight change in the stopping cross-
adiabatic invariant Wx/H is maintained). As a
section. Such an assumption seems quite artificial,
result of collisions between particles, part of the
of course. Therefore, the author tends to the view
energy obtained is transferred to the axial com-
that with very high values of the ratio ath /crexp
ponent of movement. Consequently a mechanism
the main mechanism associated with electrical
of irreversible energy accumulation becomes
conductivity is the excitation of oscillations and
operative in the plasma during the oscillations of
the resulting plasma turbulence [21, 56]. On the magnetic field strength. The efficiency of this
other hand, when this ratio is comparatively low type of heating, for a given amplitude of He field
(below 10), the anomalies in electrical conductivi- oscillations, is at a maximum when the oscillation
ty can be largely attributed to the effect of impu- frequency satisfies the condition uTk ~ 1 , T), being
rities. There is good reason to hope that experi- the mean time between two Coulomb collisions.
mental data to be obtained in the near future will However, this method is impracticable for heating
clarify the relative roles of impurities and turbu- plasma in large installations with powerful mag-
lent processes in the anomalous electrical con- netic fields. If a plasma with a density of appro-
ductivity of Tokamak plasmas. ximately lxlO 14 had to be heated to a temperature
of the order of 10 keV in an installation with a
total HQ magnetic field volume of several cubic
15. FUTURE PROSPECTS metres, the oscillatory power of the magnetic
pumping system would have to be of the order of
several million kVA.
The future prospects of investigations within the The author of this review has proposed a some-
Tokamak program depend to a considerable degree what different method of magnetic pumping,
on progress in the development and application of utilizing the non-uniformity of the axial magnetic
new methods of plasma heating. With normal field H e . The idea underlying this method can be
Joule heating we seem likely to reach electron described as follows.
temperatures of 4 - 5 keV, but we may doubt The chamber in which the plasma loop is pro-
whether it will be possible to raise the maximum duced has the cross-section shown in Fig.46. The
ion temperature of the plasma loop much beyond plasma loop is shifted from position (1) to position
3 keV (and even this estimate may be too optimis- (2) by variation of the transverse magnetic field
tic). For more effective heating of the plasma and Hp set up by the controlling coils. As higher HQ
in particular of the ion component, several dif- field strengths are reached the plasma loop is
ferent methods have been proposed. We shall compressed and heated up, whereby the various
only indicate some of these, without going into a particle kinetic energy components increase in


utilizing the skin effect to generate a very high

current density in the surface layer of the plasma,
thereby bringing the electrons into a state of con-
tinuous acceleration with very high u/v s . Hither-
to turbulent heating has been successfully de-
monstrated only in direct discharges, but in the
near future we can probably expect to see experi-
ments in which it will be employed to create high
FIG.46. Schematic drawing showing plasma heating by plasma loop
temperature plasmas in toroidal systems of the
Tokamak type.
The development of new heating methods is not
the only way of improving the high-temperature
accordance with different laws. Owing to main-
plasma parameters in Tokamak devices. It may
tenance of the transverse adiabatic invariant,
well be that systems with modified transverse
during rapid compression the kinetic energy of
plasma column cross-sections will mark a signi-
transverse movement Wx increases as the ratio
ficant step forward in this direction. If magneto-
R(l)/R(2). The longitudinal kinetic energy com-
hydrodynamic stability of the column against heli-
ponent should increase in the ratio R 2 (l)/R 2 (2)
cal and flute deformations is to be ensured, the
when the longitudinal adiabatic invariant is con-
generalized Shafranov-Kruskal condition must be
served. With the energy of the principal magnetic
observed. This takes the form
field HQ practically unchanged, heating is effected
by variation of the relatively weak controlling field
H± . If we pass on from a single compression to a (15.1)
periodic process in which the plasma loop fluc- (p •*• e

tuates between positions (1) and (2), the plasma

temperature will increase with each oscillation where &$ and 5fg denote the length of the trans-
cycle as a result of the difference in the laws of verse plasma cross-section parameter (we are
variation of Wx and WH . In principle this method dealing only with the case of axial symmetry here)
of heating may prove much more efficient than the and the length of the column, respectively. If the
original method of magnetic pumping because the minimum acceptable stability margin q does not
oscillation energy of the controlling field is rela- depend on the shape of the plasma cross-section
tively low. Compared with the method which re- (and this appears to be a valid assumption where
lies on periodic variation of H e , the requisite helical deformations are concerned), then by
oscillation energy is reduced, in order of magni- adopting a column cross-section elongated along
tude, as the ratio ~87rp/Hg. Later it was suggest- the major toroidal axis instead of a circular cross-
ed that we could confine ourselves to single dis- section we can increase the ratio H /H 0 several
placement of the plasma loop with a simultaneous times. An increase in current magnetic field
increase in He field strength. It seems likely that strength should enhance the efficiency of Joule
the plasma temperature could be raised by factors heating and improve the thermal insulation of the
of 2. 5 - 3 by this method. plasma. Hence it may well be that in devices
with an elongated column cross-section we will
To heat the ion component we can also make use succeed in obtaining a plasma with substantially
of various resonance phenomena accompanying the higher pressure than in conventional Tokamaks,
absorption of high-frequency electromagnetic given equal axial magnetic fields HQ and equal
waves by the plasma. This category includes values of the geometric parameters R and 2a (2a
(1) the ion-cyclotron resonance at the ion Larmor being the thickness of the plasma layer in the
frequency and (2) the magneto-acoustic resonance R-direction). Since
at high oscillation frequencies with a wavelength
of the order of the transverse dimensions of the
plasma. Electron heating can be effected by ab- (15.2)
sorption of high-frequency oscillations at the
electron-cyclotron resonance and also at the so-
called "hybrid" resonance (at the frequency for given values of q, ^(f)1 a and R the ratio of
u =\l wHeuHi ). We shall not dwell on these methods plasma pressure to the pressure of the principal
here as they have been described in a number of magnetic field will increase as ( £f(p/2ira.)2. It is
papers [59,60]. also possible that, through an appropriate appli-
In principle, the technique known as turbulent cation of additional magnetic fields to control the
plasma heating can also be used on Tokamak de- equilibrium position of the plasma, the idea of a
vices [61-63]. In fact, given a high anomalous diverter could be realized in such a device (in
resistance, we are already close to the region other words it might be possible to remove from
where a major role can be played by the collective the ring such impurity ions as enter the outer,
processes which develop at large u/v s and set up cold layers of the plasma as a result of its inter-
a turbulent heating mechanism. It may be pos- action with the walls). Rough theoretical calcula-
sible to strengthen the turbulent heating effect tions and preliminary experiments relating to a
considerably by applying a powerful axial electric system of this kind (it has been dubbed the "signet-
field to the plasma loop in the initial stage and ring Tokamak") were performed in the Kurchatov


Institute several years ago. By now it seems [19] KADOMTSEV, B . B . , POGUTSE, O . P . , in Voprosy teorii p l a z m y
( P r o b l e m s of Plasma T h e o r y ) j j , A t o m i z d a t (1967) 2 7 6 .
clear that this method of improving the plasma
[20] KADOMTSEV. B . B . . POGUTSE, O . P . , N u c l . Fusion U (1970) 6 7 .
parameters merits further, more extensive and [21] RUDAKOV. L . I . , ZAVOISKY, E . K . , A t o m n . Energ. 23 ( 1 9 6 7 )
more thorough research. The promising results 417.
of experiments carried out at Garching on devices [22] RUDAKOV, L . I . , T S Y T O V I C H , V . N . . P l a s m a Physics K3 (1971)
similar in concept, and reported at the Madison 213.
Conference [67], would seem to indicate the same [23] PEACOCK, N.J. e t a l . , Nature 224 (1969) 448.
conclusion. [24] GORBUNOV, E.P., in Diagnostika plazmy (Plasma Diagnostics),
In conclusion, it must be emphasized that this 1, Gosatomizdat (1963) 68.
[25] GORBUNOV, E.P. e t a l . , in Diagnostika plazmy (Plasma
survey was compiled almost exclusively from the
Diagnostics) 2. Gosatomizdat (1968) 188.
mass of information accumulated in the course [26] MIRNOV, S.V., Atomn. Energ. r7 (1964) 209.
of lengthy experimental work on Tokamak devices [27] SHAFRANOV, V . D . , Atomn. E'nerg. ^ 9 (1965) 175.
at the I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. [28] MIRNOV, S.V.. Atomn. Energ. J26 (1969) 458.
A valuable contribution to this information was [29] ANASHIN, A.M. e t a l . , Zh. €ksp. teor. Fiz. j>0 (1970) 2095.
made by British physicists from the Culham [30] AFROSIMOV, V . V . , PETROV. M . P . , Zh. tekh. Fiz. ^7 (1967)
Laboratory who, together with a group of Soviet 1995.
[31] PETROV, M . P . , Zh. tekh. Fiz. 38(1968) 938.
physicists, carried out laser scattering measure- [32] ARTSIMOVICH, L.A. e t a l . . Pis'ma v Zh. e"ksp.teor. Fiz. ^ 0
ments of electron temperature on the T-3 device. (1969) 130.
At the present time a number of laboratories in [33] MIRNOV, S . V . , SEMENOV, I . B . . Atomn. Energ. J28 (1970) 128.
the United States of America and other countries [34] SHCHEGLOV, D.A., in Diagnostika plazmy (Plasma Diagnostics)
are participating in the Tokamak program [64-66]. 3. Atomizdat (1971) 284.
Our knowledge of the the nature of processes [35] KUZNETSOV, E.I., VINOGRADOVA, N . D . , Pis'ma v Zh. e"ksp.
occurring in Tokamak devices should accordingly teor. Fiz. 8 (1968) 59.
[36] GORELIK, L.L., RAZUMOVA, K . A . , SINITSYN. V . V . , in
be much extended and deepened in the near future. Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (Proc. 2nd
This, in its turn, may eventually implant greater Int. Conf. Culham, 1965)2, IAEA, Vienna (1966) 647.
certainty in our minds as to the prospects of in- [37] MIRNOV, S.V., SEMENOV, I.B., Atomn. Energ. ^ 0 (1971) 2 1 .
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[40] MUKHOVATOV, V . S . . in Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear
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(Manuscript received 22 June 1971,

translation completed 30 July 1971,
final manuscript received 7 December 1971)


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