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Feelings & emot ions
Match the pictures with the words

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

l angry sleepy
playfu t ired

dizzy sad shocked crazy


Brainy publishing
Verb to be
choose am/is/are
1. She ......... young and smart. 18. The film ......... boring.

2. They ......... good friends. 19. Kate .......... Sally's daughter.

3. Harry ......... a great sportsman. 20. Your brother ......... funny!

4. She ......... in love with Steve. 21. The dress ......... too long!

5. I ......... a little hungry. 22. The Smiths ......... rich.

6. Kate and Tom ......... married. 23. Rock ......... my dog's name.

7. He ......... from Madrid, Spain. 24. My mom ......... a dentist.

8. I ......... in class 7B. 25. She ......... a fan of comedies.

9. Jason ......... keen on football. 26. Your phone ........ upstairs.

10. The weather ......... good today. 27. I ........ impatient with him.

11. This house ......... huge! 28. English ......... very interesting!

12. The shop ......... open. 29. I ......... excited to meet him!

13. Your cat ......... very fluffy! 30. We ......... already late!

14. Ben ......... tall. 31. They ......... in London now.

15. I ......... a teacher. 32. Marry ......... too busy!

16. The players ......... ready. 33. Finn and Jack ......... twins.

17. These pictures ......... amazing! 34. Larry ......... lazy.

*make the sentences negative & interrogative Brainy publishing
unscramble the let ters & write the correct words
sobko arc eky

1. 2. 3.

cnpeli t icbius keichnc

4. 5. 6.

asfo paelp cie rmeac

7. 8. 9.

sfih ocw labl

10. 11. 12.

Brainy publishing
What are these?
label the pictures

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

Brainy publishing
colour the stars

pink orange

blue green

red purple

brown black

yellow grey

Brainy publishing

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