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Theories Regarding Psychological Needs System- dictionary: an assemblage of objects united by some

form of regular interaction or interdependence.

1. Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy- satisfying needs
- Satisfy the lower needs for the higher needs to Crunkilton and Finch: collection of elements,
be operative. interacting with each other to achieve common goal

Physiological- basic needs like hunger and thirst (salary) - A set of interrelated and interdependent
constituent parts arranged in a manner that
Safety- security in all kinds (seniority and security in job) produces a unified whole.
Love- relate closely t o others (belong to a friendly work group) Two types:
Ego- status and recognition (status and promotion) Closed system- does not get influenced and interacts less
with outer environment.
Self-Actualization- achieving one’s potential (achievement of
things consonant with one’s self-image) - Gets little feedback. Self-sufficient and self-
regulatory. No exchange of material with
2. McClelland’s Three Motives Theory-
environment. Non-adaptive system.
Open system- continually interacts with its environment
Achievement- concern for excellence, competing w/ standard
- Always well informed about various changed
of excellence, setting challenging goals, awareness of hurdles,
within its surroundings and its position is relative
trying alternative path to goals
to these changes.
Affiliation- concern with close personal relationships, value for
Important Features:
friendship, tendency to express emotion.
Subsystem- an organization is integrated and purposeful
system which consists of several interconnected, interacting
Power- and interdependent constituent elements.

(control motive)- urge to control others Synergy- it is the entire system to equal more than the sum of
its parts.
- Concern w/ orderliness, desire to stay informed,
monitor situation, take corrective action Elements of system-

(influence motive)- Desire to make an impact to others Inputs: material or human resources

- Concern for making an impact on others, desire Transformation processes: technological and
to make people do what one thinks is right, managerial processes to the inputs
change things and develop people
Outputs: products and services derived from input
(extension motive)- Desire to use power for the benefit of
Feedback: reaction or response from the
other persons or groups
environment to the output
- Concern for others, interest in superordinate
Structure of Educational System:
goal, desire to be relevant and useful to larger
groups, including society. Input:
Personalized power- urge to control others Process:
Socialized power- desire to make an impact and use power Output:
for the benefit of other persons and groups.
3. Alderfer’s ERG Theory
- Extension of Maslow’s theory Identify and state the goals to be achieved
- Does not suggest that lower needs must be
satisfied before higher needs become
Steps in System Approach:
- If upper needs are not satisfied, individual will
regress, and lower needs become the major Analysis of existing situation
motivation determinants.
- As a person starts satisfying higher needs, they Before planning:
become more intese- the more power a person
Identify the problem to be solved
gets, the more power he wants.
Specific Trends in Educational Administration
Existence- psychological and safety needs
Decision Making- cognitive process of deciding on a course of
Relatedness- involve interpersonal relationships, similar to
love and ego needs
Newman and Sumber (1961): decision making is a synonym
Growth- attainment of one’s potential. Similar to self-
of planning
Dorsey (1957): decision making process as an extension of a
4. Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory
series of interrelated communication events.
- Reducing dissatisfaction is not the same as
providing positive satisfactions. Simon (1960): decision making as though it were synonymous
with managing
Hygiene factors- cause dissatisfaction if not met
Tarter and Hoy’s (2010): decision making as rational,
- Safety, working conditions, company policy,
deliberative, purposeful action
supervision, work group
Types of Decisions in Educational Organizations:
Motivators- provide positive satisfaction if met.
Strategic decision- have long term impact on organization.
- Advancement, development, responsibility,
recognition, achievement, and work itself. Tactical decision- decision made during implementation
Systems Approach Operational decision- day to day basis

Programmed vs non-programmed decision-

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