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Andrea Eguren

Cristian Ochoa Inglés - 1º Grado de Historia

Ángela Linares

The Tribute Money

The Tribute Money is a painting by Masaccio, painted in 1425. The painting belongs to
the artistic period of The Renaissance, specifically to quattrocento. This is a fresco
realized in a wall of the Brancacci Chapel, in the basilica of Santa María del Carmine
(Florence). The chapel and the frescos of its walls were commissioned by Felice
Brancacci, he wanted to decorate entire chapel with frescos with scenes of the life of
Saint Peter. In this case, The Tribute Money represents a biblical scene from the Gospel
of Matthew. The size of the painting is very big, with a dimensions of 247 cm × 597 cm.
We have chosen this artwork for describing because the three liked studying The
Renaissance in History of Art during 2º of Bachiller and this artwork is one of the
greatest exponents of the early Renaissance.

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