MarTrust - Testimonials

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February 2022


Testimonials – Richard Tiggelaar - Seatrade

Below is a video Link of a testimonial from Richard Tiggelaar from Seatrade.

His main points are:
1) “Brings Home closer to the seafarer”, by having quick and easy to use solution in their hands.
2) Allows Seatrade to focus on their core business shipping, not payroll (through simple easy
3) Offered us cost saving in charges for arranging the Cash delivery to the vessels


Testimonials – Capt Efstathiou - Euronav

Attached to this email is a testimonial from Capt Efstathiou that is working for Euronav.
His main points are:
1) I personally find the App useful and very easy to use. It doesn’t require you to spend a lot of
time on it, which is another benefit.
2) Deposits are transferred to each of the sailors quickly and safely and can use the requested
deposit at once without having to wait to arrive in port.
3) Seafarers agree that it is very useful.


Seafarers Initial Questions

General Questions:
• Costs associated with the solution, e-wallet and card?
• Any Maintenance / monthly charges?
• ATM Limits and taking cash out?
• Minimum amount to be held on e-wallet?
• Visibility on the FX rate?
• Access to the funds?
• Ability to send funds home?
• Ability to purchase Online ?
• Requirement for some physical cash?
• Ability to convert money (multi-currency solution) on the e-wallet?
• Does the e-wallet belong to my employer?
• Transfer of funds to a colleague another seafarer?
• Customer Support is it 24/7?


Seafarers Initial Questions

Specific questions by Nationality:

• Russians: The Tax implication of the offering?
• Ukrainians: Security of their Funds?
• Filipino: Transfers are local how would these be impacted?
• Chinese: Paying another seafarer is that possible?
• Burmese: Sending funds home?
• Greek/India: Reporting obligations?
• EU / EEA: Necessity of e-wallet for them?


The best way to explain how the seafarers
perceive our solution is to describe how they
are adopting it and the support they require.
Seafarers Utilization

• Customers are using us for both Cash on Board requests and Payroll transfers. It is
interesting to see how this translates at a Seafarer level in term of funds usage:
• 74.5% is sent as a wire transfer home or to a local bank account (wallet to card)
• 9.0% is consumed through the card
• 16.5% remains on the e-wallet

It is clear that the seafarer is trusting MarTrust they are leaving balances on their
account. This trust is enhanced by the accessibility that they have of their funds
and the overall set-up of MarTrust.
The above also proves why we focused so heavily on the rails to transfer funds
home and have a set-up that is secure.
The Card is just one more tool to spend the funds what matters is for them to feel
that they can leave the funds with a trusted party and to be able to efficiently use
them when they require it.


Seafarers Utilization

The main nationalities that leave balances on the e-wallet are:

• Russian,
• Ukrainians and
• Filipino
We had expected the Russians and the Ukrainians to leave funds on the e-wallet
(payment account) this was one item that we had identified during the exploration
stage. They felt that MarTrust would offer them a secure place to hold a % of their funds
outside of their home country financial system.
We had not expected the Filipino Seafarers to also hold funds with us. Currently we see
that 24% of the funds received are left in the e-wallet.


Seafarer Utilization

Card usage • Comments

• 24% was withdrawn from ATM’s • MarTrust offer 2 ATM for free as to
• 12% was spent it Duty Free stores allow the seafarer to have access to
cash if he requires it.
• 12% was spent in Grocery Stores
• 3% was spent in Computer Stores
• 3% was spent on
Telecommunication Services


Seafarer Support – MarTrust 24/7

MarTrust Customer Support

MarTrust has a dedicated 24/7 customer support centre, they can provide support in multiple
language to assist the seafarer.
• The support centre is geared to assist the seafarers with queries around:
• onboarding,
• application activation,
• card registration,
• card usage,
• wire transfers,
• wallet to card transfers
• and so forth.
• Most of the communication with the support centre is happening via emails, most cases are
resolved within 15 minutes.


MarTrust 24/7 - Seafarer Feedback

• Ticket number 16636099 • Ticket number 16653421

Wed Dec 08 07:23:47 2021 Mon Dec 13 10:28:15 2021

• <Russian Seafarer> • <Filipino Seafarer>

• «Many thanks for your • «I deeply appreciate your

quick answer! I’ll try to do it assistance in this urgent matter. I
according to your instructions.» appreciate also That MarTrust can
be also reliable in processing
cancelled transactions just like
what happened to me.

Thank you again.

Best regards, ….»


MarTrust 24/7 - Seafarer Feedback

• Ticket number 16320665 • Ticket number 16285361

Wed Nov 10 17:34:32 2021 Thu Dec 23 03:00:12 2021

• <Filipino Seafarer> • < Ukrainian Seafarer>

• «I really appreciate all your • «Thank you martrust support,

support and response time. I am
I have updated the application and
glad to confirm you that now
set the automatic time
thanks to you, i have completed the
identification, after these actions it,
login into MarTrust e-wallet.
finally, works good and I have no
Have a nice day. issues now. I hope it will continue
to work whis way further. My
Best regards… »
gratitude for your cooperation.»


MarTrust 24/7 - Seafarer Feedback

• Ticket number 16326801 • Ticket number 16355671

• Wed Nov 10 12:25:32 2021 • Wed Nov 10 08:06:44 2021

• <Ukrainian Seafarer> • <Greek Seafarer>

• «Thank you. «Thank you.

Card registered. I conducted the transfer of funds

to my account. I could see the
Issue resolved.
funds reach my account within 2
Greatly appreciated for the support hours.
and patience.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,


Thank you

MarTrust Corporation Limited is registered in England and Wales (Company No. 07498933). It is an Authorised Payment Institution (API) regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 794752) under the Payment Services Regulations 2017. Its registered company
address is Office 7.09, 7th Floor, Tintagel House, 92 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7TY, United Kingdom.

NOTICE: Marcura has made reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained in this Presentation is accurate, but neither Marcura nor any of its affiliates, agents or licensors warrants the accuracy, completeness,
currentness, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the information contained in this Presentation. Further, although Marcura makes reasonable efforts to comply with all applicable laws,
Marcura cannot guarantee or warrant that the Presentation or the information contained herein will comply with all laws and regulations, and Marcura expressly disclaims any such warranty. Neither Marcura nor any of its
affiliates, agents or licensors shall be liable to you or anyone else for any inaccuracies or errors in the information contained in this Presentation or for any loss or injury resulting directly from use of and reliance thereon, or
any damages, including, without limitation, consequential, special, incidental, indirect, or similar damages.

Copyright © 2021 MarTrust Corp. Ltd.

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