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Executive Communication Program Module

a) Personality Development-This module focuses solely on the incumbent's personality growth/improvement. This includes a comprehensive understanding of the incumbent's positive and weak areas w.r.t Public speaking as well as Self Grooming. The Course would cover the following * Building Relationships * Non-verbal communication * The Power of Storytelling * Human Patterns * Communicating as a leader and presenter * The Language of leaders * Difficult Messages and Dealing with Crisis * Two ears, one mouth - Listening behaviours * Confidence, Confidence, Confidence * What Works Already About You? With this program, the objective is to make the students whole rounded personalities, with self confidence as well as awareness of one's areas that need improvement -thereby enabling themselves to improve and grow as Self motivated individuals. b) Group Dynamics- This module will focus on the incumbent's capabilities to successfully among peers and seniors- a vital necessity in Corporate Environment. *Group Discussions *Presentations *Email etiquette *Networking Methods c)Personal Grooming-This Module will help the students to understand and inculcate non verbal aspects of creating a good impression. The focus here will be to prepare the students for Corporate Environment and Culture,helping them to successfully deal with Social as well as difficult situations in the Corporate World. *Dress Code *Exploring Influencing through the Power of voice *Stabilizing nervousness *Improve volume control Voice projection Tone - The underlying intention of the message Speed -The subliminal effects of fast and slow speech Rhythm -Using pause and pace to create interest Pitch - Exploring the music in voice and language Increasing the power and impact of the voice Cultural differences in language styles and sound of the voice Stereotypes and assumptions which are set by vocal tone and non verbal behaviours

Words people use reveals their thinking, learning style and perception Exploring internal and external motivators *Non- verbal communication *Handling Difficult Messages Dealing with crisis communications *How behavior and communication styles together create a perception in the minds of others It's not what we have said but what the other person thinks we have said that is important Understand how we are perceived by others * Role Play' using Students in various situations to allow them to observe, advise and interact with the others as different scenarios are played out Dealing with different levels in the business (externally as well as internally) Not being manipulated Setting clear boundaries Delivering tough messages while maintaining positive relationships * Communication Cycle - Thought- Spoken- Heard -Understood - Agreed to - Acted on Implemented Styles and Difficult People Feedback and how to make it best support moving things forward Internal boundaries - how people can become stressed or 'difficult' when they are crossed Art of Saying No - Techniques on assertiveness issues * Having difficult conversations (including 5 stages of Anger Management) d) Resume Making Techniques -Format, Typography, Length -Purpose & Right Keywords -Highlighting Strengths and Qualities -Essentials vs Expendables e) Interview Techniques -Interview Preparation Before , During and after the Interview Preparation for the Interview -Research on the Employer -Research on the Role/Opening and Company requirements -Right Dress Code During the Interview -Right Attitude and Voice Modulation -Right Posture -Right Interactive Behavior and Handling the Questions -Playing to One's strengths -Psychometric Tests

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