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‘No.10-2544/2007-OSP Government of India 19 & Information Technology Department of Telecommunications (Other Service Provider Cell 20-Ashok Road, Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi - 110 001. 31" August, 2007 Subject: Registration for setting up of an International call centre at Bhopal by Mis. XtraNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd, — regarding. Reference: The application received on 10" August, 2007 from the company. M/s. XtraNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd., has been registered for under the Other Service Provider (OSP) category as defined in New Telecom Policy "99 (NTP"99) setting up an International call centre at Bhopal as per details given in para 2 below. This registration is subject to the OSP terms & conditions as available on the website “www dot gov in/osplosp html” 2. The location of the call centre in India & client end Point of Presence (POP) at foreign end and connectivity is as under: Address of International Call | Details of foreign end Point | Connectivity* Centre in India of Presence (PoP) Mss. XitaNet Technologies Pvt. | Co-location 2 Mbps MPLS Lid, Reliance Communication Z-5. \" Floor, Zone-1, M.P. | Ltd., Hudson Street, 12" ‘agar Bhopal, MP, loo, Suite 1915, NV 10013 India USA Co-location 2 Mbps MPLS: Reliance Communication Liud., TeleHouse, East London, E142AA(UK) | | Tniernet 1024 Kbps from authorised ISP for non voice application only. * All bandwidths to be taken from authorised telecom services provider only 3. _ M/s. XtraNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd., for providing call center services to the clients may take the resources ftom any authorized service provider for which it shall enter into a separate agreement with the Service provider for the resources for the above-approved activity WE + FFA VRS KUMAR JHA, aqme fraan assiianr pinecron eda Prars, ae eee DErTT, OF TELECOM, GOVT. OF INDIA 8 Faecynew ocusn ‘No.10-2544/2007-OSP. 4. Prior approval is required for any change in the address of the call centre / OP at clicnt cnd; addition of POP at client end, interconnection between the call centres of the same company / group company; addition of new call centre / data centre / disaster recovery site; change in the name of the company. For the increase in the bandwidth between the existing locations, no prior approval is required, however, an intimation shall be sent by the registered OSP within 15 days. 5. A copy of letter no. 11-4/2006-OSP dated 19" July, 2007 regarding the functioning of Vigilance Telecom Monitoring Cell of the Department of ‘Telecommunication in the field is enclosed for information. 6. This registration will be valid for twenty (20) years w.c.f. the date inscribed in this memo. 31 ]08]> r (Raj Kumar Sha) Assistant Director (CS-14) RF BATE FI/RAY KUMAR JHA a tar nr ee fear, Enel: As above Mis. XtraNet Technologies Pvt. Lid., ( Attn: Mr. Sukhbir Singh Kukreja), 1-6, \*'Floor, Zone-1, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal, MP Copy to: Shri Sanjay Verma, DDG(VTM), lance Telecom Monitoring, Door Sanchar Bhawan, Room No. 222, Il Floor, Hosangabad Road, Bhopal-462015 ii, DDG (Security), HQ, Sanchar Bhawan,

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