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According to Accelerated
Learning Programme(ALP)

Punjab College of Science,


By: Rai Muhammad Waqas Lati

Sr. Page
No. No.
1 My Hobby 3

2 Pollution 4

3 Why I Love Pakistan 6

4 Cell Phone 8

5 Visit to a Historical Place 9

6 Computer 11

7 A Cricket Match 13

8 Technical Education 14

9 Corruption 16

10 My Favourite Personality 17

11 Life in a Big City 19


“ To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three
hobbies, and they must be real. “
We live in the world today where it is mandatory to work hard in this fierce competition to
achieve the desired goals. In the pursuit of achieving these goals, the mind becomes dull and
rusted. He feels intense stress and suffocation. Therefore, he needs the release of suffocation by
means of his favourite activity in the name of hobby.
Hobby is a fruitful work done in spare time. There is no monetary benefit in a hobby. It is
purchased only for pleasure. It is based purely on interest and enjoyment and no other
consideration. There is no compulsion about a hobby. Every boy and girl should have a hobby for
spare time, for as the poet said,
“ Absence of occupation is not rest.
A mind quite vacant is mind distressed. “
Since it depends on personal taste, it follows that there are different hobbies. Some find it
interesting to collect used postage stamps from all the different countries of the world. Others
who are mechanical minded like to work with machinery: to take bicycles or radio-sets to pieces
and assemble them again. Another may be fond of fretwork or painting, or of observing the habits
of birds and animals in the jungle. A hobby has beneficial effect on the mind and prevent one
from ever becoming dull and in low spirit.
My hands automatically move towards books whenever I am free from my work. Reading
is my hobby. Reading quality books is the best hobby that keeps one’s mind relaxed and focused.
As it is said,
“ A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads
lives only one.”
There are two reasons for this choice. First, it is my taste of life. Second, the Quaid-e-
Azam, who is my hero, also liked reading a lot. He himself had a great collection of books.
Besides, it is advice of great writers to read books in order to write great. Hazlet, Bacon and
almost all the writers used to study books and used the acquired ideas into their writings. Reading
followed by writing had made them perfect.
“ Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact
My choice of reading books ranges from poetry, history and geography to Quranic Tafasirs.
Also books from English literature attract my attention. I read Urdu and English poetry. The glory
of the past is very fascinating to me. So I have read many a book on Indian history. The knowledge
of our ancestors makes me think that I am a part of the past. English novels, essays and stories
contribute to my vocabulary and style. I also read Quranic Tafasirs by different scholars in order
to grasp the true spirit of Islam.

“ Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be
chewed and digested thoroughly.”
There are multiple benefits of reading books. Reading sharpens my mind and increases my
level of understanding of different things in my life. Books contain a wealth of knowledge and
information. They accumulate the experience and observations decades with them. They help
enrich my mind with that of knowledge, experience and understanding. As it is well said,
“ The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
Reading books help to relieve my stress and uncertainty. They give much needed relief and
relaxation to my mind. It is not only a form of entertainment or a hobby to keep me pleased, but
also is an elixir for my mind that naturally needs extensive reading to grow and improve. It is a
well-researched fact that good book readers can never experience mental stress and depression.
Book reading keeps me engaged and entertained.
“ Books are the mirrors of the soul.”
I am extremely thankful for my books reading hobby that has given me so much in this
world. Reading has saved me from bad company and consequent tragic loss. It has given me a
clear advantage over a fellow students. I have great vocabulary to speak and write, complete
understanding of current affairs and literature by virtue of my hobby. Therefore I score better
marks in examinations and win, sometimes easily, in quiz contests and speech declamations.
“ The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it.”
My reading habits are another aspect to be investigated. I read books for the sake of pleasure
and knowledge. Reading is a source of refreshment for me, not of burden or headache. However,
when I am free from examination, I read a lot, almost passionately. Secondly, I always hesitate
to lend my books to somebody else because I do not trust anyone in this connection.
“ Never lend books, for no one ever returns them; the only books I have in my
library are books that other folks have lent to me.”
To conclude, reading is a beneficial habit and a wise advice of great people. It leads one to
success everywhere. Investment in this hobby would certainly pay off in future. One can enjoy
success, leisure, happiness and great respect by having a good habit for one’s spare time
“ The wisdom of a learned man cometh by opportunity of leisure.”

“ Pollution is a silent killer which is hired by us to kill us.”
We are living in the age of science and technology. Though we have made tremendous
progress yet we have to conquer everything. Pollution is a burning issue of today. It has disturbed
the balance between living things and surroundings. It is like a burning mountain that can cause
every loss to living souls on the earth. It is a constant threat to mankind and entire civilization.
Pollution means contamination of earth’s environment with materials that interfere with
human health, the quality of life, or natural ecosystems. Although some environmental pollution
is a result of natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, yet most is caused by human activities.
People are exploiting the nature in many ways and creating pollution everywhere.
“ Mankind today appears like a foolish man who is wielding an axe at the
branch of the tree on which he is sitting.”
Pollution is a global problem of today. It has reached the most alarming stage. It is proving
a great danger for all the living creatures. It has not very long history but list of its kinds and bad
effects is quite lengthy.
Pollution exists in many forms and affects different aspects of earth’s environment. Much
pollution comes from specific, localized bad identifiable sources such as sewage pipelines, or
industrial smokestacks. Another kind of pollution comes from dispersed and uncontained
resources such as contaminated water and runoff from urban and automobile emissions.

Human contamination of earth’s atmosphere can take many forms and has existed since
human first began to use fire for agriculture, heating and cooking. It can be seen in the
indiscriminate cultivation of land, the destruction of forests and in the annihilation of active
species. Man’s voracity has upset the balance of nature.
“ Man is the only animal that fouls its own nest.”
There are many forms of pollution. The most common of these are air pollution, water
pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution.
Urban air pollution is commonly known as smog (a form of air pollution produced by the
photochemical reaction of sunlight with hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides that have been released
into the atmosphere, especially by automotive emissions).
“ There is so much pollution in air now that if it weren’t for our lungs there’d
be no place to put it all.”
Air pollution has developed into a major health hazard in the modern time. Air pollutants
build up in the atmosphere, sulphur and nitrogen oxides are converted into acids that mix with
rain. This acid rain falls in lakes and on forests, where it can lead to death of fish and plants, and
damage entire ecosystem. Eventually, the contaminated lakes and forests may become lifeless.
One of the greatest challenges caused by air pollution is Global Warming, an increase in
earth’s atmosphere due to the building up of certain gases such as carbon dioxide. With the heavy
use of fossil fuels in the modern era, atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has risen
dramatically. Carbon dioxide and other gases known as green house gases reduce the escape of
heat from the planet and increase global temperature. It changes climate patterns, affects crop
production, disrupt wildlife distributions and raise the sea level.

“ Air is life. Pollution is dead.

What if we live life like dead.
That is what air pollution is.”
Sewage, industrial wastes and agriculture chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides are
the main causes of water pollution. In developing nations, more than 95 percent of urban sewage
is discharged untreated into rivers and bays. Water runoff, a major source of pollution, carries
fertilizing chemicals such as phosphates and nitrates from agricultural fields and yards into lakes,
streams and rivers. It causes death of fish and other aquatic life.
“ Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have
become global garbage cans.”
Soil is the mixture of mineral, plant and animal materials that form during a long process
that may take thousands of years. It is necessary for more plant growth and is essential for
agricultural production. Soil pollution is a buildup of toxic chemical compounds, salts, pathogens
or radioactive materials that can affect plant and animal life. The massive use of chemical
fertilizers and pesticides is poising the natural processes occurring within the soil and destroying
the useful organisms such as bacteria, fungi and other micro-organisms.
“ The world is fast becoming a massive polluted dump.”
Unwanted sounds or noise such as that is produced by airplanes, traffic or industrial
machinery is considered a form of pollution. Noise pollution is at worst in densely populated
areas. It can cause hearing loss, stress, high blood pressure, sleeplessness, distraction and lost

“ Never let the noise of world overpower the stillness of your soul.”
The problem of pollution and other environmental hazards calls for immediate measures
to save the future generations from the devastating predicament of pollution. The attempts to
protect environment especially relied on isolating contaminants from the environment and using
end-of-pipe filters and scrubbers. Proper treatment of chemicals and medicines should be ensured
before letting them into the lakes and rivers. Overuse of fertilizers and pesticides should be
stopped. Sewage should be properly treated before drawing into rivers, lakes etc. Noise pollution
can be overcome by adding insulation and sound proofing to doors, walls and ceilings, and also
by using air protection, particularly in industrial working areas
“ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
We must maintain and establish a beautiful relationship with the rest of nature. So that we
may not pollute the earth’s atmosphere to such an extent that deformed humans are only left to
enjoy the prospects on the industrial and technological process. We must acknowledge the
sanctity of earth.
“ While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and
summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”


“ Such is the patriot’s boast, wherever we roam, His first,
best country ever is at home.”
Men have always taken pride in loving their countries about everything else. From the
ancient times to the modern age, people have been laying their lives for the honour of their
‘motherland’. Many a time, even the weaker nations fought so bravely against the aggressors that
the whole world was surprised. In short, love for one’s homeland has become an accepted virtue
among freedom-living nations.

“ Lovely and honourable! it is to die for one’s country.”

It is natural that man loves his native country. The same case is with me. I can say that it
commands my love for being the land which begot me and which sustains me. It is not surprising
for that a person loves his home and his family. It is because he is bound to it with ties that are
known and felt by everyone of us. It is ungrateful to betray one’s benefactor. So I can never think
of feeling anything except love for my country.
“ Men love their country, not because it is great, but because it is their own.”
I love my country Pakistan for its ideology. It was established on the basis of an ideology.
Pakistan is the fort and heart of Islamic world. We achieved it in the name of Islam, so that we
may perform our religious duties freely. Being an Islamic state, its constitutionn is based on
Islamic principles. It is a state where we are free to shape our destiny. Here we are free in our
political, social, religious and educational fields. It is a place where we feel safe and live life
according to our religious principles.

“ A man’s country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and

woods, but it is a principle; and patriotism is loyalty to that principle.”
I love Pakistan because the culture and civilization of this country are felt in my blood.
What I am is very deeply connected with Pakistan and can not be separated from it as a part of
the body can not be separated from it without a bitter pain. The atmosphere around me is the
outcome of centuries of development. I am proud of the cultural heritage of Pakistan which

sustains me and my country men. If I disown these bonds, nobody can be more ungrateful than
me, as it is marked by someone,
“ More deadly than a serpent’ s tooth is an ungrateful child.”
The Romans thought that the greatest moral virtue was to love one’s country. A person
who failed to love his country was a traitor and was punished with death. The Germans in the 20 th
century defied the whole world because they loved their country above everything else and
thought that they were worthy of ruling the whole world. Intoxicated with this idea, they proved
to be the most powerful nation of the world. Their unity was without any strain. It proves that
love of one’s country gives new personal strength and faith in a higher ideal which lies behind all
human progress. The land which is mostly inhabited by the Muslims is a source of inspiration to

“ I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man
live so that his place will be proud of him.
There is still another reason for my love for Pakistan. Since the decline of Muslim rule in
Indo-Pak the Muslims had a very bad time. With the efforts of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, his friends
and followers, the Muslims of this country realized their condition. Then under the inspiring
leadership of Quaid-e-Azam, they struggled for the creation of Pakistan. Pakistan came into being
on 14th August, 1947 for which we had to give great sacrifices. Millions of people lost their lives
and homes. Such a dearly brought prize can not be neglected. My love has immense depth for this
reason too.
“ I only regret that I have but only one life to lose for my country.”
I love Pakistan not only because it has imposing and beautiful buildings, but it has also
vast tracts of fertile land and gardens, and places of natural scenery. It is the land of mighty
mountains, fast flowing rivers, beautiful valleys, outstanding landscape, lush green fields and
trees. The unbelievably beautiful scenes of Kalam, Naaran, Kaghan, Sawat and Kashmir marvel
the visitors. The tourists can’t help praising the awesome scenic beauty of these places.
I love Pakistan because of its men. Men in the real sense of the word make or unmake
nations. The wealth, ammunition and landed property do not constitute a nation. Pakistanis are
good at heart: they are straight forward and sincere. They are honest, reliable and trustworthy.
Fair in their dealings, upright in their acrions, dauntless in their undertakings _____ they are
worthy of love.
Moreover, it is the land where our hero, our leader Mr. Jinnah had lived. It is the land where
great and glorious man Allama Iqbal had lived. This land gave birth to the poets like Faiz, Ahmad
Nadeem Qasmi etc., the scientists like Dr. Abdul Qadeer, Abdus Salam etc., and the
compassionate like Abdus Satar Edhi.

“ A nation reveals itself not only the men it produces but also by the men it
honours, the men it remembers.”
In the end I should say that I love Pakistan because it is fountain of my life, safety and
honour. To have no love for it means no love for my own self.

“ Breathes there the man with soul so dead who never to himself hath said,
this is my own native land.”

“ Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life, it is perhaps the greatest of
God’s gifts.”
The present age is the age of science and much of our happiness depends on how man uses
the immense power of science. We can not imagine living without certain inventions and
discoveries of science. These things have made life very comfortable and worth-living. One of
the wonders of science is mobile phone which has become indispensable for modern man.
John Militon was of the view that attitude of someone made a thing good or bad. The thing
itself is not either good or bad. Ever since the dawn of era of scientific inventions, the scientific
gadgets have been under the debate whether they are good or bad. Cellular phones are also being
discussed by the various sections of society. The fact of the matter is that mobile phones have
both sides of picture.
Mobile phones are just one piece of evidence that the world is, in fact, a global village.
“ The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a
global village.”
Unlike landlines, mobile phones do not put restrictions on the users to stay at home or in
the office etc. You are free to roam about with your cellular phone in your pocket. It implies that
wherever you are, you are always in contact with the rest of the world, there is no chance of either
losing someone or getting out of sight.
Youngsters are greatly fascinated by the charms of mobile phone. It offers them
multidimensional pleasures and facilities. They enjoy melodious ringtones, colourful wallpapers
and interesting games. They get connected with their friends through SMS and MMS. The mobile
phones communicate their sentiments, wishes and requests within a few seconds. Moreover
different functions and softwares of mobile phone like calculator, stopwatch, time-clock and
reminder etc. are very useful for students.
“ These objects were considered essential across all participants, cultures and
gardens: keys, money and mobile phone.”
Since communication moves the world of business, cellular phones are a great help in this
connection. Businessmen around the globe carry sophisticated cellular phones to remain in
contact with their offices. They are going back in their offices and manage the business activities
by mere phone calls. Business executives also want to stay in contact with their customers. In
order to enjoy the confidence of their clients, they would like to have the assistance of cellular
phones. This gives them freedom from movement.

“ I love the freedom of movement that my phone gives me. That has definitely
transformed my life.”
Mobile phones are very useful in emergency situations. Excellent public administration or
maintenance of law and order requires consistent watch. If there is any danger of law and order
being disrupted, mobile phones can convey timely information to public administrators and help
the avert tragedies.
Today mobile phones are not merely communication devices, but they are also used as
laptops. This is because of technological advancement. Business administrators, engineers and
other experts use mobile sets for data management. Young children find mobile sets useful
entertainment devices. Political leaders, workers and social organizations are also using it to
coordinate their activities.
On the other hand, it is well said,

“ Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”
In other words, the wrong technology in wrong hands leads nowhere good. There comes
many abuses of cell phone if it is misused. Students can spoil themselves by indulging in the
pleasures of cell phone. They are fond of chatting, music and video clips etc. Young children can
fall a prey to such luxuries very easily. They waste their precious time in using mobile phones for
excessive entertainment. Certainly, this is neither appreciable nor desirable.
If a cell phone is put into a social interaction, it does two things. First, it decreases the
quality of what you talk about. Second, it decreases the emphatic connection that people feel
towards one another.

“ The more time we spend interconnected via a myriad of devices, the less time
we have left to develop our friendship in real life.”
Besides, terrorists have used mobile phones for exploding planted bombs. Instead of
information, a mobile phone has become a sophisticated weapon in the hands of a terrorist. Many
precious lives have been ruined by them.
Moreover, receiving unsolicited sales calls or texts is annoying and disruptive. Money
making scams are being increasingly more common and sophisticated, and often target the most
vulnerable members of society. Mobile phones also hinders sleep. Teenagers, in particular, need
good sleep to help their developing brains, but they often suffer worst from mobile phone related
sleep problems. It is said,
“ On earth we have these insects. Some people said it was pollution or mobile
Finally, it may be hoped that with better counseling, young generations shall use mobile
phones for positive and appreciable purposes. Students shall use it for constructive purposes in
their educational career. One can be optimistic that one day terrorism will be uprooted. Then,
phones will not be used for disrupting law and order or killing innocent people.
“ If people were super-optimistic about technology, there would be no reason
to be pessimistic in future.


“ What is this life if full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.”
Life is a journey and it is admitted fact that how we travel and tackle this journey makes a
difference to our life. Life is a tale of adventures. These adventures have many shapes such as
educational and recreational trips, visits to attractive and historical places. Visits provide a chance
to enjoy life, celebrate happy moments and break the monotony of routine life. Visit to the
historical places is the best way to enjoy life in the best possible way by breaking the barriers of
boredom. A visit opens the door of pleasant change to individual and group life.
“ Travel and change of place impart new vigour to the mind.”
A visit to a historical place is always a source of amusement and relaxation for me. Last
Sunday, when the one week Mid-term holidays started, our group of friends deeded to visit Tomb
of Jahangir. It is a place of historical interest.
“ If I could travel the world, I would visit all historical places as they inspire
me a lot.”
After a journey of an hour, the Tomb of Jahangir was before us. The four magnificent
minarets of the tomb presented an exquisite view. A high wall and an elegantly decorated big gate
guarded the mausoleum of the great emperor. A large number of people had also come to enjoy
there. The Tomb of Jahangir is located in Shahdara, a suburb of Lahore to the north-west of the
city. The area had been a favourite spot of Jahangir and his wife Noor Jahan when they resided
in Lahore. Jahangir ruled the Mughal Empire from 1605 to 1627. When Jahangir died in 1627, he
may have initially been buried in Shahdara in one of its many gardens. His son, Shah Jahan
ordered that a mausoleum befitting an emperor should be built as a permanent memorial.
“ All history is the biography of great men.”
We bought tickets and entered the main gate. The main gate is tall and strong. The grand
building occupies a vast quadrangle measuring 600 gaz, approximately 500 meters, to a side and
is sub-divided into four chahar baghs ( four-part gardens ). There are ever green trees along the
pathway that leads to the main building in the tomb.
The tomb was constructed in a Mughal style influenced by Sufavid-style architecture from
Persia. The mausoleum was laid out as taghtgar. It was built upon a podium which served as
“ History places are character of history based on or concerned with events in
From the building, rise four octagonal ornamental minarets projecting from each corner of
the building, decorated with geometric inlaid stone. The use of minarets reflect a renewed interest
in Tirnurid architecture from central Asia during the reign of Jahangir. The minarets are divided
into three sections, with the tomb forming the base, upon which the body of the minarets rests.
“ When you see the world’s glory, it is how the art has made it.”
The tomb occupies the heart of a fragrant park. The park was automatically studded with
colourful buds and blooming flowers. The trees were blossoming. Birds, perched on the twigs
and boughs, were twittering.
In front of the great tomb, a lovely fountain was sprinkling it’s light shower. A fountain
occupies the centre of each of the chahar baghs.

“ Ah happy happy boughs that can not shed. Your leaves,

nor ever bid the spring adieu.”
Soon afterwards, we entered the majestic edifice of Mughal Art containing the sepulcher
of emperor. What a life of luxury and opulence he had enjoyed, but now he was lying desolate
and deserted in the sheer calm of infinity. We offered ‘Fateha’ and prayed to God to be Merciful
and Beneficent to the departed soul. I was surprised to see the beautiful work and artistic design
made by Muslim artisans.
The walls of the room were adorned with floral and mosaic designs. There were curious
colourful patterns signifying the mystery of death. The tomb was built of white marbles. Red
sand-stones were used here and there. Brown and blue marbles were also freely brought into use.
It was indeed a beautiful piece of architecture in the world. It’s workmanship is superb. It holds
the visitors spellbound.
“ The places are indeed great, enclosing the great people.”
We came up to the terrace and had a view of Lahore from there. It was a startling sight.
The cool breeze, a canopy of silvery clouds over our heads and the prevailing aroma of the
blooming flowers made the panorama so charismatic that it had a lasting impact on our memory.
It was very amusing to see the people walking in streets and the cars moving on the roads. The
shining water of the river looked like a reflecting mirror.
It was 2:00 pm and we were extremely tired. We were feeling hungry. We, therefore, sat
down in a park under a shady tree . We took our dry lunch which we had brought with us. After

that, we had a tea from a nearby tea stall. After taking rest for a while we took pictures of this
historical moment. One of my friends had digital camera of latest model. The peaceful atmosphere
gave the soothing pleasure.
“ In nature’s infinite book of secrecy, A
little I can read.”
We spent the whole day looking this historical place. Indeed, it was a memorable visit,
which we enjoyed the most. Our minds were full of solemn thoughts and colourful memories.
The whole scene was presenting a beautiful picture. We were much impressed by the scene.
Now it was time to go back. So, when the brightness of the day faded into the descending
dark, we hesitatingly headed home. Our minds were full of solemn thoughts. It was unforgettable
visit to the historical place.
“ It is not the destination where you end up but the mishaps and memories
you create along the way.”

“ Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, tradition and
myth frame our response.”
Imagining a world without science is like imagining death or ultimate end. It is because
science is something that has forever been a very intricate and integrated part of our lives. It is
because of the contribution of science in every field. Starting from telegrams, then telephones and
now smart phones, science is behind all these inventions and evolutions. Computer is one of the
greatest invention of science.
When Pascal invented computer in 1642 he didn’t know that it was the dawn of revolution.
It was a simple machine of calculations, almost as big as a room. Somehow, it couldn’t attract the
attraction of other scientists or people. Hence, no vulnerable progress could be made. However,
in the last thirty years or so computer has become a part and parcel of human life. It’s excessive
use suggests that our life is “e-life” now.
“ The information technology, internet and email have particularly eliminated
the physical costs communications.”
Computers have been dominating the technological scenario since the seventies. The
wonderful machine has not only won over the hearts of billions but also it has entered all walks
of our lives. The widespread availability of computers has tremendously helped mankind in
making itself developed, powerful, self-reliant, prosperous and progressive entity. So in the glory
of scientific inventions and discoveries, computer has emerged as the brightest star leading man
towards a better future.
“ Computers have made our lives interesting, useful, methodical and regular
to each other and the ourselves.”
In this age of information technology, computer is a man’s real friend in order to store,
mange, process and transmit information. Huge piles of registers can be compressed in a small
memory card of computer. From home to our office, from bank to our business and from bus
terminal to airport, computer serves us like an obedient servant. So much so, our defense systems
are also computer-operated. Atom bombs and missile batteries are controlled and operated by

“ Science and technology can solve the world’s problems, and historically it
has been shown to make the world better and better.”
The computer stores an ocean of knowledge and information and gives results as and when
ordered. It has helped in overcoming many difficult problems of multiple calculations, scientific
data processing, record keeping and industrial complications. So far it has proved a matchless
friend and servant of science, technology and industry. It connects people and supplies desired
information instantly. Telecommunication is based on computers. Life in urban cities can not be
imagined without computers. In rural areas as well, computers play a vital role in crop
development, seed research, crop disease management, rural employment and rural education.

“ Computers themselves, and software yet to be developed, will revolutionize

the way we learn.”
The world has turned into a global village because of computer. Moreover it has played an
extremely important role in making man more productive and efficient.
On the other hand, it is well said,
“ Technology is a useful servant but a bad master.”
Any technical fault in computer can bring life to stand still. This is the biggest drawback
of its extensive use and dependence on it. Sometimes banking operations and transactions halt,
flights delay or internet communication suspends. This may result in financial loss also. What if
our defense system does not trigger, on account of computer fault? It seems to be a
Secondly its extensive use has made people introvert. They use to go out in parties,
functions and festivals. However, now they are computer and internet addict.
“ Men have become the tools of their tools.”
The rise of computer has widened the gap between haves and have-nots. The deprived
sections of society can not benefit from computer, whereas the haves not only enjoy it but also
get maximum out if it. In short, the have-nots feel that they have been denied the luxury of
In spite of radical and marvelous development in computer, it will only remain a machine
made by man. It can never take the place and position of man. It can never attain the creativity
and thinking of the human mind. After all, a computer is a machine, a product of human
intelligence, which depends on human hands for its manufacture, maintenance, and operation.
The most powerful is man’s brain and that is not going to change. It is well said,
“ Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.”
In the final analysis, we can say that computer is a blessing because its huge advantages
outweigh these few disadvantages. The potential the computer has to help us is immense and the
limit is only our imagination and the resources we have at our disposal. This tool can be thought
to perform endless tasks even the experts get surprised sometimes. But on the other hand, we have
to keep our both eyes open for sighs of potentially dangerous outcomes of some of the
technological advancements we use.
“ The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t
really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.”

“ Sports serve society by providing vivid examples of excellence.”
Games and sports are a great source of hilarity and recreation. They not only recharge but
also provide us vigour so necessary for life.
Good health is a great boon. Only a healthy body possesses a healthy mind. A healthy man
can work more competently and cheerfully whereas a sick person is a liability to his relations and
burden to a society. The proper way to maintain good health is to play games so that our limbs
which generally remain inactive during mental labour may have exercise.
“ Games and sports develop character and give birth which are quite essential
for improving the quality of life, acquiring wealth and success.”
Cricket is a very popular game of our country. It is full of thrill, suspense and interest.
Cricket is also playing a vital role in creating international brotherhood. Players are unofficial
ambassadors of their countries. They create curiosity among the foreigners to know the country.
Moreover, playground trains one for the battle of practical life which requires endurance to
undergo it’s hardships. The captain learns how to lead others. A good captain possesses all the
qualities of a good leader. He inspires trust in the members of his team and has insight into their
characters. As it is well said,
“ Playground trains us for the battle of practical life.”
On the eve of Quaid’s birth anniversary, the District Govt. organized a cricket tournament.
In the final, our team contested with the neighbouring college team. The match was to be played
on our college ground. It is lush green with beautiful boundary fences. There was a makeshift
pavilion and some chairs for the guests. Deputy Commissioner was the chief guest who arrived
at the venue well in time. A large number of spectators had already gathered on the ground.
Players of both teams were very smart, active and energetic. Their athletic bodies reflected
the hard work they had done in the gymnasium and on the ground. Our team was dressed in blue
while they were in yellow. White ball was used for the first time in the history of local cricket.
Having win the toss, our captain elected to bat first.
“ It is not important who starts the game but who finishes.”
The decision of our captain was quite right as it was a batting wicket where ball could take
turn in the afternoon. Both sides have to play forty overs each. Our openers have us a steady start.
They both defended and attacked. In the 12th over when the first wicket fell, the score was 65.
The opposition had not anticipated such a start. Then our rival team created panic in our batting
line and got three quick wickets. However, our captain and other batsmen defended well first and
then attacked. It was very fascinating to see the white ball ambling in green grass or flying in the
golden sunlight. Besides, the spectators’ echoes made the whole show very exciting.

“ No cricket team in the world depends on one or two players. The team
always plays to win.”
In the final overs, the slog was launched. Our batsmen are hitting sixes along with twos and
threes. We finished 4/214. After the lunch break, the rival team started their innings.
They responded well. Although they lost an early wicket but it was not an irreparable loss.
At the end of 20th over the score was 1/100. Either side could win. However, our spin bowler
Waleed turned the tables. He is a leg-break googlie bowler who can cast a spell to any batsman.
It can be said confidently that he would be a star on the international horizon of cricket. He took
three wickets and kept them in control.

On the other hand, their all rounder, Tahir did not yield to any pleasure. His motto is attack
is the best defense. He slogged well which neared them to the goal. The match was heading
towards a nail biting finish.
“ Never lose hope. Never forget the power of inventions and desires.”
In the last over, they required eleven runs to win. A chill ran through us when Tahir hit a
four on the first ball. That was followed by two singles and two dot balls. It was last ball and they
required five runs. The batsman played towards extra cover; Akbar chased and threw back. The
keeper took the bails off and the umpire raised his finger. We had won the match.
It was incredible for our opposition. They were shocked but congratulated us because,

“ Cricket matches are not about losing and winning, it is about enjoying.”

Our team captain met with the captain of rival team in a tea party arranged at the college
cafeteria. They embraced each other. Our team captain patted and encouraged the rival one. Both
of them had a pleasant talk between them for about ten minutes. Our team captain advised him
not to lose hope. Moreover he said to him that loser is also very important for the winner. Without
a loser, there can not be a winner. He also said,

“ Winning and losing are a part of life. They are two sides of same coin.
Winning and losing come in cycles; neither is permanent.”
After the tea party, our team said goodbye to the rival team at the college gate. It was a
memorable watch which we enjoyed the most.
To conclude, sports are healthy activity to create a healthy society. They are an expression
of players’ stamina, athleticism, sportsman spirit and self control. Besides, sports are great fun
for players as well as spectators. This match was an evidence of such ideas.
“ What I know most surely about morality and the duty of man, I owe it to

“ Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”
Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and
judgement and generally of preparing oneself for mature life. It makes anyone complete, accurate
and worldly wise. It is important and significant for every individual in a nation. It plays a vital
and dynamic role to change the scenario of a country. Education makes a man realize about
himself and his goals and how to achieve them.
“ The principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing
new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.”
There are many kinds of education. General or liberal education means learning for
learning’s sake. It trains people in philosophy, history, literature and humanities etc. Social
education teaches us how to lead a good life in a society. It produces good and civilized citizens.
Religious or spiritual education molds our characters and makes us virtuous and pious. But
vocational or technical education is not learned for learning’s sake only, but it enables us to
practise our learning to earn a living. Technical education may be defined as the practical
application of scientific studies to the teaching of some trade, profession or handicraft.

“ I had to gain experience as I didn’t have a technical education.”
Modern age is the age of machine. The machine has entered into the soul of our social life
and no aspect of society is complete without it. Even the smallest thing of our daily use of
manufactured after several mechanical processes. Hence there is a great need of technicians and
skilled workers. A labourer who works on a machine should be full trained and should possess a
thorough knowledge of that machine. So the importance of technical education is increasing day
by day. It is the only way to build up the economy of under-developed and developing countries.
The scope of technical education is too much extensive. Science mostly depends on technical
minds. In fact, the industrial revolution is based on technical innovations. In short,

“ Men are only as good as their technical development allows them to be.”
Technical education has numerous benefits. It solves the problem of unemployment by
supplying the industries a large number of trained workers. A country can also increase its
material resources through technical education. It impairs dexterity, skill, quickness, a habit of
neatness and order. People begin to have a faith in dignity of labour. Another important practical
advantage of technical education is that we have our own technicians and technical experts and a
large amount of foreign exchange would be saved or earned. We also earn foreign exchange by
sending our technicians to other countries. This technical education makes a country rich,
prosperous and resourceful.

“ No economy can succeed without a high quality workforce, particularly in

an age of globalization and technical change.”
Pakistan is facing an acute problem of employment. People are willing to work but they
can not find jobs. As a result majority of them go astray. If we discuss the reason for this situation,
we will find that it is our defective education system which lays too much stress literary training
and ignores technical and vocational education.

“ One if the unfortunate things about our education system is that we do not
teach students how to avail themselves of their subconscious capabilities.”
The growth in education has resulted in a large number of people looking for white-collar
jobs, which are not available. There is no dearth of natural resources in Pakistan. It is our
misfortune that we are still poor. It is because we do not know how to make the best use of our
natural stock. Only technical and vocational education can save us from hopelessness and
depression. Technical and vocational education can give us expert engineers and technicians who
would be able to make the best use of our natural stock and to eradicate the poverty.
Technical education and vocational guidance will help the men and women to choose a
profession in accordance with their capability and attitude, which is an essential thing. This will
enable them to build the self-confidence and will allow them to utilize their talents.
“ Vocational education programs have made a real difference in the lives of
countless young people nationwide; they build self-confidence and leadership
skills by allowing students to utilize their unique gifts and talents.”
There is a need of efficient and skilled workers innovations. Hence vocational or technical
education is very important. In this age of large scale industries, it is very difficult to achieve
progress in industrial field without a sufficient number of technical hands. So technical education
given to the young ones will enable them to contribute their best in the desired development of
our country.
Our government has done a great deal in establishing technical and vocational institutions
throughout the country. We must get lessons from other countries which are economically
powerful though they are no rich in natural resources. It is only the technical education which
made them distinguished in the world. Pakistan is fortunate to have rich resources. So by merely
providing the vocational guidance to our young generation can solve many problems at the same

“ Technical education along with general education is as much important for

a country as the air for the survival.”

“Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it’s set a rolling, it must increase.”
There is nothing consistent about human behavior except its tendency to drift towards evil.
The love of money and the lack of it makes a man feel tempted to adopt dishonest or wicked
means, namely bribery, and corruption. It clings society like the deadly contagion and hampers
its progress, making it a cauldron of chaos, confusion, and insecurity. Moral degradation,
lawlessness disappointment, disgust, and disintegration are the natural upshot of corruption. So,
it goes without saying that corruption and destruction go side by side and the society with wide-
spread corruption of all sorts is ultimately doomed.
“Corruption is the destroyer of individuals as well as societies”
Corruption is a multi-dimensional problem. This is surely an indecent, derisive, insulting,
smelly and immoral term. This is a sort of cancer that badly afflicts our entire social set-up and
makes the most terrible threat to our national existence. Bribery and corruption imposingly cause
despair, dejection, despondency, distrust and discontentment in society.
The government machinery is adversely affected by this evil, and it eventually becomes
powerless to have the desired results leveled against them on the part of the public. The graph of
corruption clearly shows that it is directly proportional to the political instability in the society.

“Corruption is like a tree, whose branches are of immeasurable length. It

spreads everywhere. The dew that drops from it affects all the chairs and
stools of authority.”
Thriving corruption and poverty eradication cannot go hand in hand. The masses become
the victims of the greedy cops, absentee School teachers and medical staff in government
hospitals. People are denied justice from the courts of law. People start living on their illegal or
tax evaded earnings, and the majority of politicians feel absolutely no shame at their defaulted
loans. Reluctantly, the economy of the country gradually collapses.
Corruption is the enemy of the development of country.”
As the whole system of moral, religious and social values is crippled by corruption, the
difference between good and bad, right and wrong virtually disappears. A widespread
dissatisfaction always prevails over such a society, and it ultimately welcomes a bloody
revolution or a military coup. So, all this goes to prove that corruption and bribery is the most
dangerous poison for our society. Corruption turns the country into a lawless terrain where people
act as if they were above the law. Most of the corrupt people do not care about the possible
allegations, because the love for money entices hearts, buys morals and enslaves the passions of
the people involved in the phenomenon.
“ It is a universal truth that corrupt has no morals.”
Corruption and bribery have almost become the problem of problems these days. Its history
is as old as human history itself. Graft, bribery and payoffs are the universal terms used for this
malady. We see that God introduced the anticorruption laws to man very far in the past when He
told Moses, Neither shall thou take bribes which blind the wise and pervert the words of the just,
besides, we have the saying of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W).

“Bribe-giver as well as bribe-taker are both doomed for hell.”
So corruption has never been a celebrated word in any religion, in any creed and in any
social or political system. But ironically the whole human history is marked by the events and
acts of corruption. It has become a way of life which is constantly threatening the very foundations
of our society.
Now the question is how this monstrous evil can be tackled. The lack of accountability
admittedly waters the plant of corruption. Maxim Politics is the last refuge of scoundrels needs
to be changed without fail. The outcome of the battle against corruption will depend on the basic
transformation of bureaucratic culture and sweeping changes in rules and procedures. As
corruption has become the lifeblood of our system, it would be an uphill task to eradicate
corruption from society. Addressing the constituent assembly of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam said,
“One of the biggest curses from which India is suffering is corruption that
really is a poison. We must put that down with an iron hand.”
So far the elimination of corruption and bribery is a dream that needs practical measures to
become a reality. It will not become a reality unless we are able to arrange or prepare some
antidote for the chronic disease of corruption.
Briefly, we would have to start a crusade against corruption. We will have to lead a simple
and peaceful life instead of a life of great luxury. We will have to brush aside the VIP culture. We
will have to give up unnecessary rites, customs, and snobberies. We will have to think in terms
of our common interest and the progress of our country. The alarm bells have started to ring loud
and clear but the issue of belling the cat is still there to be addressed. NAB or Anti-corruption
Department can not solve this problem without launching a new awareness campaign to make the
people familiar with the current strategy.
Anyhow, desperate, concerted and unceasing efforts are required to get our society free
from the strong clutches of corruption before it causes our death as a nation by drowning us in its
deadly poison. If today we don’t awake from the deep sleep of tolerating corruption, tomorrow
this awakening will be as useless as crying over spilt milk. So, let us awake and wipe out
corruption by its roots as Aesop said,

“Destroy the cause by its roots, otherwise it will grow into your ruin.”


“ The heights by great men reached and kept,

Were not attained by sudden flight.

But they, while their companions slept,

Were toiling upward in the night.”
1n 1893, a beautiful boy entered the Lincoln’s Inn, London. He was well groomed and had
fair complexion and aquiline features. He had come from India to learn law. Who knew that one
day he would develop into the Quaid-e-Azam for the Indian Muslims and liberate them from
slavery? He is my only choice as my favourite personality.
“All the history is the biography of great man.”
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a great visionary. His vision developed with the passage of
time and experience. He had been a great ambassador of the Hindu-Muslim unity at the start. But
soon, he realized that the Muslims, under the authority of the Hindus, would be treated like slaves.

He had such an ability that he could analyze past and present and map out the future plans
“ A hero draws information from the virtue of his ancestors.”
Having established this, we can say confidently that he was a leader in the true sense. He
was not a follower. He had the ability to instruct and direct people in the right direction. People
used to wait for his policy statement and they were never let down by their great leader. Whether
it was elections or mass campaign, matters of the Muslim League or communal riots, the Quaid
always proved equal to the task. As a leader he knew his goal and he had a plan to achieve it.

“ A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.”
Quaid-e-Azam was a superb negotiator. His confidence knew no bounds, but he never
became over confident. Therefore, he pleaded the case of the Muslims very diplomatically. His
negotiating skills were outstanding during Cabinet Mission Plan, Cripps Proposal and Shimla
Conference. During the talks, he never retreated from his stance and finally won Pakistan.
The Quaid-e-Azam was an extremely courageous leader. When on 5 th August, 1947, Lord
Mountbatten informed the Quaid that the Hindu and Sikh leaders were conspiring to assassinate
him during the state drive, this leader remained unmoved and declared that the state drive would
take place at any cost. He remained fearless and calm.
“ A man of courage is also full of faith.”
Nature had gifted him with an excellent will power that he used successfully to achieve his
goal. Despite his struggle with weak health, Jinnah kept struggling for his aim untiringly. He was
so confident and determined that no one could ever waver him in difficulties. He used to preside
over meetings, travel a lot, negotiate with his opponents, see visitors and supervise the working
of the Muslim League all without complaining.

“ A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than
In the same way, Jinnah was very brave and undaunted. Many a time, his guards suspected
a murder attempt and advised him to be careful. But, he did not care for it. One the eve of
independence, a British intelligence officer told him about an expected attack on him. He,
however, did not give it even the first thought. He accompanied Lord Mountbatten and his
cavalcade reached the destination safe and sound.
“ A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes
Of course, he was gifted with a sense of humour. He would comment humorously on
various occasions to please his audience. It was never malicious. Even during talks he would not
spare a powerful opponent by making witty remarks.
He was a committed and great lawyer. Quaid-e-Azam had such a mastery over law as the
judges and his rival attorneys would admire him for it. He would interpret law in a convincing
way to win a case.
The personality of the Quaid-e-Azam had a lot of Charisma. He was loved and honoured
by Muslims of the subcontinent very much. People used to come on foot from distant places to
have a look at their leader. He had got tremendous power to inspire and motivate the people of
his nation.
“ Quality, not quantity is the measure of one’s character.”
To conclude, it is difficult to epitomize the personality of my hero so briefly. At home, he
was a loving husband, affectionate father and a kind master to servants. Out of home, he was a

tough challenger for his opponents. As an orator, his speeches and statements inspired the masses
a lot and made them supremely conscious of their destiny. This great and committed lawyer did
not know that one day he would win the most important case of his life. If he had been on the side
of Congress, there would not have been any Pakistan. The Quaid was the only difference and the
people who differ write history.
“ Strong flowers decay but a great name shall never pass away.”


“ I have been in many of them and to some extent I would have to say this: If
you have seen the city slum, you have seen them all.”
Gone are the days when man’s life was confined to a certain locality. He lived all his life
in a village or in a small town. Because of the modern facilities, distances do not matter at all, the
world has become a global village. According to modern economists, one should live in the capital
of a country or, at least in the metropolitan city. This will provide him ample opportunities for his
overall growth.
In comparing city and country life, those who are city dwellers tend to idealize country life.
It is held to be a peaceful and trouble-free existence “far from the maddening crowd”. But the
experience of a village often shows that this is not quite a true picture. In a city, one has an
excellent service of shops and markets from which one can purchase all the things necessary for
“ God made the country and men made the town.”
The city life is very convenient. It provides all sort of facilities. Schools, college’s and
universities are the main centres of education. Hospitals provide the people with medical
facilities. Cinema houses and theaters are there to provide people with every kind of fun. Fast
communication and transportation are also there to serve people.
On the social side, there are theatres, cinemas, lectures and entertainment of all kinds. Even
the poorest man can take part in the show that a city arranges to keep its citizens amused and
occupied till late hours. In fact, this is often carried too far, and home life suffers because of the
modern craze for entertainment.
“ Recreation is not only joy but need of a man.”
Medical facilities are available to the people in a city. The government and the city district
administration run a number of dispensaries, hospitals and maternity homes. Large hospitals have
facilities for major operations and blood transfusion. In addition to these, there are other clinics
run by private practitioners and specialists.
Education is the sure means of progress. It is a necessary element for the uplift of mankind.
In cities, people have better educational provisions. There are many institutions for both
professional and non-professional education starting from the primary till post-graduate level. So,
it is natural that the city dwellers are better educated. They are analytical and enlightened than the
people living in villages. They are also more prosperous for they are well-groomed and trained,
and there are better and greater opportunities of employment. There are government offices,
multi-national companies, private offices and factories in a city.

“ A city is a place where there is no need to wait for next week to get answer to
a question, to taste the food of any country, to find the new voices to listen to
and familiar ones to listen to again.”
There is, of course, another side to the picture. Every kind of pollution is at its peak in
cities. The air of the city is often polluted by the smoke of factories and the fume: from petrol-
driven motor-cars. The dust and the noise of traffic in the bust streets is a real drawback and many
nervous ailments of the present day can be ascribed to the continuous noise of city life.
Moreover, the people living in cities can get all sorts of food but they can not enjoy the
pure and fresh food. A man living in the city is quite often away from nature. A big city dweller
never has the chance to see a sky full of stars or the beautiful glance of sunrise and sunset. So the
life style is often un-natural and artificial.

“ We are in danger of making our cities places where business goes on but
where life is, in it’s real sense, is lost.”
The modern facilities are available only to well-to-do classes and people are generally
selfish and proud. They lack the qualities of hospitality, generosity and simplicity. People of cities
live a busy and hectic life. Leisure is rare and people do not have the time to stand and stare. They
have no time to build up social relations. So there is more loneliness and alienation in a big city
as it is said,
“ City life is the millions of people being lonesome together.”
To put the pre-going discussion in a nutshell, it can safely be opined that life in a big city
has its own ornaments and demerits. It is a type of rose with thorns. These thorns disintegrate the
very soul of our social fabric because most people have their own axe to grind. In the final

“ What I like about cities is that everything is king size, the beauty and the


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