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Tecnología de Fabricación

3º Grado en Ingeniería de Organización Industrial

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería

Universidad Loyola

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No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Asignatura: Tecnologías de Fabricación (3◦ Ing. Industriales)
Fecha: 18/11/2020 Tipo de examen: T4-T5-T6-T7

Metal extrusion:
Consider the manufacture of 11 cm diameter billets of copper using hot extrusion. The available
press can perform a maximum force of 120 MN. Up to which temperature must a 50 cm billet be
heated to, in order to perfom the process? For copper K ( T ) = 40 log(1400 − T ) MPa, with T in ◦ C

The maximum stress that the press can apply to the material is

Fmax Fmax Fmax

k= =   =   = 202MPa
A0 log R A0
A0 log A f D2
A0 log D02

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We must now find the temperature at which the stress required for extruding copper is low enough:

T = 1400 − exp k ( MPa)/40 = 1244.7 ◦ C

Sheet bending:

A sheet of a certain metal alloy (22% tensile reduction of area and k=0.8) is bent to an angle of 120◦ ,
with a bend allowance of 2.5 cm. Which is the maximum sheet thickness that can be used without
causing failure?

To use the maximum sheet thickness possible, we must use the minimum bend radius Rmin . Also,
the bending radius can be obtained from the angle and the bend allowance, so we have:
Rmin = T −1 Lb = αi ( R + kT )
Forcing the bending radius R to be equal than the minimal possible, Rmin , we can obtain the value pt
Tmax from the two previous equations:

Tmax = 50
 = 5.8mm
αi r −1+k
As the configuration before springback is more severe than after it does not affect the solution.

A press than can perform 600 kN is used to manufacture squared shapes of size H with rounded
corners of 5 cm radius from a 2 mm thick sheet. How big can these squares be? UTS is 1.0 GPa.

The force needed for a shearing process depends on the total length of cut L, this is, the perimeter of
the cut figure:
Fmax = 0.7UTSwL = 0.7UTSw 4 × + 4 × ( H − 2R) −→ H = 12.86cm

Curso 2019–2020 1


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