Tut Sheet 2

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10. u 12. a Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala School of Mathematics Mathematies-I (UMAOI0), Tutorial Sheet 09 is dw Using chain rule express [> as a function of f and evalnate it at the given value of ¢ for the following functions: (a) waa $y w= cost tsint, y= cost —sint; = 0, ve sin(xy), w=t, y=Intz=eo); ta Find S= when, w= 0,0 =1ifs=sinay + xsiny, w? +0", and y = wv. te u), where 2 = e" cos, y = e"'sinv. Show that o2f 4 yO 2 gull ar .2) where x = u+u-+w, y= ow +wutuv and z= uvw, show that OH | OH | aH us +0) du Ov + Yow WH = f(x, . Find the value of z/z at the point (1, ~1,—3) if the equation 22 + ylng— 2? +4 =0 defines x as a function of the two independent variables y and z and the partial derivatives exis Find fr. fy, fz for the functions: (i) f(z,y,z)=2- Vv +2; (ii) fz.¥.2) = (iii) f(x,y, 2) = e+) s. in” (xy2); Evaluate 0u/8x, Ou/@y at the given point (2,y,2) for the following functions. t+u—2; (t.y,2) = (v3,2,1). (ii) w= e sin“ p, p= sinz, = 2Iny, r= 1/2; (2,y,2) = (#/4,1/2,-1/2) u=2 pestytea= ytar= . Find 2/du and 0z/Ov when w= In2, v=1 if z= Stan~'a and ¢ = e* + Inv. Find the directional derivative of the funetion f(x,y, 2) = 2 — y? +22 at the point P(1,2,3) in the direction of the line PQ where Q has coordinates (5,0,4). In what direction it will be maximum. and what is its value? Find the directional derivative of the function (i) f(x,y, 2) = zy? + y2* at (2,-1,1) in the direction of i + 2j + 2k. (ii) f(x,y, 2) = 2? + y? + dacyz at (1,—-2,2) in the direction of 21 — 27 + k. (iii) f(x, y, 2) = dez3 — 32y2? at (2,-1,2) along z-axis. The temperature at a point (x, y, 2) in space is given by T(.x,y, 2) =2?+y?-z. A mosquito located at (1, 1,2) desires to fly in such a direction that it will get warm as soon as possible, In what direction should it fly? Find the directions in which the functions increases and decrease most rapidly at Pp, Then find the derivatives of the functions in these directions. (i) flay) = 22y +e siny, Po(1,0); (ii) f(e,y,z) = Inay + Inyz + Inzx, Pa(1,1,1)5 (iii) f(y, 2) = (@/y) — 2 Po(4s 1,1); (iv) £(e,y,2) = Ina? + 9? — 1) + +62, Po(1,1,0) P.T.O for Answers — Answers 1(a) 2 exe nt) +1) 0 oe, dt + = 2ulun cos((u? + v®)(we)) + sin(uv)] + v(u? + ¥?[(cos((w? + v2)(u0)) i (2) 3 (#) =} Van i Q-1-a 6 6) fr =: fy = Gi) fr = os Ae Vin atyat iat ee Dyess): f= 220 (e Haast) ou 7) 4 et Ou _ 9, Ou _ 5 du =o de - Ga? At (VB,2,1) 5 = 0; ge = 4 5 = 2 ) ao? (2) _xrvBin2 ; (442-12) 92 } (5/34/2172) q 8 =2and (= eh Ov (in2,1) 10(ii). arr 204i. 4. ote Fis 2 -k) 20). Directions in which the functions increases most rapidly j; Directions in which the functions decrease most rapidly —j; (Duf)m% = % (D-uf)y = ~ ik : ii). Directions in which the functions increases most rapidly 7 + a ++ pi Directions in which the functions decrease most rapidly — ao a = (Duf)p = 2V3; (D-uf py = -2V3; i 5; k ‘ 12(ii). Directions in which the functions increases most rapidly = — 21 _._*_; pirections in which # the functions decrease most rapidly 57% ale at a 15 (Dum = wf (D-uf)in = ~3V3: i ast 12(iv). Directions in which the functions increases Lay om, Directions in which the functions decrease most rapidly -F(2i 4.37 + 6k); (Duf)m = 75 ( Dn

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